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December 11, 1923 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-12-11

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VOL. XXXIV. No. 67






YACHEL LINDSAY "ir ZimTbalist Willj
I E N YAppear Tomorrow 51TJAU D09lE
Efrem Zimbalist, the distinguished
SELITERS UNIQU E Russian violinist, will play at the Flo 1 8 IM E
fourth Choral Union concert tomor-
row evening at 8 o' l ck, instead of Fan
Friday, as incorrectly announced In'
The Daily Sunday.
Zimbalist-has had a remarkable ca-
SYMBOLISM IN REALM but 19 years old he had won for him- SECOND REGULAR MEETING
OF VERSE self a place among the greatest vio- YESTERDAY
linists of his country. Since 1911 he
BIZAR E C(LLEC ION'Leadng critics are unanimous in their
BIZARRE COLLECTION words of approval. His command of DISTRIBUTION GROUP
technique is said to be complete, an
Explains Principles Of Phonetics his interpretations are filled with the Applications for Tickets Will Be
In Poetry Of Modern best of musicianship. Sent Out at Close of
Times The concert tomorrow will mark week
Mr. Zimbalist's Ann Arbor debut. --
Vachel Lindsay is unique. Last A few tickets for this concert may The 1923 J-Hop will be held on Feb.
year when he spoke before an Ann Ar- still be had by applying at the office
bor audience he espoused the cause of the School of Music. 8. This announcement, and that of the
of modern symbolism in poetry, by appointment of the sub-committees of
readings from his work, in a manner the elective committee were made by
which will long be remembered; this Edliff Slaughter, '25E, chairman, at
year he repeated the performance, the second . meeting of the committee
once more demonstrating, as only he held yesterday afternoon at the Union.
can, the fact that his work cannot be . The date set is the last day of school
ignored. Many of his poems are ob- RHODES. for the present semester, following thE
scure, and many of them seem almost custom that has been established by
funny in their bizarre treatment of J-Hops of former years.
every-day affairs; but no one can deny Law Student Receives Appointment William Kerr, '25E, was named
that they are interesting. For Michigan Over Seven chairman of the ticket committee with
Reads Recent Poem Competitors Ray A. Billington, '25 and Charles
The first poem read by Lindsay Merriam, '25E, assisting him. This
was one inspired recently upon his SELECTED FOR ATHLETICS, committee will have charge of distrib-
hearing that Carl Sandburg was to SCHOLARSHIP, CHARACTER uting the tickets, applications for
lecture in New York. It was an ap- which will probably be out during the
peal, exhorting Sandburg to march on John P. Dawson, Jr., '24L, of De- latter part of this week.
the city of Babylon playing his guitar Richard Travis, '25M, was made
until the walls of the wicked city troit, was appointed a Rhodes scholar chairman of the music committee, as-
should fall before the musical barrage from Michigan to enter Oxford in Oct- sisted by W. M. Cusick, '25P. Booths
of the instrument. It was an impas- ober, 1924, at a meeting of the state will be cared for, and the distribution
sioned exhortation for Sandburg to selection committee held Saturday of them arranged by James Collison,
sing "a Kansas love song, modest, night in the office of Dean John R. '25, chairman of- the committee, and J.
clean,dand true.,t The poem firstap- Effihger of the literary college. Daw- !Ta , '25. The program commit-
perdin Memphis, Tennessee, where son chosen from a field of eight can-te will consist of James Miller, '25,
Lindsay caused 500posters to be print- nhas chairman, and William Roesser, '25.
Ldidates from Michigan, five of whom
ed, bearing the poem. were examined Saturday by the com- Robert Snodgrass, 25L, was appointed
- After reciting the poem, Lindsay mittee consisting of Dean Effinge treasurer and secretary of the cm
gave a brief exposition of his princi- Prof. Brand Blanshard of the philos- mittee. Ray Billington, 25, was placed
pies rearding the phontcsy o pt- ophy department, J. K. Watkins, '09, of __hr__teub __y
ry. He declared that, contrary to the Detroit and Dr. Overmeyer of M. A. C. ---'-' _____
general opinion he did not ,regard DtotadD.Oemyro .A .
generya o inion hdi noregrd b Thirty-two Rhodes scholarships Playm akers Offer
