Section Two Lg AdIF jaht Section Two --q ... ...... . .... . ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, S[UNAY, TI.'R 20, 1923 PRICE, FIVE CENTS VOL. XXXIV. Noo. 7 r SOUTH MOVES AGAINSTI RECLAMATION POLICY JCKER ASKS HOUSE CONITTEE FOR COSTLY POLICY OF WEST Washington, D. C., Sept. 29-Leaders in the South have become weary overj the manner in which the existing Fed- eral Reclamation Policy has operated and are determined to lead a move- ment to enlarge that policy. This is plainly indicated in a letter by Clem- ent S. Ucker, executive chairman of the Forestry, Reclamation, and Immi- gration conference to be held Nov. 19 to 22 in New Orleans.r Mr. Ucker, in his letter to the House Committee on Appropriations, urges that the present expensive policy, tak- ig in the West particularly, be also made to include the South and other sections of the country that hold "far more attractive opportunities, as shown by the survey made; in 1919 by the reclamation service." It has been predicted that the New Orleans conference will witness a de- termined stand by the southern inter- ests and members of Congress against any further reclamation work by the government unless the federal policy is expanded to include reclamation and land settlement in the South. Mr. Ucker also criticises the laxity dilplayed by the government in col- lecting the amounts due the public. treasury from western land owners andethe alleged inefficient use of the federal funds in the West. Concerning the conference in No-. vember, Mr. Ucker says: "Because of the growing apprehension on the part of citizens and taxpayers throughout, the country that the real object of re- clamation is being overlooked and that Federal funds are being used less ef- ficiently 1that should be, to produce de- sired results, a number of us are call- ing a conference to be held in New Orleans, November 19 to 22, to con- sider some of these factors and to urge upon the new Congress the adop- tion of a broader national program of reclamation;s one which will more nearly meet the present needs of the country. "To this conference are being in- vited governors of various states, members of Congress, delegates ofl Boards of Trade and other organiza- tions for the purpoes of the discus- -sion of: these important problems." HILLSDALE ROLL SHOWS INCREASE Hillsdale, Sept. 29-Hillsdale Col- lege registration, now liearly complet- ed, is running considerably ahead of last year in all the upper classes. Of seniors there is an increase of 40 per- cent. The juniors gained 45 percent, while the sophomores, with an 8 per- cent gain, now number an even hun- dred. * Library Acquires C optic Psalter As a result of the efforts of Profes- sor F. W. Kelsey, of the Latin de- partment and Prof. II. A. Saunders, in co-operation with the Humanistic Research fund, the University library has acquired a large collection of old Coptic manuscripts. Added to those which were purchased by the Univer- sity last spring, and to a number of important gifts of manuscripts, the University's collection is rapidly growing to enviable proportions. One of the most important pieces is a Coptic psalter, dating from the thirteenth century. The workman- ship is crude, and the specimen has many interesting features. One of the interesting peculiarities of it is that though the text is in Coptic, the headings are in Greek and Arabic. A group of 20 fragments of a Cop- tic bible, on vellum, composes an- other important group. The frag- ments, which are not in the best of condition, range in size from pieces 18 inches square to very small ones. They have all been identified and an- noted by Hyvernat, the great Augus- tinian scholar. Other pieces of importance are a service book in Coptic, and an Eth- iopic magical scroll, on which are four crude paintings. The contnts of this document have not been defi nitely ascertained as yet, but it is thought to contain incantations and other magical formulae. There 's also a rare Nestorian Syriac service book, dating from the sixteenth cen- tury, and made at the monastery of St. Gabriel, near Mossoul. UA S. LEAGE RESPOSE CONIEENEGAIE Geneva, Sept. 29-(By A. P.)