THE MICHIGAN DAILY TA KAPPg 'ES TONIGHTI Will Argue Here.Un Affirmative EDITOR LECTURES ON CONFEDERA CY Left Yesterday For Ohio Debate rIA Prof. I. LI. Goddard of Ohio State University to Address Gathering IONORA RY FRATERNITY TO ADD SEVEN MEMBERS Prof. Henry H, Goddard, of Ohio State university, will be the speaker tonight at the annual fall banquet of Phi Delta Kappa, national honorary fr%ternity in the field of education. Professor Goddard is recog.nized as. one of the foremost authorities upon feeble mindedness in the country to- day. The banquet, which will be held at 6 o'clock in room 318 of the Union, is to be preceded by the initiation of eight men. More than forty-five mem- bers of Phi Delta Kappa, representing four universities will be present. Rus- sell Thomas, '24E, is to act as toast- waster. ICnitiate in Afternoon Initiationtwill be held during the afternoon in rooms 304, 306, and 308 of the Union. At that time Carl May- ar, grad, who is teaching in Flint; E. J. Willman, grad, superintendent of Owosso schools; Walter 0. Shiner, grad.; A. A. Metcalf, grad., superin- tendent of Dundee schools; James Bergman, instructor at Detroit Teach- er's college; Clair C. Cook, '24Ed; and Forest Averill, grad, will be received into the society. Special music will be furnished at the initiation by Prof. Guy S. Whipple, of the school of education, Arnold W. Brown, and Egbert Isbell, '25L. All meg who are to be initiated are ei- the? students in the school of educa- tion or take work there Saturday mornings. Bursley to Attend In accordance with the .usual cus- tom of having guests from the Col- lege of Literature, Science, and the Arts, Dean Joseph A. Bursley, and Prof. Thomas C. Trueblood, of the public speaking department, will be present at the banquet tonight as guests of the society. Professor Goddard, the speaker to- night, Ws a graduate of Haverford col- lege; has been an instructor at the University of Southern California; has received a fellowshipnin psychology at Clark university; and has for several years conducted studies in feeble mindedness from his home in Vine- landdN. J., later accepting a professor- ship at Ohio State. SANDERS WILL ADDRSS STDETSLBTONIGHT Prof. H. A. Sanders of the Latin department will speak before the Cos- mopolitan club and foreign students of the University tonight in room 110 of the library. Professor Sanders, who has just returned from an ex- tensive tour abroad during the past year, has selected as his topic "the Dangers of Disaster in Europe". During his stay in Europe Profes- sor Sanders visited Geriany, France, Italy, and Spain and he is expected to give some of his own experiences there as well as some explanation of the monetary systems on the contin- ent. The talk tonight is the second that has been planned by the Cosmopoli- tan club, an adress on Europe by Prof. J. R. Hayden of the political science departr.ient was also sched-] uled earlier in the year, but was post-] poned indefinitely because of a con- flict. Several receptions at the homes of different professors on the campus have also been held. A Christmas party for students of other lands is being planned for Dec. 16 at the home of Frof. T. R. Rankin of the Phetoric department. CAMP DOU SPREPRS FJ SUMMER ENROLLMENT Plans are being made for the com- ing summer's work at the University Biological station on Lake Douglas. In addition to the present buildings 12 snall houses, two more laborator- ies, a stock room and , dining room are to be constructed for the use of the students and instructors. The' new houses will do away with the use of tents and the new buildings will enable those in charge to take better care of the classes and living cenditions. A!I but one of the regular staff mem- bers will be back next year. A new r an, Dr. Wm. Siefriz has been ap- pointed. He will give a new course n plant geography. Last summer was a record summer for the station, 65 stuidents being en- rolled against 50 as thenhighest pre- vious record. The additions made to the caip last summer include eight small houses, two small laboratories, and a kitchen. Already two applications have been Woman's Affirmative Debating Team Reading left to right: Clara B. Lau, '25, Catherine J. Stafford, '24, and Florence B. Fuller, '25. PRESIDENT GIVES FIRST CONGRESSIONAL MESSIGE GLEE CLUBLEAVS FO Memebers f the University Glee club will leave this afternoon for Romeo, Mich., where they will give a (Continued from Page One) submarines for the navy, and dranlrnoac n h ~nm in-i creased uefenses for thc Panama Can- al. U e Lconcert this evening in the M. E. Action under private ownership of church under the auspices of the coal mines that will obtain greater E schol board. A dinner will be serv- continuity of production and greater ed the club before the concert. Fifty public protection against "unbearab- men will make the trip and will re- ly high" prices along the lines of the turn by special car immediately after recommendations laid down by the the recital. Federal Coal Commission. The program which the club will Relief for the farmer through lower render is as follows: taxes and freight rates; cheaper fer- La udes Atque Carmina. tilizers; greater organization which Glee club. would permit reduction of the wheat 2. Speciality Number. acreage; diversification of farming 3. In Absence. encouragement in the formation of co- Varsity Quartette. operative marketing organizations; 4. By Moonlight continuation of government loans, and Sword of Ferrars assistance in exportation through the Glee Club. War Finance Corporation. 