THE WEATHER FAIR AND SOMEWHAT :1 AdW Ar t an tti ASSOCIATE LEASED WI MEMI WESTERN CO EDITORIAL A WARMER VOL. XXXIV. No. 64 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1923 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, FIVE w i . ii I YlYY . __ __._.. _..__-_ r+nww ._ .... t BIG TEN EDITORS TO GATHER ERE FOR MEET TODAY STUDENT PUBLICATION MEM- BERS TO BE AT TRAINS FOR DELEGATES YOST ADDED TO LIST t FOR SATURDAY TALK Editors and Business Managers Will Hear Speakers, See Opera Tomnoirow Eighteen delegates from nine Wes-k tern Conference universities will ar-1 rive in Ann Arbor this morning to at-f tend the third annual convention ofc the Western Conference Editorial as-r sociation which opens here today. The editors representing the publi-t cations of their universities will be' met at the trains by convention com-t mitteemen who are staff members ofe the different University of Michigan. publications. They will then be tak- en to the Union where registration will take place from 9 to 12 o'clock this morning. Griiths ;Nay Speakt Major John Griffiths, commissioner of intercollegiate athletics in the wes- PROGRAM] Friday .I 9:00 to 12:20-Registration at Michigan, Union. I 12:15-Luncheon at Fraternities. i 2:00-Conference of Managing I Editors in room 302, Michigan t Union.- f 2::00-Conference of Business3 F Managers in room 304, Union. v 6:30-Third Annual Banquet, s room 319-21, Union. | Talks by President Marion 'L. | ] Burton and George C. Booth, r. President Detroit Evening i f j News association.1 ____________1.__c Elaborate Offerings To Mark HOBBS IRON riir AnnualLeague Bazaar Opening U U U U LO II U IlL Speaks Tonight The third annual Women's League Christmas decorations in the form and Inter-church bazaar will open at of arches joining the booths will trans- I o'clock this afternoon in Barbour form the gymnasium where the arti- gymnasium, continuing through to- cles for the bazaar will be. on sale. morrow The hours for the sale are Special booths have been arranged mrow 1The h'clock today, and from which will feature dolls, "Santa's sur- fro to 8 o'clock tomorrow. prises," candy, flowers, and the con- SCooperation on the part of all of the tents of a hope chest. A Simple Si- women of the University should make Imon will wander among the purchas- ethis bazaar the most successful of ers with a tray of individual pies. any in the opinion of the committee ofThteromwicwllbstu which Kathryn Woodward, '24, is the ated in the two parlors adjoining the general chairman. Many different gymnasium, will serve luncheon and kinds of articles have been contributed dinner as well as tea this year. AI including children's clothes, lingerie, number o organized houses have ar- kitchen articles, dolls, luncheon sets, ranged to patronize the tea room as bridige appointments, candle sticks, groups for one of the meals during shoe bags, etc. A unique contribution the two days. Luncheon will be serv- has been received from a former pro- ed from 11:30 to 1 o'clock, tea from r fessor of the University in the form 3 to 5 o'clock, and dinner from 6 to I of a collection of plaster paris re- 7:30 o'clock.F productions of Greek gems in the After the close of the bazaar tomor- o Berlin museum which have been in row evening a dance will be given a the owner's possession for over 50 from 9 to 12 o'clock in Barbour gym- t years. A portion of the articles for nasium. Bergen's orchestra will fur- v the bazaar will be reserved from gen- nish the music. Tickets for the dance t eral sale and will be exhibited for the are on sale at Wahr's and Graham's p first time tomorrow . morning. I bookstores. - AR1CHITECTS 'WILLD'MICHIGAOS,.1Ul u p BANQUETBS9AINEN OETbEAE Informal Dinner Honors Architect Team of Six Will Discuss Towner-t Tomorrow; Designs To Be Sterling Bill Here and at f Displayed Columbus I t GEORGE G. BOOTH WILL BE $tgp0 DONATION OF ELEANOR C. t ONLY SPEAKER OF EVENING FORD WILL INSURE PERMANENCY f An informal reception and dinner to , be held tomorrow in honor of Mr. The Towner-Sterling bill" will be Eliel Saarinen, noted Finnish architect the question of the Ohio-Michigan wo-u who lts been teaching a class here men's debate which will be held at 8 since the middle of November, are in- o'clock tonight in University hall. The cluded in plans announced by Arthur K. Hyde, 24A, chairman of the com- Michigan negative squad, accompan- mittee in charge. ied by Prof. J. S. Gray, of the publics The reception is to be held at 3:30 speaking department, left at 3 o'-t o'clock in the corridors of the College clock yesterday afternoon for Colum-f of Architecture, when some of Mr. Saarinen's most celebrated works will bus where they will debate Ohio's af- be on exhibition. President Marion firmative team In the university hall L. Burton will be present at this re- there. Michigan's affirmative team will9 