SUNDAY, DEClJMP17,1Z 9, 1923 ITHE: MICH IGA N DAIL PAGE TTRK _____ ~--- - LEA UE TO SEEK MORE MErBERS' i ...,.. . fBYO FINANCIILSUCCESS operation shown by the women off. the tUniversity. After the close of tbe, bazaar a dance was held from 9 to 12 o'clock inJ B~arbour gymnasium. with. music by i # 1 i. ;.R t' # 3 111EV 11L III LITIIULI I I Chri stnas, cards ordered through Bergen's orchestra. Patrons and pat-I the Wo men's League M ay be obtained Finaacial success marked the thirdj ronesses for the dance were Dean3 Tlhrcv-day Cimp~aign' in January tat Foster's Art store uponi presenta-l annual Women''s League and Inter-. Jean Hamilton, Miss Marion H.: Blood, plaillied to Enroll Alli ;church1i2~eo~dc lak church bazaar which closed last ev-AsitndenowmnMsM- S eainiio eQI _ BIeig nBrbured P. Sherman, Prof. William- C. All women wo have takn dollsutogymnasium after =I-Tad Mrs. Hoad. The tear room,I ; r two day's sale. Kathryn Woodwardiag. bteAlaPhsorty ChARti.lOTTE L dQ,'2i Wl r e;ga fr the Y.W.(C.A. Christmas ringa yteApa h ooiy I workzshopl, ara asked to bring th~en in 'f24, general chairman, expressed her- Iwas open during, the dance A)Pl;'Sflf (i. tiotleofc ofiwbryhldungabigwllsifedtt he Te azrcoritewseso REl IIERHP'~'~ i t h fieo ebryhi uigsl sbigwelstsidxhte Tebza omte ihs t progress of the sale and with the co- expressf its appreciation for services l Life me mberships in the Universit: h isi ato ti ek of Mchigan League will be the obet Tee ilb hita eprj----- ------------------------------ of a three day campaign to I e co5 ercvice ai: 5 o'clock Wednesday in the' -------------------------------_-___-_- ducted by the w,,omen of the Univer- +I solth parlor of Newvberry hail. The,£ t sity Jan. 8, 9, 'and 10.. "Every seniorI singing; of Chlristmnas carols will form iii a pairt of the program.;aa+ a member~ is' the slogan which wiil be used by 'the committee to enroll F'e:Thin r irs' Gbe club Nrill m~eet ery senior woman as well as £- -a :17) tomei row. if the bazaar (lee- JNb A abe a pBr s cry interested undergraduate. Mein- orcat1ions are not removed from thbe, bership is $50 which may be paid 3in mile parlor of Barhou.r gymnasium~x, NEW YORK installments. te nteting wil be hcld in the School I The campaign this year is to be con- o:Msc of, Muic. ra ducted through, the individual houses,_it by which means every woman xwill be l - Will . __. - :: F personally solicited. The (late was T~l Gcr~ ir~ fls' Glee club xv*iii hold :;";? chosen as one 1, hen thle women of tl- a regular meeting at 4: 30 today in a University will have few calls for the parlors of arhovrr funds and will have (decided over the ? : Christmas vacation, to enroll., General tr'youts for the Junior Girls'a Charlotte Blagdon, '25, heads, the Iplay Y ill be continued fromt 2 to 4*a committee to condclt thedr ive, hay- i olok tol iotrrow in Sa h 5Cas I Jl,, ' A ing on her central committee Ellura! Angell hall. The large numbcr of wox- I Hlarvey, '25, F+rances Maas, '25, l3ea- m ren who triedl out make this last try-aLEN L1U L:. ta Wagner, '25pand Marion, Barlow, I out iiec sary. * aELHO E '25. There will. also .be a large comn- : mittee to wor'k. thr~ugb. U cthou1.3ISes "i ''iw~ery (n t 32 : ;; : I wihich vili be chosen at a later (late.# "Literature for Children of Pre- ;:; ,TOMORpRO~rV . -- school Age" will be- the subject of the : IluiIsl W;Aomn's Cis1b o XMeet. 1talk to be given by Miss Edith Bader,Al' ' i an s1 I The Bus-.iness a-nd Professional 4'o0-':.perintc~zilent of the. elementary A /sk your friends iLap astern college men's club xvil hold regular morn- schools of.Anin Arbor, at the month,-S. 6 i f y': a. n G r f f ; ''- t : f~r'"t "Pisf SUNDAY - MONDAY --TUESDA ti~he irres istibleand ey V o = .., t. +y ,. . , u a SR4YW4 YRJEGULAR PRICEr CCLAIMS THE. TITLE FOR FAST ~ D FURIOUS ACTIION IlN hEIIR, LATEST VEHICLE~ Icomedy drama in which this charming er, best. WVith a rapidly moving plot, humorous, situations, and garnished with A surprising. dramatic action. ill, as one critic exclaimed, "It's a piece nee," which can't be resisted by the ceking public. i f Mother and sister, freindis in college with you, the many others you'll want to re- m.ember - all will be delighted with Chistnia s gifts from Goodyear's. There's: something here that will appeal, to every feminine fancy-and1 every purse! Apeach colored en- $ . fan o fostricha or veto pe chemtrise that - :".. **. . . . coque .is a delight ful cannot fail to Taim ad- g~~~~':1. ift. Straighat or curt- miration at' Ohristmas, : -ed. Single plume and. to. Lace ;trinpitd. _ spread shapes. All' $5.50,colors. $7:5o to $18. _' t II f. AGAIN RI AND a . ; a,' ' i " Fr : Mother will like -a new scwing basket. Of straw. and wicker. Satin lined.. Lquipped with sew ing needs. $1.25 to $5.25.. I' P A delightful star is at hE stuffed withl appealing an( Or better stil De Resistan himusenment-s< Two gift purses! ''The Pouch is of black velvet. $6. The one-strap handle. purst, is of brown leather. $55o.a Both have mirrors and coin. purses. I ? ~~d WITH A CAST IINCLlJDIN G ~ Ideal for winter sports, wear are. these - knit .gauntlets in brow n . headher w iith fancy checked cofs. $.0 Earrinjgs are gifts* that many 11of ;our :frieags W0l tlike. These newestushapes are in coral, jet and. jade. $1.25... Yorn youtng sister* at, home will enjoy one of these brushed wool, sweat ers. .Slipovcr and 'button-front styles. $5.50. Newesyt in neckweamr s this. collar and cuff set of white linen. Filet trimme~d.' A_ dain- ty gift. $x.25, The gift superb will be a fur choker! Fox, op possum, sable, marten, itch, or. squirrel. $9r5o to $75. This H-ull silk, umbrellac WI delight its recipient. in navy, brow~n, or black, Detachable handle. $io. Ii "- A This Donatello pottery makes. a charming -gift. finish with pattern in and brown. $5.: bowl Ivory green WARNER BAXTER ROSEMARY dTHEBYl\. WALTERWLLS / W R BI