Y A6V att Sec Two Tw VOL. XXXIV No. 60 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1923 ' PRICE, FI SUMMER SESSION' PLANS EXPANSION St. Denis Knows Ann Ar or Well Ruth St. Denis, "the rhythm of the world," mentioned on her recent visit to Ann Arbor that she has a special interest in the University of Michi- gan. More than fifty years ago her mother took work in the Medical school, a fact which proved of the utmost importance in Miss St. Denis' life work. Since the days of her earliest Graduate Writes Of Oxford Life i Emerson F. Greeman, '23, is .study- reminent Throughout{ y to Compose Faculty POPULAR COURSES PREPARE FOR ENROLLMENT INCREASE Expansion in practically all depart- youth Miss St. Denis' life has been 1ments will mark the 1924 Summer dominated by the principles of hygi- session upon the. completion of plans ene upon which her mother as a phy- sician insisted. Her mother is still now being formulated under the di- living, and is described by the dancer rection of Dean Edward H. Kraus. as one of the inspirations of her art. With a greater variety of courses, and "Really, you .know, Ann Arbor has more prominent educators to be as- a real meaning to me," she declared sembled in the University than any effusively. "So many times I have other year, administrative heads are fheard my mother mention it that it anticipating a larger enrollment than almost seems like home to me. at any time in the history of the ses-I Appointments from the University faculty have already been mailed out from the office of Dean Kraus, aid nnr many men prominent in their field of ned t a n ao h u u h educational endeavor throughout the country are being considered as fac- ulty members. Correspondence has CONTINENT CONTAINS CHIEF DE been opened with several concerning POSITS ESSENTIAL TO acceptance. MANUFACTURE The most notable expansion in the coming summer will be in the School "The New Steel Industry of Aus- of Education work and in the Medical trali," is the title of an article in school. The courses in educational the November issue of Michigan administration have been increasing- ly popular during the past few years, Technic written by Prof. William H. according to Dean Kraus, and it is in Hobbs, head of the geology depart- response to this demand that the va- ment. The article is based on Pro- riety of courses offered is being in. fessor Hobbs' observance of the sit- creased. As has been the case for uation of this industry in Australia many years, a course for practition- last summer, and on a paper on the ers will .be offered in some special subject by Mr. David Baker, general line of recent deevlopment in the manager of the Broken Hills Proprie- field of medicine. Instruction will tary Company of Australia. also be offered in homeopathy and While an isolated continent, Aus- materia medica. tralia has a wealth of natural re- The course in library methods will sources until recently unexploited be enlarged to meet the increasing according to the article, and the de- demand for instruction in this work. posits of iron and coal are amazingly Last year 98 students elected courses extensive. Ore, running from 57 to in this department. Courses again 68 per cent in iron, is mined and will be given in fine arts. Other de- smelted by two companies, both or- partments which: bwill enlargentheir ganized in the last decade at Lithgow curricula to a csonsiderable etent are and Newcastle, New South Wales.' the following: chemistry, Greek, his- Large modern mills for working tory, landscapedesign, Latin, philos- the iron and steel have been erected, ophy, psychology, political science, oe of them having a capacity of public speaking, physics, rhetoric, and 1,000 tons of rails alone per day, and the output could be doubled with1 Work in' the canIps operated by the Ise. C6rrugated roofing, an article1 University in connection with the greatly in demand in Australia, is Summer session will be considerably .another product which is now being enlarged and facilitated by the addi- manufactured in great quantity on! tions to the' equipment which are be- the island continent. ing made. Both the biological and More than 230,000,000 tons of ore engineering camps will open up se- are estimated to remain in reserve in eral new structures next summer. in Australia at the present time, and For the first