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December 09, 1923 - Image 1

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VOL. XXXIV. No. 66





- _____________ - I

! . --1

George Booth Delivers Main Address
at Banuet Sponsored by
A formal reception, a pagent of the
arts, and a dinner comprised the pro-
gram given by the flhool of archi-
tecture yesterday in honor of Eliel
Saarinen, famous Finnish architect
who has been acting as assistant pro-
fessor of* architecture here since the
middle of Novemeber
The reception, coming 1jrst on the
program, was attended by more than
300 people, including a special dele-
gation of 80 prominent architects from
firms in Detroit, among them being
Mr. Albert H. Kahn, designer of some
of the buildizgs on the campus. Sev-1
eral .of the most remarkable of Mr.
Saarinen's works were on exhibition
at this time in the )corridors of the
architectural college. The works of
Mr. Saarinen were pronounced by
many to be some of the most inter-
esting and beautiful ever seen, and!
to represent a distinct departure from
he classic type in vogue at this time.I
he architect brought with him the
finished drawings he made for his sug-
gestion to relieve traffic conditions in
Chicago, as well as photographs of
a railroad station which was built in
Finniand from plans he created. All
the display may be seen in the cor-
ridors of the - architectural college.
Engineering Rooms Deorated
Prof. Emil Lorch, and Mrs. Lorch,
Prof. Saarinen and &lrs. Saarinen,
Dean Paterson, and Mrs. Paterson,
and Mr. and Mrs. Maon acted as host
y for the affair, and formed the recev-
ing line to welcome the visitors at the
reception. The engineering club rooms
were eompletely remodelled, and dec-
orated with seven large batiques,. the
work of Mrs. Saarinen. Two samo-;
vars supplied the tea, and refresh-
ments were served by the girls of the
classes in arciitecture..
Mr. George G. Booth, president of
the Detroit Evening News association,
was the principal speaker at the ban-
quet tenderedMr. Saarinen at 7:30 o'-
clock in the Union dining room. Prof.
Lorch again presided, and introduced
Regent, Hubbard, .Dean George W.
Paterson,. of the engineering college,
and Mr Eliel Saarinen, all of whom
made short talks. Mr. Booth was the
speaker at the Western Conference
Editorial associat.ion banquet held at
the Union Friday night.
Students in Pagent
The Pagent of the Arts was held in
the assembly room of the Union yes-
terday afternoon at 6:30 o'clock. More
than 100 students took part on the
pagent, and represented the progress
of art throughout the ages. Henry'S.
Booth, '24A, was the grand master,
and was in ;charge of the cominmittee
responsible for the pagent. Cos-
tumes and robes, representing the dif-
ferent countries and the different
forms of art, and collected by both,
during his recent trip to the Europe-
an countries, were given an added
touch by the $ickering light of 60 can-
dies. Winifred Smeaton, '24, gave a
fancy' dance to the music of Schu-
bert's "Marche Militaire".
Mr. Saarinen is to leave for Paris
on the last of this month, where he
will serve on a jury .of award at the
request of the French architectural so-

Alumni here of the University of
Kansas will hear the radio program
that is'to be sent from the Kansas
institution from 9 to 11 o'clock to-
morrow night at Lane Hall. The pro-
grar nwil include the University song
and talks by professors.' The pur-
pose of carrying out this program is
to bring agar the Kansas alumni
scattered all over the -United 'States
in intimate touch with the school..
Detroit Edison Man to Speak
Alexander Dow, president of the De-
troit Edison company, will= be the
principal speaker at the All-electrical
smoker which is to be held in th(
upper reading room of the Union at
7 o'clock tomorrow night.
Washington, Dec. 8.-Call for a
meeting of the national Democrati
committee in Washington, Jan. 15 tc

