r.. .. .^....._..
Publication in the Bulletin_ is constructive notice to all members of
he University. f opy received by t-u* Assistant tc the Presideot until
3:30 p).in. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.)/
Volume 4 FRIDAY, D)ECEMBERL 7, 1923 Numbs !r 61
31lembers of the Various Faculties:
Changes ins office or residence address should be communicated to the
ce of the S3ecretary so. that proper change can be made in the Delivery
the Dully a
Paul Buckley, Assistant Secretary.
Dinosaur Eggs On Sale For $2,000
As New Expedition Into.
r7 .1(-Arc l(ect_ dinjic;', ro,)ii rl l hu fizi;ala will follow at o 'cl(
ILac Union. 11ollowving W ednesday. The rul
S :04--Chinese Stud1(ents' eclu1)election; lined in Spalding's Swimming
A sia Is ta ne and business metn in Latne hail.,vwill hiold upon all rulings upon
E Is :0t0FInal local per ormniiecif Mich- L;ions oft the rules or fouls.
igan union opera "Cotton Stock- -
ig"at Whitney theater. The deadline for the fraternit
ketball team entries has been
rWSJIEW~ If5 o'clock, Dec. 10. The schedule
.t .... . ... ... _1.. .." t5 1 £115 51 ( 5'Items be announced immediately after
ity bas-
set at
ea will
S (Continiuedi from Page Six)
rThe preliminaries will start prompt-
ly at 3 o'cloc--k, next Monday afternoon.;
andl any mran arriving after 1 bat tim(
will not be permitted to pr ticipate.
starts following Christmas vacation.
All imanagers intending
Learn, s in the independen t,
Society ibasketlball league.,
so immediately.
to enter
class, and
should (io
vlty, College of titerature, Science and the Arts:
Mliasomester report cards, in order to be made use of, must reach my
e not later than Friday afternoon, December 7.
Instructors are requested to apply, either in person or by telephone
Aversity 189M), for more blank cards, if they are needed.
WIL1..Hurnphreys, Assistant Dean.
Colege of Pliarnnacy Faculty:
There will be a faculty/meeting of the College of Pharmacy, Friday,
Der, 7 at 4 p. in. W~ Room 212 Chei~stry Bldg.
C. C. Glover, Secretary.
TO All Students:
Students having in their possession books drawn from the University
Librar'y are notified that all such books are due Monday, December 10, on
ccount of the impending Christmas vacation.
Wi. IV. Bishop, Librarian
'ulNzverstty Clubi:
Club night for members with entertainment and refreshments, tonight,
Priday, December , at o'clockc. IL F. Adams.
Foresign Student Holidays:
The people, of Lansing have sent their annual invitation to foreign stu-
tents to spend Christmas vacation in Lansing.
There are some families in Detroit also whd would like to entertain
orelgn students at~ that time.
For particulars inquire at 302 University Hal, M. T. Th. F. at 4 o'clock
. M. University phone 1104; Residence phone 3287-M.
J. A. C. Hlder.
orelgn Students:
Prof. . H. A. Sanders, back from a year of study and travel in Europe,
speaks in room 110, University Library, Friday, December 7, at 7:30 p. m.
lis subject is "Dangers of Disaster in Europe." Discussion will follow the
speech proper. The public is cordial ly invited.
H. S. lsi, Chairman.
ilio.lflcelganWoman's Debate:
The question for discussion will be the Towner-Sterling Educational
ll. The debate will be in the University Hall at 8 o'clock.
J. K. Dunn, Pres. Oratorical Asso.
Ttnivers ty of Michgan Rand:
Capes .will be issued for the Detroit trip this afternoon from 4 to 5:30
i n. atthe new headquarters. William raleh, Jr. Asst. Manager.
'r ftlght Facult Rectal:
The following program will be given in Hill Auditorium Sunday after-
ion at 4:15 o'clock December 9:
10, egie (Ramheau-Godowsky), Tamb orin (Rameau-Godowsky), Barcar-
43, (Moskowskj), Dance of the Elve, Mrs Maud Okkelberg; Le Mo tin
plerne'), Depuls Le Jour (Charpentier), Chanson Norveginne (Fourdrain)
Irs. William 'Wheeler; Sonta, Op. 12, Allegro appassionata, Andante larga-
entpte Allegro Scherzando, Allegro ri soluto a con proco (Rubinstein) Mr.
Elbert Lockwoaod.
The general public with the )exception of children under-12 years is
ordially invited to attend. Charles A Sink, Secretary.
10. T. 1C Rifle Teams:
Tryouts will be closed at 6:00 p. in. December 13, 1923 and the teams
lected from the scores on hand for the Inter-Company Match and Hearst
up Match and other R. 0. T. C, matchles. The range in room 330 Engineer-
g Buildinrg will be open for tryouts on the following days, up to and in-
lding December 13th.
Tuesday 2:i00 .to 4:00 and 7:000 to 10:30 p. in.
'Wednesday 4:00 to 6:0& and 7:30 to 10:30 p. in.
Thursday 2:00 to 4:00 p. in.
eFriday i:00 to 6:00 p. im.
Saturday 9:00 to 12:00 a. mn. and 1:30 to 600 p. in.