time the attendance at coal deposits of a particularly good the surveying camp at Douglas lake cooking variety are vast and practic- will be limited to one session. ally untouched. Last year ll of the states, the Dis--- trict of Columbia, and 24 foreign1 u nIrTu rXHIBITS coutreswee epesntd n hA I O u~ T BXIT I~ Summer session enrollment .of 3,054 students. This makes the session second only to that of Columbia uni- .ROUP OFWTER COLORS versity in cosmopolitan character. One thousand of those in attendance The exhibition of water colors in had received degrees previous to The upper gallery of alumni memorial their enrollment. It is expected there hall under the auspices of the Ann the registration. The budget for theA.s'n session., $195,045.80, represents a con- amon its pictures some remarkably siderable increase over last year. neauty painature paintinge iOver Commenting on the decrease in the exhibition, works of not only Amen- regular students ' enrolled, Dean can but European and Asiatic artists. Kraus . recently outlined the advan- They were collected by the Chicago tages Incident to the work in the Art Institute for the purpose of send- summer. "First," he said, "there are ing them on a tour throughout the smaller classes; next there is contact country. with serious-minded and mature men Foremost among them is an inter- and women actively engaged in edu- pretation of a muleteer in a mountain cation, the opportunity of pursuing, pass. Shadows have been the medium courses with instructors from other whereby the artist creates an Atmos- institutions, and finally, the possibil- phere of beauty and charm. This work ity of gshortening the term of rest- has attracted much favorable com- dence in the University. It is to be ment from the Art Association mem-~ hoped that an increasingly large. bers. The artist has not been named. number of students will consider The exhibition will remain until these advantages in assuming work December 9, when it will be returned in the Summer session."I to the Chicago Art Institute. . t'' 1 . t t k ing anthropology and technology at Jesus College, Oxford University, this year. While here in the University, Greenman engaged in research work in archaeology, and worked with the Museum collection. In a letter received recently by Dr. Wilber B. Hinsdale, of the University Museum, Greeman writes: "We are still looking for an apartment, and until we find one we are putting up at an Oxford hotel. Admittance to the University was quite a ceremony. The vice-chancellor spoke some words in Latin to us thirty at a time, and then we were admitted to all du- ties, rights and privileges of the uni- versity. "Lectures are formal-that is, cap and gown, but laboratory work is in- formal, not a cap and gown, but a pipe." Greenman plans to remain at Ox-# ford for the rest of this year and thenl go to the Paris-American school, "after which I will be ready to return to my native land-the land of fur- naces, good coffee, and wooden houses," he says. 11 Greenman is one of the five stu- dents from Michigan now at Oxford. Co CgoA PLANS YULETIE PROGRAM FOR CHILDREN' COMMITTEE TO OBTAIN FUNDS BY GENERAL STUDENT CAMPAIGN 1 f quets for tickets threateningr to ab-. MUSIC OF 01 VtILL BE TI Sword, '24, and Kratz, '2 Songs For Annual Production sorb the complete supply comes from: the fourteen other cities where the MM IF opera will play. VE RN EI Tickets for the opera have never mcas o met such a demand as was encoun-' ~I tered In New York. Tlie opening date is still more than two weeks off, BURTON APPO but nearly all of the desirable seats FIND HOW 0, have been sold. This remarkable ad- SOLVE1 vance sale is unprecedented in the To STUDY INAL GUIDANCE 'AMER ('(LJl i'voBLEMnS, 1E K ES Ihistory of the opera, and easily out- strips the sale in the other cities on the tour. CROSS CHOSEN TO RITE. FRHISTORY MA6AIK A series of articles by prominent historians from the more prominent universities of the United States is being printed, one each month, by Current History Magazine. Michigan has been honored by having a profes- sor of History, Arthur Lyons Cross, chosen to write upon the subject, "The British Empire." Others who are well known and who are on the program, are Albert Bushnell Hart, of Harvard, on United tates and Cau- ada; Harry T. Collins, Pennsylvania. on South America; Richard