Section PF. 4w t r ~aitt Section Two Two i VOL. XXXIV. No. 66 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1923 1||' PRICE, FIVE CENTS SET FO JNA Elibu Root Chosen Chairman of Jury to Donate $100,000 COMPLETE PAYMENT DEPENDS UPON SANCTION OF CONGRESS Final decision as to the winner of first prize in the American Peace Award of $100,000, given by Mr.Ed- ward W. Bok for the best practical plan for attaining international peace, is expected to be reached by Jan. 1, 1924, according tohan announcement made recently. The date set as the deadline for submission of plans was Nov. 15, and while many of the plans su-bmitted have already been examin- ed, notstatement as totheir general characteristics is to be made until after the winner has been announced. The Jury of Award is headed by Mr. Elihu Root, famous American l Statesman, ' as chairman. Others on this committee are; James Guthrie Harbord, Edward M. White, Ellen F. Pendleton, Roscoe ,Pound, William Allen White, and Brand Whitlock. All were appointed by Mr. Bol, and are now at work investigating and study- ing the vast number of plans sub Initted. More than 81 national organizations of both religious, social and com- mercial nature have submitted joint plans to the committee, and have sig- nifled their willingness to cooperate with the committee in charge in the conduction of a national referendum in January. Through these channels, as well as with 'the help of" church, school, and fraternal orders, the win- ning plan is to be submitted to the people for their opinion as to its practicability and general worthiness. In this way an effort is to be made to feel the pulse of the people, and to possibly' procure a better idea of the reasons for the present troublous conditions of the" world. The plan is to be printed in more than 4,000 pa- pers throughout the country, .and also in 211 magazines with a combined' circulation of more than 100,000,000. It is also to be carried in the house organs in several great commercial organizations, and will b le announced in the. churches by more than 120,000 ministers, who will at the same time present ballots to the congregation. In making this offer, Mr. Bok stipu- lated that $50,000 would be paid to' the winner, upon announcement of the plan, and 'another $50,000 upon the ratification of the plan by the con- gress of the United States. Various: other prizes are also to be given, for the second and third winners, al- though the nature of these has not been announced by the committee.* Memory Of Harding Will Be Preserved By American Nation. Harding Memorial Week to be held. under the auspices of the Harding Memorial association will be cele- brated Dec. 9-16, according to state- ments given out recently. The aims. of the association is to pay respect. to the dead president of the United States in a manner which will create - Warren G. Harding a lasting memorial to be forever in the eyesand hearts of the American people. Included in the plans are ar- rangements to perpetuate his home, where he carried on his famous "Front Porch Campaign", as a shrine, something on the order of plans car-1 ried out by the D. A. R. in respect to Mount Vernon. This shrine is to housenall mementos of his life, includ- ing his personal effects both before and during his stay in the White House, and will be a mecca to all who desire to pay respect to the memory, to the former president.- In accordance with a much desired plan of President. Harding, funds are to be set asidenfor the organization of a.means of education for men and women so that they may be trained Sfor intelligent government service, One of the ambitions of the late execu- tive was to see an increase in the efficiency of the various govebrnment offices, and the Harding Memorial as- sociation wishes to carry out this wish as far as possible. p Knowing President Harding's love of children,, which was brought out al- most daily in incidents around the White House, the association plans on} making possible small donations from school children throughout the coun- try. The name of each child who makes a donation, no matter how small, is to be preserved and later bound into a large volume, and plac- ed on exhibition in his home, in Mar- on, Ohio. The collection of funds for this f work it not to be a matter of solicit- f ition, but of donation, and for the pur- I ose many local committees have beenv appointed by the central office. Charles A. Sink of the School of Mus- c, is chairman of the Washtenaw @ County committee, and has as com- f mitteemen nine of the more promin- I ent men of the various parts of the t county. These men will . take do-t nations as will all local organizations I already established, as the churches, I chool, etc. Payment may also beI made through the fraternal order to II which you may I' IIBLICL HISTORY TO BE1 REVISED BY ISCOVEIESH Philadelphia, Dec. 8-(By A.P.)