THE MICHIGAN DAILY im, I "awe"Ra- i AILY. OFFICIAL BULLETIN >lication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all, members of University. Copy received by tih Assistant tv the .Prosident until 0 p. m. (11:30 a. m.. Saturda-v.i ue 4 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1923 Number 6 Senate Council: The next regular meeting of the Senate Council will be held on Mon- day, December 10, at 4:15 in the President's office. F. E. Robbins, Secretary. LiUnvaccinated Students: ,r Students who have had no successful vaccinaton,.-are hereby totified that as ,long as they remain unvaccinated, the Health Service will not be financially responsible for their care, should they contract .Smallpox. A third student has recently developed that disease and, we' are con- cerned by the presence of it in several nearby towns. WarrenE. Forsythe. ro All Students: Students having in their possession books drawn from the University Library are notified that all such books are due Monday, December 10, on account of the impending Christmas vacation. Wm. W. Bishop, Librarian. ro Residents of League Houses and Dormitories: It is imperative that all signing out slips be brought to the office of the Dean of Women without delay. Jean Hamilton, Dean of Women. Architectural Reception, Pageant, and Dinner:- On Saturday afternoon, December 8, the architectural faculty will give an informal reception for Professor and Mrs. Saarinen at 4:30 o'clock in he Engineering Library. To this a cordial extended to mem- >ers of the various faculties and their wives. A number of batiks by. Mrs-. Saarinen will be on display. At .6:15 o'clock the architectural students will give a pageant in the ball-I. 'oon of the Michigan Union, tickets for which may be secured at Room 207 Lngineering Building, telephone 95 University, or at the desk of the Michi- an Union. At 7:30 o'clock a dinner will be given in honor of Professor Saarinen n the main dining room of the Michigan Union. The dinner is under the oint auspices of the Michigan Chapter of the American Institute of Arch- tects, the Michigan Society of Architects, the Architectural Society of the Jniversity, and the architectural faculty. Owing to limited accommodations* ut a few tickets remain available for the dinner and these may be secured it Room 207, Engineering Building. Dinner tickets also admit to the pag- ant. Arthur K. Hyde, Chairman. students in Business Administration: We are receiving calls from time to time from business firms looking for nen graduating at the end of the present semester. Students interested in ecuring positions at that time shoild leave their names at the office, 105, Dconomics Building. E. E. Day. Seniors in Business Administration: Applications for the special certificate in Business Administration must e filed on or before Friday, December 14. There will be no later opportun- ty to register. . E. Day. opography and Nap Reading: A lecture accompanied by moving pictures will be given by Captain F. E. ollins, of the R. 0. T. C., on Monday, December 10th, at 4:00 'p. m. in the vatural Science Auditorium, The pictures will sh6w recent developments f aerial photography applied to map making, and will be especially val- able in visualizing topographic maps. The lecture will be of. great inter- st to all engineering students, particularly civils, - to- all architects, and andscape architects, to all interested in military training, motoring, moun- ain climbing, road construction and real estate development. The lecture 'as been arranged through the courtesy of Major W. T: Carpenter. Mem- ers of faculty will kindly announce to classes interested. Alex L. Tro ut. WHAT'S GOING ON SAtURDAY 9:00--Joint meeting of editors and business managers of W. C. E. A. in second floor reading room, Union. 10:00-Students' Knicker Outing club meets at the Congregational church for a walk. 12:00-Union board of directors' lunch, room 319, Union. 12:00-Alpha Omicron PI lunch, room 321, Union. 2:00-Matinee performances of "Cot- ton Stockings." Delegates of W. C. E. A. attend. 2:30-Sophomore lits' premiere dan- sante in Union assembly hall. 0 : UnAlpa Chi Sigma dinner, room 323, Union. tOO-SeWa'p and Blade Initiation In Willett's cafe. 7:00Alpha Epsilon P1 meets in room 319, Union. 7:00-Upper Room Bible class meet- ing in Upper room, Lane hall. 7 :30.-Craftsmen meet in Masonic tem- ple. Degree work. 7:30-Architects dinner, room 318, Union. 8:00-Chinese Students' club election and business meeting in Lane hall. 8:00OFInal local performance of Mich- igan Union opera "Cotton Stock- ings" at Whitney theater. 