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December 09, 1923 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-12-09

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ameR resuLted fn a tie. Total points, tPa Pi,Pi Sgma~ Kappa and ;AhvPhaI foes last year, have, no places to fill: opens, folo ing Christmas vacation, Entries
MIHG R F I A L T A S H V ichbiigan T21, Wisonsin 73":h Rho will, be among the leadersi and with practice can round themI thc fraternity teams will get under-Ioclock, F
h ganwan Y' andlost even.Toalfrmnances of some of thrntr strs last Sigma Kappa has. been practicing The folowing basketball practice handball, ,
points, Ilichlgait 22, Ciicago '118. surner around Ann Arbor ean any- faithfully as have many of the other 1shdl o h raentcasadIcampus sl
j Purdue-Games played, svn Mc-tbiuig entrants and a hgb. class offensive u independent teams will hold for this announced
iganwon ix ad lot on. Toal lFolw ers of the acquatic sots of is expected frogi thm as from other week: 6 o'clock, tomorrow, Delta Ci, society, a
LNY L ReCinig o RD IigCOsagoER pEignt wo siand lostuoe 5..ucvrda h eet r*r~ teams.'NaSgaN;f:0t ilscey
ponsMcia 5,Pru 8. the University are expecting to see Acacia,NiSgm Nu6:0occke.
Wo*lblries i . Plotovertook -Ite., La an~ iga w he n ot oe o eea rsme faiiyadpo- Fraternity athkletic managers should Delta Upsln, Beta :Theta Pi, Alpha
ga8T,.en a p Wo i; JftY of GaCs brought him down with a u wn.thee an lstnoe.To seea rsmno blt npo rememer tltat..the entries close at 5 Rho Chi; ,7 o'clock, Sigma Alpha Mu Fratern
'00AlQpocisfyngtcl.Tisgetpa jtpits hgn10,IdaaO'clock, tomorrow afternoon, an that, Phi Rho Sigma, Phi Delta Epsilon; not forge
play'3 0q~~~~~~O and many of the faente are positive none will be.acpe after 9;0ocok lh etaPi:et ofrn
-responsible for the Chicago victory, basing their hopes solely on the abil-.l cetd ~ 'lc,~paDlaPi e~ ,,n~rn
E~tCNTAG xGINSTYARS~thatetin before. Christmas~ vacation The balance of the schedule will be tournamie
PECNAEAANTVRIY Next to the Staggzuen, Minesota ' L With 65 teams entered in the annual and two or threc days. after school announced) in Tuesday's Daily1.Tusa
-Since the frst.Conference football may be classed. as the traditional foe fraternity basketball tournament and.
am;in which Michigan ever paru ci- the prospect of more entering before'
gmofen Wolvaes rine, Micha hotk; ____________________the entries close at 5 o'clock tomor- ,
,ated the Purdue game f 1 io, w e 0 ae fo teNrtmnwo
Brine' gridders have established an 'In turn, have cone away vctorious #in- row night, the Intramural department'
enviable record in Big Ten grid cir- three encounters,, Total points show one event on the Intramural spr's expeting to sponsor the largest
de.a margin in favor of the Yostmea,, who aedrwihi bigloe o~-and most. intense court tournam~ent
°, The' Maize and Blue elevens have haesoe 8 aker t"13foward to with eagerness is the annual .nishsoyti itr h
figured, in 8f0 Conferene games in 19 teGpr.frateriityi swimming meet, the pre- Many teams have veterans for lhuhNtbuseni eea-teh i r ws t l h t r
year, of ahimh they have won 5. AtogNorheenisgeal liminaries being scheduled for 3 '- every, position and expect to make a
Michvigan has met defeatait the hands ly considered to be one of the wek- clock, tomorrow afternoon, at the Y. strong bid c for the, initial honors..
of her, jig Ten rivals, on 21 oeas er teams of the Conferenace, such,, has M"' C. A. pool, with the finals to fol- Sigma Nu, twice champions within
ioans, while three games slave resulted nt always been, the case. T he Pur- low at 3 o'clock, Wednesday afternoon thelatwoyrs:ibokdomke
sr~i cre. In the fadr-year period, pi ,. . a notne ~ci-a h am paea srong figt for the :championsip o the foods we serve,, of
ian bu pl fgiesve encTh o lnteresih-attesmepae
iofi 1913 to 1917 Michgan. took on ga u fv0imsiheWlerns Oly a few of the crack"'naviators again this year, as their team is coin- "
Jr~ ' 'have taken three out of these contests, g ' .o eean ffre a-,'