- I New light will be thrown on old Bib- I ical stories when scientists complete I leciphering the hieroglyphics on an- c ique statues recently discovered in t Palestine, according to Dr. George B. Grordon, director of the University of If Pennsylvania Museum, who has re- f turned from a tour to the sites of ex- peditions operating in Mesopotamia,I t Egypt and Palestine. During his tripa Dr. Gordon arranged for the ship-b nent of 100 tons of antique relics to t P fhiladephia. They are expected to rrive about January 1 and will be set p at the University Museum. Among the relics being shippedt from Egypt is the throne room of f Meneptah; one of the Pharohs. Jewel- y, mummies and mummy cases also are included. From Palestine Dr.q Gordon shipped a basalt tablet, a bat- tle monument, which is expected to hrow light on the story of Exodus; Roman glass, mosaic pavements, many small objects in bronze and a jars which was found filled with silver coins. I "We don't expect to make- any finds n lgypt as tremendously important as those by Lord Carnaryo," said Dr.j Gordon. "However, the work we are I doing at Ur, in Mesopotamia and at Beisan, in Palestine, is very import- ant. We are digging up the Temple of the Moon in Ur. - Hawkins To 'Study "Big Picture" Wa stel The so-called "big pictre," those costing from $300,000 up to a million I dollars,.are to be supplanted by much I more moderately priced productions . in 1924, according to the contention of Frank J. Hawkins, distribution' manager for the United Producers, and Distributors, who is making a sudy of conditions among the exhibit- ors and fans throughout the country. Mr. Hawkins declares that in many instances the smaller productions I costing less than $100,000 are eclips- I ing the million dollar affairs in actual box-office receipts. "The great common people are sounding the death knell for the ex- travagant wastes inpicture produc- tion by withholding their support from many super-films,' declares Mr. Hawkins. "The demand today is for more entertaining movies which do not obviously attempt to teach a mor- al. No amount of elaborate "-sets", and lavish display will be able to compete before the amusing, well- acted play, even if the cost is only $50,000." The movement is one which is ex- pected to be of tremendous import- ance in the, cinema profession, and will eventually result in the returning of the cinema to the hands and the hearts of the masses. The demand today is for satisfactory entertain- ments at a popular price. SOCIALISTS GAIN ELECTION VICTORY Vienna, Dec. 8-(By A.P.)-The So- crialists made a decided gain in the recent election of members to the National Assembly. They lost but one seat, while the Conservative par- ties lost seventeen., This - assembly has 18 fewer members than the last one. It is held'in some quarters that the Socialist success was largely due to organization; they got out their vote, while the Conservativesdid'enot. 'The result is a keen disappointment to the Seipl government. The chan- cellor's success is gaining the League of-Nations loan, wshich virtually saved the country from disruption and pos- sible partition ;(the general revival of business, and the betterment of .r. hn11s , - - na 3r on Albert Feullierat of iulversily of Rennes Will Speak At Conference PRESIDENT BURTON WILL ADDRESS OPENING SESSION Speakers have been secured and the final plans are being arranged for the fortieth annual meeting of the Modern Language association of America which will be held : here December 27, 28, 29. . President Marion L. Burton willl give the welcoming address at the first general session which is to be l held Thursday afternoon, Dec. 27, in the Natural Science auditorium. At this session Professor Albert Feuil-l lerat, of the University of Rennes, France, will give an address on "Thel Future of Criticism." There will also! be an address by Prof. Arthur Love- joy, of Johns Hopkins university. Pro- fessor Lovejoy's subject has not yet! been announced. . Prof. Oliver, of Western Reserve university, president of the associa- tion will deliver an address at 8:30 Thursday evening in the assembly 4 room of the Union. His talk will be entitled "The Battle of , the . Books." President Marion. L. Burton and Mrs. Burton and Professor Emerson will bold an informal reception at the1 close of the address. The place ofI the reception has not yet been an- pounced. Other plans have been made1 for entertainment, including a dinner! or the ladies. Prof. Charles G(raudgent, head of the Romance languages department at Harvard, will speak at a smoker to be held in