H1. Dab- Virginia, on Minor European States; William S. Davis, Minnesota, on France and Belgium; Chas. W. Haskett, Texas, on Mexico and Cen' tral America; Fred. A. Ogg, Wiscon- sin, on Eastern Europe and the Balk- , ans; A. Petrunkevitch, Yale, on Rus- sia and the Baltic States; Wm. R. Shepherd, Columbia, on Germany and Austria; and Albert Howe Lyber, Illi- nois, on Turkey and the Near East; Lilly R. Taylor, Vassar, on Italy; and Payson Trent, Stamford, on the Far Announcement has been made of a committee appointed recently by President Marion L. Burton to inves- tigate the guidance given to students in choosing their courses of study at other institutions. "At Dartmouth," said Prof. Edimund E. Day, head of the economics de- partment, "a system for solving this problem to some extent has been in existence for several years. Richard W. Husband's official title there is 'Director of Personal Research,' andl his duties along this line are to keep in touch with the students; if he ob- serves any serious misfits in the var- ious departments, he attempts to start them on the right track without fur- ther delay." The committee appointed consists of the following members of the Fac- ulty: Prof. Edmund E. Day, head of the economics department. Dean Jean Hamilton, Dean Joseph A. Bursley, Prof. Henry E. Riggs of the civil en- gineering department, Prof. George F. Myers of the education department, and Prof. Jesse S. Reeves of the poli- tical science department. This is essentially a fact-finding committee to report to the conference of deans the ways in which other col-- leges solve the problems of 'vocationi- al guidance and the operations of placement bureaus. More than 200 needy children com- I Not the least of the troubles which (nMore hbr0ngedy chidrom ing from neighboring towns and from the mnanager, of the Union opera en- the local hospital will be entertained counter yearly is that of satisfying and given a Christmas dinner at 3 the demands of alumni regarding the o'clock Tuesday, Dec. 11, in Lane hall cities to be visited on the tour. This auditorium. A complete program year more than fifty cities requested suitable for the children is tobear- ranged under the auspices of theaS. that the show perform for them, and C. A. the success with which it is meeting A Christmas tree will be erected this year will probably increase this which will be fully decorated and nu- total, officials say. From the num- merous features will be staged for ber of requests, tours of the east, the enjoyment of the children. In west, and south :were possible this order to defray expenses for the af-" year. fair a drive will be begun this Thurs- Above are further reasons why the day on the campus, and it is hoped' publicity for the Mimes production is the campus will support the move- nation-wide. Despite the apparent ment. Following the policy of last endlessness of photographs of the year, members of the Y. W. C. A. will cast, each new one catches the read- aid the committee in charge of the er's eye. The ladies at the top left affair. and the bottom are Lionel E. Ames, The committee in charge of the, '24, and James McCabe, '25, appears dinner includes R. C. Straub, '25, on the upper right. chairman; Laurence Dooge, ' '24; ---- IRalph Byers, '24; Clarence Kersten, 1 '25; David Bromberg, '25; C. A. Ste- Tj 9 vens, '26; Elmer Lautner, '26; Louise L.LU tJU Gallaway, '24; Ruth Rankin, '26; El- lura Harvey, '25; Verena Moran, '25; OAY Thelma Stevenson, '24; and Jessica Megaw, '25. Costa Rica is not, as popular opin- AncestorIRuled ion has it, a hot and unlivable coun- ,Acsu *s try, but has a particularly healthful ichiogafnIndian and pleasant climate, according to Lives In Hovel' Mr. J. L. Peralta, who recently lec-_ tured on "Modern Costa Rica" before K s i l Kalkaska, 'Mich., Dec; 1-(A.P.)