I 'HE WEATHER GENERALLY FAIII TODAY Y Bk ia ai1 1. ASSOCIAI LEASED WI SE WESTERN 4 EDITORIAL yOL. XXXIV. No. 68. EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1923 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, FIVE SE1NATEHREMAINS COMMITT E K A INTERSTATE COMMERCE CHAIR- MN STILL IN])eCTED AFTER r ~MUCH VOTING BALLOTING ' ESTERJAY SHOWS CUMMINS STRONG Insurgents Interested In Repai 0f Transportation Act or Drastic Revisoln Washington, Dec. 11-(By A.P.)- Three more ballots in the Senate on the election of a chairman of the in- terstate commerce committee brought no sign of an immediate break in the deadlock created yesterday when five Republican Insurgents and two Farm- er-Labor Senators cast their ballots for Senator LaFollette of Wisconsin, leader of the insurgents' group. Insurgents Support La Iollette' Some of the insurgents said their group would stand pat and would not enter into any agreement under which' Senator A. B. Cummins republican, Iowa would be delivered of the ofice of president pro-tem of the Senate, but returned'as chairman of the com- mittee emphasizing that they had no objection to Mr. Cummins remaining as president pro-tem. The insurgents declared that they were interested wholly in drastic revision, if not re- peal of the Transportation Act, and they desired to 0ee at the head of the committee which handles railroad legislation a Senator in sympathy with thelr views. In the voting toa day the- lineup was practically the same as that of yesterday with the Democrats solidly supporting Senator Smith of South Carolina for the com- mittee chairmanship and Senator Brookhart, Iowa; Frazier and .Ladd North Dakota; Norris and Howell. Nebraska, Republicans and Johnson and Shipstead, Minnesota. Fatmenr- Labor; voting for LaFollette. Cur- mins received 41 votes on the first and second ballots today-three short of the necessary number while on the third ballot he was four short with 39. Smith received 39 votes on each ballot. Coinilttee Unorganized While the fight goes, on in the Sen.- ate, the interstate Commerce comr- mittee, in.the opinion of Senator Lod- ge of Massachusetts, and other Rep,- ublican leaders, is unorganized and consequently unable-to function. The' House continued in recss today while finishing touches were put: on I the assignments of Republicans and Democrats to various standing cor- mittees. Democrats of the House will hold a caucus tomorrow to pass on the committee slates prepared by their members of the ways and means committee. The Republican committee on com- mittees has about completed its task of making assignments and is ex- pected tomorrow to name the Repub- lican steering committee and Repub- lican members of the important rules committee. If this work is completed a Republican conference will be held Thursday, after adjournment of the House which will meet then for the firststime since yesterday to ratify the selection, preliminary to their submisison with the Demoeratic as- signments, to the House for approval. FAMOUS DTCTIVE IES Los Angeles, jCal., Dec. 11-(By. A. P.)-William Pinkerton, world-famous detective, died 'here this morning at Hotel Biltmore. Several Bright Spots Relieve- Dullness Of December Chimes Bright spots, that is the December Chimes. Bright spots, some half a dozen of them,. rising above an un- wieldy mass of ordinary-run mater- ial. A red-headed opera beauty stepping haughtily from a shiny limousine, three stage-dooraJohnnies inshiny toppers, a stage door, the title, "Three Wise Men Following a Star" all against the blue of a night sky, con- stitutes bright spot number one. Jack Clarke, '24 is the cover artist and his work contributes much towards what- ever this month's Chimes may achi- eve. But turning from the -cover we face a sad situation. Inconsistency, is thy name to be Chimes? "Broaden the Scope of the S. C. A." reads one of the Chimes enterprises at the head of the editorial page and on the next page we find "Bury the S. C. A." a communication calling for the abol- ition of the association. Apparentiy Chimes cannot consistently have both her enterprises and free expression of campus opinion. One must go. Let the voice of the student body de- termine which! Bright spot. the second soon inter- venes to soften the shock of the dis- covery of Chimes' wandering from the straight and narrow path set by her enterprises. A faculty man writing on "Sport and the Play Spirit" sug- gests a remedy for the evil of pro- fessionalism. One sentence in this article carries the whole gist of his argument: "The American student is too intense; he no sooner gets hold of an enjoyable, experience than he goes to work and organizes all the fun out of it." Poe may look to his crown as king of tellers of gruesome ' tales. 