Efrem -Zimbalist, renowned young
Russian violinist will make his first
appearance in Ann Arbor, as soloist
at the fourth Choral Union concert in
Hill Auditorium, Wednesday evening,
Dec. 14. Mr. Zimbalist was the first
of the pupils of Leopold Auer to be-
come famous in America. He was
acclaimed and established as a peer
among violin virtuosos upon his first
appearance with the Boston Sym-
phony orchestra in 1911. Zimbalist
began his early musical training as a
student of both violin and piano, and
his surprising facility with the form-
er instrument led to his being sent
to the Petrograd conservatory to study
under the "master of masters", Auer.
A few tickets for this concert re-
main, and may be obtained at the
School of Music.
,More Than 100 Pay Tribute to Coaches
and Team In Chamber of
More than 100 Detroit Alumni
friends of the University, and High
school athletes paid tribute to the
200 football men of Michigan, who
brought the season to a happy close,
at the annual Varsity banquet held
last night atthe board of commerce
in Detroit.
Frank Murphy,c11L, who presided
and then introducted Mason P. Rum-
ney, '08E, who outlined the plans of
the Alumni for getting real men at
Michigan. "S" 1Huston then asked for
ten seconds silent tribute to Bernard
Harry G. Kpke,'24 spoke onsthe
spirit that pervaded the team as a'
wole. Stanley Muirhead, '24, Irwin
Uteritz, '24 and Herbert Steger, '25
also talked.
Coach Yost presented the 21 "M"
men with gold footballs. He paid
tribute to the ppart that Captain Kip-
ke played in the season and said in
conclusion "that the team that fights
squarely and with determination can-
not be whipped."
President Marion L. Burton will ad-
dress the captains and lieutenants in
charge of the Student Christian asso-
cition financial campaign at noon,
Tuesday, in the dining room of the
Methodist church. The cabinet mem-
bers of the S.C.A. have also been in-
vited to attend.
Plans and policies of the campaign
which will be held after the Christ-
mas vacation will be discussed follow-
ing President Burton's address.
Juarez, Mexico, Dec 8--(By A.P.)-
Orders to reinforce the garrison in
this city with approximately 400 men
were given by General Eugenio :Mar.
tinez, commander'of the Nortlkern Mil-
itary zone.
Additional. caalry men will bid
brought to the city inAmediately from
I Villa 'Ahumada, a station about half
way between Juarez and the capitol of
the state. The step simply is a pre-
cautionary measure against anything
I that may arise.

Music Students
Win Scholarships
Appointment of students to receive
the four scholarships offered to the
school by the Juilliard Musical found-
' ation of New York city have been
made from students now enrolled in
the School of Music.
T hey are. Lucile Bellamy, '25, vio-
lin; Ruth Stiller, S. of , M. piano;
Donna H. Esseltyn, S. of M., piano;,.
and Gerhard, C. Binhammer, S.. of .M.,
organ. These students will each
have the advantage of a scholarship
for this year. No appointment for the
graduate fellowship has yet been
1 made.
t . Hobart Holds Dance
The Hobart Guild held it's regular
monthly dance last night at Harris
I hall. The party was well attended.
0 Gothenburg, Sweden, Dec.. 8.-


The We'k's News
In rief
The following column is a sur-
vey of the news 6f the world dur-
ing the past wee , compiled from
the press. An a tempt has been
made to present the neWvs as brief-
ly and concisely 'as possible.
President Coolidge's, address was
delivered after a three- day deadlock in
which the progressive bloc held the
"balance of power". The bloc would
allow Congress to proceed only after
extracting promises of extensive re-
vision of house rules. Congress, in
general, reacted favorably to his mes-
sage, which will also be his platform
for re-election.
Ensuing reactions:
Representative Nelson, leader of the
progressives said it contained little
that would please tf e country. Wall
street and business interests consider
it sound and constrictive. The Amer-
ican Legion growls, at the treatmentj
of the bonus question. Senator Ship-