ception." Students and faculty men meet the visiting negative team here. I will also have an opportunity to meet the winner of second prize in the Mrs. Marion L. Burton will preside at n Chicago Tribune Towerr competition the meeting tonight and Professor E.p at this time. Mr. Saarinen has also G. Fleming, of Miami university has o won distinction on the continent as been named as judge of the debate.a being the co-designer of the Hague Fund to Provide Medals t Peace Memorial, as well as serving Mrs. Eleanor Clay Ford, of Detroitt on several juries of award. his placed a fund of $8,000 in theg The reception will be followed by a hands of the regents of the Univer-n pageant, representing the development sity, the interest of which is to pro-v of art throughout the ages, in the vide an annual sum of $50 for each t Union assembly hall. Arrangements of the six women who represent the h include a solo dance by Miss Winefred University in the annual debate witht Sweaton, '24, and more than 100 stu- . Ohio , State university, and also toe dents of architecture will participate provide gold medals, to be known asa in the ceremonies. Henry S. Booth, the "Eleanor Ford" medal, for each oft '24A, is in charge. the women.t Dinner will be served at 7:30 o'clock! According to Professor T. C. True-f in the Union dining room. The speak- blood, of the public speaking depart- .r for the evening is George . Booth,ment, the Eleanor Clay Ford endow- of Detroit. Mr. Booth is president of ment puts the women's debate on a the Detroit Evening News association m- He is also to speak at the Western permanent basis and insures the mem- Conference Editorial association con- bhers of the team, not only of the gold vention here. President Burton, Pres- medals but also of a small scholar- ident emeritus Hutchins, Dean Mort- [ship. $400 has been provided this t imer E. Cooley, of the Engineering year by Mrs. Ford, $100 of this amounte college, and Mr. Ralph Booth, of De- will purchase the medals and the re-t troit, are to be the distinguished maining $300 will be distributed equal-.. guests. Prof. Emile Lorch, of the ly among the six women who are rep-.. College of Architecture will preside. resenting Michigan in the debates to- More than 200 students, as well as night. several ofathe most prominent archi- Eeh and Gray Coach Team I tects from Toledo, Kalamazoo, and The Michigan teams have worked Grand Rapids are expected to be pres- under the direction of Prof. L. M. Eich ent at the ceremonies. A special dele- and Prof. J. S. Gray, of the public gation of 70 is also coming from De- speaking department. Prof. W. H. trot. Sandford, of the public speaking de- I partment at Ohio State university has i mnO L coached the Ohio women. HE111 The women on the negative teamE who will debate in Columbus are: unirTalSPir T TJoanna Dewitt, '24, Mary McCully, '24, and Elizabeth VaiValkenburgh, '27. Members of the affirmative squad are:. Catherine Stafford, '24, Florence Ful- The annual Christmas party of the ler, '25, and Clara Lau, '25. students and graduates in the School of Education, sponsored by the Sen- s for class, will be held at nine o'clock IC H WEIMAN1SP[AS i tommorrow night at the Packard aca- demy. Tickets are on sale at Tappan Hall and will also be on sale at the AT U 1C n IIT PAUI[i5M RI IRAU RAPS PEACE CLUBS ARMY AND NAVY CLUB ADOPTS RESOLUTION ASSAILING PROPOGANDA MAJ. CARPENTER TAKES POST LEFT BY ARTHUR Retiring Major Given Vote of Thanks For Advancement of Work Here Vigorous and powerful protests were egistered by the Army and Navy club, n thq form of a resolution offered by Prof. William H. Hobbs, of the geol- ogy department, at the conclusion of speech given before the club, against he insidious pacifist propoganda which is being circulated throughout he state and the nation by various persons and organizations. Throughout the entire meeting which was a farewell to Major Rob- rt Arthur and a welcome to Major William T. Carpenter, the 'point was urged that every means within the power of the members should be us-j ed to combat the propoganda spread by such organizations as the Women's nternational League for Peace that itizens should pledge themselves not o participate in or aid in any way a uture war. The pledge which is be- ng circulated throughout the coun- I ry by the women's organizations on he payment of fifty cents is that "I will never aid in or sanction war, of- ensive or denfensive, international orI FIRST MESSAGE OF PRESIDENT GOCEONMNASPECTS Of NATIONAL LI SUMMARY OF COOLIDGE VIEWS ON BIG ISSUES George 6. Booth The president of the Detroit Eve- ning News association, who will ad- dress the third annual banquet of the Western Conference Editorial associa- tion tonight in the Union. POLSSHOW TIE Liberal and Labor Parties Run Neck And Neck; Conservatives Lag FORECAST COMPLETE DEFEAT OF PROTECTION London, Dec. 6.