THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, DEC TFICIA'L NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Published every morning except Mondty iing the U~niversity year by, the Board in ntrol of Student Publications. Members of Western Conference Editorial sociation. The Associated Press is exclusively en. led to the use for republication of all news patchies c redited to it -or not otherwise edited in this papertand the local news pub- ied therein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, chigan, as second class matter. Special rate postagegranted by Third Assistant Pcst- ster General. Subscription by carrier, $; by mail, .00. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- -rd Street. Phones:E.Editorial, 24r4 and 176-M; Busi- ss, g6o Si ned communications, not exceeding 3o rds, will be published in The Daily at e Oiscretion of the Editor. Upon request, e identity of communicants will be re- rded as confidential.. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephones, 2414 and 176-H) MANAGING EDITOR HOWARD A. DONAHUE ws Editor..........Juliari ,E. Mack ty Editor.................harry Hey litorial Board Chairman....9..C. Moriarty Night Editora 11. Ailey A. B. Conwable A. Billington l E. Fiske arry C. Clark JG. Garlinghouse P. M, Wagoer ots Editor...............Ralph N. Byers oin n's Edit u;.............Winona HIibbhard, 'l.cgraph Editor...............R. B. Ta r nday Magazine Editor......F. L. Tiblen usic aditor..............Ruth A Howell sista.nt city Editor.. Kenneth C. Kellar Editorial Board uil Einsteiu Rotert Ramay Andrew Propper Assistants G. Bacteke R. S. Mansfield N. Berkman F C. Mack dlen irown Vcrcna Moran riadctte Cote Reaina Reihman 1V. TDa/is WV. I i. S, onemani rold Ehrlich 1i. R. Stone ",:n erle K.l; Sye P. Henry N. lt. >rothy Kamin S. B T emble seph Kruger W. J. Waitour izabeth Lieberman BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 960 BUSINESS MANAGER LAURENCE H. FAVROT vertising.,.............E. L. Dunne' vet ising................C. Purdy Ivertising....................W. Roesser dvertising,................W. K Scherer reouflts...... ...........A. S. Mortoni rt ation................erry M. Hayden ublication................Lawrence Pierce Assistants W. Campbell 'lw. T ) Toerlemaker nnte Caplan N. E. Holland ias. Champion M. L. Ireland hn Conlin Harold A. Marks is M. Dexter Byron Parker zeph J. Finn 11. M, Rockwell avid A. Fox H. E. Rose auren Haight A. J. Seidman . L. Hale WillWeise E. Hawkinson C. F.. White R. C. Winter HURSDAY, DEC.EMBER 6, 1923 Night Editor-THOMAS E. FISE BREAKING THE BACKBONE OF FOOTBALL, any other, optimistically predicts a majority of over a million votes forl his party, but, when one considers that the conservatives began their govern- ment with a clear majority over their opponents of seventy seven repre- sentatives in the House of Commons, one may safely rate his figures a little high. It is certain that the election. will be close and hard fought. There is more involved in its re- sult than the mere defeat of the Con-" servative party; there is more to con- sider than the rather interesting rap- prochement and union of the two wings of the Liberal party; if Stanley Baldwin wins his fight with enough of' a majority so that he may consider his policies as approved by the people, and his requests to be freed from the pledge of Bonar Law, as granted, he will proceed to change the whle fis- cal policy of the English nation. England has prospered and flour- ished under free trade for eighty years, and the characteristic conser- vatism of the English may turn from such a radical change. Speculation is rife as to whether Stanley Baldwin can carry through what Joseph Chamberlain tried to do in 1903 but failed. The fundamental basis of the situation has altered since the con- servatives tried to change twenty years ago, however. In those days, England was the work shop of the world, the creditor nation of nations, and now she is the largest debtor of any nation. This makes a vast differ- ence, and probably explains Mr. Bald- win's move as a move of a man with courage which can face a nation with an issue, cons'cious that he has op- posed to him, a newly united party in the Liberals, and a strong opposition in the Labor party. TEACHING A PROFESSOR NEW TRICKS Interesting indeed, is the result of the recent questionnaire circulated among the junior class of Princeton university to ascertain the success of the new four course system of study, instituted there at the beginning ofj the current semester. The class in question is the first to be affected by the new plan which calls for the carrying of only four courses during the two latter years of the student's collegiate career but involves the ex- tension of outside reading require- ments and is intended to stimulate the student to further investigation along the lines of his major courses. Resulting from the circulation of formal question blanks among mem- bers of the class of '25, the concensusE of opinion was in favor of the plan now in practice but with only half a dozen exceptions, those who expressed their approval of the plan were dissat- isfied with the present methods which are being used to