AG 4, TH MICHIGAN DAILY THE MIHIGANDAILYSUNDAY, SEPTEMBER21 30, 1523i ... mom pipY9 _ /plpYpQlp i 0-0 b wrt -_ "NOME% .. "NV" l[ S P9-Os IN SNAPPY SCRIMMAGE PROSPECTS OF COLLE GE ELEVENS;- HA ?VRiOiVLPNE AK t,~ " o ! y:j?: . ..__(9MMiIIR FI'arei' '1 .e ,-). YzAr lrop Kiek 'Wrhile IValijer 1Intercept' s 'Foi' wu 'd SQFAD) MAD)E Al"V Ri WORK4)OUT- ia k], and XMurphy a clever msan atI passing the ball. On the defense. Captain Schoen was a tower of strength at center. B.3oxing Notes 1 {1 "' { ' '.1 1 1 1 ,1 '; :'icig an's first string tcaui founid aI-G tiger in the: "Navy" eleven yesterday Ilecau e of the( success with which afternoon on Ferry fiald and was the first annual boxing show last forced to acceuttJ-O defeat in ho Mai rch wiieii Mclean successfully de- scrappiest scrimmage whichi the Wo]- tenlw {l his title against Sunny Raines verines have° had this Beason. of f). J. C., Coach Ted Sullivan, b~ox- Th~e "Navy" or red team scored I'-rst arg nientor, hias deOcidedt to organize in the opening quarter wiien P~arker~ I a boxingtewnm this ill and get in quarter oil the second team, imade a1 shape for different meets throughout beautiful drop kick over the cross bar thle state which will be arranged this from his own 45, yardl line for thlree fall. points. The scrimmage was mostly oft J3e:,;hles Mclean, George WollinitzI the open lly variety as neither line is- back and will be a formidable COil- coild inak'o holes in the opo srition tna= in the welterweight ranks. an~d the teamis-were forooed to resort Sfl I and Nahinkin have also return- to passing and running the cads. ed and should make the canvas burn Bloat anid Curran were r-'ittd to when they start doing their stuff. the blue team, Slott playing at full- 'these mien with some of the others back in place of Miller who played th Ie who starred last; year in the roped same position ini the rod. 3leven. Nih area will form the nucleus of the er# fullhack, however, lhad much (o::a squadI. chance to show his wares owing to 'Teds has been devoting much of hi , the style of play used. time to cross-country work during thec The blue team had considlerablIe last week, hut if advance inquiries trouble fatk~oming the aerial attask of about boxing, mean anything, Sully the opposition and the two embina- will find all of hris time taken U).rThe tionsr, Vick tri Parker andl Vicki to I r cenit increase in interest in the r:nig Palmer were usually good for 10 or I~i po-t is attributed to the numerous yards. Vick has all uncanny ability .cellaipionsliip bouts which took place to heave the ball, Ihis pa= ses going in the different weights last spring; sta~iht s n arrow rand 1.his wasandilsummer. fl D aling. Reinke :has a wonderful for a number of Conference runners. N. ~ uHarry Davis who was inelegible to coniTIF[ 0las1 season and whose stride illd d I~r V~ I (Continued on Page Eight}th M!3en Rounding anto Fair Shle a S mSnith Team W ins ),,tisou Prvgress"; WIllSoon Co Full ('ouxrse Golf Tou'rnamett ILLIS 1IE I N1 K 01': Sl WlO lR, I ugh Smlith's teamn defeated the team M~kI~ t~i~I) I IP~LSfli captained by Moreau Crosby, 12 to 9, ithAnAroGofcu'metfTaking full adlvtantage of the fair studlent im-cmbers at the club's links weather andl the good condition of the .trdymnig ro ds over which tho varsity cross- Owing to the high wind, the~ scores conutry teamx is alccus:tomxed to train, were c omlaratively high, only th~reec Cochi Sieve Farrell sent his hill acnd meil shooting the 18 holes in less bhan Sab mnen- through a stiff wort~out j . Smth as low man wGith a ~4 m[st ofterierx4?adl four above piar for the course. Smtih roundling into good form. and if things sadcrosbf eeavni the dast continue to go as snoorhly as, theymtho tedy hav~e been going. thus far thxe Veteran i Mentor