41P A67
I t
Indicates That House Will Adopt
Such Rules as Majority of
Members Desire
Washington, Dec. 4.-(By A.
P.)-An armistice under which
the 68th congress may be organ-
ized tomorrow was agreed upon
tonight by .leaders of the Re-
publican 'insurgents and regular
organizations in the House.
Under this agreement, Gillett,
of Massachusetts, whose. re-elec-
tion as speaker has been blocked
for two days by the insurgents is
to be returned to office. This
would clear the way for President!
Coolidge to deliver his first an-
nual message to congress on
Announcement of the agree-a
ment came late tonight after a
conference between representa-
tive Longworth of Ohio, the or-
ganization leader, and Represent-
ative Nelson of Wisconsin; Rep-I
resentative Woodruff of Michigan1
and Representative La Guardia,
of New York. Mr. Nelson and his
colleagues ,said tf could, not
speak for the progressive bloc but
would recommend ' to it aban-
donment of tlie fight on Gillett.
Washington, Dec. 4-(By A.P.)-The
House staged four more rounds of bal-
loting today without electing a speak-
er, but post session negotiations be-
tween organization and insurgent Re-
publicans hinted at a possible break
Meantime the 68th Congress re-
mains mobilized but unorganized. It ;
can do no business asd President I
Coolidge still awaits notification that I
it is ready to receive his first annual ,
message. In the voting today there
was:0no quavering by insurgents, reg-
ulars or democrats. The last ballot
stood Garrett 198, Gillett 197, Cooper
17, Madden 5. The first ballot yester-
day showed Gillett 198, Garrett, 195
Cooper l'7, Madden 5.
While the House continued its fight
over the Speakership the Senate could
only twiddle its thumbs. It met at
noon, heard the invocation and ad-
journed. The session lasted three min-
The first sign of armistice negotia-
tions between Republican regulars and
insurgents in the House came .in a
statement issued liy Representative
Longworth of Ohio, the majority lead-
er, immediately after adjournment. He
made the declaration that "the house
will have complete opportunity to
adapt such rules as the majority may
desire." The demand of the insur-
gents has been that the House have
this opportunity. After this state-
ment had been published leaders of
the Progressive bloc announced that
they had arranged for a conference
with Mr. Longworth to discuss the
whole situation. They said they would
not comment on his statement, "at
least not until after any possible
ambiguities have been removed." I
"It may be said, however, that the
outlook is hopeful," they added.
Seniors of the School of Education
will hold their annual Christmas dance
in the Packard dance hall Saturday
night. In addition to the dancing, a
program of other entertainment will
be carried out. Punch and refresh-
ments will also be served. All mem-,i
hers of the class are urged to attend.
The class will meet 7:30 o'clock to-,
morrow in room 108 of Tappan hall
make plans for the affair. Immediate-
ly after the meeting tickets will be on
Lustre Of Costumes Enhances
Success Of "Cotton Stockings"
A rainbow! A combination of col-1
ors that Iris herself might envy, a 3
kaleidmcope of lbrilliance,-all pic-(
ture the scenic climax of "Cotton'
Portraying unusual taste in style.
color, and adaptibility, the costumes:
throughout this year's opera easily!
stand out as one of the show's strik-'
ing features, being equaled alone by1
the matchless impersonations of Ili-
onel Ames, '24, and the cleverness and
professional touch of the dancing.
Time and time again theaudiencet
is surprised with a set of costumes,
most admirably fitted to the spirit ofE
the dance. Then with the encores
comes a play of lights upon the cos-
tumes which seems to make them
sparkle, more than before and to give'
them new and different lustre. The
numbers "My Model Girls", "Lady of
My Tapestry", "Russian Dancers",
"Masks", "Sleigh Bells", "The Span-
ish Dance" and "Clownland" had4
costumes which indelibly impress the,
mind of the spectator.
The costumes which Ames wore
seemed to have been given most at-
tention in design, but perhaps it's the
way the feminine lead showed them
off, that made them appear superior.]
Some of the dancers seemed a bit too'
eager to display their gaudy attire.
The garb of the actors was increas-
ed in splendor by a rare display of
lights, by smiling and happy counten-
ances, and by feminine carriage. "Cot-
ton Stockings may be remembered for,
its costumes. H.L.C.
By Donald E. Snyder
Richard Crooks and the Detroit
Symphony Orchestra were the artists
of the second of the extra concert
series presented last night at Hill
auditorium. With the exception of
Ravel's "Ma Mere l'Oye", all of the
numbers had the pleasant. charm of
old familiar things.