Vachel Lindsay Will Appear
Tomorrow On Whimsies Course

Hague Minister Instructed
Negotiations for Like
With Holland

to Begin

Vachel Lindsay, the singing poet,
will open the annual Whimsies lec-
ture course at 8 o'clock . tomorrow
night in Hill auditorium. He has not
announced his subject but will prob-
ably speak on some phase of modern
poetry, and is expected to read some
of his own verses.
He is peculiar in that he is more
like a troubadour than a poet. When
listening to him read his own works,
the audience is transplanted to the
middle ages; Lindsay, the troubadour,
is traveling from castle to castle,
singing his original verse to the bar-
Combines Verse and Tone
In this particular Mr. Lindsay is a
hang-over from the middle ages, from
the ancient Greeks, and from the prim-'
itive nations, for he makes an appeal
for closer relations between poet and
audience, for a return to healthier
open-air conditions and immediate
personal contact. And yet Lindsay is
ahead of his time. He is striving to
take poetry out of the library, the

closet. and to restore it to the audi-
ence-chamber. To quicken the pub-
lic interest in poetry, Lindsay has
brought forward a peculiar combin-
ation of Yt~e and tone. An analysis
of his works would probably reveal
about two-thirds poetry and one-third..
music or simple tunes. I
Tilley to Introduce Him
Nicholas Vachel Lindsay was born
in Springfield, Illinois, in 1879. After
graduating from Hiram college he
spent three years at the Chicago Art
institute and then three more at the
New York School of Art under Chase
and Henri. In 1905 he started his ca-
reer as a lecturer, from which he
gradually worked into his chosen
work, poetry. He was first brought to
light as a poet with the first issue
of "Poetry, a Magazine of Verse," in
the autumn of 1912. ,
Prof. Morris P. Tilley of the English
department will introduce Mr. Lindsay
tomorrow. Tickets for the lecture may
be obtained at the bookstores and at
the box office in Hill auditorium at
50 cents each.

Yost Speaks on "Professionalism";
Plans Completed for Next
Pleading for clean journalism which
would do away with sensationalism
and place before the public the every-
day-facts of life, unexaggerated, Wil-
lis John Abbot, '84L, editor of the
Christian Science Monitor,'spoke be-
fore the delegates of the Western Con-
ference Editorial convention yester-
day at the Union
Sensational journalism is one of the

Washington, Dec. 8.-(By A.P.)-
Announcement was made at the state
department today that a commercial
treaty had been signed with Germany
to replace the similar convention ab-
rogated at the time of the war, and
that instructions had been sent to
the minister at the Hague, Richard
M. Tobin, to begin negotiations of a
similar treaty with the Dutch govern-
The action marks a forward step in
the purpose of the Washington gov-
rnment to make over all of its gen-
ral commercial agreements with
>ther countries in the light of changed
world conditions due to the World
war. No detailed information, con-
erning the negotiations however has
been made available here, beyond that
ll of the new treaties are to rest up-
>n most favored treatment for Ameri-
an nationals.
With the signing of the new German
treaty another international agree-
nent has been added to the list which
await senate ratification. The two
laims with Mexico which are the
basis of restoration of diplomatic re-
lations between Washington and
Mlexicotity, will be sent to the Sen-
te next week.
Behind some of the grievances lie
the special liquor treaty now in pro-
progress of negotiation with the Brit-
ish government.
Negotiations similar to those at the
Hague are expected in Paris, Madrid,
Rome, Tokio and certain Latin-Am-
erican capitols.
x '
Herbert Steger, '25, and Eldon Wie-
nan, '20, will be principgl speakers at
he smoker of the junior literary class
which will be held at '7:0 o'clock'
Tuesday in the readin'g room of the
Union. The speakers have not yet
announced their subjects.
Kennedy's Six of Diamonds will
furnish the music for the Smoker. Re-
freshinents will be served. Tickets are
now on sale for50 cents.
Capt. F. Eii. Collins of the R. O. T. C.
wi'l give a lecture accompanied by
moving pictures on topography and
map reading at '4 o'clock tomorrow in
t'he Natural Science auditorium.
The pictures used ,by Capt. Collins
will show recent developments of aer-
ial photography applied to map mak-
"Mike" Wins Even
Feminine Hearts
Make-up, "Mike" Ames, and a smile
from the one man we knew at the play
gave us greater satisfaction at the
matinee performance yesterday 01
'Cotton Stockings", the eighteenth an-
nual Union opera, than anything else
in the show.
The beautiful gowns, the dancing
and' the lights did not fail to impress
us but the black eyes of Claribel were
a work of art, while her hair-ex-
quisitely carrotty!!!
But "Mike" Ames was a dear and
won even our feminine hearts., He i
by far the most beautiful "girl", the
best dancer, and the ;most convincin
actor of the whole conpany.. Broad-
way is used to beautiful 'clothes, anil
it, will be unimpressed by the dancig,
but we predict that Mr, Ames'. deligh-
ful simulation of a, beautiful girl wil
score him an immense success. i
figure, his smile, an the grace with'
which he wore. his gowns shoul
please the most satiated taste wheth
er it is on Broadway or in Saginaw

