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December 07, 1923 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-12-07

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gall a t I I

lished every morning. except Monday
the University year by the Board in
of of Student Publications.
nbers of Western Conference Editorial
Associated Press is exclusively en-
to the use for republication of all news
eces creditfed to it or not otherwise
ed in this paler and the local news pub-
cid at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
gan, as second ciars matter. Special rate
stage graneed by I iir I Assistant Pcst-
r (Cene-ral.
scription by carrier, $3.5o; by mail,
ces: Ann Arbon Press Building, May-
5t Feet.
oics: .Editorial, 2414 and r76-M; Busi
ned communications, not exceeding 300
will he jublished in The Daily at
isct-etion of thne 1Editor. Upon request,
dentity of comrunicants will be re-
ef as confidential.

turn them into English partisans but
rather to make them more useful cit-
izens of the United States and the
world. The close contact which these
students have with their English cou-'
sins during their time at Oxford gives
them an insight into the thoughts and
lives of the English people which -will
make him a fairer judge of their ac-
tivities in the international melieu.
Whatever part the Rhodes scholars'
may take in the direction of the af-
fairs of the United States is not blind-
ly ignorant but rather founded on an
intelligent study of at least one na-
tion other than their own.
Any attack on the purpose of the
Rhodes scholarship plan shows an un-
lightened viewpoint such as the Rhodes
scholarships are aimed to correct.
Such ignorant fear of neighboring gov-
ernment has retarded the progress of
civilization since men first began tc
band themselves into tribes. Surel,
two, three, or four years in an Eng-
lish school cannot influence any man
of the Rhodes scholar type in any was
which is detrimental to his own coun-
try in which he has spent from eigh-
teen to twenty-two years. The fool-
ishness of such an attack is too ap-
parent to merit explanation.

These Sihould Have Run Yesterday

To the Editor:
I have been much struck by the pro-
nouncement of "the gentleman from



lephones, 2414 and 176-M

litor................Julian E. Mack
ton. ...... .......Harry Ilocy
Board Cha;irmnan.... R. C. Moriarty
Night Edit'ors
iles A. B. Connable
Eillington 1. . Fiske
Clark JC. Garli ghouse
P. M{ Wagner

1. A
A. C3
y C.

1?ditor ................ Ral;,h N. lljers
d Ldt..........WinionaIlibard
ph Editor................R. B. Ta-rr
Magazine Editor.......F. L. Tiders
Editor................uth C owell
nt City Editor......ernet C. KelBrr
Editorial Board

a Einstein

RoLert Rar ay

Andrew Propper
G. Baetcke R. S. Mansfield
. Berkrnan . C. Mack
n Brown Verena Moranj
ladette Cote Regina Reichrna.
W. Da tAs W. IL . 5 'nclan
old E~hrlich HTS f. Sto:;e
. Fingerle . Sty r
R. Henry N.Ii. T'ial
othy Kamin S. B. Tiemble
ph Kruger a W. J. Walthour
al~eth lierman
Telephone 960
ertising ................... . L. Dunne
ertising ................C. Purdy
e:tising................. . . Roesser
ertising ....... ......W. K Scherer
ounts ...................A. S. Murton
;ulation. ............Perry Al. Hayden
hcation..............Lawrence Pierce
WV. Campbell Fw T Hoedemaker
nie Capian N. E. Hlland
s. Champion M. L. Ireland
aConlin JHarotl A. AMarks
s M. Dexter 1yron Parke s
ph' J. Finn J1. M. Rockwell
id A. Fox 11. E. Roseb
ren Haight A. J. Seidman
I,. Hale WNill Weise
F. Hawkinson C. F. White
R. C. Winter
"The purpose of the associa-
on shall be to foster a friend-
hiip of understanding and com-
ion aims 'among the Universi-
es of the Conference; and to I
rovide yearly conventions of.
epresentatives of all student
ublications, by whom campus
nd journalistic problems may be
iscussed and common decisions