Mr. Crooks brought youth and en-'
ergy to Wakner, sj that we felt of-
though his program possessed the dis-
advantage of overuse-that he wasj
telling us something npw of Wagner's
intent. His singing of Lohengrin's
narrative showed a nice enunciation
and gave all the melancholy passion
that the piece demands. I felt (as did
the Lady in Grey that the orchestra
wanted restraint in the accompani-
ment, the brasses most especially al-
most blared thq climatic notes of the
song out of hearing. Afterward in
the Prize-Song Mr. Crooks rose in
splendor and brilliance, lavishing all
the lyrical andtdramatic qualities in
his voice upon. it. One could not hell)
responding to his warm. sincerity.
And the audience called him back so,
many,times that I lost count complete-
Under Victor Kolars athletic type of
direction, the never-before-heard
Mother Goose Suite positively captur-
ed the audience. This set of five tiny
modernistic bits represents a distinct
feat in musical psychology. The
whole gives an impression of the
troubled dream of a child. There are
(Continued on Page Two' }
Richard Crooks Charms Large
Audience With W agner's Music
Bloc Will Try to Delay Action
Constitutional Convention
of 1926
State Movement Begun in Adrian to
Place Name of Motor Manufac-
turer on Ballot
Adrian, Mich.,. Dec. 4.-Petitions
asking that the name of Henry Ford
be placed on the Michigan Democrat-
ic presidential primary ballot next
year appeared in Adrian Monday,
coming just one week after the an-
nouncement of Edward Frensdorf, of
Hudson, that he would give the voters
of this state an opportunity to ex-
press their preference for the Detroit
automobile manufacturer.
Confined to County
One petition is on a show case at
the S. W. Raymond garage, of which
Mr. Ford's brother-in-law,, is pro-
prietor. Henry I. Bourns former
chairman of the Democratic county
committee, has a second petition and
a third is in possession of James W.
Helmne, who was Ford's opponent in
the United State's senatorial contest
in 1918 which resulted in the Newber-
ry trial at Grand Rapids.
At the time of Mr. Frensdorf's an-
nouncement of his intention to cir-
culate petitions, he intimated the
movement to have Mr. Ford's name
appear on ehe ballot would be con-
fined to this county, saying that so
few names were required it would be
possible to obtain the necessary num-
ber of signatures in a very short time.
State Leaders Divided
State leaders in the Democratic or-
ganization are divided on an indorse-
ment of Mr. Frensdorf's initiative in
the matter and M. A. Comstocks, state
chairman, and Frank A. Picard, a
member of the State Central Commit-
tee from Saginaw, having pointedly
suggested that it might be -well for
the Democrats first to find out if Mr.
Ford is a Democrat, before accept-
ing him as a party leader.
Mr. Frensdorf's answer to this was
to say that he had sufficient faith in
Mr. Ford to know that he would not
accept the party standard unless he
regarded himself as an adherent of
Democrat party principles.
Des Moines, Iwa Dec. 4.-Iowa
sponsors of Henry Ford for the pres-
idency, meeting here yesterday, indi-
cated their efforts would be focused
on gaining the support of farmers
and organized labor in the state.
By the permission of the co-opera-
tive legislative council of Iowa, an,
amalgamation of Farmers' Union and
organized labor representatives for po-
litical purposes, Francis G. Cutler, of
Boone, Ia., who called the convention
of Ford supporters, went before the
council to ask its indorsement of the
Ford-for-President movement.
Only a handful of Ford boosters
appeared for the meeting, but Mr.
6Cutler declared that Iowa is one of
Mr. Ford's strongholds. He ascrib-
ed the sparse attendance to inadequate
advertisement of the meeting. 1
Campaigning CarrIes Leaders to All
Constituencies; Asquith Con-
fines Activities to Own
Lansing, Dec. 4-The 52nd Legis-
lature convened here this afternoon
in special session to consider reap-
portionment of the state legislative
districts. It was in pession only long
enough to listen to a message from
the governor urging the members to
obey the constitutional mandate which
requires reapportionment this year,
and to record the introduction of three
mreasures in the House and one in the
The disposition of the assembly was
made apparent within a few minutes
after it convened. Many of the up-
state members are frankly indiffer-
ent to reapportionment. They will
be satisfied, they admitted, if no bill
is passed. Members of the strong up-'
state bloek which stood behind the
Attorney-general's Report Shows Pro-
hibition Cases to be Large
Part of Work
Washington, Dec. 4.-Litigation ov-
a inlntin ofF rd A l 1~w i nn thA
South Dakota Supporters Of McAdooj
Hope for National lPlatform
On Similar Scale
PireS D ec - A pafr
Pierre b SDDecr 4-A platform
frmdb supporters oWilliam G.