carry it out. None but a questionable few of the entire Ii~II)llIf1FMIftfffJ7If/IfffII - OAV F L L THE WORLD WAITING FOR THE SUNRISE i rk f r k CAMPUS OPINION Open Until evenings Christmas, Another thing the jolly old universe! has been waiting for for about a month now is the Lucky Strike coup- ons. Everybody saw the signs in the windows a long time ago, telling us all to keep our optic apparatus trained on the newspapers for the Lucky Strike coupon which would en- title us to a package of the Cigarette of Nations for 9 cents. (The 9 cents being just to cover the cost of pack- ing, mailing, etc., we presume.) Well, we looked and we looked, anfd every- body else looked and looked-and no coupon appeared. We kept on buying our package a day at the regulation 15 cent rate. And then one fine day the tobac- conists hoisted a sign into the window bearing the joyful news: TODAY ISI THE DAY! and telling everybody to get out the old newspaper and the old shears. . . . But the coupon was not in the paper.J BUT TODAY BY GOSH WHILE WE? WERE READING THE WORLD'S GREATEST NEWSPAPER WE FOUND THE DOGGONE COUPON AND WE TOOK IT OVER TO STATE STREET AND GAVE THE GUY NINEI CENTS AND HE GAVE US A PACK- AGE OF LUCKY STRIKE CIGAR- ETTES. YES. NOT FROM THE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION To the Editor: In your editorial this morning with reference to the use of athletic funds you fall into an error which seems to have been quite common since the' announced action of the Regents of last week. That action was not taken with reference to any proposal sub- mitted by the Board in Control of Athletics or by the Athletic associa- tion. There has never been any stad- ium plan adopted by our Board other' than the one of which the present south stand is a unit. While I am not in position to speak as an authorized representative, I am quite certain that the action of the Regents was occasioned by a very common, but unofficial, agitation among students, alumni and, perhaps,; faculty.' Qraham's BOTH ENDS O F THE DIAGONAL W ALK -r n -rnmmmlmwl Senate and 17 in the House. In both bodies it is a nominal majority and: made so by the Progressive bloc which at present is causing the delay. This would seem to indicate that the party in power will accoA.plish very little at the precise time when they should accomplish much. If the small radi- cal group is blocking action at the' present time, it will probably continueJ SPECIAL SALE -on- EAR MUFFS, SWITCHES, ETC. Two Weeks Only. BLUE BIRD HAIR SHOP Nickels Arcade. SALESMEN House to House men earn $3 io $5 ah ADRIAN-ANN ARBOR BUS LIINE Central Time (Slow Time) Leave Chamber of Commerce Week Days Sundays 6:45 a. m. 6:45 a. M. I2:45 P! M. 6:45 D. M. 4:45 p.m. JAS. H. ELLIOTT, Prbprietor Phone 926-M Adrian., Mich. F- Ralph W. Aigler. to do so after the organization is com- plete. CHINA'S CONTRIBUTIONS e * To the Editor: The kindest criticism that can be In an address to the Older Boys' made of this Progressive show is that conference last Saturday evening, it is "ill-timed and can't be taken off President Burton enquired what the stage too soon." hour in spare time, selling Little Wonder Gas Savers. Only weighs 2 ounces. Cut gas bills 50 per cent. Retails at 35c. Cost $15.00 a gross, brings in $50.40. Agents sample dozenl postpaid, $1.50. Keystone Supply Co., 218 Duquesne Way, Pittsburgh Pa. " . China had contributed to the world and why she had meant so little. He: said that China, like Africa, had not; planned for the future but had been1 drifting. It is generally accepted that China Bukarest, Dec. 5. - Crown Prince !Read Charles plans an American tour next spring. the Want Ads, rwwvo em ---omm DETROIT UNITED LINES EAST BOUND Limiteds: 6 a. m., 9:10 a. m. and every two hours to 9:10 p. m. Express: 7 a. m., 8 a. m. and every two hours to 8 p. m. Locals: 7 a. im., 8:55 a. m. and every two hours to 8:55 p. .m., 11p. in. To Ypsilanti only, 11:40 P. =,12:25 a. m. and .1:1 a. =. WEST BOUND Limiteds : 8:47 a. m. and every two hours to 8:47 p. m. Express (making local stops):9:k a. in. and every two hours to 9;5( p. in. 'oal:"7:50 a. m, 12:10 a. M. DECEMBER S MT W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 . 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 242 2 6 27 28 2 30 31 . . '. .. nmmmwmm ream momm w But we intend also to make up for, invented gun powder, the marine com- all the time we've wasted looking in pass, and the printing press. Whether previous papers, and clip the coupon these have been the creditable contri- out of every one of the Daily ex- butions to civilization can be best; changes. , judged by their utility to mankind. * * * Although not an important factor from POLITICS PERILS the standpoint ofi military power, this YAMAMOTO IN country has occupied a not insignifi- JAPANESE DIET cant position in world affairs. No In- -W. G. N. headline. ternational conference appears con-; Well, if these Nipponese will insist plete without the presence of the del-' on eating Yamamoto- egation from China. The future of S* * this Republic is a great concern not, Everybody on the staff of this only to herself but to the rest of the cation is on a committee publi world. which is There is no