5. The Bee Sale of Muscle Shoals together with The Oriental a location for an auxiliary steam plant Violin solos by Robert Berman and iights of way for a power line 6. War so that the agriculture of the nation Wind Song may get greater supply and lower ; Morning cost of fertilizer, with the sale price IGlee Club of the properties not a major consid- ' 7 My Little Banjo eration. nThe Elfman Anti-lynching legislation; addition- On the Road to Mandalay al appropriations for vocational train- Glee Club ing in agriculture for negroes, an 8 Specialty Number creation of 4 commission of whitesi l Pale Moon and negroes "to fOrmulate a better Close Harmony policy for mutual understanding and Varsity Quartet confidence." 10. Michigan Songs Extension of the Civil Service to the George Oscar Bowen, (irector of the prohibition enforcement field forces club, who left Tuesday for the east exclusive of the members of the pre- because of a death in his family, will sent force and placing in the classi- return in time for the concert and fied civil service of postmasters of the: will direct the club. first, second and third classes. Opening of intra-costal waterways Patronize The Daily Advertisers. control of the flood watres of the Mississippi and Colorado Rivers; con-_ _ _ _ struction of the Great Lakes-St. Law-__ _ rence waterway and power, project and promotion of the super-power development of fhe Northeastern states. Creation of a commision of judges and lawyers to simplify federal court procedure. Limitation on child labor through) constitutional amendment. Regulation of radio interference and aviation. Promotion of highway construction and reforestation. Relief to occupants of reclamation projects by empowering the Secre- tary of the Interior to suspend, read- just and reassess all charges against water users. Prohibition of the issuance of tax- exempt securities by constitutional amendment. In. addition to these and a score of more of recommendations, relatively of less importance, Mr. Coolidge dis- cussed foreign debts, declaring him- self against cancellation and for a reasonable adjustment in accordance3 with the principle adopted for the British debt, and announed he would oppose recognition of Russia -so long as the ruling regime refuses to recog- nize the right of private property ownership and the debt contracted by Russia after the overthrow of the Czar.M JUNIOR PHARMICS PiCK NEWCLASSO~FICERS' h Officers were elected and the class representative on the J-Hop commit- $ C' tee picked at a recent meeting of the stnart Junior Pharmic class. William . Cusick was chosn to act on the J-Hop overCOat committee. The officers named were: presi- You'll find it in the Society dent, J. W. Warner; vice president, Brand Robinhood.A me- L. M. Broad; secretary, F. A. Maur- C1 * 1. Ina; treasurer, J T. Heard. dium weight single-breasted overcoat, with patch pockets AWorington C. Ford Dicusses Clever 01iphniuey of Speeded States SAYS 1)RLD M NOPOLY WASOWANtE Steps taken by the Confederate -statts to secure the recognition of their independence from European powers were discussed by Wothington C. Ford, editor of the publications of the Massachusetts Historical society. in his lecture on "The Diplomacy of the Southern Confederacy," yesterday- afternoon. "The seceding states had almost a world monoply on cotton at that time and through its agency they expected to secure recognition; or if nct recognition, aid or intervention, similar to that obtained in 1778 by the" colonies, and they accordingly based their proposal4 on an economics bas- is,", Mr. Ford said. None of the members chosen for the committee for foreign affairs had had any diplomatic service. According to Mr. Ford, "The one man fitted to be in the Department of State or in one of the commissions was passed by. William H. Trescott, one of the few great diplomats this country hws pro- duced." Mann, Yancey and Rost were the three chosen. "One reason for the composition of the committee may be found in the perfect confidence of the South in the strength of their cause leading them to underrate the import. ance of good agents. The popular be- lief was that the commissioners would have little to do exceptdtoreceive the suhmnission of Europe under economic pressure; cotton was a necessity to both England and the continent. Scott at Blockade "Two measures, taken before these representatives reached Europe, were open to