- La Sociedad Hispanica. Mr. Peralta The fortunes of Jim Pontiac, who is was the second of a series of speak- but four generations removed from ers that this society is presenting to forebears who once ruled a portion of the University. Michigan unrestrained, have come to Agriculture is the principal occu- Ia' sad pass. The man who claims- to pation of the people, declared Mr.: be the 'great grandson of the mighty Peralta, who illustrated his lecture l Chief Pontiac, Indian leader, is living with lantern slides of well-kept ba- in poverty near Sharon, this county. nana and pineapple plantations and; Several Cadillac clubt women re- coffee fields. These three products cently visited his tumble down shack. compose the bulk of Costa Rica's It was squalid and lacking in necessi- trade, he stated. j ties. There were holes in the wall Costa Rica has probably the best large enough to pass a hand through. educational system of any Latin There was a single bed, although Pon- American country, Mr. Peralta as- tiac is the father of 11 'children, six. soarted. Popular education has made of whom make their home with him. such rapid strides that buildings of Jim Pontiac said he was married all sorts are being utilized for class- 30 years ago. Two of his daughters rooms. have been married and three are at Mr. Peralta is a native of Costa the Mt. Pleasant Indian school. His R ca, and a graduate of the Normal wife is at the Wexford county sani- school there. He came to this coun- tarium suffering from tuberculosis try six years ago, graduated from the that followed a winter spent in the State Teacher's college of South Da- drafty shack. , The children at home. kota, and since then has been teach- the Cadillac women found, are thinly ing Spanish. clad. A calico garment, in most cases, is all each wears. Pontiac, like some of his ancestors, BALLADS TO PREDOMINATE IN NOVEL MUSICAL S( Music for this year's Union "Cotton Stockings," will be o: to a point never before attaine Mimes production, it is said by who have heard Union Opera for a number of years. Ballad peculiar to the musical comed of play is varied with lighter that are certain to prove " Kemp Keena, '20, director:: opera orchestra, declares.,teS d Charles Sword, '24, and '9 Kratz, '24, have united in pro the music for this year's oper addition to writing mity of the Sword wrote the book for the while Kratz is general chairn the production. "My\ Lady on the Tapestry" of the songs that will probal remembered in connection wit year's show, according to Mr. It is of the ballad type, in whi "ladies" of the' show girls' parade the stage gowned in dresses during the singing number by Barrie Hill, '25, wlo the part of Richard Service. Of a similar nature is "12 another song that Is sung by I connection with the show girls' us. The members of the chori rade the stage in this song witi faces partially covered with the that ar) the subject of the n Lionel E. Ames, '24, playll leading female role in the opera several songs that are amon most prominent. "Little Lady" other number that Ames sings i nection with the girls' chorus The comedy element in oi presented by James Dresbach, ' Crosby Reese, '25, who play site each other in the show. ' their songs, !"You ought to S Now" is of the light catchy ty is certain to make a permane pressfon on the audience who h Of the opposite type is one songs sung by Vernon Myei playing the ledding male role song, "The Waltz," sung .in tion with Ames, is of le classi ody type The finale of the opera thi will combine some of te most' features ever attemptd in a production. A new Michigan of the march type will be intri at this time, while famous o lege songs are given as counter dies. The stage settings are ially adapted to the son'gs. HINDUGIEs FRAC LAGET TELE~ Geneva, Dec. 1-(A.P.)-Wh, be the largest observatory it world, with a telescope more : ful than that at Mount Wil Greenwich, is to be built on . Saleve, located on French terr few miles from Geneva. The observatory will be the France of the Hindu millionair neer and scientist, Assan Din his wife,v'who was Miss Mary W Shillito, of CincinnatI. The b instruments and installation w: $6,000,000. The telescope lens' will h diameter o'f -105- inches, or 5 greater than the Mount Wilson ment. -Toda In T First Methodist Church "A League of Youth" will be the subject of Rev. Stalker's sermon at 10:30 o'clock this morning at the First1 Methodist church. Bible classes will meet at Wesley Hall at noon and there wail be Open House at the hall be- tween 4:30 and 6:30 o'clock, student supper being served at 5:30 o'clock. At 6:30 o'clock Mr. Wilfred Hocking will conduct the Wesleyan Guild De- votienal meeting, which will be im- mediately followed by a lecture by Rev. C. Wallace Petty, of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Congregational Church Rev. H. A. Jump has chosen for