'The Murders in the Rue Morgue" has noth- ing on "The Dead Replica" from the pen of E. Elmer Ettinger. A dark bright spot it is indeeed but a bright spot none the less._ And now Chimes, or rather gome member of its staff takes it upon-him- self to criticize severely ,some well- known and highly respected member of the faculty. It is the consensus of opinion among the students that such critcism is rang impertinence, in- deed. By what right does Chimes al- low a student to take it upon him- self, through the medium of a stu- dent publication, to criticize mem- bers of the faculty in such a menner? Sane campus opinion? Not at all! Chimes editors this month had enough material for one good mag- azine and used it. 'Then they threW in enough extra material for .another magazine, but a second-rate one. This is the chief criticism of this month's Chimes, a good Chimes but with its luster somewhat dimmed by a mass of unnecessary material. There are other bright spots in the maga- zine than these mentioned, spots wor- thy of Chimes, but there were too many that were not. B..G.B. WITH PARLIA1MENT COISEA-VATIVES MAY BE PUT OUT AS SOON AS NEW HOUSE 1S ORGANIZED PARLIAMENT TO GATHER AG A I N O N JANUARY 8 Coalitions in England are Dead, Verdict of Numerous Party Leaders is GRBIDIRO'NSCHEDULE BI 1LLISDEFEATED College Formerly Coached by Little Constitutionality of Proposed Act Rp. First on Next Year's ferred to Attorney-General Card for Opinion : SIX CONFERENCE GAMES UP STATE GROUP ROLLS UP PROMISE STRENUOUS SEASON 64 VOTES AGAINST MEASURE Miami University, Oxford, 0., will Lansing, Dec. 11-(By AP.)-The be the eighth team on the Wolverine lower branch of the legislature dis- football schedule next fall playing the played its exp4cted opposition and Varsity at Ferry field, Oct. 4. This turned down the Thomas apportion- game will be the first held between ment bill prop6sing twenty-one in- the two schools in any kind of ath- stead of fourteen representatives for, letic competition. The final arrange- Wayne this afternoon. The vote was ments for the contest were made yes- terday by Fielding H. Yost, director 32 to 64. The upstate group, which of intercollegiate athletics, and ath- is solidly alligned against the measure. letic officials at Miami. rolled up 13 more than a majority of. Michigan now has its 1924 schedule the House membership against its. of games complete. With six Confer- passage. ence. games, five of which come on The final disposition of the mea- successive Saturdays, next year's sea- sure has not been made. On motion son presents a formidable appearance of Rep. Charles %Culver, of Ietroit, the to the Maize and Blue team. The House reconsidered the vote btr which schedule is as follows: the bill was defeated. Then it accept- Oct. 4--Miami University at Ann Ar- ed the suggestion of Rep. Harry Wood- bor. ruff, of Wayne, that a recess be taken' Oct. 11-M.A.C. at Ann Arbor. until 7:30 tonight when an opinion Oct. 18-Illinois at Urbana. from the Attorney-general as to the Oct. 25-Wisconsin at Ann Arbor. measure's constitutionality was to be Nov. 1-Minnesota at Minneapolis. read to the House. Afer hearing the Nov. 8-Northwestern at Ann Arbor. Attorney-general's opinion, another Nov. 15-Ohio State at !Columbus. vote will probably be taken. Nov. 22-Iowa at Ann Arbor. Several members asserted they vot- The substitution of the Miami game ed against the bill because they. be- for. the Case game next fall marks lieved it to be unconstitutional. Rep. the breaking of football relations held Woodruff's motion to take a recess with that school for 29 years. With to give the Attorney-General time to the exception of the years '95-'98, file an opinion, prevailed. Final vote Case hassent a team to Ann Arbor will probably come tonight. If the every fall since 1894. The games measure is again defeated Wayne and have usually been first on the sched- upstate members alike admit that ule. In 27 encounters Michigan has there is little prospect of enacting a won 26, the Engineers having tied the constitutional apportionment law. Varsity in 1910 with a 3-3 score. The Senate bill providing for seven Miami university is reputed to be instead of five senators for Wayne is one of the strongest in the Ohio con- still in committee. ference. Coach George Little was football coach there for five years and Lansing, Dec. 12-(By A.P.)-The athletic director for two years before House tonight defeated the reappor-f coming to Michigan. Under his tu- tionment bill by a vote of 89 to 3.; telage the Oxford eleven developed This action was taken upon reconsid- into one of the strongest and fastest eration of the measure once defeated teams in Ohio. this afternoon iand then brought be-' .- fore the House again tonight after At- torney-general Andrew B. Dougher- Ui 1K ty had been asked' for a written-opin- IWIfl iIULII ion asrto the constitutionality of the AT JUNIOR LIT SMOK U maur.______ London, Dec. 12-.(By A.P.)