-"Neg ative" and "melancholic" were the words employed by delegates at the meeting of the League commission on disarmament today in referring to a recent communication from the U. S. government explaining the reasons why it cannot adhere to the conven- tions for the control of traffic in arms. This convention known as the treaty of St.cGermain had been ratified by many countries, and the league asked the U. S. whether it would alto sub- scribe. When the question was raised today Lord Robert Cecil remarked that the commission has received a letter from the U. S. government which he was sorry to say, was negative in comment. Chritian Lange, of Norway, charac- terized the American answer as mel- ancholic. The United States he said, had explained the reason for non-ad- herence but had given no implication of what it would like done on the ques- tion of traffic in arms. He hoped the facts about the tariff would be given the widest nublicity. It ought to be made perfectly clear who was re- sponsible for the delay and the re- strictions of the tariff. The commission adopted a resol- 'ton that the temporary mixed com- mission for armament prepare the HOW WILLY FORGETS S. C. A. Work Of Year Opens Early One of the most ambitious plans ever attempted by the Student's Christian association, in the opinion' of its officials, is now well under way. The association was able to begin work exceptionally early due to the summer planning of Mr. Hal Coffman, the new secretary. INESTINGHOUSE OFFERS FOUR SCHOLARSHIPS EMPL'~ IISAND):SOB\S EUAI3ClLE ,$,Al EAUI Four scholarships each carrying an annual payment or $500 per year are awarded annually by the Westing- t irplo Y ,3f ,' 1 LOOK pVER, 2 -THAT . 192b O a -7 c 14 2T More than 200 freshmen were esti-; house Electnrc an Manufacturing 1 I mated to have been met at trains by representatives who gave every pos- sible help to the new men. Another of the works already com- pleted was the conference of student leaders held Sunday morning at the Y. M. C. A. Camp Birkett, Silver lake. Many of the problems confronting thet campus this year were discussed and solutions suggested. The series of three lectures just fin- ished by the Rev. Albert Parker Fitch was the first of a number of lectures delivered under the auspices of the S. C. A. Since his arrival in Ann Arbor, Reverend Fitch has attended a number of conferences conducted by the association to consider different phases of their work in the University. The S. C. A. was also the author of the three informal gatherings held afterI Reverend Fitch's lectures, one for men only in Lane Ilall, one for women only at Newberry Hall, and one for both' men and women at Lane hall. Wednesday Reverend Fitch address- ed the Rotarians and Thursday after- noon spoke to Ann Arbor high school students' SEVERAL CHANGES MIE IN HSTRY FCULTIES company to employees and sons on the basis of ce~ai etitive examination. 'lhe plan which the company is using provides for the graduation of four men each year, the total number of scholarships in force at one time be- ing sixteen. Men who are selected for these awards by the company are selected, for the most part, because of their many adaptabilities. Intelligence, physical qualities, aptitude for engin- eering work, and the ability to shoul- dier responsibility have been the gen- eral points on which the candidates are compared. The company in choos- ing the men believes that physical vigor generally indicates mental vig- or and the physical qualities of the applicant must be far above the aver- age. One of the men who completed the work last year graduated as a leading man in the University of Pitts- bmrgh engineering school. Good scholarship records will not necessarily mean the attaining of the award. The men who will succeed must be representative individuals in the acivities of whatever society they may be in. It is intended that the men help themselves considerably in complet- ing the course as the scholarship is intentionally not made large enough to cover the entire expenses involved -. Albert Ray Newsome and E. C. Car- in aening a goo shool. rol, instructors in the history depart- In examining candidates some of ment last year have left the Univer- the questions sity and are teaching in southern uni- what ways have you earned money versities. Mr. Newsome is at pre( during your school life? What have ent assistant professor of American you done during your summer vaca- history in the University of North tions since you were fourteen years Carolina, while Mr. Carrol has an as- of age? What part did you take in the sistant professorship of history at athletic activities of high school? And Trinity college, Durham, North Caro- other questions which are aimed at lIna. testing the all-round ability of the NO PLAYER'S SONS iDemand For Jobs JUDGE SAYS LAW Twvo new instructors have been candidate. COACHED BY YOST NOT OVERCROW DED added to the European history de- The feature of the plan provides Exceeds Openings partment. Seaman Morley Scott, of that the officials of the company keep A r DCams Bureauthe University of British Columbia, iii personal contact with the men as Twenty-three years without having "The law is not overcrowded. There and Arthur Louis Dunham, of Har- their college course progresses and coached the son of a former player is plenty of room for earnest, hard- vard are teaching European history bring them to the works for prac- is a record which