feasible comparison of called, for want of a better name, the China with Africa, as each is different Entertainment Committee for theI comig coventon o th Wetr from the other in culture, degree of. coming convention of the Western civilization, political attainments and Conference editorial association. , As , other numerous1 dissimilarities. In a consequence, we Jason Cowles, of:I I fact, they are the striking antitheses. whom it is the proud boast that he When European imperialists attempt- has never served on any committee, ed to exploit Africa and Asia, they had however minor or major-we are the to adopt different methods of colon- only person in the entire office that is izati n which were more successful in not selling tickets to a luncheon that the former than in the latter. is to be given in honor of one John This Oriental Republic is at present Willis Abbot, who is the editor of the going through stages of transition, christian Science Monitor. like the United States underwent be-j We have reluctantly 'applied for fore and during the Civil War, orf membership in the committee-simply France during the Revolution. The as a means of self-defense, of course. internal conditions of China are not Adv. tn d really so chaotic as reported in the' The W G N also contains an advert- press, and at least she is more sane. isenent concocted by the publicity and better organized than Germany agent of the Moist piano company, and Russia at the present moment. The feature of the display is a pictureShe has plans for the future as much I THE GREY SHOP boo E. Liberty I I Sunday Evening Lunch. Salads Sandwiches Fountain. Service MAVIS FRENCH CANDIES I I PRE-HOLIDAY SALE ON MEN'S HATS Hats that were $3 0, Now $3.90 Hats that were $4.00, Now $360 Hats that were $4.60, Now $8.15 Hats that were $6.00, Now $4.25 Hats Cleaned and Reblocked at low prices for Hlgh.Class Work. FACTORY HAT STORE 817 Packard St. Phone 179 (Where D. 1 7. XStops at /State) Security May be found for your valuable docu- ments by using our Safety Deposit Vault. t 41 40 ho - c Foot Trouble S7 The service will please you. Farmers & Mechanics Bank Have your feet examined and diagnosed by a spec- ialist. Consultations'Free. IRVING WARMOLTS D.s.c. ChiropodistsandOrthopedist 707 North tfniversIty Phone 2652 { { ;; ;I R 101-105 SOUTH MAIN 330 SOUTH STATE { Events of the past football season class have felt that the introduction ( of one E. J. Gemmer, who is, accord- ave clearly aroused the colleges and of the revised system resulted i their ing to the legend under the cut. a 11 interested in, the welfare of inter- increased stimulation to further vol- Pianist and Pedagog. Mr. Gemmer luntary reading and personal research. i t ollegiate sports to the realization The plan has only been in active saysdear r Moist: hat college football is in danger. In use for three months and those dur- The extraordinary quality in the pite of the nation wide support the ing the 'most disorganized period of various pianos you carry has been a 'ame is commanding, the wrong kind the college year. The sentiments of revelation to me. f spirit on the part of the college men who appreciate the advantages of r . . Hen themselves is definitely under- voluntary study in the place of com- Let us explain to you dear clien- aining football. A love for fair play pulsory learning have maintained tele, the geography of the Daily office. nd a tolerance ofhuman short com- their faithful adherence to the plan Our desk is in a corner, and there is ngs are the two most necessary assets they supported in the spring, but be- auhook at our elownon wh ur or the continuance of all branches of; cause of the ineffective use to which mail is each day hung. Behind us port and the spectators must not it has been put, begin to question the there is a desk at which the exchange nly suipport their team, and their probabilities of its ever reaching a papers come in-fifty a day, possibly. oach but, even above them, the of- status of effective operation. Every morning the inspired ape whose cials of the game. Rome was not built in a day, no lot it is to sort 'em out dumps the 'Football's existence depends. upon have the worthwhile systems of this whole mess on OUR desk and there roper respect for the officials," says universe met with success in their sifts the sheep from the goats and writer in The Detroit Saturday first hours. Princeton has attempted elephants. When he has finished, he ight, "they are bigger than any play- a great step and will be greatly dis- files all those that have cubby-holes,' r or coach or spectator." appointed if she expects it to meet and leaves the rest. . . . The re- Football officials are pickedt with with immediate success. The faculty, sult is that we are now out of sight he consent of both competing schools as well as student body, need time to behind a monstrous pile of journal- nd are chosen for their experience, acclimate themselves to the new order, ism; our typewriter carriage is, in airness, and knowledge of the rules.! and when three-fourths of the under- fact, impeded by it. 