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December 06, 1923 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-12-06

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I I I Wool-



Sohpomores who wish to try
out for assistant managers of
Minor Sports, which include
hockey, swimming, wrestling,
and golf, report at the wrestling
room in Waterman Gynnasium
between 3 and 5 o'clock any day
this week or next.
R. V. Rice, Manager.

i i





s D



lined in Spalding's Swimming Guide society basketball leagues should do
will hold upon all rulings upon infrac- so immediately.
tions of the rules or fouls.
I The deadline for the fraternity bag-
The two games scheduled for the ketball team entries has been set at
freshmen sectional group speedball 5 o'clock, Dec. 10. The schedules will
league which have not been played 'be announced immediately after school
will be run off at 4 o'clock this after- starts following Christmas vacation.
noon as follows: Team 6 vs. team
10 team 5 vs. team . The outlook for a record breaking
- n ----noa -.vtn - hn -aa --

ligan's 1924 Football Caiptain
Won 12 Letters in high
School Athletics

Cornell Mentor Earns Place
Ranking Coaches of



% I



in rrnr n i r rr r



Herbert Steger, Michigan's football
captain-elect, has attained a brilli-
ant record, both in athletiPs, scholar-
ship, and outside activities. Gradu-
ating from Oak Park High School,
Oak Park, Ill., the spring of 1921,
"Herb" left beliind him a (great lIst
of achievements. In the four years
he was in High Sch'sol, he won 12
letters, four of which were in football.
Steger also competed in baseball, bas-
ketball, and track. He played short
stop on the Oak Park baseball team,
guard on the court squad and Ian
the dashes and tossed the weights in



(By Norman E. Brown)
By bringing the powerful Cornell
eleven through the past season with-
out q defeat, Gilmour Dobie, coach of
the Big Red team, added to his im-
pressive record as a gridiron mentor.I
In 17 years of coaching, Dobie's aggre-
gations have chalked up 89 victories,
three ties, while only three defeats
have been suffered by his proteges.
Which ought to stamp this angular
wizard as the miracle man of the grid-
No other coach of nationally recog-
niaed institutions can produce such a
record. The statement thdt over a
span of 14 years in that 17-season run
Dobie carried his teams through with-

For the third successive year Kap-
pa Nu annexed the handball champion-j
pionship of the fraternities. Alpha
Rho Chi was their opponent and had
to be content with second place be-
cause the winners excelled in every
phase of the game, taking the three
matches by scores of 21-8, 21-9, 21-15.1
Segall, Kappa Nu, bore the brunt of
the attack and easily distinguished;
himself as the best handball playerI
that has been seen on the courts this!

The schedule for practice for the
40 yard free style, 200 yard free style, fraternity and class basketball team
for tonight follows: 6 o'clock, Peers,
fancy diving contest, 40 yard back L m d i Alphas Tht'C hi; 6:30
Lambda Chi Alpha, 10 adfe tl o Theta Chi; 6:30
stroke, 100 yard free style, plunge for o'clock, Cygnus, Delta Alpha Epsilon,
distance, 60 yard breast stroke, 160 Pi Kappa Alpha; 7 o'clock, Trigon,
yard relay for a four man team. Sigma Phi Epsilon. Xi Psi Phi, fresh
Fraternity athletic managers should engineers; 9:45 o'clock, Beta Phi Del-
take particular notice of the following ta, Phi Kappa Sigma, Alpha Tau Om-
rules: Four men must be entered in ega.
the meet in order to secure points for Three practice periods have been as-
;entering; each man will be permitted signed for Friday and are as follows:
to compete in three events, no more; 6 o'clock, Sigma club, Tau Epsilon Phi,
only two men from the same fraternityj Phi Mu Alpha.

independent teams is bright as a num-
ber of managers have signified that
they will enter a team. As soon as a
few more enter, leagues will be form-
ed and the schedule, which will start
after Christmas vacation, will be an-
nounced. Any independent manager
can enter in the independent league
by organizing a team and turning the
name of his players into the Intramur-
al offlice.

basxetbait season among the class and

Coached by Thistlewaite
M9ichigan's 1924 football captain,
as on nine championship teams
liile in high school. The Illinois
cliool walked off with the honors in
football for four successive year, one'
bf 'these seasons bringing a national
title to Oak Park. In winning the
American interscholastic gridiron
hionors, "Herb" and his teamates de-
feited D'ayton High, 19-6. On Day-
ton's eleven were Jack Keefer, Ollie
Flee and Dobeliet. Keefer won his
letter on Michigan's gridiron squad
lstyear , .nd received hondrable men-.f
tion from Walter Eckersall. Klee
Iad Dobeliet are both backfield stars
at Ohio State at present.
Steger also helped his school win
two b'aketball championships, and
three track titles. The Oak Park track
squad won the National Indoor In-
ferscholastics one year, with Steger
bu 'tlte team. "Herb's" high school
football days were spent under the
tutelage of Glenn Thistlewaite, who
coached the Oak Park eleven. Thist-
Iewaite is now head football coach
at Northwestern University. In the
four years that Steger was in high
scliool, the football team did not lose
a single game. "Herb" weighed 180
pounds at the time he graduated and
was pronounced by Walter Eckersall
the best football player in any Mid-
Western prep school.
Illness Handicaps Work
Steger's high school activities Were
iot confined to athletics alone. He
was always a good student, and was
fresident of his class in both his jun-
Ifr and senior years, besides being
jrdminent along other lines. He en-
fered the, University in the fall of