8:00-Unitarian students' union meet- ing in church. Alfred W. Hobart, national field secretary of the S. F.. R. L. will be a guest. SUNDAY 9:30 a. m.-Uviversity, Mens' Bible class in Upper room, Lane hall. 10:45-Christmas cantata in Congre- gational church. 12:00-Baptist Students' Bible class. in Baptist guild house. 4:00-Society of Friends meets in Up- per room, Lane hall. 4 :00-Un iversity chapter,.DeMolay, meets in room 306, Union. 4;00-6:00-Reception for Major Arthur in assembly room of Union. 5:30-Presbyterian Young Peoples' so- ciety meets in Presbyterian church. 5:SO-Lutheran Students' Forum in Lutheran chapel. 5:30-Congregational students' supper in Congregational church. 6:00-Baptist students' gull socialj hour. 6:30-Baptist students' devotional pro- gram in Guild house. U-NOTICE Sophomore engineers pay class dues onday, Tuesday, and Wednesday afternoons in the engineering li- brary. Dues are $1 if paid at this time, or $1.25 if payed after vaca- tion. KELSEY TO READ PAPER AT PRINCETON MLETIN6I Prof. Francis W. Kelsey of the Lat- in department will read a paper on "A! Waxed Tablet of the Year 128 A.D." before the fifty-fifth annual meeting of the American Philological society Dec. 27 to 29 at Princeton univer- sity. The meeting is being hcld in conjunction with the sessions of the Archaelogical institute of America and the College Art association of America. Prof. Fisk Kimball of New York uni- versity, formerly assistant professor of architecture at Michigan, will ad- dress the same gathering on "Luci- ano da Laurana and the High Ren- aissance." "Some Aspects of the Lit- erary Art of Apuleius in the Meta- morphosis" is the subject of B. E. Perry, '15, of Western Reserve uni- versity. CURTISS ADDRESSES WOMEN IN LANSING 'MER"RICK FF CHINES] I have been so busy showing my rugs to time to write my article about them. morrow. Mrs. H. B. E RUGS ,a0TTE" ' Prof. Ralph H. Curtiss, of the as- tronomy department and acting di- rector of University observatory gave an illustrated lecture on "What every- one should know about astronomy" before the Woman's club of Lansing yesterday afternoon. Daily classiftea ror rear results. oday that I have not had It will be continued to- Merrick Phone 265-J. ltiilIl ilIllltllI lllI ll111111iE l Ei|i' ; LOST BUT NOT LEAST As yet the lost chord has not been found, but "Husk" O'Hare is hot on its trail. He is due to connect Friday night, the- 28th. This will be decidedly one on Orpheus, Apollo, and Mozart, I who fell by the wayside in their search. Chicago's First Intercollegiate Bal, Ballroom, Drake Hotel, December 28. llll N II tllll ll lii li ililll1111111Ei .iliitttiit!liiifitRiiiitiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiifiiiiiiiiii"a!li ii.fiiltiiiii...... A" # 1 ' NOWE , I i JUST READY 1924 BEST EVER The Michigan Calendar One page of the President and Deans-and twelve pages of Campus views, including the Clements Library, New Engineering Laboratories, the Model High School, the Lawyer's Club, the new Literary Building, Yost Field House and the New Hospital. Price. 78a I w AHR9S UNIVERSITY BOOKST O R E I Pd .._.. k. MIAW FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 4 R. EDWARD SAYLES, Minister HOWARD R. CHAPMAN Minister of University Students Chur ch cvte BETHLEHEM EVANGELICAL CHURCH (Evangelical Synod of N. A.) 4th Ave., near Packard G. A. NEUMANN, Pastor I 10:30-"No Man LiveU Unto Him- self," Mr. Sayles. Would not Christianity acconm- 12:00-Sunday School. 6:00-B. Y. P. U. at Church. push more if more would try to COACH BARKER ISSUES CALL FOR WRESTLERS Coach Barker of the wiestling team has issued a call for all men who are interested in trying out for the wrestling team to meet at the gymnasium at 9:30 'o'clock today. Thre wrestling teams this year will be more of a feature than ever before. ersity of Michigan Band: Special interurban cars will leave the I'nterurban Depot at 12 o'clock today for trip to Dtroit. Further iustructions, will be given on the >Full dress uniforms with capes. By order of the Director. William Graulich, Jr. Asst. Manager. 12:00-Students' Class in Guild House. Mr. Chapman's topic: "The Christian Law of LoVe." 5:00 to 6:00-Students Friendship Hour andRefreshhments. 6:00-Prof. Louis M. Eich will give a reading of Dicken's "Christmas Carol." UNITARIAN CHURCH State and Huron Streets SITDNEY S. ROBINS, MInister Dec. 9, 1923. 9:45 A. M. Church School 10:30 A. M. Morning Service; Christmas Music from Handel's Messiah. Sermon: "Idealizing Great Men." 12 M. Professor Wood's Social Service Class. 