criticism, although technically correct. President Davis issued a pro- clamation inviting applications for let- ters of marque and reprisal against the trade of the United States! President Lincoln followed this by a declaration that crews of Southern privateers would be terated as pirates. He also announced a blockade of Southern ports. Davis' proclamation aroused resentment, and the blockade was I scoffedeat as an ineffectual paper blockade. "The commissioners lacked the very basis that could alone give them strength. They represented an experi- ment, the origin of which had little interest for Europe, for the question of states rights meant nothing to it. Ministers, even in renublics, are but agents. Many believed that the success of Franklin is the War of In- dependence could easily be repeated in this insurgency: But the Southern I bc., 't rxNULL aV. t ip yVeUl 11117 ers were n'ot Franklin, and Naceleon shirt embroidered and stuidded with you are sure of developing and was unlike Louis XVI. pieces of mirror printing of the satisfactory sort. Ford Recognized Authority - "The second chapter in the course of GENERL TEA SHIPAGT. Autographic Kodaks $6.50 up Southern diplomacy opened when Ma- ricetcR, Travelers cheks,,I etters of Credit, Tour- Kodak Frlm ---ccessories son was appointed minister to Great st Insurance. etc rassporte visa",rea rane Britain and Slidell to Farnce in 1861. l is, readmission affdavits ete. information. # t1r r FidhsEurope, Orient, Cruises, Tours, etc. GAIKIN FLEIHE R DRUG CO, Mr. Ford approved of this choice by i Our legalized papers bring relatives and friends to the Confederate government but r e rs.N S A r .Al 324 S. State Stireet spoke of the reserve with which they E. G. KUEBLER, 601 E. Hur on St. E. and S. University Ave. were received .by Russell and Thou- Phone 1384 ANN ARBOR, MECH State and Packard Streets vene, the English and French minpis ters respectively. Slidell finally real- r----- ized that raising the blockade was ---- ----------------------------------- --- - --- - -- - more important than recognition, be- j cause the latter would in all probabil- ity follow the former., He also realiz- ed that he could hope for no action on a the part of France, independent of : Great Britain. Nat Luxenberg & Bros.a "Arguments for recognition address' ed to foreign governments took vari- NEW YORK ous forms, but those of Benjamin, Sec- a retary of State, came closer to the ; a truth, for they appealed to economic Will Show interest and naval supremacy. Mr. Ford has spent years of exten- sive research in the study of the di plomacy of the Southern Confederacy Clothes for the College M an and is recognized as the foremost u-a thority upon the subject today. ----at- Old Tapestries Now On Display ALLENEL HOTEL Tapstries, some of which arethree fNDA Y, DECEM BE hundred years old, are on display in',;~5 the engineering building. They are a the possessions of Henry S. Booth, '24E, who is showing them in con Asl our friends in any Eastern college nection with the Pageant of Arts and avout aca Crafts, which will be given tomorrow Llt ns night at the Union, under the auspic- es of the Architectural society. Booth, collected these tapestries while abroad last winter. In the col- lection is a turban cloth over twelve a- - feet long and a B douin decorated------------ - ------------------------- - Womens Negative Debating Team Reading left to right: Mary, McCully, '24, Joanna Jo Dewtti, '24 and Elizabeth M. VanValkenburgh, '27. London, Dec. 6. - The Prince o W'lales is expected to visit Dublin in April. w Take a Kodak Withyo And as the shutter "clicks," graphic glimpses of the fun the season brings are trans- ferred to film. Whnnou brins us ou)tr films. iilititt ilLittt#11t itltit l li11il l tti ll'X1#i 111°tltIBi1 1ltls(B~iti 1|0 |1 i 1Bl IN HILL AUDITORIUM Sunday, December 9,4:15 P.M. Faculty Concert Series PROGRAM BY FACULTY of the University School of Music Mrs. William Wheeler, Soprano Mrs. Maud Okkelberg, Pianist. Mr. Albert Lockwood, Pianist. No admission charge. Children under 12 years of age not admitted unless they first obtain tickets at School of Music. Wednesday, December 12, 8 P.M. CHORAL UNION SERIES EFREM ZIMBALIST, RENOWNED VIOLINIST. A Few Tickets for Individual Concerts Available. 1= Sunday, December 16, 4:15 P.M. MESSIAH CONCERT THE HIGH SCHOOL CHORUS under the direction of George Oscar Bowen SOLOISTS Mrs. William Wheeler, Soprano' Miss Doris Howe, Contralto. Mr. William Wheeler, Tenor. TODAY AND TOMORROW Can a Man Resist a Near Love When a Wife Is Distant? THE DAINTY STAR ONOn ;. r r1 SOU'TEEL---= I. LOVE A Tale of Impassioned Love in the Tropics i ® ......:- . 6 _ _ ' _ -_ 1 "t _ / J, tvt, _ " , yr 'V1 t K For Xmas A RemingtonPortable STACY R. BLACK 1809 604 E. MADISON and a slight flare to the skirt. It's smart because it's cor- O rectly cut. And that's also why it's popular. CMGSD COMING SUNDAY 4 The Superb Comedy "The The Exclusive Victor Artists WAR ING'S Foot Troubles? Wadham's & Co.