Although several fraternities ad-
vanced considerably on the fraternity
all-around athletic efficiency char
following the awarding of points
earned in .the recent handball meet
none of the houses failed to displac
the present leader, Phi Chi, from thei
insecure lead over the other entrants
for the cup*.
Alpha Rho Chi made the best ad-
vance raising to second place with a
total of 222 points, 4 1-2 points be-
hind the leaders. Beta Theta Pi, in
third place retained their small lead
over the general fraternities, Phi Sig-
ma Delta being the closest rival with
204 points, 11 markers behind the
Betas. Phi Sigma Kappa rose from
tenth place to the fifth position and
is fast rounding into their traditional
fight for the cup such as was wit-
nessed last year towards the close of
the season.
Kappa Nu also arose to among the
leading ten as a result of their recent
victory in the handball tournament.
The other fraternities contained in
the first ten were originally higher
but fell when the handball points
were added with those earned in speed-
ball and cross-country.
There will be little change in the
present staildings until after the
swimming meet. Following the event
Beta Theta Pi is expected to regain
the lead as they have a veteran water
squad which has annexed the champ-
ionship for the last two years and
every one of their stars J&s eligible.
Some of the other fraternities, how-
ever, believe that there is some ques-
tion as to who will win the meet this
year, for they claim to have some
stars, too, that must be reckoned with
when the finals are held.
Following is the standing today of
the ten leading oragnizations in the
fight: Phi Chi, 226 1-2, Alpha Rho
Chi, 222, Beta Theta Pi, 215, Phi Sig-
ma Delta, 160 1-2, Acacia, 159 1-2, Nu
176 1-2, Kappa Nu, 167 1-2, Phi Gam-
ma Delta, 160 1-2, Acacia, 159 1-2, Nu
Sigma Nu 155, Delta Tau Upsilon,
153 1-2.


fall at Waterman gymnasium. The will be allowed to compete in each
other players, winner and loser, were single event; managers should be pre- If the Varstiy basketball squad va-
about on a par and the latter made the pared to hand a list of their entries cates Waterman gymnasium after
most of their points by taking advant- ! and the events in which they will com- Christmas vacation a class B fratern-
age of the breaks. The matches were pete, upon arrival at the Y, to the In- ity basketball league will be organized.
by far the best seen on the courts this tramural manager in charge of the Fraternity athletic managers should
fall. meet. see to it that they have plenty of men
-- The preliminaries will start prompt- out for practice so that if the plans
In a circular which has been sent to ly at 3 o'clock, next Monday afternoon, go through they will have enough ma-
alIl nf thP rf arritic u ih'a l:'#o v n aip , , , - - ,,,,,,,,-P-, 1.4 +.., . -Ia. P -..+.


-out a single defeat may make his suc-
out asingl defat ma mak his uc- ~.A& L~' L1~L1ULLy Lman11arrivingL after a zthmanarrivmg teer tat toe teiam t tor two aeams
- cess~seem even more brilliant. which will be held at the swimming wrill not be permitted to participate.
be". began hscareer as ant t meet preliminaries next Monday has The finals will follow at 3 o'clock the All managers intending to - enter
-iof college elevens when called to North been announced. They are as follows: following Wednesday. The rules out- teams in the independent, class, and
Dakota Agricultural college after two
years at Minneapolis high school. Two.
- years later the University of Washing-
ton called him and his success in the
next eight years that followed drew i
the attention of. the entire foo ball E
world. In those 12 years he never once .
tasted the bitter dregs of defeat. His
teams won 53 games and tied three.
His powerful scoring machines ran up -
a total of 1,686 points while his op-
ponents managed to score 113. ? l
Eastern colleges began bidding for
his services and the Annapolis officials 6
won out. In 1917 and 1918 no atten-.j
tion was paid to football, but in 1919 4
Dobie saw his team go to defeat for
the first time over a span of 14 cam-
paigns. Georgetown trounced the -
Navy 6 to 0. That Dobie was peeved . -
was indicated by the way the Navy =
turned to and trounced the Army 6 to IEp
0 for the first time in five years.
Three years ago Dobie moved to III
Cornell. He had to reconstruct the de-
pleted Cornell outfit and while the re A BARE ARM MAY BE BEAUTIFUL
building was going on Dartmouth and==
Penn walloped his lads severely. But
that was the last. The fun stopped but one of our ornamental or jeweled gold
there. Cornell hit its stride and Dobie E-bracelets make it still morelHave
has won over 20 games in a row for c Wllm lovely.
the Ithacans.seen the new link bracelets such as we are
.,nshowing now? Bracelet watches are here in overcoat
TILEN TO RESIGN FROM/dimw ghsnlebatd
quite an array. Perhaps a new necklace or You'll find it in the Society
So. H COP TEAM;lavaliere will appeal to you. Brand Robinhood. A me-
dium wiht sinle-breasted
Philadelphia Dec. 5.-William T. overcoat,withpatchpoCkts
Tilden today was unchanged in his Bad lih laetote it
theDain thaCup tennis ta of1924oFELLOWS: It Would Make a Good Christmas Present for and a shtfle to theiskirt.
"as long as the present system of Yo rGr=a m , o lnt t .
handling this play continues."t our Girl at Home, W ouldn't It? r l cut An that's also
Tilden's attitude is the result of crit
icism by Harold H. Hackett, of the{
Davis Cup committee, who said Tild-
en's play in the doubles was that of a -
novice and stated that the chamfpion IA1W adhamN's&ICo
had "parked his intelligence outside . State Street MittStreet
the stadium" during the match.
"I do not consider myself a first=
class doubles player," Tilden said to- STATE STREET JEWELER
day, "and it is just possible that the
committee has beaten me to the de-
cision that I shall not play in the
future." 302 S. State Street.1
Tilden attacked the secrecy that the .
committee usually surrounds the se- -I
lection of the Davis cup teams. He11111111 iih ill 1 iIif 1111111 iIi i ilil1111111lilligi 1 il ll
said such mystery was childish and
unwarranted. He said he did not 111 1111 Ii111Ili li1 1IiI
know until 36 hours before that he
was to play doubles with R. Norris M
Williams. He said he had never play-
ed right court in tournament doubles on**E
before and was accustomed to left E