Washington, Dec. 8.-Michigan's ex
act center of population as determine(

~ -1

teady wasn't disapp?inted because hie most detrimental things possible, Mr.
didn't expect much". Senator Magnu fAbbot declared. "Diseased thought
Johnson said its only commendable impressed upon the mind will ut-
Uts d h simately appear in the physical self,"
point nas he said. "Mental, impressions are
* * bound to produce physical manifest-
Over 700 bills were poured into the GIES NEW RLICS PLENIAIIY Pations."
legislative hopper, pointing to a busy Causes Crime Waves
sesson f Cogres. ne avoctedAn example of this was given by
session of Congress. One advocated Gilded Scepters and Royal Insignia Cabinet' to Bun Government Affairs Mr. Abbot as the effect of city news-
the reapportionment of the house on Discovered by Excavators at Without Parliamentary papers on crime waves. He told of
I Luxor Sanction factual statistics that have been con-
changing the present number of rep- jiedb_ zpiledhby o
resentatives-.y organ ns sowng were
« * * CARTER HOPES TO FIND PRESENT COALITION PARTIES two crime waves started in Cleveland
Secretary hughes' speech, in which COMPLETE COURT DRESS UNDIVIDEDLY SUPPORT BILL after the newspapers had begun pub-
he upheld the Monroe doctrine as the I started these waves he said giving
cardinal point in o0r foreign policy, Luxor, Egypt, Dec. 8-(By A.P.)- Berlin, Dec. 8-(By A.P.)-Chancel- publicity to ordinary crime stories to
was hailed with cclaim by South Removal of the doors of the great for Marx's authorization law granting tide them over a period when there
America. The Italian press interpre- blue and gold canopy over the nest his cabinet pleniary powers to run was little news, with the result that
ed it to mean that the United States
was t deni withdrawn from Eur- of shrines in Tutenkhamen's tomb has, the government affairs without par- atheir readers were placed in a ment-
has not deinielyal attitude that soon found 'physical
opean politics. Grmany complained it is understood, revealed a find which liamntary sanction for an' indefinite manifestation in an actual increase
at its .tone because it means she will constitutes an excellent argury for period was adopted by a heavy major- in crime.
get no help at the present time. She Howard Carter's high hopes of disov- Ity in the Reichstag today. According to Mr. Abbot there are
accuses Hughes of being. under the ery for the first time in the history of The bill had the undivided support three city papers in the United States
influence of French propoganda. I that are universally recognized as
1* n r aEgyptology, the full picturesque re- of the four middle parties which con- freefrom sensatonaisem," thedNew
It is estiniated that 10,000,000 school galia of an Egyptian king. stitute the present coalition and the York Evening Post, the Boston 'Tran-
children had the Monroe Doctrie read This find is a large collection of full approval of the United States script, and the Chicago Evening Post.
and explained t them. It was a part gilded scepters both of the variety socalsts. "They represent the best type of even
of the recogti $ion of the centenary of with soping '.hed pieces ad of the While the law primarily is intended ing paper journalism," he stated,
the doctrine. equally'ell'tkn4wn 4ookshape,. h to enable the government to pro- "ut their' circulation is shameftul.
one signifying power orstrength and nounce emergency legislation of an Papers in which 'people express ap '
- EViceIent Marsh"l gd a the . pther rule. The Egyptian god, economic and social nature, it is suf- proval are not the ones that they
league of weernm nations aa the logi- Osiris, is habitually depicted as car- ficiently elaborate to permit an ad read"..
cal extension of the doctrine's prin- rying one or both. There were also justmentnof the arblei .New' Type Advertsing