3d fJm-ed - by- _...
London, Dec. 4-{By A.P.-With ;5'aeuil; "li"iZouv *iituL. t
ononmoe.ay4-(ilbeA.P. -igasoline tax and other members which
only one more day available for cam- were opposed by the Wayne delegation.
paigning, electioneering today reach-'in the regular session let it be known
ed a climax of intensity. There was that they would be willing to go home I
a perfect tornado of speeches, mani- without reapportioning and wait until
festos, statements and counterstate- 1926 when a constitutional convention
ments, accusations and counter ac- may be held. They hold that the
cusations on all points calculated .to present system of apportionment is
influence the others on the third. The wrong. They hope to secure ammend-.
principal figures of the campaign hur- ments to the constitution if a conven-
ried from constituency to constituen- tion is held which would place the,
cy, making last hour orations and ap- j apportionment on a citizenship rather1
peals in behalf of their respective I than a population basis, and limit the
candidates. representation any single county
The most remarkable in this test of might gain no matter how great its
physical endurance are Lloyd George citizenship. On the other band Wayne
and Winston Churchill and the most I'members are out to secure added rep-
striking exception is Herbert As- resentatlon for their own county, but
quith, who, having a stiff contest to many of them admit that the Senate-
meet, has confined his efforts to his will never pass a measure giving
own constituency. Somewhat notice- I Wayne its additional quota and ex-
able is that whether. through lack of press doubts that a constitutional
funds or through having but few measure can be enacted in the House.
press organs the labor campaign ap-
pears to be conducted with less noise
and stress than either the .conserva- 1
tive or liberal campaigns, but neverl
the less the labor leaders all have
full confidence th.t their party will CREATE IN CONISTOY'
gain in strength in. the new parlia-
ment. .ERome, Dec. 4-(By A.P.)--Pope
Pius IX has decided to create no for-
-1 sistory, it was made known in a seni-
I official statement tonight. The dec-
'ision brought disappointment in some
GOMPETIOBY R CTIOS-1circles and surprise among those who }
believed he would satisfy the desireI
expressed by King Alfonso, of Spain,
Selection of committeemen for the on the occasion of his recent visit,
1925 J-Hop is now almost complete, for the elevation of Spaniards and
it was announced last night by John South Americans. There was a tend-
Kelly '24L, ident of the student ency to call into question in this con-
y, 2, presid nection the procedure followed by the
council. Junior pharmics will meet Spanish King Alfonso, it is understood
at 1:30 o'clock today in room 303, made his speech to the pope without
Chemistry building to elect their rep- submitting it before hand as is cus-
resentatives, and the junior educa- tomary.
tional class will probably meet tomor- I Immediate compliance with such a
row. Juniors of the colleges of arch- request, made on the eve of a consis-
itecture, dentistry, law and medicine tory, was out of the question, it is
selected their men at meetings. held] declared, so rather than offend the
yesterday. The committee is com- j Spanish monarch by creating another
plete with the exception of two men. foreign cardinal and leaving out those
As it now stands the personnel is he had been asked for, the Pontiff
as follows: Edliff Slaughter, '25E, decided to name only Italians at this
! time.I
chairman, Charles Merriam, '25E, Wil- -_e._
liam Kerr, '25E ,members for the Jun-
for engineers; R. A. Billington '25, J. TICKET SF
K. Miller, '25, J. W. Tracy, '25, W.
D. Roesser, '25, and James J. Col-
lison, '25, members for the literary
college; Harold S. Cassidy, '25A, mem-
ber for the Junior architects; Rich-
ard Travis '25M, member for the Jun- Willis John Abbot, editor of the
ior medics; Robert Snodgrass, '25L,: Christian Science Monitor, and one of
member for the Junior Laws; and W. the leading journalists of the country
er voaions o era aws is o e1McAdooor the presidential primary
increase according to the annual re- jindorsement in the hope that it may
port of Atty.-Gen. Harry M. Daugher- be carried intoethe national arena by
tymade today to Congress. their candidates was unaminously ap-
ty mproved here today by the South Dak-
Prohibition cases formed a large ota democratic proposal meeting.
part of the department's work, but After the rout of the Ford demo;
there were large increases also in pro- crat by a vote of 27,434 to 17,661, on
secuting violations of white slave, tax, attempted amalgamation of the dem-
public land, postal, banking and war ocrats and farmer-labor conventions,
frauds cases. the democrats built the platform.
