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December 08, 1923 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-12-08

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C., P. A. Sport Editor Chooses Blott
And Muirhead For Honor
C. P. A. Sport Editor-
In past years I hkve broadeneq thei
scope of the mythical all-western el-j
even by including in it such playersJ
outside the Big Ten conference as I
believed from reports deserved what
honor may go with being named on
such a body. Obviously, however I
relied upon the opinions of coaches
and close followers of the game in
various sections, being unable to size
up the Pacific coast players and far
western stars while keeping tab on
the conference teams and the eastern-
ers as well. They aided me material-
There is seldom any real basis for
comparison of these outside grid
stars with the conference luminaries,
however. Which means that injustic-
es can be done unintentionally. This
year, therefore, the westeri team is
chosen from the conference elevens
with this thought in mind.
It so happens this season, that the
conference teams proved themselves
the class of the west. Let me cite
the case of Illinois. The Illini lick-
ed Nebraska, which trounced Notre
Dame, believed by many to be the
strongest team in the west. These
two teams stand out as the strong-
est teams in the west outside of the

thttey have selected an athletic
lbasketball team in the class league
which will get under way under the
auspices of the Intramural depart-
.TTE.AWent after Christmas vacation. A few
F E A S{Imore teams are needed to form the
- Ends: Ends: leagues which will be selected before
Eklund of Minnesota. Irish ofWisconsin Christmas vacation.
Lampe of Chicago. } Iro so in.
$y okusek of Illinois.
Tackles: k
Below of Wisconsin.THIEL TED
Muirhead of Michigan. lri of Iowa.
Gowdy of Chicago.
Guards: Guards:
Abramson of Minnesota. Pondelik of Chicago.
McMillen of Illinois. Butler of Indiana.
Center: .";. o-.. I( At a meeting of the members of the


Alichigan's Mentor Has Handled Eight
ndefeated Michigan Teams
Since 1901


Varsity cross country team held yes-
terday, John W. Shenefield, '25, of
South Bend, Indiana, was elected cap-
tain for next year. Shenefield has
serVed as a member of the team for
the past two years and will no doubt
be a strong runner next season.
No less than five men will be lost
to the squad through graduation this
JLune. Captain Arndt, Bowen, Rear-
ick, Davis and Griffen are the men
who will receive their sheepskins this
coming June. This leaves Captain-
elect Shenefleld and Mike Reinke as
a nucleus around which next year's
aggregation will be shaped.
Yanks Will Sell
Mays To Giantsd
The Giants can have Carl Mays, the
Yankee submarine right-hander, if
they pay enough money for him. The1
Yankees are willing to do business
with their New York rivals on the
same basis as with any other National
League club, and there is no "gentle-
men's agreement" which would pre-
vent John McGraw from acquiring a
player whom the American League
team had discarded.1
So declared Miller Huggins yester-
day, and the mite manager went even
further than that. He asserted that
he would rather sell Mays to the Gi-
ants than keep him himself or give
him his unconditional release. The
only proviso which Huggins placed
on the question was that, if lie could
dispose of Carl to a minor league club
and get players in return, he would'
mnakethis deal rather than barter him
to the Giants for vulgar dash. Other-
wise, the Yankee manager seemed to
have no scruples against disposing of

"Hurry Up" Yost, since becoming
football coach at :Michigan in 1901,
has groomed eight teams that have
gone through the season undefeated.
Yost started on the right foot in
1901 w hen his Wolverine team played
11 games and won them all. lie dup-
licated the feat in 1902. Those were
the years of the famous "Point-a-Min-
ute" teams. In 1903 Michigan again
won 11 games, but was tied by Min-
In 1904 the Yost-coached eleven was
back in the 100 per cent class, going
through the season without a defeat
There is a skin in the undefeated
record betwen 1904 and 1910. In the
latter year the Yostmen woat un-
beaten, but were tied by Case, Penn-
sylvania and Ohio State.
Another lapse in the record brings
it to 1918 when the Wolverines won
five gaines and were unbeaten. In
1922 Michigan won six games and tied
Vanderbilt, while this year the Yost
team won from Case, Michigan Aggies,
Quantico Marine, Ohio State, Vander-
bilt, Wisconsin, Iowa and Minnesota.
Michigan football dates back to 1873,
when the Wolverines played one game,
beating Racine college, 7 to 2. Since
then Michigan has played 315 games,
!won 243 of them, lost 58 and tied 14.
j In these games Michigan has scored
a total of 8,001 points to 1,652 points
( scored by opponents.
In 1919 the Wolverines won three
and lost four games., but every other
Yost coached team has finished its sea-
son with a winning percentage.
Playing with the Columbus Tigers
against Dayton, Paul Goebel, '23, cap-
taint of last season's football team,
hurled a beautiful forward pass that
traveled 50 yards down the field and
was nabbed by a Tiger end.