ciples. discovered various staves, one of the governme rt in the ohinland. It is to advertising that we may
* * *( which, with a heavy solid head, splen- look to clean up'the newspapers;" Mr.
The rum lAeetmoved from the three didly jewelled in faience and glass. All - Abbot went on.' "ii the last ten years
mile limit to the 12 mile limit, in pre- these articles bear the now' familiar toe W ill Be here ras been one of the biggest ad-
paration for the ratifictiou of the new cartouche of Tutenkhamen. vances in journalism possible, not
British "liquor treaty. The, fleet is 'Another alabaster vase of fine Base F N avin the news co"lumns, but on the ad-
larger than-ever 'before, in anticipa- workmanship also is said to have been IL ' Auvertising pages.- A few years ago dis-
tion of th'e Christmas trade. found. These articles were removed gusting medical adds filled the ages.
**with the utmost Paet h ne iolar Fl ht guinmecaadsildte
i the utmost tare to the ante- ' Now they have been entirely elimi -
President Coolidge authorized the chamber of te tomb for preliminary ted.
formation of a navy expedition to ex- 1 preservative treatment in preparation Washington, Dec. 8-(By A.P.) "It is the decent advertisers that
plore over 1,000,000 square miles of C for their transfer to the laboratory 'Possibility that Nome, Alaska, will be have made such a change possible.
territory around the north pole. War- I in the tomb of Setr II selected as the "jump off" base for They objected to having their paid ad
ships, aeroplanes and dirigibles will .-- the navy's polar flight next summer vertisements placed beside the .cheap
be used.;Aj developed today at the session of the disgusting displays that patent medi-
* * * 10 ERA SL E 1Ispecial planning board preparing re-t cine firms advanced. As a result the
The military history of the United T' commendations for Secretary Denby. i better element now monopolizes the
States "is an unbroken record of gov- S I EIInformation placed befoie the board advertising columns."
ernmentai inefficiency, said Admiral indicated that a.flight from Nome Howard A. Donahue, '24 managing
Sims. * **effTckescfrheaecoAdmtrape- could be attempted three months ear- editor of The Daily, in acting as toast-
Tickets for the second extra perIier than if Point Barrow were' nam- master at the luncheon, expressed
Over 2,800,000 Ku Kuxers revolted formance of' "Cotton Stockings ed as the starting tthe gratitude. of Michigan in having
against their mother organization. eighteenth Union 'opera, that will be ie athd weater onditions permit Mr. Abbot as a speaket. on the occasion
h * * held Thursday night at the WhitneyI e Ne citions ermit andthabntked him for 'his interest i
'The' tariff is an international; theater, will continue on sa et a od hle PtotB-ro rmans'ppearing before the delegates.
swindle advocated by knaves and be- morrow. Although a large number of Ias told, while Point Barrow remains Officers were elected and final busi-
ieved- in by fools." "The seat of te the seats were sold yesteday, th ice bound until Augt.ness of the convention conducted . at
government is in New York, not Wash- are still a number of god seats that the closing sessions of the Western
ington "Congress is but a rubbermay be obtained in the house.-n Conference Editorial association held
stampfor our President." These are The scheduling of the extra per- I n Iat the meeting yesterday morning at
Peter Witt's ideas as to "what's wrong formance was necessitatedby the un- the Union
with America." Witt invented a 'kind I usual demand for seats for this year's Torrey B. Sterns of the University
of troey car. show. The entire house 'for the six , WIL LUVAII1N OFIE of Illinois was-elected president of the
regular shows and the one extra pre- association for the coming year. The
formance was sold out far in advance I other officers elected were: vie