-Staney1 Baldwin's cabinet today in consider- ing its position resulting from the loss of the Conservative Parliamen- tary majority throogh last week's elections, and of the courses open to it, decided upon the postponement of its termination. A brief official state- ment given to the press representa- tives tonight at the Premier's official residence in Downing street which tells the story tersely., Duty to Meet Parliament "After careful consideration of the constllutional Preceddats and tjheir bearing upon the situation which has1 arisen as a result of the .general elec- tions, the cabinet decided unanimous- ly this morning that it was their con- stitutional duty to meet the Parlia- ment at the earliest possible moment. The Parliament, therefore, will re- assemble, Jan. 8. The position now is that the Conser- vatives may be dismissed from of- flee soon after the newly-elected House of Commons meets on January 8 and the House has been organized and gets down to business. This will depend almost entirely on the goodwill or hostility of the Labor and L4iberal parties. This is the prospect the cabinet now faces. Former Premier Herbert As- quith:, who is the leader of the re- united Liberal party and for ;the time being holds his leadership beyond. dis- pute because the Asquith wing of the Liberal-party was far more success-' ful in the election than Lloyd George's. special followers-spent a half hour in conferenoe -with Prenier Baldwin. Akf~aM ConcIliaery It is believed 'Mr. Asquith's mission= to Downing street was to' tender on: behalf of the .Liberals a sympathetic policy toward the Conservative govern- anent but, of course, upon conditions. The support" certainlywill go so far! as to assist the Conservatives in pass- ing the appropriation bills to carry on the government, which is the most necessary work before the Parliament. Whether they will go further is a question. There is belief that, because of the country's dislike for another general election in the near future, one or both of the opposing parties may co- operate with the Conservatives for as long a time as two or three years if this is possible; but ,there is, no, sup- s port for the idea. of a coalition which would mean a mixed cabinet of t'wo parties. That coalitions are dead in England, is the verdict of party lead- ers who have given their views on the present crisis. ;EntertainPoor Children .oday t 4 EFREM ZIMBALIST TO:,GIVE V1IIN RE[CITALTONI'GHT FAMOUS MENDELSSOHN CONCER- TO FEATURE OF FOURTH CHOR- AL UNION CONCERT IS OUTSTANDING AMONG LEOPOLD AUER'S P UPILS Versatility Shown in Compositions for Violin and Light Opera "Honeydew" Combining the old and new in a variety of numbers, the program to be offered by Efrem Zimbalist, the dis- tinguished violinist, at the fourth Choral Union concert at 8 o'clock to- night in Hill auditorium, promises to be light and interesting. Leading critics maintain that in both choice of programs 'and in playing, as in all that he does, Zimbalist shows a marked individuality. The breadth, thoroughness and versatility of his genius is evidenced in his accomplish- ments, for' he is not only a violin vir- tuoso, one of the most famous pro- teges of Leopald Auer, but a, talented pianist and a composer of note and promise. Several serious pieces which he composed for violin have become standard, and in the lighter vein he has shown equally striking invention in the score of the highly successful comic opera, "Honeydew", which comes from his pen. He will play the following program at the concert tonight: Prelude, Bach; Concerto: Allegro molto appassion- ata, Andante, Allegro Mendelssohn; Gavotte Berceuse, Impromptu, Cherry Ripe, Danse, Carmen, Bizet-Sarasate. Accompaniments will Emanuel Bay. Plays Tonight REVOLUTION 6A NEDA GIOBREGON'S FO WIRELESS ALL IN molto vivace, and Musette, Tor Aulin;j Cyril Scott; be played by MESSAGE REI OF GULF COAST REBEL HANDS Efrem Zimbnalist The noted Russian violinist will give the fourth number of the Choral Un- ion concert series at 8 o'clock tonight in Hill auditorium. BURTON OUTLINES IODL NEWSPAPRIN 'ADDRESS President Marion. L. Burton, in speaking upon "The Newspaper I( Like", before members of the Press club last night in the Green Tree Inn, explained his ideals for a news-f paper. "There are four points which makej the newspaper I like," 'he declared. "First, I like the newspaper with the proper emphasis. This includes em- phasis of accuracy. Every one has1 j probably read an article in' which every word was the truth but in which %the impression given through the whole was wrong."Breadth of vision, a sense of responsibility and dis-, cretion in the use of news were .the other points enumerated by the Pres- ident. During the business meeting which took place immediately before the ad- dress, a report was given by Johna' McGinnis,.'24, chairman of the radio' drama committee. Several members are now engaged in writing manu-- scripts for the play which is to be, presented over radio and the best one of those submitted will be selected. speakers ,that are scheduled for the metingsof the club during the next semester were also announced. These include A. L. Miller, of the Battle Creek Enterprise and News, A. H. THREE HOSTILE ARMIF MARCH ON MEXICO CI President Belleves Situation Well der Control as Officials De. clare for Him Vera Cruz, Dec. 11-(By A.P.)