--Protection met its The President has taken defin- ite stands on national and inter- national questions in his address. The ways he views these ques- tions follow: Soldier bonus-no. World Court-yes. Russian recognition--no. Tax reductions-yes. Amendment of Esch-Cummins Law-no. Abolition of railroad labor board-yes. Prohibition enforcement-yes. Public building program-no. Strengthening of Army and Navy-yes. Larger immigration-no. Wheat subsidy-no. Regulation of coal industry- yes. i : . ': r Iit f .1 | i i ? Muscle Shoals development- yes. . .I Saturday J 9:00-Joint Meeting of Editors J J and Business Managers, read- ing room, second floor, Un- ion. I J 12:15-Luncheon, room 318-20, IUnion. Talk by Willis John Abbot, J Editor of Christian Science Monitor. 2:00-Delegates will attend mat- inee performance of eighteenth annual Michigan Union opera, Whitney theater. iii i r i j i civil, in any way whether by making Waterloo in the British election today or handling munitions, subscribing to if the returns from 158 constituencies war loans or helping in any way any including 50 where the candidates relief organization such as the Red were opposed, prove a true portent of Cross." the final results. Raps Propoganda The Labor and Liberal parties are Declaring that this propoganda running neck and neck. In the earl- strikes at the very heart of our na- ier reports the Liberal gains figured tion, Professor Hobbs submitted the notibly but later in the evening La- following resolution which was passed1 or began to pull ahead. Compet- unanimously by the members of the ent political authorities assert that Army ,and Navy club. the Conservatives can hope for noth- Resolved; That the attempts of the ing better than a three cornered house Women's Peace society and of public- which would be equivalent to defeat. ists and orators to instill into the The Minister of Labor, Sir Montague minds of our youth th Joctrines of Barlow, was defeated by the Labor pacifism, strike at the very root of candidate and Rear Admiral Sir Reg- ourpolticl ad scil lfe;tha thseinald Hall, chief organizer of the con- our political and social life; that tese servative party, also had to haul down attempts should be met with stout his flag. resistance andl by counter argument hsfa.. resitae nd h byhcounder atrgns un.On the other side Winston Church-{ to theend that the foundations, of our ill, powerful influence in the LiberalI gotvdermntndIurtakivigztioaction party, lost his game fight at Lester to not undermined. In taking this a be a Laborite. Lady Astor will again we express our abhorence of war represent the Sutton division of Ply- through recognizing its continued ex- Iouth in Parliament. She defeated istence in the world for a long time her old opponent, Captain Brennan, by to come. We therefore belieye it to be!nearly 2,000 votes. Several of the especially the duty of every citizen other women candidates however were and potential citizen of military age'l defeated. to do his full part toward the na- tional defence which includes training for military service.P Deplores Ignora'nCe of Defense 4 Major Carpenter who succeeds Maj- or Arthur as head of the military ft science department deplored the lack of knowledge which seemed to be prev- alent on the campus and seemingly Phi Beta Kappa honorary scholastic throughout the country on our pres-, fraternity published a directory list- ent national defense plans and par- ing all the members that have been ticularly on the campus of the organ- elected since Its organization in 1776. ization of such a military unit as the { The lists includes 56,000 names, and of R.O.T.C. these there are 41,000 living members. Major Robert Arthur, former head The directory is divided into two of the military science department who' parts. The first division contains the leaves for Fort Monroetwithin a few names of themembers, listed accord- weeks briefly outlined the system of ing to the year of election to the soc- education which is established by the iety and the chapter. The second part government for its officers through- contains a list of addresses and redi- out the country. At the conclusion of dences of the members. According his speech Major Arthur was given a to thej directory there were 225 mem- vote of thanks by the members of theb bers resident in Ann Arbor at the time club for the impetus which he has giv- of publication. This number includ- en to military training while here in ed both graduate students and faculty Ann Arbor. . mt t«..n.