may ;ecnd his Wmen around the 'Sanders to. Speak at Church Today full Varsity course which is five Prof. Hlenry A. Sanders of the Lit- mxiles long before lang. For the pres- erary college, will. speak at 1,2 o'clock exut Steve has deemxed it'best to short- itis noon at the. Congregational en the training course as the first ; church;i forumn on the subpect "Obser- meet is almost a muonthx off and too vation After a Year in !t nrope." Af- muich itraining often tendsM to makze1 ter Professor Sanders' talk, about 1.5 a long (distance ruilaer bocomyle Stale. nintes will be devo tedl to, diseusslon. Stowe is hpan wurlariy inmlu'r, Essd ith. .__ -- _ the showinrg Milosi Reink-O, the. most' Daily elassi ied for real results., TldM 1' ' 'f~i i,. decided advantage to the rer3 team- Palmer was responsible for the sec- ond score of the "Navy" when in thle second quarter lie intercepted a lass from Uteritz and scooted about .2,' yards for a touchdown. An attemnpted forward pass for the point after touch- down failed. The blue team had poor luck on thoir. forward passing as tfle second, strnf-,tgeam. intercepted tiliw after time just' as.the blue eleven was getting within scoring distance. The first cut of the season was an- noullced last night after practice was finished with the following men now making up tine Varsity sqiuad: Cap- tain Kipke, Amos, Blott, Babeock, Brown, Baker, Curran, Donnelly, Doyle, Girube, Goebel, lierrnstein, Heath, .Hawkins, T.Jston, Ingle, Kut- now, Kruxger, Lawson, Miller, Mziir- head, Marion, Mills, Mote,, Mathieson, Neisch, Parker, Palmer, Rockwell. Steele, Steger, Stafford, },wan, Uteritz, VanDervoort, Vick, Wall, White and Witherspo on. ANN IROR HIGH D EFEATS ADRIAN,26-0 Intramural Itemsl One promnising find .has been brought to light for this winter's team. Hle is a lightweight and is able to step vitl Sully for a few fast rounds as long as the going is smoothi. or in other words until Ted let's loose a two time punch. lie will be' matched with McLean for the lightweight title of the University at an early dace this fall, if -he con.- tinmes to show the class he did last weer. Entries forl the sports which will be0 held under the auspices of the Intra- rinural department this fall, s'peedball, class and fraternity; tennis, All-cain- pus singles and doubles; cross coun- try, All-campus and fraternity, and the obstacle race will be accepted until 5 o'clock, Saturday afternoon, Oct. 6. Fraternity. athletic managers should retu~rn their 'entry blanks for speed- ball immediately in order 'to co-opbr- ate with the Intramural department in their attempt to get the fall pro- gram away to a good start. Fraternity athletic managers should report at the intramural office the first part of next week and familiarize themselves with the plans the Intra- mural department has outlined for this fall. A new game, the exact nat- ure of which is as Yet undecidedl, will, 1)e started as soon as possible. Southampton, Sept. 29.- Spending nearly $200,000 to dredge the main port channel so the American liner Levia- than can have a good berth has been approved. Ow X, 1ahck.stren gth(-ai ng Peei'sp on Ih camlpus'. Iwill Ibe llI fr, ' aiolh Cards(oipile d-m ne t his n1"0. Inrorn)'Atioii cards, filled out by mn valizable ii! 011,10nt:s at the timle of their, registra3 IUCJ1 to ili l iori ,itth union, vWhich containi a lst o f (Ja1U,9 and a Dis linc lion $10 TO $14 ,. .. ',.:,ir. "Turned out; togr< The Ian-ard' candidates going through1 Abov'e, at. right, ('oach Bob Visli er, in white ;Bergey, talkting clo"del) of lHubbaird. Cambridge, Mass., Selpt. 29.