only' outside el6¢ens,j including manyhuhaeropdtetert.Th on the barn ps are Ineligible for this, podofvtrnof ome ca-
*oIthe largst schools in the East. Prl h t ~~ h a etevent and 'besides; many freshman paigns. Phi Mu Alpha, runner-ups I } I 1 r r ex celence, xrGvs ape tlee av tega slatlete,)r'ihesm sae If
" i withiio 2an 11records behind them arc Iinclud'-ls itr r I h aesaeo
Chcg ie peilom1f19 n 87; by' scores of 10-8 and tiUnvriyoCl hafryf19 ed on the entry iterest, both factosminad will be hard n uts to crack:
'beUiestofClgohs 21-12. f he.. -Sgme abd h
iehed. more.-opposition for the WQ- liimating to the 'aquatic followers, f0m heoein a'c abd!h
verhes' than ;any other school. The Folwigi M., a' rcr wt that a meet with snappy finsheo and lpa,0e, by Jack Blott, certainly "f.!+ ! P.Q
two, teams have played 18, gam es,' of te te ofrnetas clever diving stltt will be witness; fwlfgure in the fian:l gamie. a
. whichMichigan has woti. 11, while the Ilin0-Gme0",ye nie.M dh .' But,.fte above aggregations.. arec, not
,Irox have taken the honors onia o eelan otto oa Beta ThetnI'i wth its host of stars Iwithut dangerous competition. Kap-
' s o s~el ccsina I tepoints, Michigan 130, Illinois 50.'reans ,andrite'fioalsbashGow, prelm-pa youn'll Tea ;dngroreadily _ unders tand.
Ih te ee ccsos'I h owa-Gamies played, Itor. Migtlfvoit fr 'otAte relm-paNi an BtaThta ,dageou
ihatter of -comparative; points, Mich- Iisadtefnasa oKr
gnlas22 11.gan won kthree and lost one. Total m Babcock, the men who won the'
The; gamnes with Chi ago.;heve been pitMcia 7,Iw 4 chamionship for them last year, are j
Closely contested in nearly every in- -Ohi-State-Games played, 1J~ Mich- in. fine shape. Theta Chi has Whit- MAi~NAER TRYOUTS h];OR
cr'-i153Xs'sroeigan won 15 and lost three. One game tigajogon nfr e onsMINOR SPORTS WANTETr
'stace.In 903Yos's rotge~tri- ~a~sa t~e.Total points, ~ichiganr 423,,and with a little help, from the other
scdoe Maron-cladh wrios t b ar Oioette02 ten' men on Theta Chi's team, shold~i I Sohpomores who wish to try
scrn f.2-,wic stelret Nrthwestern-Gane~s played, flYeive the B1ets a close-run for their I .Out for assistant managers of
scoe mde n ay o th 18gams.Mihigan won three ad lost two. To- moefneeyeet et plb Minor Sprs whc inld'Ac aeCf
105btlwaoewh4hstat points, Michigan 7, North western latyaaentetriI oky wmig rsln,
ruilped' to iiiake Big Ten. football his- 4r"ner-u pa styarentneedag esn ,
ofyat~ htmmrbeafiWl Mneoain the meet, which absence will enablelI . and golf, report at the wrstling ( fNickelsS'
ty.IthtmmrbeaaiW- Minst-Games played, 14. Mich- many of the other fraternities a big- j room, in Waterman Gymnasujiup !M1
ter 1Ekersall, the great Chicag~o. quar- ia o -,ls headte n.grcanetgre sepot. 1btwn3ad5o'lkaydyI
t' ld i tamatsct,,, - ledT hison1, oa gtrteandttigmatesetoganr otoi a 2-0.a 3 ad5 'coc nTdo
Yictory v~t the Hi talpoints, Mihigan I80;Midnennesota Acacia s eitain to gain s ome cred- hsweko(nx.I
$athfa-aed Wilie Iiestoun it, as Donnelly and the others who won,.Iil. V. Rice, Manager.
Aeton wis probablya the -best. half- Wisconsin-Games played, 10'. Mich for thern~ last year, are. slaed for', _____________ _____
bachto eer war te Maze ad Ble, iai won seven'and lost two. Oix oeo h vns emtg, ~
a d his duel .fo'rin(Avidual honrs
it LEkersal in the. famous 1905
taa etarsabright spot ini foot- c
>all annals . Asafety was the ,narrdw S W1YEE+ T C I D!.E R iiSFR. FTHR SCHI:
n t rgidifferee, betwo-ey the ,twoF
fe'ey , At 'one tom te ,..gale. Ies- JIn 1ols. .of25 .cE gaH Rrjpr i
~~Sttm brokethrtioukh the forward wa#, D LV
shok ffEcersal, the..Chicago safe- 4l F.3# D~V1' ha o pee a bn s
niaman, nd see ob nhis way V 1~Z. I~ t~~~~ l1~ is r
"o the-tu id 'ii wi hi ou d hve iW A G NT T h , M:IL L '
~.eed icto ry for the ostmn.] Ems- . r?:P"ai <N .fi ~~ltteieseilt 6;Blnr i ea -4stt'e
iii, pu+tiit of tie Wolverine 'star, who Open Uti 9 P. Mi.-AisSun37das1
a letan on is feeit. <Showing 1,l N '4"
a teritarkaible bust of apeed, the Chi-
.Cv_. _ _iY i . / .. 'I<7