his sermon text, "Thanksgiving, a Festi- val of the Pilgrim Fathers," for the 10:45 o'clock service this morning.] L, [L O%, East and Africa. In order to facilitate the organiza- tion of these many different profess- he Churches --- ors, a Board of Associates has been formed. This Board is to cooperate with Current History Magazine ii bringing to the mind of the people the gregation on the subject, "A Plea For exact status of the European and As- the Silent Hour." Student bible iatic countries, and at the same time classes will gather at noon. All are to furnish as nearly unbiased opinions welcome to the social hour and Open from sources conceded to be the best, House at 5:30 o'clock. This will be on not only the historical aspect but followed at 6:30 o'clock by the Christ- upon the present day diplomatic sit- ian Endeavor meeting, led by Dwight uation as well. If the plan as now Krumboltz, '24L. The subject of dis- worked out is a success, it is to be re- cusslon will be, "What It Means to peated in future years. be a Christian."r St. Andrew's Episcopal Church COMPANY T Holy Communion will be given at BUILD 8 o'clock at St. Andrew's Episcopal NEW PHONE OFFICE Church and at the 10:30 o'clock ser- vice Rev. Henry Lewis will deliver Work on the new building which is the sermon. Student bible classes will meet at noon and at the 5 o'clock being erected for the Michigan Tele- evening service Mr. Webb will give phone company on Washington street the address. The speaker at the stu- is progressing rapidly and the com- dent supper, served at 6 o'clock, will pany hopes to be able to occupy it be Dea~n Alfred HT . lrnyeiwho will .-. ft'..,the i frst f nthe vp'rta THEATERS 1 ~A i'.'lts , "Potash and Perhutter," a First National picture produceJ by Samuel Goldwyn, which will be the attract ion beginning today and continuing through Thursday, as a stage produc- tion is one of the greatest. laughing hits of the decade. It has been pro- duced in 20 different languages. Be- sides the comedy feature, however, it also contains numerous dramatic situations. The picture is a murder mystery. I i , , 1 E t TO GATHERIN, LONDONI i E E E t i . ; L f 4 The story centers around the ad- ventures of two composite clothing partners. One of the most laughable sequences devolves about Abe Pot- ash's earnest endeavors to interest a group of clothing buyers in his lat- est styles. Unable to engage a com petent designer and live models, Abe exhibits a mechanical model which furnishes his hearers with further Associated advertising clubs of the world will convene in London next! July in what they claim to be the] first world congress of business men. More than fifteen hundred delegates are already pledged from America. They will come from nearly every state in the Union and from Canada. Michigan will be represented by ap- proximately 200 men. Lou E. Holland, president of the associated advertising clubs, states lives by trapping. He had a gun, hej said, but it was taken from him be- cause of an alleged infraction of the game laws. Now he is obliged to rely upon his traps and an occasional- ac- curately flung stone. It was in Oakland county-the lead- ing city of which was named after: him-that Chief Pontiac held sway in the middle of the 18th century, and it was there the historic pow-wow that preceded the attack upon the British was held. Defeated, Chief Pontiac and his Indians retreated to the Oak- land county lakes on the shores of which they lived for several years until the border of civilization ad- vanced and the day of the white man's rule superceded the red man's reign. Spanish Confuse English Phrn Washington, Dec. 1-(A.P.)-- ness full of bugs, for a ba horse," was the true literal ti tion for a single-horse buggy $, which a Spanish translator us an Americai exporter's advertis according to the Department of merce. The department used t an illustration of how faulty a correct translations of circular advertisements not only fail ti vey the meaning, intended, bu quently make a company ridi in the eyes of prospective purc Other translations have be ridiculous,. the department Vacuum cleaners have been "cleaners of emptiness"; mi wrenches, "wrenches for moi and iron washers, "machines to iron." Students lust Be Vaceinal Unvaccinated students will from the Health service with th few days if they do not volut