the Union The date of Football Receipts Benefit All Athletic Departmeuts Celebration at Philadelphia in 1926 Will Mark 150th Year of Independence "Where does all the money go?" How often have you heard that ques- tion asked, or even asked it yourself, as you watched the thousands upon thousands of people pour into Ferry field on the day of a big football game? It seems that an unlimited amount of money must be pouring into thel coffers of the Athletic association. But the first thing that happens to the proceeds of all Conference games cuts the receipts in half,. as all Con- ference teams split the proceeds on athletic contests. This includes an allowance which must be made to cover student tickets of the Univer- sity. With her share of the proceeds, Michigan does as much or more than any other school in the country. In the first place Michigan spends a large part of the proceeds to 'main- tain her football system. This re- quires about $15,000 a year, exclusive of coaching. Many Eastern schools spend more than, that and do not fur- nish equipment for freshmen, Har- vard being a notable example. In addition football proceeds must actually support such sports as track, which suffers a deficit in the neigh- borhood of $10,000 yearly, swimming, hockey, wrestling. and several others. Football must also partially support at times, basketball and baseball. With the completion of the new Yost Field house, the Michigan ath- letic plant became worth almost $3,- 000,000. Of this only 20 acres of land, and the, gates of Ferry field, both of which were donated by Dexter M. Ferry, have been given to the Athletic association. All the rest has been paid for through the proceeds of ath- letic contests, mainly football. An example of the way that this is done may be seen in the new field house. That structure cost $450,000, and must he paid for out of the pro- ceeds of intercollegiate athletics. With an attendance of approximate- ly 225,000 people last year, the as- sociation received between $175,000 and $190,1000. After deducting the large expenses that have been enu- merated above, there is not much left to pay for the many minor things that come up during the y'ear. After every game a complete ac- counting is made. This is done by the aid of a sworn statement regard- ing the exact number of tickets de- livered from the printing company- to! the Athletic association. : In this way every ticket is accounted for. After the accounts have been settled by the Athletic association, they are strictly audited by a certified public account- ant. This final compilation is then pre- sented for final approval to the boardC In Control of Athletics, of which Prof. Ralph W. Aigler, of the Law school, is chairman. Campus Officials Point To Benefit Of League Building! I - - --T day It ,The Churches { - tnssmoker has not been definitely That the women of the University There are 2,000 members of the have need for a University of Michigan Association and about one-third of League and would derive much bene- them are expected here for the con- fit from such a building is the belief, ference. Arrangements have been of men of importance on the Michigan made to house them in the dorpnitor- ies, fraternity and sorority houses, campus, many of whom have definite- and in private homes. . ly stated their opinions in regard to the project. President Marion LeRoy Burton, when asked his views on the subject, d1'1IJ'A' Rl?1N made the following statement: "The TH EA TE University of Michigan simply must Chave a building for the women stu- dents. The Michigan Union has sur- passed all expectations in the place "The White Rose", which features .!which it noW occupies in the life of' at the Wuerth today to continue. the men. The Michigan League will through Thursday. affords D. W. render a similar service to the wo- Griffith opportunities . to interpret men. Anyone who knows the Uni-' flashes of olden days in the South in versity today will concede at once a manner all his own. that there is no greater service which The tale deals with the true and . the alumnae and others can render, pure love of a hapless waif and a scion to their university, than to provide of wealth,-who turns to the ministry,-, the frauds for the proposed Michigan only- to forsake it and all honors of I.League." the world"'when he finds his position Regent' Junius E. Bealsays: " he a untenable -with the wrong he has value of the Michigan Union building done.