For the second time within a
month the faculty of the literary col-
lege have initiated policies which will
have a profound and permanent ef-
feet on the scholastic standing of the
college. Such steps are significant
and mark a new era of advancement.
As a result of the faculty's recom-
mendation in November to the Board
of Regents to abolish plan B for ad-
mission the Regents in their recent
meeting took this significant step.
For the first time admission to the lit-
erary college is to placed on an equal-
ly stringenttbases forall of the
schools of the state. None of the
larger institutions are to be given
special privileges in the future which
tend to lead the high school student
to take the path of least resistance in
preparing for college.
In the December meeting of this
body Wednesday the faculty took ac-
tion which transcends the importance
even of their earlier move. Their rec-
ommendation that the first require-
ments for graduation be raised so that
a student must have maintained a C
average in all of his work during the
course of his college career to be
graduated from the literary college
opens the way for an elevation of the
position of tie Michigan graduate.'
Just somuch as the requirements for
graduation are raised, to that extent
will a diploma come to be farther
removed from the position of a "piece
of paper".
Anything which will reduce the men-
tal laziness of many of the men and
women in attendance at the Univer-
sity is commendable. The Board of
Regents will do well to give the ne-
cessary final approval to this action
and make the requirement part of the
permanent rules.
STwenty-Fie Years
Ago At Michigan

Sam end inherdaiy pstcrdWisconsin" (Dec. 5). Its purport is
Sam sends In her daily postcard,
and remarks that the weather remind- that, like the Wandering Jew, the
ed her that one would have to be an1 Impenitent Thief is a permanent type.
expert swimmer to be a pall-bearer in I Agreed, then, that rooters, placing
Venice. Also inquires if we are both- their own misinterpretation upon
ered by his or her cards. Nope. rules, will continue to assault offi-
cials and, after games, to invade ho-
* *tels and insult women visitors! What
We have never been lucky-no, is to be done? A player of Rugby in
never. While the dope at the top of 1$174, Ian interested follower of this
the col (between the Toasted Rolls) great game (on both sides of the At-
looks good now-almost topical, in lantic) ever since, I can give one
fact, we are sure that tomorrow will answer. I doubt, too, if there be a
be such a nice day that it will be better. The Scottish Rugby Union
pointless, was confronted with precisely this sit-
uation a good many years ago. It
Incidentally the heading< for the col disciplined the offensive supporters
yesterday had a verb In it when we of a certain team by interdicting their
sent it down. It was the world IS ground for an entire season. The
.w,m'rg for tlh sunrise medicine proved eminently effective;
there has been no such trouble since.
You remember the appreciation our{ Neurotics who "lose their wool", andI
family physician murch wrote a while "owe no apology", must needs be
ago of Poison Ivy's work? We were brought to their senses. This can be
looking at a new poem by this young: done when there is a strong govern-
fellow-evidently, as indicated by the ing body, in a position to do more than
postscript, something he dashed off in pass slap-on-the-wrist resolutions. I
a spare moment-and in came murch, commend the move to the Big Ten. It
who was immediately inspired to may suffice to expel littleness.
write another appreciation. R. M. Wenley, Glasgow, '84.
The Doctor Looks at Literature^
2. XYE $1 TD
Some time ago we wrote a brief YESTER DAY
appreciation of Poison Ivy's work. We B
now realize its limitations. Since then!
he has obviously broadened. He has
achieved a new depth found wanting Odds and Ends
in his previous work. We spoke be- A despatch from Britain contains
fore of his unflinchingidealism; we the news that Lady Terrington, can-
now re-assert it. He has passedi didate for Parliament, has apparently
through the fires of bitter experience, taken a fling at Lady Astor who wears
and has come forth purged, mentally plain clothes to Parliamentary ses-
catharticised, bigger and stronger in sions. "I intend to wear my best
his bold idealism than never before! clothes," says Lady Terrington; "I
witl put on my fur coat and my
A CONSULTATION pearls". The fight seems to have
Sweetheart, I kissed the delicate come. If Lady Terrington wins a seat
petals in Parliament and, holding the above
Of the rose, your hands so tender- views, goes to the sessions in full
ly regalia, and if, on the other hand,
Placed in the lapel of my coat. I Lady Astor sticks to her "dull little
That a rose could have awaken frock with Quakerish collar," it
The love I then gave to you, seems ineyitable that these two estim-
I marvel! I able memberesses will soon begin to
make terrible remarks about princi-
But now the rose has withered. pies, dressmakers, rouge in Parlia-
And I see my love only a some- ment, and other vital problems. Im-
thing agine, if you can, the terrible scene
Attractive to you that might follow and finally culmin-
As a passing fancy ate in the opposing memberesses,
And a love doomed to die shouting terrible reflections upon each
Because of another something other's toilettes, being borne from the
More desirous to you. House under the direction of a very
much frightened sergeant-at-arms.
I crush the crispened petals, The affair woud be epoch-making in
Which drop as dust parliamentary history.
At my feet,
'T do not regret your deceit!- From Toulon, France, comes a
-I needed Experience! thrilling tale that sounds like Jules
POISON IVY. Verne in his "Twenty Thousand