will. be accepted until 5
riday night 'for, the follow-
nural. sports: All-campus
'singles and doubles,- All-
ximming meet, events to be
1 later, independent, class
nd church basketball leagx-
ity athletic managers shouldl
,t that the, annual Western
e bowling turnament entries
i~s those for the University
ni must be In by 5 o'clock,
7 M.-AS:

""i rf i"1Y"f~fff/YYYal~fff. ffi"iYttfi, ..Y.Hif,. . . .,, /Y........ . . . . .r "1fY1 iif tiilHiYY~fft f i/fff Yi ll l f






.7 V

Neckwear-as fine a
selection as you've ever
seen: Featured $150
now at..... ...:, a,

Shirts -=£-atterns that
are pleasing and' quality
at, its best. ..$2,5 0
nl.... .....

bes Chisms.ay a ee ha.We
ta el o mk i ucesul.o
wev.aee tohman tes lik
himtfriasgood.any yars.eKNO.W
what he wants and will use. This 'store

Glovesyou can get!
exactly what he want In
this big as 3~tment'i

P a j a w a s-are gifts
that, any man is glad to,
have. Made of $Efl
best fabrics.......'ILaI

sts in ?tip O aid' three but-,
ton models, loose fitting
Chesterfield overcoats.
Fifty to sixty doll ars.

shown in'
like .one...

till the finest
He'll, ...$12

Sw ea te r. thegits
'that are certain to please
the sportsmen.' f~f
All-wool.... ..+uu


Luxurious necessitiies t
all men eniy. but rarely
buy for themsel yes n~ke,
the ni Es t lifts~. E ry
article neededf4~, a, gentle
man's outfit may be found

Luggage- certain to
delight any man. Leather
suit cases, travel -('
ing bags.:........$1

B a hr ob es-get.a
mighty' enthusiastic re-
eption "from.,any.;'man.
se1aye....... .. ..,U


is filled, with just such things.

. ?




Alf S 1te

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