potry as something which should be were awarded by the committees Oin
sung by man. "Poetry is not oratory," various states privileged to elect. An Satire Age
he :said. "DanielW~ebster's orations appointment of the highest possible
are one thing; poetry is another." academic honors, and entitles te The Ann Arbor Playmakers, form- ]
There 'is something which is infinitely student chosen to three years at Ox- the D o players, at -e
deeper in poetry, he declared; a voice ford university combined with oppor- erly t eodo players, gave atalented
which we may feel, but which we i tunity for extensive travel in Euro and delightfully creditable perform-
cannot hear. Poetry should be read Candidates are chosen for scholas pc ne at their playo, t a"allegd"
and not uttered. attainments, force of character, and musical comedy, written b LowellJ:°
Presents Two Well-Known Works athletic distinction, under the will yCah the geatest nters 7and
He then went on to give readings of the late Cecil Rhodes who devised deserves the highest praise of the eve-
of other of his works. Perhaps the the plan with a view to bringing E ss
two outstanding numbers wer his about more intimate relations and nhig. Itis a delicious satire on this, I
unique "Congo", and his "Song of better understanding between the two themlin ic , and aoseeo
John Littlehouse." The latter pur- great English speaking peoples..:. thn, of GilbertandS anshri-
ported to be a history of the manner Dawson is a graduate of Detroit uob and Sullivan's 'Mi-
in which John Littlehouse, a red-head- Central high school and Detroit Jun- ,he stage set is excellent, even to
ed blacksmith, wooed uand won Folly for college and holds a bachelor of the national flag of Mechant, The
Ann, a girl of somewhat higher social arts degree from the University. Dur- musi
position. Inasmuch as John' . was his college career he has maintained hfc Is perfectly corking, and makes
somewhat handicapped by lack of and extraordinary high scholastic re- aeof the show. Clever costuming
introduction he had difficulty in' mak- cord and has also been active incam- d another quarter,.and commend-
ing known his love.. But he finally . able acting completed the perform-
hit upon the novel expedient of shout- Dawson will enter Oxford next Oct- ance.
ing his love at midnight beneath her fober where he plans to devote him- The singing was not startling, but
window. The moral of the poem, as self to legal research. all of the voices were good. . Partic-
Lindsay pointed out is: "Whisper If ular mention should be made of the
you can; but holler if you must." work of Forman Brown, Paul Samson,
His "Congo" is too well known to be Burton Will Talk '26, and Harry Burnett.
mentioned hee. T C A. W rk Allof the musical numbers were
All in all, Lindsay's talk was an T S.0 C. . O, clever and catchy; "The Monkey
able exposition of the tendencies to- Wrench Triumphant," and in the dark
ward which poetry has been progress- More than 100 students who are to under-scene, the "B. V. D." duet, were
ing in the hands of the younger Am- take charge of the Student Christian particularly appreciated.
erican poets; and it is certain that dhe association's . financial sampaign will Good stage effects despite the small
movement appears no less significant be addressed by President Marion L. size and the nearness to the audience,
as a result of it. Burton at noon today, in the dining helped make the other play, "A Pessi-
P. M. W. room of the Methodist church. mists' Paradise," attractive. The
These men are to include all the acting in this seemed slow and a bit!
s ncaptains and lieutenants in the cam- stiff, except on the part of. the chief
11111L paign which will take place after va- pessimist, whose great deliberation
cation. Harold Coffman, permanent lent an amusing atmosphere.
fl+ executive secretary of the association, R. A.H
F0 1 9 TONIUG1bf will deliver a short talk.
[-- Football Teams to Receive Banquet
Yuletide entertainment and the Business and professional men of
President Marion L. Burton will Christmas dinner which was to be held the city will tender a banquet to the
speak before the Press club at 8 o'- at 3 o'clock today in Lane hall for 200 football teams which have represented'
clock tonight in the Green Tree inn on children has been postponed to 3 o'- the University and the high school