Limiteds: 6 a. m., 9:10 a. m. and
every two hours to 9:10 p. m.
Express: 7 a. m., 8 a. n. and every
two hours to 8 p. m~.
Locals: 7 a. m., 8:55 a. m. and
every two hours to 8:55 p. m.,
11 p. m. To Ypsilanti only, 11:40
p. m., 12:25 a. m. and 1:15 a. m.
Limiteds: 8:47 a. m. and every two
hours to 8:47 p. m.
Express (making local stops): 9: 6
a. m. and every two hours to 9:60
p. M.
Locals: 7:50 a. m., 12:10 a. m.


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rived at."}I
Us is the reason d'etre of the : rilteflsc
tern Conference Editorial asso- From the files o
on. Its members endeavor to: December 7, 1898.

S tie U. of M. Daily,

P.S. Ho! Hum!
* * *
News Item
Mr. Henry Cashman, of Denmark,
Wis., said at a meeting of the Board
of Regents of the University of Wis-
consin Wednesday, that he was op-
posed to the university accepting any
more Rhode scholarships, for the fol-
lowing enlightened reason:
"The object of Rhode scholar-
ships," (said Mr. Cashman) "is to
extend British rule and ultimately
recover the United States. This
scheme makes traitors of some of
America's finest young men, and
for this reason I am opposed to
the University accepting such

Leagues Under the Sea." A diver
working on the submerged wreck off
the French. battleship Liberte, was at-I
tacked yesterday by a huge octopus
which did not reliquish its manifold
embrace until the diver's comrades
had cut it to pieces. The diver, Jean
Negri, fought desperately with the
monster under water and was finally
able to free one arm. Then he plung-
ed a trident into the body of the crea-
ture. The octopus held fast and the
diver gave the signal to be hauled
up. When his companions saw the
writhing monster emerge enfolding
the diver, they were panic-stricken,
but finally returned to Negri's aid and
freed him with their knives.



the problems existing in the
of student life and to promote Little else was discussed among the
undestaning mongthe n athletically inclined students at the
ies which they represent. University of Chicago yesterday than
re is perhaps no other divisi the proposed purchase of Marshall
cety his h iscnrothedihInfield and the adjoining block. The
3iety which is confronted with
problems than the college stu- Iofficials of the university have begun
bodies. A meeting of the sort an active campaign to get a deed on
s planned today brings togetherI the property before January 1. It is
3entative minds of the universi-said that the board of trustees would
f the west. It is reasonable tomake a eroic effort to have the
e that problems which have money for the land and turn the field
current in an intercollegiate over to the athletic department as a
er during the past year will be ristnas present. The secretar of
ctorily concluded in the meet- the board in, a report declared that
thonw n nv in ai ht nt tha