Mrs. Mabel Walker Willebrandt, as- "Reduce taxes, restore agricultural
sistant Attorney General in charge of prosperity, preserve world peace" was
prohibition and tax cases, reported approved as the summary of princi-
49,021 criminal and 4,109 civil cases ple.
were begun during the fiscal year- Prohibition was greeted with the
an increase of 15,889 over the pre- declaration that the party stands for
vious year. Federal courts, she said "the strict enforcement of the Vol-
were unable to keep abreast of the, stead act in all states and local leg-
number of cases brought, although islation enacted under the 19th amend-
42,370 criminal and 4,109 civil cases meat."
were disposed of during the year, with The foreign affairs plank condemn-
23,052 criminal and 4,064 civil cases ed the "stupid isolation and inaction"
left pending. of the republican policies. Another
"With the help of extra judges pro- plank of the platform included: A
vided in different districts the con- demand that Muscle Shoals be turn-
gested conditions of dockets is slow- ed over to Henry Ford on the terms'
ly being remedied," she said. of his original offer.
Rum smuggling was called "the
most gigantic criminal problem the J Pierre, S. D., Dec. 4-President Cal-
United States ever faced on the high vin Coolidge tonight was given the
seas." She said the Coast Guard C preference for the republican presi-
was not adequate. Mrs. Willebrandt dential primary by the South Dakota
also commented on the disparity be- 1 Republican proposal convention winn-
tween sentences imposed by various ing over Senator Hiram Johnson of
Federal courts in prohibition cases. California. Later on a rising vote, the
New Minister Declares that Peop
Must Make Great Sacrifices
For Germany
Berlin, Dec. 4-One of the many o
stacles to the government's propos
"authorization law" was removed tb
evening when the Socialists, frc
whom chief opposition was expect
in the Reichtag, resolved, after
long party debate, not to obstruct t
bill which would impower the Rei
government to arry out such finan
al, economic, and social measures
it deems essential and urgent. T
vote was 74-75 but it carried with
the provision that approval of t
Reichtag standing committee must
secured beforehand.
The Reichtag had a large atten
ance today on the occasion of t
initial appearance before it of W
helm Marx, the new chancellor a
his cabinet. During the chancello
address he received only a few
teruptions from the oppositions. )
together the reception of the n
government was more auspicious th
had been forecasted in some quarte
In introducing his new cabinet, I
chancellor said it was neither agair
the right nor the left, but that it w
against all who wished to rob 1
German people of what remained
it, mainly the unity of the nation.
In the domain of finance the chi
cellor declared the government fac
a task unparalelled in the histc
of the world, and the German peo
must real=e that if it is not to si
into a. hopeless whirlpool of destru
ion the power must come to make 1
greatest sacrifices. It must be i
derstood that the financial probl
for Gernany was a question of to
or not to be.
Announcement was made by
chancellor that for the present
government would be unable to d
pense with the military state of e
ergency, to which he attributed
state peace now. prevailing throu
out the country. In concluding
said the government would pay pa
ular attention. to occupied regic
and in full agreement with the fede
states, firmly insist on those regi
remaining a part of the Reich.
ter the chancellor's address the Ho
quietly adjourned.
I Indorsement was made unanimous. Iy______________
|Coolidge and Johnson were the only
RAILWAY WORKERS 11I0T Inames before the convention. Sen-
ator Arthur Caper of Kansas was
unanimously indorsed for vice pres- I
AUA tumult of applause and prolong- $8,00TO REACHN 60
- ed cheering met the announcement
Detroit, Dec. 4-Spingwells police of a vote on the presidential poll. Ann Arbor's Community fund
armed with riot guns were called to lacks $8,000 of the goal of $48
the Ford River Rouge blast plant to- I -which was set at the start of the c
day to disperse 150 section worke'rs ISHM IVUI CPR [L of lI paign. The money thus far colle
of the Detroit, Toledo and Ironton represents a week of steady canv
Ralroad wrgI I N OTHERNTR'0Ping on the part of the workers for
Railroad who had refused to go to IflllU fund.