Illness handicapped his athletic
Worlk in his freshman year, although
he worked on indoor track. He was
seriously ill for several weeks at holi-
da~y time, and weakened to such an
extent that he was unable to take
Bart in athletics for the remainder of
the year. An operation for appendi-
citis was followed by complications,
and "Herb" lost nearly 35 pounds.
For the rest of the school year and
during the following summer he de-
voted himself to bringing back the
poundage and strength he lost while
ill. When he returned in September
of 1922 for early football practice, he
was not as heavy as he was when he
entered school, but was in excellent
Running Mate for Kipke
Steger was a fine player from the
start. He shone in the scrimmages,
and opened his football career for
Michigan by running 45 yards around
end for a touchdown in the Case
game. Ie made the score on the first
play called after he entered the game.
He played regularly after that, and
has been one of Michigan's main-
stays for the past two seasons. This
year, while most of Michigan's oppon-,
ents devoted themselves to watching
Harry Kipke, the Ws~olverines' All-
American halfback, Steger got away
for consistent gains. He and Kipkea
were a great pair of halves, and Steg-
er proved to be an able running mate
for Michigan's great captain.At the
close of the season, his teammates
picked "Herb" to act us captain for
next year. Their choice is a fitting
tribute to the Oak Park boy's merit,t
both as an athlete and a man. Steger1
is a fine player, a natural, leader, is
cool under fire, and has a football
head. He should have a brilliant sea-
son in 1924, and will be an able cap-
tain. .He has never played in a losing
game ,while at Michigan..
Steger was president of his classt
during his sophomore year in the;
university. He is a member of Zeta
Psi fraternity.
Mntries can be made for the all-{
campus swimming meet any time be-1
tween now and Christmas vacation.
The date for the preliminaries and
finals will be announced when school
is resumed, Jan. 3.

Some sport has been poked at Ohio
State for scheduling Indiana and Pur-
due, so-called weaker sisters of the
Big Ten Conference, for grid games
next fall. To' my mind this should
prove a good thing for Ohio. The team
is in a rut. It has been losing con-
sistently. What it needs more than
anything else is a different mental at-
titude. A few victories, after the long
spell of defeats, will have the proper
physchological effect, even though the
beaten opponents do not represent the
strength of the conference teams in
general. Ohio State has the material,
the coach and the spirit to win if it can
only shake off the sleeping sickness of
Is Walter Camp sounding a great
truth when he says 'that the trouble
with college athletic's is "that tlfere is
too much "athletics and too few ath-
He gives one something to ponder
over when 'he points out that every
week many thousands of persons crowd
into stadiums to watch 22 men in ac-
tion. Thousands of dollars are spent
yearly to perfect these 22 athletes and
the other students derive no benefitj
from this expenditure. He says, in
"The World's Work," the boy of todayI
certainly needs the developiient of
"courage and strength and wits and
skill as athletics do develop them."
Why deny these splendid opportunities
to the great mapority of boys for the
sake of the annual big game and the
annual regatta, he asks.
In these words is food for thought
on the part of college officials and
graduate bodies.



This Dempsey-Firpo affair was'
nothing to what "Husk" O'Hare
is going to put on when he
trots out his Super-Orchestra
against his Syncopated Soldiers
at the Drake arena Friday night,
the 28th. This fight will go
down in the annals of music.
Get your tickets from WALT
SCHERER, Daily Office.
Cticago's First Intereollegiate

We are making them
By Ka of IndianapoIis
Take a lo0ok at our
Fifty-three-Dollar Specia
Better grades if you desire $53 to $100 :

C rTlr"TU r Y"% lC"T UTCTT 5A C V A X TI-"

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