.ere ;today. The wisdom of new 1wrwano oeynS na ri
e todlay.oTheowisdomobewec-time, but that everything would be
es will also undou'tedly be rec- .,
ed. done to raise 'the money. The loss of
,higan congratulates herself on IMarshall field as an athletic ground
Ipportunity to be the meeting for the University would destroy all
for so worthy an enterprise and hope of any further success in ath-
;gan welcomes the delgates. letics, as no other field is situated as
closely or as conveniently to the
RHODES SCHOLARSHIPS AND campus. President Harper is In
INTERNATIONALISM New York consulting with John D.
inite steps in the direction of Rockefeller regarding the Universi-
unity and broad international- ty plans for the next year and will In
tave been noticeable in the for- all probability place the matter be-
march of civilization. Small na- fore the founder of the Univetsity.
have been combined into huge
,s and the world, at present, is In addition to his collection of inus-
red by enormously large states' ical instruments, Frederick Stearns
whom the business and peace has decided to donate his collection
e world is decided. The close of books relating to music to the Uni-
World war made the necessi- versity. Many of the books are very
even closer alliance between srare,and some are out of print. The
ates of the world more obvious collection comprises a library of over
it had ever been before. War 100 volumes.
lit national jealousies to the U
and prevented a broad unselfish !_ t.i . rH__iv_ LaborI;n

This guy is one of the buddies in There is such a thing as too much
charge of the University of Wiscon- school spirit. Denver Gump of Brave,
sin. He is one of the persons who are Pa., desired to make sure that he
supposed to direct the policies of would get to Morgantown to see the
Wisconsin's state university. Ponder Washington and Jefferson-West Vir-
on that a while. ginia football game. Accordingly, he
* * * climbed aboard the special train hours
Bright Bit from the D.O.B. before it was destined to leave and
Captaxn Holm's Class in Equitation: conceived the idea of running away
Beginning Dec. 6, 1923 and until with it. Opening the throttle, Gump
further notice, the class inHorseman- drove the train at break-neck speed
ship conducted by Captain Holm, U. around the dangerous mountain curves
S. Cavalry, will meet in room 312, until the engine left the rails, wreck-
West Engineering Building, on each ing the train and knocking the ama-
Thursday at 4:00 p.m., holidays ex- teur engineer unconscious. At first
cepted. glance it is hard to realize the hid-
Wm. T. Carpenter, Major, C.A.C., eous danger of such a situation. Some-
D.O.L., P.M.C. & T one is very much to blame for the
fact that a train with engine com-
This class in equitation reminds us pletely fired and attached should be
of the C.M.T.C. cavalry we were in a left standing unguarded on a siding
couple of summers ago. We were in from where it can be driven off by the
the cavalry for a month-and how first idiot who is foolhardy enough
long, dear boys and girls, do you sup- to attempt the trick. Fortunately the
pose were on a horse in that period? track for the stolen train was clear
Fif-teen minutes! and a sad over-sight did not result

Twelve-room house on Geddes Avenue.

Will accomodate twenty persons.

re You in the Market to Buy?


FIRST FLOOR--Large entrance hall (15x35), living room, library, bedroom
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BASEMENT-Steam heating plant, electric soft water lift, laundry tubs, fruit
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This home may be purchased with a small payment down. Possession at once.

And then we curried the son
gun for half an hour.

of a


in death to innocent passengers.

Call Mr. Newton, with

Miguel is hungry, and he has been!
standing around for half an hour tell-
in. n-a n .ntA dmnlrmh r

I !

This finishes the odds and ends of
news which Smythe has classified for
your delectation, reader, and at the
.R5nzn fin1A nrnvnn 0 -a




. .£

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