4 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ..e,, __ _ a ,,-. ._ .. I L I I ITHIS COLUMN CLOSES AT 3 PM. Some Reason For Cricket Is Found At Last; In Africa ADVERTISING DAILY CLASSlFIED RATES 10c per reading line for one or two insertions, 9c per reading line for three or more insertions, cash in advance. Minimum, 3 lines per inserti6n. Charged at the rate off 12c per reading line for one or two insertions, lic per reading line for three Cr more 'insertions. White space charged for at same rates. Classifieds charged only to those having pv nes. Ask about contracts for classilfed advertising. Classified Column Closes at 1 o'Clock Noon, Saturday. "iMmmle-the-Ad "T kcr" NEW AAKNRAILROAD TO ADERTISUERRITORY1 Seattle, Wash., Dec. 6.--The Alaska Railroad, built by the government at a cost of $56,000,000 and thus far op- erated at a deficit, will attract patron- age by luring tourists who are potent- i'; settlers and investors, Lee H. Lan- dis, the new manager of the line, said when he was here recently on his way north to assume his duties. Prince Writes 'Play Stockholm, Dec. 6-Prince William, second son of King Gustav, has had a. play accepted for pr duction at the Swedish theater. It is called "Kinan- gozi" and the scenes are laid in Africa where William hunted big ganme. Patronize The Daily Advertisers. TWO TICKETS for Opera Friday evening. Orchestra Center, Section D. Call 313-J. Finds Treatment For Child Malady Ro .m,,04 U U Ui TATLo1TMDA1r ASHi OTi !PARIK U LOST LOST Sat. night near Unitarian church purple silk umbrella. Re- ward. Phone 3011-R. -THREE KEYS on a ring Vaughn and the Dental Phone 2418-W. Detween College.- '. G :r s LAST FRIDAY-a diamond ring set in platinum. Address Box H. L. Michigan, Daily. =ii A P1 PHI pledge pin. Finder please return to Student Office, Betsy Bar- bour House. TYVIEWRITE1, REIPATRING ALL MAKES. Agency Woodstock and Oliver typewriters, Sundstrand add- ing machine, Line-a-Timd copy holders, rubber stamps, ribbons. cushion keys, type cleaners and sup- plies. Machines rented. ANN ARBOR TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. Phone 886, downtown MISCELLANEOUS GREETING CARDS AND CHRISTMAS GIFT BOX STATIONERY REDUCED 25 to 50 per cent. To clear my large stock of greeting cards, and the finest Gift Box Station- cry before the "U" closes for Christ- mas, prices have been reduced. For real bargains in Greeting Cards and Stationery, see O. D. MORRILL 17 Nickel's Arcade 330 S. State St. 2 OPERA Tickets for Saturday Night.I 257tS-J. Ask for George. WASHINGS to do at home. Phone! 3343-R. GARAGE for three weeks during va- cation starting Dec 13th to Jan 5th. Write Box K. 13. Daily office. TAILOR A H rlI d Ti l bring your Tail- or'1-T,") . v -'-ui or overco~vt to your hmein t'ime or Xmias or New Years. Phone 123 and we will call with complete style and samples. INTERSTATE TAILORS, l American Hotel, 123 E. Washington FOR HRE YOU GET THE GIRL; we'll furnish I the car; the state furnishes the roac and license. Call 183-R. TYPEWRITERS TYPEWRITERS of all makes Bought, Sold, Rented Exchanged. Cleaned and Repaired. BUSINESS SERVICE CO., 322 South State Street, over "M" Lunch. Phone 993-Mj. Um Attention Students!l i Rev. Charles W. Abel The Rev. Charles W. Abel recently reached San Francisco after spending 33 years as a missionary in New Guinae. He says that his life was spared by the head hunters of that South Sea isle because he taught them the game of cricket. Now the natives have a regular league and play teams from other islands, he says. FOR SALE FULL blooded Airdale dogs, Fred Kleimschmidt, Saline. Phone 197 Ring 2-2. HANDMADE pillows, penants and banners. Phone 2384-M. 1341 Wil- mot St. DANCE FROCKS--one dainty peach color organdy,one silver and blue brocade. Can be worn by 36 or 38. Good condition. Never worn in Ann Arbor. Navy blue tailored suit 38. Pair ladies black oxfords worn once. Reasonable. Phone 192-M. Special Attention Given to Rental Of Tuxedos FOR SALE-EAST SIDE I 1. 6 room bungalow, built-in bath, sleeping porch, fireplace, finish is white enamel and mahogany; double garage. Large lot $10,500. $2,000D down. Possession July 1st 1924. Dr. S. Marbais 2. 8 rooms and bath on Forest Ave- In a recent report before the Acad- nue, five bedrooms, lot 50x132. Sinle emy of Medicine in Paris Dr. S. Mar- garage. Price $11,000. Terms. 1ais of.- the Pasteur institute in the session at once. French capital, demonstrated his suc- - 3. 6 rooms and bath on W. Granger cessful treatment for puerperal fever, Oak floors, oak and white enamel fin- a disease which has long raised havoc ish. Buili 1923. Price $10.300. Terms. among newborn babes. Ho claims that E DOWN TOWN (Next to Wuertia Theatre.) m~mEMnUm Umso i Possession at once. 4. 9 rooms and bath one block southeast of Washtenaw Avenue, Large lot, beautiful shrubbery; double garage, oak floors; grey enamel fin- the injection of arsenobenzol into the veinsI three wies of the tiny patients every two or days erduces and eventually out the disease. 