Coach Yost possess- The number of board jobs on hand woring young men, who have chosen under Professor Frayer. Mr. Scott tical experience for the periods of ei despite rumors to the effect that at the University employment service worin ssyon men, wh ae n spent a yearsat the University of To- the summer vacations. one f tis yar' squd i thesonthe profession because they are in- ronto and also studied at Oxford. He one of this year's squad is the son s insuflicient to meet the requests o terested heart and soul." did research in Europe, working in of "Al" Herrnsteln, a member of the stdns1knterw hogi eetdhatadsu.ddreerhmErpwrigi AT IN TA E studentsa oking their way through Judge Bernard T. Barasa, '03L, mu- the Public Records office at Oxford. P NTING LOANED point-a-minute teamaturnedout b Yost in his early days at Michigan. school in this manner. In general, ni Mr. Dunham acquired his Ph.D. MEMORIAL HALL ncipal judge of Chicago, thus bade fo avr hsya.Hsrsac Investigation revealed, however, that however, students applyin to the b- defiance to the adage, "Don't study from Harvard this year. is research W. H. Herrnstein, who was on the reau for work are taken care of more law," in a Pullman smoker conversa- work was done mostly in France Through the courtesy of the Na- freshman squad last year, is the son satisfactorily than formerly, accord- tion a few days ago with a member of where he has spent the last few years tional Academy of Design a new pic- the Michigan Daily staff. In preparation and study or is e- tur has ben placed in the South record intact. Two sons of former bureau. "There are thousands and thousands ee. gallery of Alumni Memorial hall. It players have been in school in Michi- Odd jobs of all descriptions are of men all over the country who are KNI ,HTS OF COLU BUS TO MEET is a landscape by Ben Foster, and gan at different times but neither has open to students who desire this kind making their living at law and who was secured with the assistance of been on a Varsity team. of work. Forty cents an hour is tle profess to be lawyers, but are notsy Mr. A. M. Todd, a friend of the Uni- Reaie ffmu lyr aeestabished wage for this work, c- I Open house 'will be held by the esty Relatives of famous players have worthy of the title," the judge averred. Knights of Columbus on, Tuesday, Oc- vesty. been relatively numerous on Michi- "cept in cases requiring skilled work- "These men entered law because they tober 2 at their home on the corner of The Academy has at its disposal a gai teams. Among the past Varsity men. Requests for barblaers, steno-~ thought it would be a soft snap, a mat- huron and Division streets. All Cath- fund known as the Ranger fund, men who have had kin on recent graphers, expressman, chauffeurs, ter of talking a little, and submitting olic students whether K. f C.'s or not whichis used to guy. th teserv- squads, are "Willie" Heston, "lrnie" ihave been filled at the bureau. Apple a' bill. There are far too many of that a d to b nt The install intitions. It wa es ed Vick and Paul Goebel. picers, blotter distibutors, folders, type in the profession. But there is ation ot officers tor the coming yea by institutns.tRaetisa ablished Student helis treferred by local every oportunity for the chap who is by George J. Burke, district deputy painter who died in 6. J. B. Gotrox M ust, residents, Mrs Ste art declared, al- wisln et dang be hrfess naoy, lerief will occur, after which the meeting Foster's picture is sent in the form o eFt esithough the student wortders frequently will take the form of a smoker and of a permanent loan and wps chosen uome 4i i show lack of responsibility in fillin get-together gathering. A short pro- from the Winter exposition of the -^- their positions. This lack of satis- Ages Unconcealed gram is being arranged by the com- Academy in 1921. It is entitled "Re- "Give me five rocks worth of po- faction not only reverts back upon the r -Jmittee in charge. pose of Evening." tatoes." bureau,,but decreases the opportuni- To Railroad Jack This is not an American gentleman ties of those students who are willing s Praises C In Historical speaking in the slang dialect of lils to work. Fickle, illusive memory trained, P aCeI H- native land. It is a citizen of the shackled, subordinated to the will of Quarterly On Momentous M ichigan Gift island of Yap on a Saturday shopping Railroad Jack. All the kins from the excursion, bidding the corner grocer KLAN NOT NEE ED Raies.adlack.ll the kisph hro athe _ to provide him with his fortnightly SAYS U. B. PHILLIPS maticians, stoics and notable men of Librarian Bishop, at the dedication much labor. Rather to provide the supply of the favorite vegetable., (_l_ ancienit times up to the present cen- of the William L. Clements library, material for a first-hand study