the subject, "The Newspaper I Like." clock Wednesday. during the past season in January._
Though regular meetings of the club; ----*
are usually open to only members, the
meeting tonight will be opento allDecember Chimes Features
students who care to attend.
The talk was delivered at the an- Variety Of Contributions
nual banquet of the Michigan editors;
last October and was well received. A-
small fee will be charged for refresh- A shiny limousine, three silk hats An anonymous contributor who
ments' on three heads, a stage door and a signs himself as "A student tired of
girl will be depicted on the three-color paying for what he does not get" is
Warsaw, Dec. 10.--The Polish furs-*cover of the December Chimes sclhed- the author of a communication which
lng school here has graduated its first uled to appear this morning. The will appear under the title "Bury the
class, 1o girls. title will hardly be necessary, "Three S. C. A."
Wise Men Following a Star." "Ye Collegiate Almanack" by F. M.
Chimes this month will devote its Smith, '22, will be a calendar arrange-
. editorials, the medium of expression ment of imaginary events on the
THE BAD MAN of sane campus opinion, to a discus- campus. In imitation of Held, Jack
son of the lack of cultural advantages Clerke, '24, has drawn a page of 11-
in the university, an expression of a lustrations which will appear as "A
'cheerleader's opinion of his position, Fable of Christmas Day."
Who would believe that the bad and a Christmas idea; a reopening of the. "Cotton Stockings" Covered
the good, are so closely related; that subject of a Union swimming pool and "Cotton Stockings' will be well rep-
evil can be used as an agent for secur- some ideas on college men and pol- resented by "Behind the Scenes" from
ing the good; that "THE BAD MAN" itics. I the pen of Ray A. Billington, '25 and a
and "JIMMIE" are closely related. Article on Cooley page of cuts of this, and past operas
Jimmie' is not so free with other peo - A picture of Dean Mortimer E. Cool- entitled "Cherchez la Femme! Evolu-
. e.v. will thi s nnth h the frntis- Ition of TTnion Onera from oa +t