- There is a triangle, but it ex- 1for men is beyond all ineastire. Un- panda into a quadrangle, involving a questionably it will be of much more girl of wealth and position and a low- i benefit for the women to have such ly tradesman's son, who eventually a home, being more - limited in the attains success. I places where they may congregate. The customs and ideals of past gen- In our great building program no erations prevade the whole play, and i structure we maytraise can be of this is accentuated by the delightful more importance -to the University scenic backgrounds against which than the Women's building. The Re- Mr. Griffith has turned his camera to gents show their appreciation by giv? record the actions of the players. ing the most valuable vacant land The scenes are laid in western Louis- owned by the University for this build- iana and Florida where the fine old Ing, at the heart of the Mall." southern mansions have remained un- . University women, both alumnae molested by the touch of modernism and students, are co-operating in their for centur'ies. efforts to raise $1,000,000. forsuch a The two contrasting roles are acted building. by Carol Dempster and Neil Hamil- The:country is divided into definite ton. Mae Marsh and Ivor Novello campaign districts:,. within which the are also featured. alumnae of- the various states are con- Mack' Sennett presenting Ben Tur- ducting' many activities for the bne- pin in "Pitfalls of a Big City", Pathe fit of the University of Michigan news, and selections by the Wuerth League building fund. This year the Concert orchestra constitute the undergraduate women have carried Wuerth's program for the first part out several large. projects to -raise of the week. money. for this purpose, the most im- Friday and Saturady the Wuerth portant of which were the Pan hellen- offers a double feautre program; Mar- ic ball and the Inter-church and Wo- tha Mansfield in "Queen of the Moulin men's League Bazaar. Rouge". and Harrv T. Morev in "The BRITISH AERIL POWER London, Dec. 9-(By A.P.)-Civil- lans will form a large part of the per- sonnel of the British Royal Air Force, which is being increased to more than twice its present strength. Two-thirds of the men in the reserve squadrons are to be civilians, and the auxiliary squadrons are to be or- I ganized on a basis similar to that of the Territorial Army, comparable to state militia in America. It is plan-I ned to have civilian labor care for all the repair work, other than minor running repairs, in most of the reg- ular squadrons, all the special reserve squadrons and all the auxiliary squad- rons. By thus calling on the civilian labor reservoir, Great Britain would more than do uble her air power with an addition. of only one-third of the pres- ent personnel, according to Sir Sam- uel Hoare, Secretary of State for Air. The introduction of this extensive non-regular aviation force will reduce. expenditure,. by large sums and have ,'the advantage of getting citizens di- rectly, interested in airdevelopment, he said. MUSIC AND MUSICIANS EXHIBIT WILL SHOW WORLD'S PROGRESS SINCE CENTENNIAL Philadelphia, Dec. 8-Plans for the elebration of the one hundred and iftieth anniversary of the signing of .he Declaration of Independence are ow under way at Philadelphia where :he celebration will take place from A.pril 30 to Nov. 16, 1926. It will also ae the aim of the celebration to por- .ray progress of the world that has taken place since the Centennial Ex- ibition held in Philadelphia in 1876. Still another purpose of the Sesqui- entennial is said to be to "create a loser understanding and foster the ;ood will of the peoples of the world." The President and Congress have sanctioned the celebration, as have 'he governor and the legislature of Pennslyvania and the Mayor and ouncil of Philadelphia. Most of the European and Asiatic countries as ,ell as Canada, Ceylon, and Costa Erica, have signified .intentions of off- ring their cooperation. New Jersey, 'ew York, Connecticut, Louisiana, )klahoma, Kansas, and Nevada, are ;he states that have already author- zed or constituted commissions that will aid the Celebration. The City Council of Philadelphia as pledged $5,000,000 and as "much "ore as may be required". After a areful survey and estimations, the lost for the exhibition to the Associ- tion has been placed at approximate- y $15,000,000. A financial program Is nder way to assure the availability Af funds. The exhibition will take place on 550 acres of land, part of which is on he Parkway, and this will also extend :nf both sides of the Schuylkill river. [The Centennial celebration took place n portion of the land that will be used for this occasion. Some of the build- ngs used in the Centennial celebration will also furnish space for the Sesqui- Centennial exhibition in 1926. In ad- dition new structures will be erected for the oc.casion. A new art museum has been decided upon, and the com- pletion of the new Delaware river bridge is also expected by that time. - In conention with the celebration there will.. be nunteros congresses in session; In which- leaders of world thought will participate in discussing vital subjects in every important field of development. All the patriotic - societies, the American legion, great business associatiomis, organizations engaged in- -hmanitarian work, fra.