work after a disagreement with offi- Directors of the campaign affirn:
cials over their time. intention of continuing until the
The men gathered in front of the Lakehurst. N. J., Dec. 4.-Complete dollar of.the total set has been bro
blast works office at 8 a. in. Many confidence that the giant navy dirig- in. By the end of the campaign
angry voices were raised. Some of ible Shenandoah, If selected to makentire city will have been canvasse
the men began to throw stones. The the proposed flight to the North pole the hopes of securing the remai
situation became -so threatening that would be able to make the trip suc- sum. Practically all of the expe
the roit call was sent to the Spring- cessfuhly, was expressed at the U. S. large subscribers have contributed,
wells police at 9 a. m. Naval station here today when it was the $8,000 must be collected in a h
Chief John Burguson, Sergt. Joseph learned that President Coolidge had to house canvass.
Haeser and four men responded. approved an aero-naval expedition. tc
They found the men appeased by com- Commander Frank R. McCrary,
pany officials, orderly and willing to, commandant of the station and flight
return to their homes. The employes commander of the Shenandoah on her WIN
worked in the yards of the blast long trip over the Eastern sea coast,
plant. left today for Washington where it
is believed he will discuss the pro- E
IPiano ire il posed flight with naval officers. Wheth-
er or not the Shenandoah will be se- Three students won last nig
e se M s lected to make the flight is not known the first semester extempore co
( t w~ b here and in the. absence of official in----------------- ----
Not So Hot
Adelphi House of Representatives
heard those members of the society
who were trying out for the varsity
debating team at its regular weekly
meeting last night in the Adelphi room
on the fourth floor of University hall.
Representative Albert M. Stern, '26,
Introduced the following question forI
debate: Resolved, That whereas at the
present time the supreme court of
C. Cartier, '25D, representative of the
Junior Dents.
Aerial Berths To
L u ll Travellers
New York, Dec. 4.-(By A.P.)-Aer-
ial sleepers, in which passengers will
slumber peacefully as they travel
from one city to another between dusk
and dawn will provide the deluxe
transportation of the not far distant
future, the American Society of Me- j
chanical Engineersi coinvntion *as
told today by Archibald and Donald
Opera Scores
Sale I
today, 'will speak at 12:15 o'clock nextI
Saturday at the luncheon of the West-
ern Conference Editorial association,
to be held at the Union.
Tickets for the luncheon will be on
sale in the Union Friday and Satur-
day. The price of these tickets is $1.
Music and lyrics of the Union opera,
"Cotton Stockings," playing at the
Whitney theater this week, are on sale
at the show and at the bookstores in
his me
to the
dent C
ent re
of rec
I they e
on th
_ °- -wer _""°"=uwhich is sponsored every year
formation officers were unwilling to public speaking department.
hington, Dec. 4--.2esides having venture an optnion as to how the were William Dixon, '26, Lillis
essage to congress broadcasted flight would be ,made. Eachern, '24, and Elmer Salzma
four corners of the U. S., Presi- Commander Wheyerbacker, design- Seven in all contested talking
oolidge may get back a perman- er of the Shenandoah and in charge subject, "United States Immi
cord of it registered on a long of her construction believes that the Laws".
of piano wire. great ship is capable of making the The three who won will tah
kers of the device announced trip despite the changes i atmos- in the Atkinson prize contest3
that theyhad perfected means pheric conditions which would be metI together with the three who
ording radio messages and that Commander . H. Glein, juor, w hosen in the sring contest
xpected to demonstrate it fully has taken all the trips made, ex- cision was made by five judge
e occasion of the President's pressed similar views. "Dirigibles the public speaking faculty, an
similar to the Shenandoah have flown bers of Delta Sigma Rho, h
system is said to be a develop- at altitudes where the temperature debating fraternity.
on a principal discovered 16 was quite as low as that in the north,"
ago by Valdemar Paulsen, a he said, "and other conditions' are not
Poulsen, who discovered it, ex- apt to differ materially from those Illinois Gives Lp
d that a steel wire can be mag- found here." I
d a]
But despite the disagreeableness
of mist, rain, wet walks and
R. Black, aeronautical engineers of Ann Arbor. The selling price of the
Garden City, N. -. scores are $2 at the show and $2.50 at
Berths for aeroplanes have not been the bookstores.
designed because there has been no Words and music of all the vocal
need for them yet they said. But numbers in the opera are included in
the rapid development of commercial the book. The official opera picture