+. nc~nnhnra h t the High Spots From Annual Messagej Our duty now is to help give sta- bility to the world. We want ideal- ism. We want that vision that lifts men and nations above themselves. The world has had enough of the curse of hatred and selfishness, of de- struction and war. It has had enough of the wrongful use of material pow- er. For the nations must bear good will and charity, confidence and peace. No more important duty falls on the government of the United States than the adequate care of its veterans. Those suffering disabilities incurred in the service must have sufficient hos- pital relief and compensation . but I do not favor the granting of a bonus. With his products not selling on a parity with the products of industry' every sound remedy that can be de-' vised should be applied to the relief of the farmer. ENDORSES HARDINGS PROPO. FOR WORLD COURT WITH RECOMMENDATIONS DECLARES OPPOSITION TO SOLDIERS' BON Approves Mellon Tax Reduction P Speech Marked By Succinct Recommendations Washington, Dec. 6.-A legisla program touching every aspect national life was presented by Pi dent Coolidge today in his first m age to Congress. He endorsed President Hardi proposal for American member with reservations in the world co unqualifiedly approved Secretary. lion's tax reduction plan, and anno ed his opposition to enactment of s ier bonus legislation. He also went on record as favo stimulated consolidation of railrc reorganization of the railroad fre structure as applied to farm produ and government assistance in this position of exportable wheat. He dared against price-fixing for f products; against repeal of the section of the Transportation and against revision of the tariff Disposes of Bonus Making his first pronouncemen many public questions, the Presi presented a series of succinct re mendations without attempt at a ment Hesused exactly nine word disposing of the bonus question. ter urging adequate care for disa former service men and gener in providing such care, he said:, " not favor the granting of a bonu The treatment of the world C and the Mellon tax plan was ali as brief. In approaching the c problem he noted that American eign policy always had been gu by the principals of avoidance ova mnent political alliances sacrill independence and of peaceful se ment of international controversie called attention that the United SI acting on these principles had nearly twenty-fiveyears been aand ber of The Hague Tribunal and a that the proposed world court wa new and somewhat different plan "This is not a partisan quest the added. "It should not assum artifical importance. As I wish t a court established, and as the prc al presents the only practical pla which many nations have ever ag though it may not meet every d I therefore commend it to the fa able consideration of the Senate, the proposed reservations clearl: dicating our refusalto adhere t League of Nations." Favors Tax Reduction The endorsement of the Mellon in the course of the discussion o: cal condition of the nation, di which the President called atte that through the budget system economy in expenditures, the ne ties of the government, excusi' the Postoffice Department, had brought down to $3,000,000,00. "It is possible, in consequenc make a large reduction in the ta the people," he continued. "A posed plan has been presented i tail in a statement by the Secr of the Treasury which has my qualified approval. A very grea vice could be rendered throug mediate enactment of legislatio: lieving the people of some of the den of taxation. Of all services ' the Congress can render to the c ry, I have no hesitation in del this one to be paramount." The President prefaced his me with a tribute to President Hal declaring "the world new his kin and his humanity, his greatness his character," and that "he has justice more certain and peace 1 secure." "He is gone," Mr. Coolidge sai remain. It is our duty under ti spiration of his example to ta the burdens which he was perm to lay down and to develop and A people who neglect their national defense are putting in jeopardy their national honor. tern conference has been invited to I speak Saturday morning.' No word had been received from him atAlate[ hour last night. Coach Fielding H. Yost has beenj added to the list of speakers and will deliver a short talk to the delegates Saturday morning at their joint meet- ing in the reading room of the Un- ion. Various conference sessions will oc- cupy the time of the Big Ten editors this afternoon in meetings which will be held in the Union. The third an- nual banquet of the association will be held atp 6:30 o'clock tonight in ,the Union at which time President Mar- ion L. Burton and George G. Booth, president of the Detroit Evening News association, will speak. Luncheon Schednled Conference sessions are scheduled for tomorrow morning and at a 1 :15 o'clock luncheon. Willis John Abbot, '84L, editor of The Christian Science, Monitor, will talk. "Cotton Stock- ings," the eighteenth annual produc- tion of the Mimes of the Michigan Union, is to be seen by the editors in the afternoon. Group 2 Freshmen ileet Tonight There will be a meeting at 7:15 to- clock tonight in