- Lernities and- national and internat- ional organizations will be invited to hold their conventions in 1926 in or near Philadelphia during the period of the Exhibition. Taking these meetings into account and through indications of attendance at former world's fairs approximately 200,000 paid admissions are expected daily. This will mean a total attend- ance of 40,000,000 people over the whole period of the Exhibition. STANDRDIATION SAVES INDUSTFRIES oFrGRMANY New York, Dec. 8-(By A.P.)- Standardization of her industrial pro- duction has been one of the principal factors in preventing the collapse of German industry, in the face of the multitude of obstacles now confront- ing Germany, according to Dr. P. G. Agnew, secretary ofthe American Engineering -Standards Committee, who recently returned from Europe where for two months he made a study of the standardization movement and the manner in which- European developments in this direction are likely to affect American industry. Dr. Agnew's report, made public to- day, says in part: "Germany has so far succeeded in keeping her industrial machine intact, largely because of the elaborate scale on which her standardization work is carried on. German industrialists are already counting upon standardiza- tion as one of the chief essentials in the revival, on a greatly increased scale, of their industrial production and of their foreign trade, as soon as political ahid financial 'stability is reached in Central Europe." RESERVOIR TO GIVE RHINE.FIXED FLOW Friedrichshafen, Germany, Dec. 8- (By A.P.)-Lake Constance, famed -as the building place of German Zep- pelins, is destined ultimately to be- come a reservoir to give the Rhine a steady flow of water so that even in summer the stream will be navigable. The lake is in an enclosed valley, and the Rhine passes through it. For- tv miles long, and eight miles wide, First Methodist Church- 5 until6 "The Cross and Brotherhood" has Louis M. been chosen by Reverend Stalker as Dickens' the sermon, subject at 'the 10:30 o'clockrmorning worship at the First Churc Methodist Church. Bible classes will o'clock. meet at noon in Wesley-hall, and from be the se 4:30 to 6:30 o'clock there will be service a Open House at Wesley hall. "Neigh- be spe bors vs. Neighbors" will be the topic Handel's of discussion at the Wesleyan Guild Wood'ss Devotional meeting held 'at 6:30 at 5:45< o'clock and at 7:30 o'clock Rev. ,W. Will bes Scott Westerman will speak on "The acity in Mathematics of God." jthe 6:3 Congregational Church. special In place of a sermon this Sunday given a at the 10:45 o'clock service at the Chi Congregational Church William's can- "C tata, "The Mystery of Bethelehem," (C willi be played by the choir. Edward' Sargent, of New York, a religious WOM education expert, will discuss "Shall . We . Teach Morals and Religion on TO I Week Days?" at the noon Forum. The students will meet at 5:30 o'clock for Form supper and a discussion of "The Out- tion of standing Qualities of- Jesus." for this Presbyterian Church . departn The Pastor's sermon theme at the associat 10:30 o'clock morning service at the departn Presbyterian Church this morning made at will be "Vacation." Student classes of trus will meet at noon and at 5:30 o'clock associat there will, be a Social Hour and Open j of muc House for all students. At the 6:30 tions by o'clock evening service Joseph K. the wo Heckert, '24M, will lead the discussion working on "What Makes A Worth While Va- has th cation?" cabinet St. Andrew's Episcopal Church Student Holy Communion will beoffered at advisor the usual hour, 8 o'clock. At the 10:30 The o'clock: service Mr. Edward Sargent represei of the department of religious educa- ganizat tion will 4ddress the congregation on YoungI "Week-day Religious Education." Stu- by-vote dent bible classes will gather at noon ( sent a at 306 N. Division street. The Rector l was fo will give the address at the 5 o'clock organiz evening service which is to be fol- Thec lowed by the student supper in Harris ment o hall. Prof. Louis M. Eich will read, tion is "A Christmas Carol." council First Baptist Church discuss 6 o'clock at which time Prof. . Eich will give a reading of ' "Christmas Carol." Unitarian Church h school will be held at 9:45 "Idealizing Great Men" will ermon text at the 10:30 o'clock and at this service there will cial Christmas music from s Messiah. At noon Prof.' social service class