5:45 Young People's Supper 6:30 P. M. Christmas Readings and Songs "The principle of veracity in religion." 1 use it? CHURCH OF CHRIST DISCIPLES Temporary Home LANE HALL F. P. ARTHUR, Pastor Sunday School at 9:00 a m. 9:00-Sunday School and Bible Classes. 10:00-English Services. 11:00-German Services. ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH (Missouri Synod) Corner Third and West Huron Sts. CARL A BRAUER, Pastor SERVICES 9:30-Services in German. 11:30,-Services in English. Sermon Subject: "Advent of, the King of Glory." 5:30-Student Social Hour. 6:00-Students' Christmas Jubilee 7:30-Advent service, with sermon by the Pastor. Nights, - 500 to 2,5 0 ARRCK ot edmt. S0o to 31.o0 e Most Exciting Play Ever Written AT AND THE CANARY Presented by the Company Which Played Chicago All Last Season The CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR is on sale at the HRISTIAN SCIENCE READING RooM 236 Nickels Arcade. I - I YourChristmas Portrait 9:30-Bible School. 10:30-Morning Service. Sermon Topic: "Christ for the World." 12:00-Men's Service Club, led by Dr. Stouffer. 6:30-Christian Endeavor. Student Classes at Noon In Lane HallReading Rooms Mr. Coffman, Leader ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH Washington St. and Fifth Ave. E. C. STELLHORN, Pastor -0- "The beauty and strengthsof Christ's doctrine of man as a creature of God lies in the fact that he assumed it with un- shaken conviction of its truth and acted upon it always and everywhere." -0- 10:30 A.M.-Holy Communion. 5:30 P.M.-Student Forum. Fol- lowing the supper and social hour, Joseph H. Benkert will lead in discussing: "Distinguishing Char- atcteristics of the Luth- erant Church." 7:30 P.M.-S e r m o :."Christ's Second Advent." All Services English REV. L. F. GUNDERMAN, Pastor 9:30 A. M.-Sunday School with student class. 10:30 A.M.-"The Naming of the Child." TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH Fifth ATe. and William St. An artistic and appropriate 9ift i I t FIRST METHODIST CHURCH REV. A. W. STALKER, D, D., Pastor REV. W. SCOTT WESTERMAN, Associate Pastor MISS ELLEN W. MOORE, Student Director I" I ./' 10:30 A.M.--Morning Worship: Pastor's Subject: "THE CROSS AND BROTHERHOOD." 12:00 M.-BIBLE CLASSES at WESLEY HALL. 4:30-6:30 P. M. OPEN HOUSE at Wesley Hall. 6:30 P.M.-Wesleyan Guild Devotional Meeting. Subject: "NEIGHBORS Ys: NEIGHBORS." 7:30 P.M.-Evening Worship. "THE MATHEMATICS OF GOD," by Rev. W. Scott Westerman. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH "THE STONE CHURCH WITH THE WARM WELCOME" HERBERT A. JUMP, Minister E. KNOX MITCHELL, University Pastor LUCY HUBER, Secretary for Women Students FIRST PRESBYTERIAN GH URCH REV. LEONARD A. UARRETT, D.D., MInister LEWIS C. REIMANN, '16, Sec'y Men Students MRS. NELLIE CADWELL, Sec'y Women Students 10:30-Morning Worship. Sermon Theme: "Vacations." 12:00-Classes for Students. 5:30-Social Hour and Open House, for all Students. 6:30-C. E. Meeting. Joseph K. Heckert, '24 M., will lead the meeting -n "What Makes a Worth-While Vacation " A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL. ,iwographer Grip Sure! SPEED and action with safety ! The patented suction cupsonthe soles of Grip Sures prevent. slipping. The live rub- bersoles give you a quick getaway. Grip Sures are othebest basketbalshoes ever made. f .: ? I 334 STATE STREET Christmas music will be rendered by the choir. Willan's cantata, "The Mystery of Bethlehem," new and never before heard in Michigan, will take the place of the sermon at 10:45 a.m. "Shah We Teach Morals and Religion on Week Days?" will be dis- cussed at the Noon Forum by Edward Sargent of New York, a religious education expert. 8t. Anbrgiui ? Epiarnpat lipxsrcli COR. CATHERINE AND DIVISION STREETS HENRY LEWIS, RECTOR CHARLES T. WEBB, Director Student Work RACHEL HAVILAND, Secretary for. Student Work Second Sunday in Advent. A.M.-Holy Communion. A.M.-Morning Prayer and Address by Mr. Edward Sargent of the Department of Religious Education, on "Week-Day Re- ligious Education." to 12:30-Bible Classes for young people, 306 N. Division. P.M.-Evening Service and Address by the Rector. P.M.-Student supper in Harris Hall Professor Louis M. Eich will give a reading of "A CIrIstmas Carol." CALL 303 -W, 8:00 10:30 12:00 5:00 6:00 Read The Daily "Classified" Columns *1 The students will meet at 5:30 for supper, final returns on the Loyalty Drive, and to Discuss "What Are the Outstanding Qualities of JesusI' L p -r-_.., "rd I I r,.m