room 225 of the Un- ion of all freshmen belonging to Group 2, or who live on any of the following streets: North University;' South Twelfth; South Ingalls; South Thayer; South State 100 to 200 in- clusive; ;East Washington 700 to 900 inclusive; and East Huron 700 to 900 inclusive I I"HE HAS ADNOISE" Said the sweet young thing as she heard Jimmie calling out the results from a small "For Sale" Ad. in the Classified Column. And she was right, for his noise starts early in the morning and reaches the readers in our wide F t p L f 4 r a' a F . Having in mind that education is peculiarly a local problem, and that it should always be pursued with the largest freedom of choice by students and parents, nevertheless, the Feder- al government might well give the benefit of its. counsel and encourage- ment more freely in this direction. I consider it a fundamental requirement {of national activity which, accompan- led by allied subjects of welfare, is worthy of a seperate department and a place in the Cabinet. The best method for selecting pub- lic servants is by the merit system. Cooperation with other maritime powers is necessary for complete p:o- tection of our coast waters from po- lotion. - It is the duty of every citizen not f only to observe the prohibition law but to let it be known that he is op- posed to its violation. Spanish Society Hears N. W. Eddy Mr. Nelson W. Eddy, of the Ro- mance languages department, lectured last night before La Sociadad Hiopan- ica meeting in Tappan hall. Mr. Eddy spoke in Spanish on Pio Baroja, one of Spains foremost authors, ranking with Blasco Ibanez. This was the door at $1.25 a couple. Chaperons for the evening are: Dean A. S. Whitney of the school of I education and Mrs. Whitney; Prof. C. 0. Davis of the school of education and Mrs. Davis; L. T. Purdom of the I school of education, and Mrs. Pur- dom; and Mrs. Margaret Cameron, secretary of the school of education. Westerners Plan Vacation jDanceI Westerners club met last night at tNrr da n.nd made nl'anQ fn ln il- 01 V I IWLUU1II ILIUII I With the close of the football sea- son the Varsity gridiron coaches are again taking up their work of making speeches in the different high schools of this section of the country at the request of the athletic officials of the schools. Coach Ellon E. Wiemnan spoke yes- terday at a high school football ban- quet in Muskegon Heights, given by the Chamber of Commerce club while George Little will leave this morning to speak before the Saginaw team at its annual banquet. Coach Little will nlan nnnar ..forA +he Snrinoald. - The directory also snows tnaL ie -fraternity is composed of 69 chapters LWbut since then six new chapters have been granted charters. Any members of the society who would like to secure a copy of the OrN L directory may do so by communicat- ing with J. H. Hodges, of the chem- istry department, who is secretary of Chicago, Dec. 6.-Robert A. Gard- the organization. ner, chairman of the U. S. G. A. com- -_ raittee for the election of tournament i sites, announced this afternoon that Wea s the 1924 National Open Golf Champ- Ch angeIn Staff ionship had been awarded to the Oak- land Hills Golf Club of Detroit. Whimsies, campus literary magazine Dates for the tournament will be has completely reorganized its edit- announced later. orial staff. * The new editorial board Mr. Gardner said that next year the is to be headed by Halsey Davidson, U. S. G. A. will adopt the policy of '25 assisted by three old members, holding qualifying players to go to Dorothy Greenwald, '24, Velma Lee Detroit to play for the title. Sites Carter, '24, Frances Swain, grad. and for the two qualifying tournaments one new member, Paul Webbink, '25. have not been announced. The business staff is to be headed The award of the National Open I by Wallace Hoffman, '25 as business Golf tournament to Detroit gives this j manager. At present the business City its second big gold tournament in staff desires tryouts, particularly 4v hinxr Tn 141 th: + Atimnnni A M_ sohomoes.Thereare staill nositionsg E > third lecture on the Spanis'h society's lecture course. The next regular meeting of La So- ciadad Hispanica will be held Thurs-' day, Dec. 13; in the Upper Room, Lane Hall. There will be fifteen initiated at this time, making a total of 65 new members. Hold Convention Over New Years Prnf. A _P _hu1l nf the 2 noz vde- port the wise principles of govern which he represented." Recommends Merchant Marl From this basis the President launched upon his recommen which, in addition to those rela. taxation, world court, transport and soldier legislation included Government operation of the built merchant marine until sh conditions are such as to allowi be disposed of advantageously Strengthening of the Coast to combat rum smuggling; rigi ulation of the major sources of | nn.rbAiniM nn mnressin A? intr