meets and o'clock young people's supper served. "The Principle'of Ver- Religion" will be discussed at. 0 o'clock evening service when, Christmas readings. will be, end songs sung. ' urch of Christ Disciples st for the World" will be the 'ontinued on Page Ten) [EN-OFS. C. A. UNF1 E WITH Y. W. al adoption of a recommenda- the executive committee that year the work of the women's vent of the Student Christian tion be united with the same nent of the Y. W. C. A. was t a recent meeting of the board tees of the Student Christian tion. This is the culmination h study of the two organiza- y those who are interested in rk, both students and those g in advisory capacities, and e support of the two student s, the board of trustees of the, t Christian association and the y committee of the Y. W. C. A. new organization which will mint the u itig of thle two or-,I ions will retain the name Women's Christian association of the students but will repre- broader scope of work than rmerly carried out by either zation. cabinet of the women's dep art- f the Student Christian associa- working as an interchurch , meeting bi-weekly for the ion of numerous problems that Rapids."' As a stage play, "Queen of the Moul- in Rouge" thrilled Broadway for over a year. The story is one that appeals! to the emotions.It is the love of an American youth in an old world set- ting; .the story of a young woman's sacrifice of the world's respect in or- der that her sweetheart might rise to fame and fortune. The motif is the bartering of a girl's good name, mak- ing her a victim of selfish desire, to give the world a genius. "The Rapids" presents the fatherly love of a lonely man for an orphan- i ed baby girl, an awe-inspiring battle of a man overcoming great obstacles fighting alone a losing game for ex- istencegagainst the greed and. avarice of "big business." Majestic The Majestic has booked what looks on paper to be the best show of the fall season. On the screen is a sure enough feature for the student body who at this time of year stand in need of a good hearty laugh. It's none oth- er than the great Broadway success "The Bad Man" with the original! SCIENTISTS, TO STUDY QUAKE ZONES OF EARTH Washington, Dec. 8-(By A.P.)--An exhaustive study of earthquakes in and near the American continent is being made by the weather bureau in cooperation with the Coast and Geo- detic Survey, the Canadian meteorolo- gical officials, anumber of universities and, about 5,000 volunteer .observers. Among the university records which are proving of great value are those kept by Father Tondorf, in charge of the seismological laboratory at Georgetown University, whose an- nouncement that a violent earthquake had been registered by his instru- ments was the first news given the world of the Japanese disaster. William J. Humphreys, professor of meteorological physics, has charge of the weather bureau's work. The purpose of the study, he said, pnimar- ily is to determine the exact locations DETROIT SYMIPONY CONCERTS Frieda Hempel, the famous color-1 atura soprano, will be the soloist at the fifth pair of concerts of the De- troit Symphony orchestra at 8:30 o'clock Thursday and Friday nights . of this week. Mme. Hempel will sing a large part of the program: the "Batti, batti O bel Masetto" from. "Don Giovanni," the "Deh vieni nom tardar" from "Le Nozze di Figaro," Richard Strauss, "Standchen," Hum- perdinck's "Wiegenlied" -and the "Sa- per vorreste" from Verdi's "Masked Ball." The orchestra, under Mr. Gabrilo- witsch, will offer Borodin's gorgeous symphony in B minor,one of the most original and richly-colored works off the composer of "Prince Igor." Men- delssohn's overture to Racine's tra- gedy, "Athalie" is the other orches- tral number. Mr. Gabri-lowitsch's plans for the remainder of the season are highly interesting. A performance of Bee- thoven's Ninth symphony will be giv- en at the holiday concerts, Dec. 27 and 28 with the assistance of the De- troit Symphony choir and a quartet of distinguished soloists. Mischa El- man, the great violinist, will play a concerto at the first pair of concerts in January while Mine. Wanda Lan- dowske, the celebrated harsichordist, will follow him in a program of Mo- zart. Plans are also being made for giving Handel's "Messiah" at the Eas- ter concerts. . CHAUVE-SOUBITS m . Detroit will have an opportunity to see and hear "The unique show of the world" when Balieff's "Chauve- Souris," "The Bat Theater of Mos- cow" comes to the Shubert-Detroit Opera house for one week, beginning tonight, on its trans-continental tour. The Chauve-Souris comes direct from Paris and New York after a contin- uous run of one year and five months in New York where its oddity together with the rare charm of the music