'r WOMEN'S SlOPPE I <$ TYPEWRITING & MIMEOGRAPHING promptly and neatly done. BUSINESS SERVICE CO., 322 South State. St., over "M" Lunch. Phone 993-M LATEST in Hair Ornaments, with and I without sets. Also Braclots. Xmas" novelties. The Palais Royal, 304 S. Main St. LOCiSMITH ALL KINDS of trunk and door keys, locks repaired. Keeler 1136 W. Hu- ron. Phone 2498. ish. Possession at once. Cal Mr. Newton with CHAS. L. BROOKS 215 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phone 315 Evenings 2064-J. MUSICAL THE MICHIGAN SIRENS present Joe Sweeny and his five piece coin- bination. Call Tustison, 1f67-J. KEEP PHYSICALLY fit by the daily use of Walter Camp's Daily Dozen on Records. Complete outfits sold by Schaeberle & Son. Screen-Today Arcade-"Slave of Desire," wi Bessie Love. Majestic - Shirley Mason in "South Sea Love." Wuerth-Johnny Walker in "The Third Alarm." AT TIE THEATRES th I i I 1 L 1 9 . j I ,.0 Christmas Gifts Orpheum - Charles Jones "Second Hand Love." r 4 t ih k F ! 1 t f f i t CIIRISTMAS Yes, they are here-The Goods andthe people to buy them. The contracti; complete. Nothing like it in the Country. Prices, Variety, New Thinigs in abundance. Early sCelctions are a ,lways most satisfactory. It not con- venient to pay in full, we will accept a partial payment and hold the Goods for, you. T 1E hOME SUPPLY STORE I 209-11 E. Washington Phone 112 Free DeliveryE Furniture repairing, upholstering and finishing. Prompt service bye expert workmen. Mr. C. Link. THE SQUARE DEAL FURNITURE1 REPAIRING CO 305'Third St. Phone 2731-M CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS Men's and Women's handerchiefs and hankerchief folders. Silk Hosiery; and Philippine Lingerie. Neckwear, Novelties. All Attractive pri es. EXQUISITE CORSET 51OP 109 W. Liberty street THOSE REMAINING after school closes can get good home-cooked meals at Charlevoix Dining Room 620 E. Liberty. Make reservations now. Call 1524-J. CHRISTMAS GIFT BOX STATION- ERY AND GREETING CARDS, 1-4 to 1-2 OFF. The finest stationery made, in plain and fancy boxes, in various sizes; priced $1 and up. 0. D. MORRILL 17 Nickels Arcade Open Evenings SILVERWARE SPECIAL One-half dozen' Iiives and forks. Best value that 1as :ver been in the city for a Christmas special. First come first served. Come early and avoid the rush. ARNOLD STATE STREET JEWELER 302 S. State St. Read the Want Ads Read the Want Ads. TWO USED typewriters., Reasonable Black, 604'E. Madison, 1809. A NEW stock of Vega Tenor Banjos just received-moderately priced and sold on the easy payment plai.j Come in, and talk it over. Univer- sity Music House.I FOR RENT ONE SINGLE room for rent. Phone 1430-W. 6 ROOM HOUSE, southeast section" $50 monthly, call 2438. DOUBLE ROOM'-One deedpant may! work for same if desired. Phone 1194-M. 422 E. Washington. ROOM: Front suite on Second Floor for two or three students, or man and wife. Call 429 S. Division St. FLOWERS i Stage-This Week. Whitney-"Cotton Stockings." in For a gift that portrays your Individuality For a gift that represents Sour Originality For a gift that brings forth Garrick (Detroit) - "The Cat and the Canary." Personality NO GIFT more appropriate than a bowl of narcissus bulbs. He will like them, she will like them. Everybody likes to have a growing plant in the room. We have bulbs and bowls of all kinds. Hyacinth and glass vase 54c. Harris Seed Store, cor. Washington and Fifth. L I y L i BEFORE Going To "COTTON STOCKINGS" EAT one of JOE'S Famous Steak Dinners AND you will appreciate the opera MUCH MORE JOE PARKER Cor. Ann and Fourth Ave. MUSIC FROM 6 TO 8 Impression SELECT JEWELIRY For a gift that leaves a lasting A rca dej'e weiry Sh op Carl F. Bay BluMaize No. 9 Nickel's Arcade. 2 13 E Liberty. i .. ,c }; ' . ., -- _ x " , ' , _ :. i , ' Dr a s., i o,, ed.. uct'ions ON OUR ETNTIRE STOCK -of_®£_ I SUITS and OVERCOATS li. of k V We Offer for One Week Only, a flat discount of 4 Be Your /0 20., Own Doctor Watch your diet Note These Startling Reductions and you need not go to the Health Service. Our food will keep you well University $25.00 $30.00 $35.00 $40.00 $45.00 $50.00 $60.00 Suits Suits Suits Suits. Suits Suits Suits and and and and and and and Overcoats. Overcoats. Overcoats. Overcoats. Overcoats. Overcoats. Overcoats. . . .......... .$20.00 .$24.00 .$28.00 .$32.00 .$36.00 .$40.00 .$48.00 So. E., Co. Towering Masses" The Garment Center Buildings * New York City WALTER M. MASON, Architect Drawn by Hugh Ferriss An ARISTOCRAT For ANY CAR C SO l- 1a Be Here Before the Stock Is Picked HERE the new architecture expresses itself in great vig- orous masses which climb upward into the sky with a pyramidal profile-gigantic, irregular, arresting. An earlier, conventional building on the near corner is overshadowed, en r rn ie- -r nrLn.1 m------------ar i7 I. r.. s~r" 11 A' I I v 71-lA 44