THE MICHIGAN DAILY. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 2, 19-A3 i - e ROBERT BARTRON HENDtRSON BIG ART AND LITTLE ART . Olrto. defyirg gra itson, while the A review, my dears, of the Deni- secord dances in are feee to make shawns! . . . with sillylittle "beauti- the r art, above al, natural, and thus,I fuls" and "perfections" and "eixgts- if you will, truly artificial. ites" to peck out the glory ot =their 'And so one could go or. It is hope- art. The ladies love the gowns-,the le yeasyryo see, to fade into a gents snicker at the calves, the drunk- a:bte of words abou the art of the en bugs google the bosoms and full 'daree frwith a fnal line I am done: round busts, while their cleveres ro ding that Pavlowa o and her ballet yells, "Choreography! Must be.a new rw in their dotage have recme kind of ink! . . ." ' idig ithen to the Denishawns And what to say next: of fsbtar, in"t fe "acorded the poey of having and the Dance of Love, the Dance of Ide5vlope: an Amer'n uc rpany woIth Love, and the Dance of Spiritual Re-"hor 'ghly American standards - generation. -het o my knowledge, is the first The difficulty, then, and the tragedy ~-ne I Iaxe ever used the word Amer- as well seems to lie in the doudbhe .can in a complimentary sense. meaning; everyone, was able to get something from the program. DEBUT On the other hand, we hear the ba- A ale reprter crept into a dress- lyhooing about Pavlowa, "the incom- ing ron. parable," who is in reality so terribly "'ir. Siomess" he began, comparable if one can only see over Dramatic pause, and then a flow of the smoke of her press-agent praise' words. "I enjoyed your performance It can all be proved, I promise: take, immensely. I had always wondered for example, her "Snow Flakes'; a how it would he possible to stage the company worse than none surrounds final act. In fact, I had rather imag- the lady while slowly, sowy she ned-" but you are only Interested poises on one toe, a plaster smile in what the actor said . . r glued on her face, never-changing,: The gentleman, then, went on rath- stiff, doll-like. They call her ethereal, er like thi: Mr. Walker really has and so she may have been once upond s a tie lnglon -ag, bt nw.. none of the ridiculous ideas and ideals a time long, tong ago, but now . ' asigned him by his press notices. In slyphan, it you please, hut never syl- , i rs oie.I phan. reality, he is a calm sort of person, working from day to day and wise Her "Oriental Impressions," admit- enough in the ways of the theatre to tedly, are interesting, yet when cam- make no plans for the next. His play- paald with those of Miss Dens . . ' house has always been a kind of a the one, you see, is eternally Pavlowa child's toy to him, something Intrig- despite her kimono, the other Japan uing and fascinating but never a thing itself; the first-and this is the real to be taken seriously. Possibly, of difference-a talented technician, the course, the final goal might be a rep- second an incomparable actress.- ertory company, but at present, only In fairness, it should be added that some twenty-seven youngsters offer- I have always seen Pavlowa in De- ing several odd dramas. Twenty-sev- troit, the worst city, of course; in en naturally, is a ruinous number, this world. Perhaps the audienet leading to profitless tours despite which behaved worse than pigs-it daily guarantees. Make-up is beastly even dumped six corsages of cabbage to get off, and where could one get a roses on the stage in the middle of decent meal? So Mr. Angell was no "The Polish Wedding-=was partially -er lrSoe. lw as longer president.. . . Mr. Tialdi was due to the unpleasant delusion. still in town . . . and where was Mrs. Yet above that, there is the whole Demon? The reason that Stuart fundamental principle, the insepara- Walker fled so suddenly from Broad- ble distance between the conventional way despite three tremendously suc- classic ballet and the school of Den- cessful seasons was more or less ob- ishawn. The first dances on its toes, vious: the same old story of splendid after years of painful practice in the reviews, no audiences, and a twenty- five thousand dollar deficit. This year's route lasted until April, wind- F. L. Tilden.............Editor ing up in Texas and Kentucky by way Donald E. L. Snyder......Books of the Pacific coast. Why on earth Rortar onoderson.saic had we built such a marvellous audi- Eubert Bactron Men..Derama... torium and such a terrible stage? Wal- Gordon Wier..... .Art ter Hampden for the moment is near- Lisle Rose, Halsey Davidson, er than any one else to the repertory Newell Behout, Samuel Moore, season: a wonderful man and a tre- Jr., Maxwell Nowles Philip Wag- mendous actor. The Cleveland Play- ner, Dorothy Sanders, house is doing some remarkable work, The Sunday Magazine solicits although they would be better if they manuscripts from all persons a- were told that comedies did exist. filiated with the University. Man- uscripts must be typewrittenI For two years after he left the army triple spaced and written on one he had directed the Indianapolis Lit- side only. * * * * tle Theatre. They had done some ex- The Sunday Magazine acknowl ceptional work against preposterous edges The American Secular Un- difficulties. And how had Jackson re- ion review service for "The Un- ceived its amazing aesthetic complex, official Observer" department. * and what kind of a town was Lans- king? . . . The make-up was off and he was 1 dressed for dinner. "Wouldn't I come It is the policy of this magazine to I back later?" publish articles of opinion by both students and faculty members if, in "Well, I suppose I have heard the judgment of the editor,. these arti- cles are of intrinsic value and interest. enough for an article; you see this This does not mean that manuscripts rolicited or .voluntarily offered are was my first real iterview. secessarily in . accord with editorial "Interview!. ? ! But if I had opinios either sii prnciple or form.B (Continued on Page Six) THE FIRST NATIONAL BANKj ORGANIZED 1863 You will find. Our service courteous and pleasing in every way OLDEST BANK IN ANN ARBOR MAIN STREET AT HURON A G 'ood -S k will take away the dullness before vacation. je ier s WEST HURON STREET ACROSS FROM D. U. R. 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