of earl- To avoid further formalities na-, hr sn cainro uha -ycno calhi ert o ives of the island of Yap, accrding There is no occasion for such an o- lty ra ote lvea er secrets nor delivered an address which, printed In ir history of our country and the to Mr. R. G. Rodky of the economics ganization today as the Ku Klux Klan and memory of this animated encyclo- the last issue of the Michigan History means of utilizing them to the full department, use huge blocks of gran- according to the opinion of Prof. Ulric e.ia. eyantsaimt magazine affords those who were not for tie benefit of historical scholar- ite as a medium of exchange. The B. Phillips of the history department . ie alls, rllintres, at the dedication another chance to ship has been his steadfast purpose. more rocks a man possesses the rich- "At a time of dire necessity such an .ms nce r iteB acquaint themselves with a review of er he is. Nor is it necessary for him organization may be salutary, it may yagor nin, A osciue andthe situation. That purpose culminates i the gift to actually have them in his posses- render a great service even though i th sEs , nsii "Nowhere else In America," quotes of this building and of his collectio - sion. He may have them in the back uses illegal means. But," Professor hosts others. Mr. Bishop in the reprint of his talk, the William L. Clements Library of yard or over on the side of a hill at Phillips said, "there is nothing in the Surrounded by an enthralled throngso far as my knowledge goes-is American Ihistory. n the Library steps he will tellth the other end of the island. situation today which gives the pro- a dt Lrarofy sho the lal Prince there any library of Americana at the Dscrib idbrary Facilities Mr. Rodky tells of one family which pe need for it." sid sto Ilho the meauwhPie disposal of university students equal Librarian Bishop now presented a vio honntellsrone. ri..r ,. ,-diedeorehis father, eanwhle lend- .. The Conservatory of Music has an draft of a newconvention to replace enlarged registra ion that will tax the that of St. Germain and that the U. S. teaching force in piano and in public would be invited to appoint represent- school music, college officials an- atives to cooperate with the commis- nounce. lon. --- Today In The Churches--- Baptist Presbyterian Morning worship will begin at 10:30 Rev. L. A. Barrett will deliver the in the First Baptist church when R. sermon at the Morning worship in Edward Sayles, minister of this par- the Presbyterian church at 10:30. Bi- ish will deliver the sermon. The us-! ble school will be held at noon and ual Sunday school class will be held the High school class, will be given at 12:00 o'clock and the Baptist at 5:00 o'clock. The Young People's Young People's Union will meet in Society will hold their meeting at the church at 6:30. 6:30. Evening service will be as an- The Baptist students will meet at nounced. the Guild house at noon for a class Lutheran study conducted by Mr. Chapman. "One Holy Christian Church" is the The student friendship hour will be subject announced for today's ser- at the Guild house at 6:00 o'clock and mon by Rev. Carl A. Brauer, of St. will be followed by a Student Devo- Paul's Lutheran church. Divine ser- tional meeting at 6:30. This service vice will be given in German at 9:30 will be led by Norman Johnson who o'clock and in English at 11:30. Bi- has chosen as his-topic, "A Well-Bal- ble class will be held at 10:30 o'clock. anced University Life." Congregational Episcopal The sermon given by Mr. Jump to- Holy Communion will be given at day at 10:45 will be on the subject, Et. Andrew's Episcopal church at 8:00 "The Biblical University that Over-did o'clock. Morning prayer will be held Athletics." Coach Yost will speak at at 10:30. Mr. Henry Lewis, Rector of the Fireside Chat at 5:30. the church will preach the sermon. Unitarian Rev. R. E. Charles will be the speak- , Church school will begin at 9:45 or at the stupper to be given in liar- in the Unitarian churchl. The morn- $r hall at 6:00 o'clock. His subject ingservice will be held at 10:30 and will be, "Common Sense About the at 5:30 a supper will be given for Bible." ' the students. A meeting will be held Methodist at 6:30 o'clock. Morning worship in the First Meth- Christian Scientist odist church will begin at 10:30 with The first church of Christ, Scientist, Rev. A. W. Stalker's sermon on "The : announce a free lecture on Christian I t 1 r 1 ;, n wished to become the richest in thei The Ku Klux Klan as it operatesi to the Clements library. glimpse of wh t it will mean to Mich-- neighborhood. They went to a neigh- today has no connection with the his- ing his pencils to some of the listeners Says MichigangForponate i san. "With the CleentsLibrary for boring island and quarried outatonic Ku Klux K