'hey are non-partisan because they graduate state on their questionaires,' When we are wealthy, we shall have rd more interested in their own rep- "We do not think the faculty is living a personal janitor to clear away office tations than in either team. They up to its share of the agreement," they obstructions. re the backbone of the game and' must be pardoned for failing to real- * * * annot be attacked without breaking ize the truth of that old proverb, "You And now we read of how a band of own the game itself. College stu- can't teach an old dog new tricks."' now we radhofghow and Jf ents and alumni should recognize Not, in three months, at least. son staged a great riot at a neighbor- ese facts and control their enthus- ino girls' school. They marched over' ism with fairness. The officials en bloc, found the doors locked, shin- now the rules of the game better than;* nied up the verandas climbed in the ie ordinary spectator can, they are Twenty-Five Years windows of the dormitory, and march- hosen because they do. The officialsI Ago At Michigan ed up and down the halls-doubtless re on the field, over the plays, and A singing some song glorifying the re in a better position to judge the ^ ^ Messrs. Washington and Jefferson. lays than the spectators - in the vFroll the files of the Michigan Daily, We weren't they the nasty fellows! .ands. Occasionally they make mis- Aecember 6, 1898 Weren't they the lewd creatures! The kes, but the chances are one hun- little rapscallions! (These are only' red to one that they are right in their The District of Columbia Woman a few of the thoughts that enter our1 ecisions and, at least the decisions Suffrage association announces its' vast consciousness at the thought of ven are fair as the officials see the purpose of securing universal suf-'these fellows!) ays and both contestants should ac- frage within its boundaries, and de- * * * pt them as breaks of the game.' lares itself in line for a campaign., By A. P. O team gets the poor breaks all theD -. lrM.McNahzhtninnod frnm. t i,,Th,. Dr CLar Mca h.. ... pfle res* cSl~p~ 1it1 Oi~k~~ d f~i th1k D as the most enlightened power on earth and this can be proved by the recent publication of a book called "The Olnternational Development of i'Cina" by Dr. Sun Yat-sen, a recog- 'nized leader. Many thoughtful and practical plans are suggested in this book; and when carried out, they will usher in an era of prosperity and 'tranquility not only to that country but to all others taking part in this international development. F. K. W. Perhaps it is as well that the Un- ion swimming pool will not be com- pleted until after the rainy season as the numerous basins in the campus ' walks furnish all the swimming fa- cilities necessary. Students who have no knowledge of swimming can eas- fly remedy that deficiency by one journey across the diagonal. r r s . , _ . . Ho W ould YOU Write anAd? ERE'S your chance to demonstrate how advertising should be written. To. the college students who send the best advertisments on the world famous cereal products, Grape-Nuts, Post Toasties and Post's Bran Flakes for use in college publications, the Postum Cereal Company offers for the best advertisements received from all colleges. in asn rs I YESTERDAY I By SMYTHF The Deadlock At the time of writing a deadlock in Congress still exists. There is much vital business which ought to 0 : 1st Prize 2nd Prize 3rd Prize 4th Prize "" $""200.00 125.00 - - 75.00 - - 50.00 be taken care of by the Sixty-eighth Congress but in the House of Repre- sentatives, a small Progressive group is blocking action. The organization of the House, the delivery of the President's message before both chambers, and the instant preparation for the vital business of tax reduction are all being delayed. * * * The Progressive block, with Mr. La Follette as master mind, is showing an! insatiable passion for more places on the committees. They are doing this.: is the claim, mainly as "a protest against the rules of the House." i-low' long will this small group dare to: stick to their game? The country cannot afford to be patient with tact-' ics of obstruction when so much im-1 And in Addition, Special of $25.00 Each for the Best Ad RcCCived from Zach College. T ILERE is no restriction on the num- her of advertisefnents you may send in. fiend as many good ones as you can. If you win the first prize, you will re- ceive $2.00.00; $125.00 if you win the second; $75.00 if you win the third; and $50.00 for the fourth. Also remember that there are special awards of $25.00 each for the best ad received from each college.~ This ad-writing contest is open to every college undergraduate in the United States, and the prizes are well worth trying for. All ads must be received on or before January 15, 1924 and awards will be made February 15, 1924. Ask the Business Manager of The Michigan Daily or write us for complete information of the contest and literature lege men must lead in fostering attitude toward the officials of ports if college athletics are to. .r . gf tib t lvcta t~~ , vcL-i dent of the organization and one of its most ardent workers, is a graduate of the University of Michigan. For two years she held the nosition of vice-; zmappy iem saappea le- troit News: BELGRADE-(AP) King Alexander has gone to Paris to have his teeth' fixed. I