- garrison at. Tampico has joined revolutionary movement againsi government of President Alvaro ( gon, according to a' wireless meE received here from Tampico. General headquarters of the re tionists announced the receipt of wireless message this afternoon the news is accurate the entire coast of Mexico now is in the h of the rebels. The general advance against ico City began this morning. Th vance guard already has reache m6n Plaza, on the interoceanic way near Oriental, which is at portant railway junction about way between Vera Cruz and M City. Shots were exchanged bet the revolutionists and the Obi forces during the advance. A s' (garrison of the forces of Pres Obregon is located at Oriental. San Antonio, Tex., Dec. 11-(F P.)-The states of Aguascaliente Guanajato have revolted and separate forces are now mare on Maxico City from as many d tions, according to a report rec here today. The report is base a wireless message sent by Ge Estrada from Guadalajara to the tion at Vera Cruz which in turn relayed from there in a private sage to San Antonio. El Paso, Tex., Dec. 11-(By A President Obregon has been gr 1 ful power to put down the re tion and it is being "effectively energetically handled," consul-ge Enrique Ruiz, of Mexico, was ad today .by the interior departme Mexico City. Officers from all parts of the r lie are wiring their support to ident Obregon, who considers th nation well in hand, the teie stated. Toda Is Class Additional tickets for this concert will be on sale at the School of Mu- sic today. App licatnsFor, J-Hop Out today, Applications for tickets to the 1925 J-Hop' will: be 'given out from 2 to 5[ o'clock today in the' main lobby of. the Union. The applications will al- 'so "be distributed tomorrow and Fri- day. This will be the only time that those wishing to obtain tickets for the Hop may obtain applications.. It will be necessary to have the applications returned by the first Mon- day after the Christmas holidays. They may be sent to William Kerr,t '25E, chairman of the Hop ticket com- mittee, at 604 S. State St.! Work in anwering the applications will begin as soon as they are in, in order that they may be returned promptly. The price of the Hop this year has not been set but will prob- ably be, announced. tomorrow. Place Lights In 'Christmas Tree Although there, will be few ystudents. t ,i I. 1 I ,£ I William Allan Pinkerton of Chica- go, head of the Pinkerton National Detective agency, was one of the first American criminologists to advocate (and practice humanitarian methodsl in dealing with criminals. He has been credited with reforming more safe-blowers and bank robbers than any other man in the country. He was 77 years old when he died, and the last 50 of them have been spent in apprehending criminals, chiefly bankrobbers. Yet he has al- ways been _ready to offer a helping hand, to any one who he knew sin- cerely desired to reform. Knowing criminals and their meth- ods and weaknesses as perhaps nc other man of his time has k own them, Pinkerton never sympathized with the theorist and sentimentalisi who sought to reform desperate, hunt- ed men by kind words. His fame rested upon the ability with which he wascapable of falling the dual func- tions of the detective and the sociol- ogist. Santa Claus will be played by the entertainment committee of the Stu- dent Christian association when re- freshemnts, presents and yuletide en- tertainment will be enjoyed by more than 200 poor children at 3 o'clock this afternoon in Lane hall. The children will come from local homes and hospitals. It has been decided that in place of a dinner the children will be serv- ed refreshments and presented with a box of candy each. The entertain- ment will include plays, songs and short humorous talks. A Christmas! tree will also be erected and decor- ated for the children. The affair is being held with the funds obtained in the financial drive which was held "last Thursday. Rob- ert Straub, '25, is chairman of the' en- tertainment committee. I t. . . t . r a 7 i t e _ Coach Elton Wieman, '20, of the Varisty football team, and Herbert Steger, '25, captain-elect of the 1921 football team were the speakers at a' smoker held by" members of' the 1925 literary class last night in the Un- ion. Steger spoke to the class on their duties as junior students of the Uni- versity and appealed to them to lend their support to the football team next year in any way they can in order to make the season in which the class, of 1925 are seniors, a success. Coach Wieman reviewed the ath- letic records that have been establish- ed by Michigan and talked of the at- tributes that go to make up an athlete of the type that has helped make 41..