Win. T. Carpenter.
Read The Daily "Classified" Columns
Chistms Gift Box Stationery
Greeting Cards 14 to 1-2 Off
In order to clear my large stock before the university closes
for the Holidays, Gift Box Stationery and Greeting. Cards will be
offered at amazing reductions.
This stock consists of well-known makes, such as Crane's Linen
Lawn, Eaton's 'Highland Linen, 'Crane's Vapa~iese Linen; Hurd's
Lawnette; Whiting's Organdie; Old Hampshire Vellum, Bond
and others in numerous sizes and' shapes including deckle edges and
fancy linings. Prices range from $1.00 up.
17 ~Nlckels' Arcade.
330 South State, Ann Arbor, Mlich.
(Open Evenings)
Flow ers
Floral Co.
ofth. dosregsotd yTird "MSAsiatic Expedition, cente.:"::(:{: %:r": hoto, and two comera studies of tel
:pedti:n"Abv.., .ec.rv}:;reking cros t {"s:ds:a:sudow. Belw, he xpeiinin am
th-o e er, M n o i."<:""..'}{" r".: ":. J":4''i {:r' .Tj0r"K{:«; .;'
As Roy Chapman Andrews, lead er of the Third Asiatic Expedition to Asia, and his associates explain their
plans and hopes for another and more thorough expedition into the Asiatic continent some of the 10,000,000-year-
old dinosaur, eggs collected in the last journey, are to be sold 'to help defra y the expenses of the last quest after
prehistoric relics and data. Twenty-five eggs of the giant animal that is k nown to have roamed the lands of the
earth ae one time, were brought back. Mtost of thenm are for sale-at $2,00 0 each.
9:00-12:00-Registratiomi of 4deegiAles
of Western Conference Editorial as-
sociation in Union.
112 :00-Lawy faculty lunch: in Union.
12:15--Lunchi for W. C. E. A. dee-
gates at fraternities.!
12 :15-Engllsh nep artnient lunch In
room 325, Union.
12:15-Hlstory department lunch in
room 323, Union.
2:00-Mfanaging eitors of IV. C. E. Al.
meet in room 302, Union. Business
managers meet in room 384, Union.
4-.000-PhI1Delta Kappa meets in roomn
302, Union.
6:00-Phl 1Delta Rappa (dinner in Uni-
6:00-Western Conference Editor]ialI
association dinner" in rooms 319-321,!
6 :30-Fotball managers dinner, Uni-
0:30-1"Y." C. E. A. thrid annual baniquetl
in room-s 319-21, Union. President
Marion L. lBurton and G. G. Booth,
president of the Detroit Evening~
News association, to speak.
7 :30-L, C. 11111 speakis to- American
Society of Mechianical Engineeru in
Natural Science auditorium.
7 :30-Cosmopolitan clubi lecture In
room 110, Library. . A. Sanders
Sispe"rsonl"Danjger's of Disaster in
': - :1loL, aul.iil d anco in Harris
ha 11,
.4 1i0-- -,llai'*l iilon opera, "Cottoni
fStockings," at Whitney theater.
f .]SATi'RI)AY
9 :00-Jloint mieetinig ofT edit ors and
business managers of WV. C. E. A. in
secondl floor reading room, Union.
1(0:0W- -Si dents' Kfniker Otling ellub
meets at the Congreg-ational church
for a wallk.
12 :0-Unonboard of directors' lunch,,
room 319, Union.
12 :00-Aldra Omicron Pi lunch, room
:321, Union.
2 :00__-3l atinee perf~ormnnces of '{Cot.
'tonl Stocings." Delegates of W. C.
E. A. attend.
q :OOAlphan Chii Skpnmza (dinner, room
323, Union.
1~:00--'aza p and Blade ititinIn
Willett's cafe.
7 :t0A ba E'psilon PI Tmeets 11n roo1m
319, Union.
7 :13(--Cra tsnen meet in Masonic temi-
ple. l)egree work.
1 924
T h e M ich ig a n C al e n d arOepg ofth Prsdn an Den -n twlepgsoCa psies c d g heCe ns
O.rNe w E ni't ePreinLbtond ies-ande telvegShofl Ce apuyver'siCludin thee ieaty
Building, Yost Field House and the New Hospital.
-~Price 7-5c
Delicious Sat r ay&Dundaty
Brick AL-U
Ice Cream and
Every Day
Special M LEMUS
treaits every
week end. mOrd1e~rI
At Your
IA n2Apprtprat
Kind thoughts for others are best shown in Gifts you make. Hence, a box of
our tasty and wholesome Chocolates or Bon-Bons will certainly make a most
acceptable and appropriate Gift for her.
And then, too, it'll be more like Christmas to have a box or two of our tasty
confections on hand. Order today."
'Try One of Our Fancy $1.50 Boxes for $1.00
114 E. Huron.
Engineers' and Architects' Materials
Stationery, Fountain Pens, Loose Leaf Books
Cameras and Supplies
Candies, Laundry Agency, "Tobaccos
dead..Th"Ie Daily "Classified" Columns
r ilkrw
dill a .." ..
e a
Y a Y
4 w '
l r
J a n
* ..---y