SUNDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1923' THE MICHIGAN DAILY ®P T5 Iit May be found for your valuable docu- ments by using our Safety Deposit Vault. The service will please you. Farmers & Mechanics Bank 101.105 SOUTH MAIN 330 SOUTH STATE f ( / IN WHICH THE OBSERVER TACK- Terms of Conquest, by Howard Vin- LES THE CHRISTMAS PRESENT cent O'Brien, (Little, Brown, $2.), is PROBLEM the sort of book which Dr. Frank Christmas gifts may be roughly Crane might praise as a tale of high classified under three heads: things morals, steadfast endeavor, and de- that can be worn or eaten, things served success. Dr. Crane would be that cluller up the house, and books. quite right-but he should add that Having had no experience with the it is the sort of novel which has turn- first since Santa Claus went out of e American fiction into a paradise style and Leiig disbarred from the for moralists, Epworth leaguers, and second by a kitchenette apartment. plain damn fools. The hard working the Observer will confine himself to young printer and his wife Ivy;' the the third. Of course, the unkind per- ability and conceit of the printer, his son trying to find a place to lay his will to succeed, and his arrival com- hat in the said kitchenette flat, might fortably near the top make up the remark that in the Observer's case. material of a typical American story. j objects of the third class automatical- There is a practical (i. e. crooked) ly graduate into the second. .. But politician whom the hero conciliates, discussions of metaphysics are out of and a few other minor characters, place here. such as son and daughter, a dreamy And so the Observer will try his "scholar," and a few friends, but not hand at solving the gift problem, each one person in the whole story lives a try being limited by an arbitrary limit life free from the curse of the plot. of $2.50. on the grsund thsat sugest-. There is a little variation, of course, V. A Jost Cherished Gift A DIAMOND Regardless of hose manyotler Jewelsthe may have a Damtu nd she is alw"s s re ady Otov as ~a This beautiful 18k X% be Grld R ng only s4w as Schlanderer & Seyfried . { . 3WEL}RS ' MI South. qin ( ttreet , . - 1 if E S The Buss Lam X11 Only $2. Not just a clamp lamp contraption, but an artistic standing lamp that clamps or hangs anywhere. Gives you light wherever you need it. Finished in bronze or brass. The handiest lamp a student cain own! The Detroit Edison Company Ma n at William Telephone 2300 ions involving higher. sums require and the book makes entertaining read- lengthy explanation and argument. 1*5. Such explanation is to be found in Michael's Evil Deeds, by E. Phillips longer reviews written by the Observ- Oppenheim, and published by Little, er or his wife, who insists that her Brown & Co., is another variation on position as family treasurer gives her the theme of the stupenduously brainy an inside position on matters of this criminal who is outwitted by an even sort. more brilliant detective. To the Ob- Let us begin, therefore, with a book server it suggests Craig Kennedy In about books, since it will supply such the days when Reeve was still expert- information as this contribution menting, but he can easily conceive a lacks. What Books Can Do For You. dozen people reading it to four who by Jesse Lee Bennett (Geo. H. Doran jwill stick by even an H. G. Wells Co., $2.) is exactly the thing desired. -omance. For the right readernit would and possesses the great virtue of be- .e "great dope"-and such right read- ing different from anything else to ers make up an alarming percentage be found. Its purpose is to survey of those to whom Christmas packages modern hooks on every field, from test be sent, cosmology to adventure stories, to A much better book, since it is both list the best of them, and give a back- 'ionest and convincing, is Luther ground for the reader who may 'wish Nichols, by Mary S. Watts (Macmillan, to consult them. There are eleven $2.). Luther Nichols is an average chapters on the general features of American boy-that is, the average human knowledge that call to tind boy born of foreign parents and liv- Professor Robinson's "Mind in the ing in a country district, who gets Making" and "Humanizing of Knpwl- little -education and moves to a city-- edge." They are not' easy 'reading. Cincinnati in this case. The boy leaves but they are profitable, and 'cas be his. father's truck farm, gets himself taken in instalments of any length-; a job in a livery barn that has be- the Obesrver read them on the "L" 'ome a livery garage and while his and street-car. Following these chap- 'iest friend, Roy McArdle, is away ters are 50 pages of 'book-lists, be- to the war marries Roy's girl. And ginning with discovery 'and adven- then, with Roy back, Luther, who did. ture and ending with books for chil- his bit at Camp Sherman, finds him- dren. They can be used either as a self a job in a private family as guide for buying, or as finding lists on ,chauffeur, while his wife goes into the one's pilgrimages to the public i millinery business. There is then an brary; either way they will be use- affair with the daughter of the house, ful. Maybe they appeal to the Ob- Juliet Ordway. server particularly because he is lazy; So real, so convincingly alive Is maybe because, like many other folks, Luther Nichols that the Observer he is too busy to give long and deep strongly suspects that only to a small thought to the selection, of his read- extent is he a boy of fiction. His ing. Anyhow, he likes them. . . simplicity and humaneness are part I * * * * of real life, just as the things; he Having thus praised a book that does are the things done day in and recommends one's reading, we ma! day out, from Maine to New Mexico, chronicle the arrival of three volumes in villages, towns, and cities. Mrs. wihch Mr. Bennett is not apt to ad- Watts does not tell his brilliantly, but vise, but which nevertheless will en- she tells it well, and the slowness of joy more than a small measure ot her writing fits the slowness of Luth- popularity. The first of these, Fannie er. In this sense of realism, there- Fox's Cook Book (Little, Brown,& Co.) fore, Luther Nichols ranks with Main was both a surprise and a puzzle to Street and Winesburg, since it re- the Observer until his wife took it ports honestly the lives of ordinary off his hands. Since that time he has people. It has more of real stuff than eaten biscuits, stews, soups, desserts, a thousand volumes such' as those by and potatoes, all done a la Mrs. Fox. Oppenheim, and the Observer wishes He conquered all of them, and even it success. expressed a willingness to meet the * * * group again ; an admission which to A final glance over-the bookshelves him seems sufficient recommendation reminds the Observer that he should for a book he has sampled deeply, not close his suggestions without though has not read. mentioning at least one true gift book -a volume that is at once both beau- The others are novels, of the sort tfill in appearance and significant in the Observer reads when his high- content. And there is none which brow friends are sure not to drop in so completely fills these requirements for the evening. One of them, The (Continued on Page Seven) !t I x I i f G , 4 i jr 11, i I, i f mmn