- i......:. Mt. 0 _ yesee a -- -of W H IMIEiM DWILL APPEAR TOMORROW Whim sles, kanpus literary maga- zine, will make its initial appearance of the year, tomorrow morning. This is the first of the five issues which! will be published this year. Other E issues are planned for February, March, April, and May. The Whimsies board has made sev- eral changes in the policy of the mag- azine in an effort to give the publi- cation more campus interest. Halsey Davidson, '25, has been chosen to head the board this year. Dorothy Green- Wald, '24, is in charge of this issue. As usual, Whimsies will be sold in the library and on the campus. The nriee iso ne dlr or t, h e m p fi in Ann Arbor during the Christmas, season, the campus will not be devoid1 of Christmas spirit. As has been the custom in past years, the building and1 grounds denartment is stringing mill- ti-colored electric lights in the big pine tree in front of the library. I These lights will illuminate the di- agonal walk in this' proximity every! evening during the remainder of the holiday season. There are 50 twenty-' three watt tungsten bulbs,-yellow, green, and red. The electricity is con- veyed to the tree over a cable strung through trees from University hall. SEATS FOR OPERA STILL AVAILABLE A few good seats for the second ex- tra showing of the eighteenth annual Union opera "Cotton Stockings" still remnain and are, on. sale at the box office of the Whitney theater. The ex-, tra show will be ,given there tomorrow night. The scheduling. of the extra per-' formance of the opera followed an unusual demand for seats for the six, regular performances and the one ex- tra performance previously arranged.I Every seat in the house was sold, far in advance of the, time of presentation. CERCLE CHOOSES Nimmq of the Detroit Saturday Night, and C. F. Cushings, author. The club Dues Day For also expresed the desire to hear the managing editor of a Hearst paper. Glass treasurers in all collej The nxet meeting will be held Tues- the University will collect thel day Jan 8, in the Clements library. iective ss dues today athei At this time the club members will cte class dues today at des be guests of Prof. R. G. Adams, cus- ed booths on the campus. The todian, and will be shown through the ar class dues for each stude library. $1, while $3 is the ,tax for every ber of the senior literary. class 'expenses of the' graduating cla ( greater due to the purchase of a TIPPNS RKS O }memorial "to give' to the Univ( 'The, senior dues must be paidh EASTERN ALMN The" committee in chargeste no one can take part in any T. Hawley Tapping, field secretary affair such as the Senior ball, I SphoorePrm, or Freshman1 of the University Alumni association o unless hisdimes are paid. Today was the guest and speaker at an or- j.time specified for this payment ganization meeting of the Rochester The booths will be located alumni held yesteiday in the Powers l lows: senior lits, from 8 to 4 hotel of that city. Clifford Stevenson, ;In University hall; Junior lits i was elected president of that ebapter, ty 2 o'clock in University hall, Dr. Harold II. Baker was elected vice- man lits in University hall; spresident, and Dr. Fred-. Tinsman, man engineers will collect thei secretary and treasurer.. at the next class assembly; all In a brief address to the Michigan!engineering classes will pay at graduates, Mr. Tapping sketched the ngedninc es i a high lights of the university's football junioreds on the first floor o season. He declared that Michigan nan hall. Freshman laws willr is answering the criticism that the their dues in the main corridor large colleges are making of football thw du es in the a money-making spectacle by turning Law building. Dumes in thec over the profits from its football sea- not, specified above will proba son for the development of an ath- collected at booths in their res letic plant, to be used by all of the college buildings. students. Michigan alumni have giv- en more to their university than the RATHOM. EDITOR, alumni of any other tax-supported In- stitution, he said. .SUCCUMBS IN E "Razzberry" Sheet i 4 IN SEARCH FOR A Thrill" Viola Dana had to go to Paris "In Search of a Thrill." Not everyone is looking for thrills, but there are some things every- Appears Tomorrow, "The Michigan Mongrel" wl make its first appearance on the campus to- morrow morning. Though the pub-I lishers would not divulge the nature of the new publication, it is under- stood that it will be in the nature of a "razzberry" sheet, such as has been published before at otherinstitutions, but never at Michigan. Students who wonder' what there is tn "razz" on the campus are -romis- Providence, R. 1 Dec. 11-J Rathom, editor of the Pro, Journal and Evening Bulleti at. his home here today. He his fifty-sixth year, and had b itor and general manager of papers for 12.years. In Augu he underwent an operation which he never regained his 1, Mr. Rathom became nationa Pus during the early stages World War when he made si exposes concerning Germansp their activities in this country . I t