_ _.._ -

Foreign News
I Brief


By Associated Press
Montreal, Dec. 10.-Lord Shaug-
nessy, chairman of the board of di-
rectors of the Canadian Pacific rail-
way, died today in his 70th year. He
was taken ill suddenly yesterday.
Death was due to heart disease and
complications. Lord Shaugnessy was
born in Milwaukee, Wis.
Paris, Dec. 10.-Today's public ses-


Opera, Christmas'
Feature Gargoyle
Michigan's Gargoyle, pride of the
campus wits, is "going English". As
distinctively English as the Oxford
hat and the briar pipe will be the cov-
er of the Christmas garg scheduled
to appear tomorrow morning. From
the pen of Walker G. Everett, '26, will
come a portrayal of an old-world
street, gabled houses, leaded panes,
wandering minstrels and snow, holly
and plumb pudding, a true picture of
"Merrie England."
"Cotton Stockings" and Christmas
will share the honors of the issue.
Mi rtlntc d innn nttn wl i



sion of the league council was chiefly f LieLoiesU win t115
cncerned t hnAccurate Representation Is Desire of ure prominently in the illustrations.
St.erd treatyth in order to over- Faesti Leader; Fears Garg, it is understood, refuses to
come the American objections to the No Policy Change praise the opera, despite the bouquets
treaty. the other campus publications have
Rome, Dec. 1 I.-(By A. P.)-To thrown at the production.
Dusseldorf, Dec. 10.-The French show the world that Italy is ruled by
are annuling individual deportation the will of the majority of the Italian
and courtmartial sentences in occupa- people and to obtain a parliament
Ge- lctrae Peme Msslni wt te000 000 TAX
which coincides with the wishes of the
tion cases, the first orders permitting ele co e i e rwuth lth iwih the
192 expelled persons, 87 of themGr-eetrtPmirMsonwthhe
n eofficials,to 7return.Sentences consent of the cabinet, obtained today
have been suspended in 35 industrial- the signature of the King to a decree
ists cases, as well as those of 22 of- closing the present session of the
ficials and six workmen, chamber-an act which inevitably
leads to dissolution and new elections. President Advocates Reduction Of
tome, Dec. 10.-It has been officially The premier's bold, decisive step ends Governmental Expenses In
announced that Evaristi Lucidi, the voluntarily his own dictatorship and Anneal Budget
Pope's auditor, and Msgr. Aurelio reestablishes the government along
Galli, Vatican Museum director, will the usual constitutional line. REPEATS STAND AGAINST
be made cardinals at the coming con- There is not the slightest doubt that BONUS AS UNNECESSARY
sistory. Mussolini had the present chamber
__s___y._well under control; he had only to ask Washington, Dec. 10-(By A.P.)-
for full power for another year, and
this would have been granted by an A tax reduction of more than $3,000,-
overwhelming majority. As little or 000,000 a year and a cut of about
no opposition was manifested against $275,000,000 in the cost of govern..
him, his retention of power could have ment for the next fiscal year were
chamberrdied natural deh in 192 proposed in the annual budget sub-
when by the constitution another elec- mitted to Congress today by Presi-
tion Would take place automatically. dent Coolidge. At the same time the
Premier Yields to Wishes of Party But the Premier chose this time to executive reiterated his opposition to
and 'Will greet Parliament prove that his rule was not derived the soldiers bonus, outlining his pos-
Jan. 8 from the lavish use of the big stick or
repression but was based upon accept- ition on the situation in some detail.
LIBERAL LEADERS TO OFFER lance of his program by the Italian In the letter transmitting estimates
NO FACTITIOUS OPPOSITION people as a whole. In addition, it was of government requirements for the
F the Premier's desire since elections fiscal year, 1925, Mr. Coolidge declared
London, Dec. 10.--(By A. P.)-Ac- were recently held In England and will against the ponus as a proposition for
cd mo u oh -soon be held in France not to have it whinhtthere wasaosostson.fHr
cordingt to"he' most trustworthy re- believed abroad that he was unwilling which there was no sound reason. e
ports available tonight, Premier to refer the policy of his government said the tax cut would be practicable
Baldwin has yielded to the wishes of to the vote of the people. tons we avde ahebei
ations were avoided and he believed
his party and ias agreed to carry on that the tax cut and reduction in
and meet parliament " Cits reassemb-[Wcost of government would tend to
ling Jan. 8. L L U bul . aline the whole people in support of
It is also aserted that the Liberal GASeconomical administration of the na-
leaders have .been sounded and it is! RVE.[DLPV ON'TAX tion's affairs.
understood that no factitious opposi- U U UU
tion wil lbe offered to the government
in the House so long as controversial Lansing, Dec. 10.-(By A. P.)-Gov- Rols Il
business is avoided.
Mr. Lloyd George arrived in London ero rsekwt ersnaie
tonight and consulted with Mr. As- of the Attorney General's office and TO BE ILO TOMORROW
quith. Both are remaining in London the Department of State and Highwayy
for the time being. Finance leaders in both branches of Class dues day for all classes in the
the legislature tonight started to whip University will be held tomorrow.
': into shape data on gasoline tax and; Booths will be at designated places in
l QUESTION BRIweight tax revenues. A highway fl- all. the colleges at which men will be
nance measure will shortly be com- stationed.
S EEKpleted which will be introduced to the I Donald 'C. McCabe, '24, chairman of
E ITO O OH legislature thrwugh the assembly. the Student council committee in
The governor and some members of charge, urges that everyone take a',.
Washington, Dec. 10-(By A.P.)- the Senate planned to scrutinize close- vantage of the chance to pay his share
Republ'ican insurgents who favor ly the bill passed by the Senate last of the class expenses. The dues are
sharp amendments of the transport- week giving Wayne seven senators. $1 for the year and must be paid be-
ation act brought about a deadlock to- Letters have been received from De- fore a member can take part in any of
day in the Senate over the election troit by the attorney general to the his class social activities.
of a chairman of the Inter-state con- effect that the first Wayne district as Treasurers of all classes in the Un-
merce committee, which handles outlined in the bill is not made up of iversity should arrange for their
railroad legislation. Three ballots continuous territory. If this is found ,booths and notify the city editor of
were taken without result and the to be true ,it is possible that the senate The Daily today of their respective
Senate adjourned until tomorrow will ask to have the bill recalled from locations. This is necessary so that
when voting will be resumed. the House, where it is in the appor- they may be printed in tomorrow's
Senator Summins, of Iowa, who is tionment committee. issue.
both chairman of the committee and
President pro-tem of the Senate, fell Rangoon, India, Dec. 10.-The Brt- Adephi House of Representatives
four votes short on the first and third sish government's efforts to eradicate and Athena Literary society will hold
ballots and three votes short on the slavery on the Burmo-Assamese bord- their annual joint meeting at 7:30 o'-
second ballot of the necessary ma- er region are meeting with serious clock tonight in the Adelphi room on
ority for re-election as chairman of opposition, a large part of it from the the fourth floor of University hal.
the committee. Senator LaFollette, slaves.
of Wisconsin, leader of the insurgents IkParis, Dec. 10.-"We are about to
and ranking Republican on the com- The Hague, Dec. 10.-The Dutch witness the reappearance of Lloyd
mittee, received seven votes on each have agreed in principle to proposals George himself,' says the Petit Pari-
ballot, while Senator Smith, of South from the United States for a new I sien of the British election results.
Carolina, ranking Democrat on the treaty of commerce along most fav- "The Entente may come out consider-
committee was given the solid sup- ored nation lines, ably damaged."