Were there some real basis of com-
tvisoi Miller of Notre Dame, Don
Ichols, University of California cap-
Ain; Capt. Art Quinlan of Colorado
nid one or two others of the far west.
rn clubs might demand places on
its eleven. This is merely prob-
matical, however.,,_
The choice of Hoge Workman of
hio State as quarter of this mythical
wonder eleven" will draw much dis-
useida There is no doubt but what
teritz, mainspring of the Michigan
am, appeared to. better. advantage'
i the two conference games in which
e played. Consider this, though."
orkman played his way to fame
hlid a rfledicorq team that won but
fe conference game.
Around Uteritz, Yost had built a
eat combination. Uteritz had the
vantage of a sterling defence and a'
illiait offense. In addition to this
orkman played in five games again-
but two for the Wolverine star.
The other men chosen are selected
A because they star in one branch
the game but because they have a
nge of ability needed for their pos-
ons. The linemen chosen would,
my opinion, give a coach a perfect
ne of men, brilliant in boxing the
position and opening holes on the
ense and in breaking up interfer-
ice and covering punts on defense.
The backfield men have the driving
wer and the versatility needed in
is day and age.
Other players deserving honorable
ention are:
Ends-Hancock and Romey of Iowa,.
ickson of Chicago, Wellman of Pur-
Tackles-Petcoff of 0. S. U., Craw-
rd and Hall of Illinois.
Guards-Beiberstein of Wsiconsin,j
iller of Illinois, Fleckenstein of
Centers-Claypool of Purdue, King
Chicago, Griffin of Iowa.
Quarters-Fry of Iowa.
Other backfield stars-J. Thomas

, ;

Bilown's mythical Big Ten eleven. A t top, Fullback Taft. Bow him, the other three backfiel mniembers, Martin eau (left), Workman (center), amd
Grange (right). Lower row, the line: (Left to right), End, Ekiand; Tackle, Below; Guard, Abramson; C enter, Blott; Guard, MeMillen; 'tackle,
Xmirhead; End, Lampe.

. 'r. 'r r. I Y s.. t .. .. ... y .. ...

of Chicago, Parkin of Iowa, Pyott c'
Chicago, Steger of Michigan, MillerI
of Iowa, Marks of Indiana and Klee I
of Ohio State.
Chicago, Dec. 7.-Four world's
swimming records and two scholastic.
niarks were broken in the seventeenth1
annual Cook county interscholastic I
tank meet last night at the Illinois
Athletic club.
Johnny Welssmuller, John Faricy
and Miss Sybil Bauer, of the I. A. C.,
and Miss Peggy Williamson, of the!
Milwaukee A. C., navigated to newI
Weissmuller, swimming without
competition, went 100 meters in :58!
3-5, ,lipping :02 2-5 from the old
world mark held by Norman Ross.
Miss Williamson, after a poor start,
clipped four seconds from the world j
record for women's 220-yard breast!
stroke, finishing in 3:35 4-5. Anest
Geraghty, of the New York Women's;
Swimming association, held the prev-
ious record.
Miss Bauer slashed 3 2-5 seconds 4
from the old mark of 1:24 for the
100-meter back stroke, but failed to'
realize an ambition to reduce her own1
world record of 1:15 4-5 for 100 yardst
when only one timer caught her at s

that distance. Since only one watch distance, 60 yard ' et stroke, 160
timed her the referee refused to cite yard rel f for-a fa gi, team.
the 100-yard swim time as a record. Fs ld'
F dd h IdiFrater ty athle umInagers should
Fancy reduced his own world mark take particular notice of the following
of 1:10 3-5 for the 100-yard breast lrls ormnms eetrdi
stroke by one second. rules: Four men must be entered in
rss Ethel Lackie, of the I. A.C:1the meet in order to secure points for
iss theldLce o th r I. A. C.~entering; each man will be permitted
tried to reduce her world m ark .ofto entomr;
1:05 2-5 in the 100-yard sprint but compete in thee events, no more;
only equalned 00-yardsonly two men -from the Banie fraternity
o esuakedrit. k will be allowed to compete in each
The scholastic marks to fall were single event; ,managers should be 'pre.
the 100-yard breast stroke and thesngevn;magrssod er-
thed10-yrd breastdstre Band te pared to hand a list of their entries
medley relay records. Basking, 'ofanthevtsiwictey ilco-
Englewood, took the first event in ny
1:15 and the second went to his school pete, upon arrival at the Y, to the In-
in 2:12 3-5. tramural- mhager in charge of the
The preliminaries will start prompt-

The deadline for the fraternity bas-
ketball team entries has been set atj


5 o'clock, Dec. 10. The scheduledwill , his erstwhile star pitcher to the Giants
be announced immediately after school ' for the biggest sum of money thatj
starts following Christmas vacation. blond Carl would bring.
Class ppreiients should see to it Patronize The Daily Advertisers..

First place men at the next Olym-
pic games will be preseted with a Sev-
res vase. emblazoned with the arms of
the city of Paris and ornamented with
a design in keeping with the event in
iThich the athlete was victorious.

I r.


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Entries are now being received for
the all-campus handball tournament,
singles and doubles, and for the all-}
rampus swinnming meet. Both events
will start soon after Christmas vaca-
In a circular which has been sent to
all of tl fraternities the list of events
wvhich will be held at the swimming
meet preliminaries next Monday has
been announced. They are as follows:
40 yard free style, 200 yard free style,
fancy diving contest, 40 yard backj
troke, 100 yard free style, plunge for

ly at 3 o'clock, next Monday afternoon,
and any man arriving after that time
will not be permitted to participate.
The finals .will follow at 3 o'clock the
following Wednesday.
1 Preliminaries in the Freshman
bowling tournament have been
completed and the following
I teams have survived: Groups 2,
4, 7 and 10. The following teams
will bowl in the semi-finals at
I 7:30 o'clock, Monday night on
the Union alleys; Group 2 vs. )
Group 4, Group 7 vs. Group 10 i
The finals will be played off at
8 o'clock on Tuesday night.

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