- - Ear- yard's grid wvarrior's, with the mnemory of last year's, victory over Yale still Both Owen ,and* Buell Thewse Illell ouh lt to be Lri. 111), EL ni UUI 111111 S, 11ILCLV U La I ta .o work with a determination to render thtoliW fShethyefh a similarly good account of themselv- ln. es this fall. But as Coach B3ob Fisher 'The losses on the line, in additic puts his 140 candidates througsh earlyI to Clark, are Kunhardt, left nglard, an training stunts lie is aware that a huge task confronts him.i Dan Holder, who ranked as subten, All's well along the Harvard line. The linemen onl the job, in additionf "Esky" Clark, varsity center, is thi I Jenkins, are . Gordon and Hill, enld: onlly star ns~thte e But. in the I astman and, Dinker, tackles; Ctmtti backfield ;repose tWo pairs of shoes .l dbbard,,guiail, and. Kernan, collie to be filled that. need real stars ifltdar- . yvard is to produce a team as formid-4 able as that '22 outfit. Thie shoes -were ivorni by G~eorge Oweni and Charlie Bnell-bothi ad- mtittedly among the greatest layers the game has p~roduced. Both 4 ersia- tile, triple-thr'eat men that could strike terror inuto the heart of any defense, stonewall or otherwise. Jimmy Lee, who showed to ad(Ivant-s age when lie started the Yale gameo last year, will be hidar after Chzarlie Iluell's job at quarter. Coburn, who filledj the breach when called upon last year. will be back again, it ii hoped, andj will be nut in one of the backfield joba until Fisher and his aidles get th~eir bearingf.j tO) t (. of activities in which the students av i torested, will he comile~ld, and the 1>25(1 of the wvarous activities vwill j Fe liven 1ESts of the men who sped'c- j e interest or experience .1mm the var- ions activities. Tme information, cards are, acces- sible at the Ui~uon to the students. ALFR£DJI RUBY, Inc.l 12 NICKELS ARCADEk ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN 1l ii 11 f, Ctu,,i7tltmu _tor rent re.,3:. ah. ____ _ _ , . SCO~RES IN THREE TOUCHD~OWNS FIRST QUARTER; WAILSJISTAlRS Starting with a rush, Ann Arbor High -School's football team won its second game of the season Saturday by defeating Adrian, 26-0. The vic- tors scored 19 of their total points in the first quarter when the local ath- letes through a succession of well-I executed forward passes and end runs brought the ball down the field several times. The Purple and White gridders scored their first touchdown in the first few minutes of play. After an, exchange of patnts, the ball was in possession of the local team in mid- field. Staebler failed to gain on two successive attempts, but, on the next play, he received a pass from Neff for a gain of 35 yards, making a first down on Adrian's 10-yard line. Staebler and Malcolm carried the ball to with- in a foot of the goal line, and Neff carried it over. The second touch- down also followed an Adrian punt. Miller, the Adrian booter had a strong wind to contend with in the first per- iod, -and lost ground in exchanging kicks with Neff, who was punting for Ann Arbor. Receiving the ball in midfield, the local aggregation went down the field steadily for their sec- I ond touchdown, which was made by Staebler on a pretty end run. Fol- lowing this, Neff kicked off to Adrian. the ball sailing over the goal line, giving Adrian a first down on theirl own 20-yard line. After two running i plays, " Miller again punted, and the ball went nearly straight up and down, travelling but ten yards. After~ an offtackle drive and a pass had failed, Neff made first down on the enemy's 20-yard line. Captain Walsh ran twelve yards and Malcolm plung- ed through for the touchdown. Ann Arbor's green line showed up exceptionally well, interfering and blocking like veterans. Captain i , B _ IL gm Supp I - ~.y YA IEel Special Price Regulation Gym 0utfit We carry a Complete Stock of Athletic Supplies clothes for Fall 31 II IV 19 vr - .--et 'l ir'tW"% . Pis _. . "ova-W - 1 .. - ____..