Broadcasting Stations Silent Whit
President Delivers Memorial
Washington, D. C. Dec. 10.-(By A
P.)-President Harding was euollgi:
ed by his successor in office, Calvi
Coolidge, in an address broadcast(
tonight by radio, as one who was en
inently fitted "to serve a distract
world in a difficult period of its hi
. tory".
The president spoke in his study a
the White House and his address w
carried .to the furthermost parts o
the country. Exceptional facliti
for broadcatsing stations were pr
vided as all broadcasting stator
were requested by the department
commerce to remain silent during t
- time Mr. Coolidge spoke.
Appropriate For Time
Mr. Coolidge began his address wit
a reference to Leigh Hunt's poe
"Abou Ben Abhem". "It will be hart
{ to find a better picture than this o
President Harding, the man we lo'
ed and mourn," said Mr. Coolide
after reciting a verse of the. poe
"Some will say that such a swe
and gentle nature could only hI
found its setting and opportunity fo
service in a strange and peculia
time. Perhaps they are right. Y
he came to the world's stage in a
hour when it seemed set for oth
characters. The captains and t
kings, the armies and the navies, th
men who would not have peace, ha
Slong dominated the scene. Whe
among them could place be mad
could ear be found for this kind
gentle, gracious soul?
Was "Steady, Strong"
"Yet he found his place. He caug
the ear of a war tired world.' H
called our country back to paths '
peace, and gladly it came. He be
oned the nations to come and sit I
counsel. So he led the way to thi
monumental accomplishment of th
Washigton conferece on limitation c
"The same simplicity and directnes
marks his program in domesti
affairs. His was the steady,' stronj
inspiring hand of guidance and hel
fulness. In a time when the mind
of many men were prone to seize uj
on hurried conclusions, he held bac
and dared to take his time an
thought before deciding.
"We mourn him today, and we sha
mourn him so long as remembranc
holds before us the picture of hi
patience, forebearance, faith an
Christian tolerance. These are ra
virtues, too seldom. found among tt
men who have the strength to rie
to high places."
Fraternities, sororities, 1 e a g u
houses, and dormitories have beE
asked to give trees from their Chris
mas parties to the University hospita
It is the aim to put one in every'wai
each year, and 40 to 50 trees are nee
ed for that purpose this Christia
This has been done for the past fe
Each group is asked also to gi
whatever decorations or little gif
they can spare along with the tree

port of the Democrats:
While waged along the same lines
that conducted by the Republican in-
surgents in the House over the speak-
ersuip, this fight does not have such
far reaching results as the Senate can
continue to function. There were
varying estimates as to how the dead-
lock would continue. Some lev.ders'
of the insurgents said it might g ' on
for several weeks but some leading
Senators thought a break would come
long before then.
Senator Cummins declared he
would not bargain with the supporters
of Senator LaFollette adding that he
had no intention of giving up this
post for some others.
Delta Sigma Rho, national honorary
oratorical fraternity, will hold its an-1
nual convention the first week in May,
in Ann Arbor, the meeting coming at
the same time as the Northern Orator-
in01 T an nna nnnta+

---- These will be called for if the hous
will phone University 120M before t
Pageant Of Arts And Crafts morrow evening or Mrs. James Brea
. .ey, 2780, on Thursday, giving inform
Represented By Architects, tion as to when they wish the tr
called for, Friday night or Saturda
and the house address.
Robert F. Swanson with masks in his hands-Speaking,
By the light of candles a number Literature, and Drama-appeared. TO T9L
of rchtecs athredSaurdy ee-The first Arts of decoration were;W 1btf l
of architects gain the Union Assembly hall. Sculpture and Carving. Sculpture was
Msi wasthea d ndtwombly emn- . impressive and strong. Four Greeks
Music was heard, and two solemn- preceeded him and a sculptor and %MIKE
faced youths entered with tapers, and sculpture bearer in robes of purple
lighted a great number of candles on followed. A Gothic figure, holding a
either side of a crude stone altar, and ' Talks by Eldon Wieman, '20, an
left, all being ready for a Pageant of panel from the house of Jacques Herbert Steger, '25, feature the ju
Arts and Crafts. Coeur, was Carving. A charming girl bor literary smoker program to
A long procession of priests in blue with costume of many colors, a youth held at 7:30 o'clock tonight in t
and green and purple came silently in, in black and white carrying an etch-redgromfthUnn.Ti
many carrying long candles, and in ing with a train of artists and others be the first social gathering of ti
their midst two acolytes in white and representing Painting and the Graphic be terat clathi ofa t
Arts junior literary class this year.
blue and Religion with golden coronet Arts. Kennedy's "Six of Diamlonds" o
and filmy vestments of cloth of gold. All these made sacrifice. Then came chestra will furnish music for the a
As Religion spoke of unseen powers Glass with crystal gown and fantastic fair. Plenty of smokes and. food a
Man lifted up his arm's in attempted headgear, Ceramics in pale yellow and assured class members who atter
I praise. He was a striking figure. But: powdered hair, holding a single rose, The admission is 50 cents.
I RMlniinn ,nvo-t a ,oviice evan vet nad Ennmel in rich hlA roade .

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