FOREIGN and the demands of those who could PREMIER BITTERLY ATTACKED pesident, B. i ehart Pur ufvi-
'As a result of the election, the re- not see the opera here caused the BY NEWSPAPERS AND versity;i secretary, Porter F. Butts,
turn of the old Lloyd George war-time extra showing. OWN PARTY University of Wisconsin; and treas-
coalition became likely. Labor and The ticket sales for the opera in urer, R. E. 3arthaldi, University of
the Liberals won a big victory over other cities in which it will appear London, Dec. 8-(By A.P.)-One of Minnesota.
Baldwin's conservatives. The election has also been reported to be record- the most remarkable weeks in the It was also' decided that th next
was characterized by many displays breaking. whole history of British politics clos- meeting of the association would be
of violence. es with the burning question on ev- held in May, 1924, at the Universty'
*a * erybodys lips whether Stane Bald- of Illinois. Jt has been the original
Five 'Mexican states are in revolt. win will resign. E intention of' the association to hold
These revolutions are a part of one TI U L9YI ILLThe premier will be a brave man the meetings in May in order to allow
de la Huerta's pre-election campaign if he stands to the helm, for seldom the editors and managers of the pap-
i for the presidency. The Mexican na- M CLIhas suchof any stormbrokenThe aroundbitter- ers who take over their positions the
vy, .arid large sections of the :army -hamno n eae.Tebte-, following fall to have the benefit cf, .
have gone over to him. The Mexican - - est attacks come from the newspapers the discussions
embassy at Washington is worried ov- Faculty members of the School of and members of his owi party, but yost Speaks
er the'affair, as it occurs on. the eve Music will offer their second Twilight for his decision to appeal to the elec- A point meeting of all delegates-
of Mexican recognition by the United Facilty concert at 4:15 o'clock this torate on the protection question, they present started, the work, of the con.
States. afternoon in Hill auditorium, Mrs. Wil- say, the' conservatives might have re- vention yesterday morning. Coach
* * * {liam Wheeler, soprano, Mrs. Maud Ok- mained in power for some years, per- Coach Fielding ,H. Yost, speaker on
General Ludendrff said: "Germany Fkelberg, pianist, and Mr. Albert Lock-.. suing the policy of tranquility which the occasion,addressed the delegates
has considered the possibility of war wood, pianist,'will be the soloists. Out- the country welcomed so warmly on "College Athletics as affected -by
with France and its under vassals." standing on the program will be the I when the late Andrew Bonar Law an- Professionalism.
* * * numbers, by Mr. Lockwood and Mrs. nounced it, hardly more than a year Following this .meeting, the editors
An. American military expert says Okkelberg, of Mr. Lockwood's trans- ago. , and business managers met in seper-
this can not be because: 1--Every cription of the Rubinstein Sonata, Op-- Of all of Baldwin's one time sup- ate groups for discussions, A resol-
German fort is within the ranging us 12, arranged for two pianos. porters, the morning Post is almost ution awas adopted by the meeting of
power of the French fleet of 10,000 Following is the program they will alone in reiterating its confidence in the managing , editors favoring a'
aeroplanes, while Germany has none; offer: Elegie, Rameau-Godowsky; him and arguing that the party must "Round Robin" plan proposed by R.
2-Germany's steel, coal, and chemi- Tambourin, Rameau-Godowsky; Bar- not try protection. E. Barthaldi of the University of Mia-
cal plants are in French hands; 3- carolle, Moszkowski; Dance of the El- : nesota.- The plan provides for a def-
Frances could over-run most of Ger- ves, Sapolinikog; by Mrs. Okkelberg McGill to Make Address inite schedule for the rotation f
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