.Y, DECEMBER 2, 1623 THE. MICIGAN DAILY -----,- IROYATYIS GIYVINV/ ilim IW. Cook iPresents Untiver~ity With Money Fromt Well-Kinown Law Publication. )IIlIGAN, LAW REVIEW TO UTILIZE SUM .FQt ARTICLES *Wll3am W Cook, '80-'8-L, of NewI Y~k city, has presented to the Tun- vrsty teenie nom raiirroyal- i ueIn wrko .oprtost'b providing for the publiation NIGH[TS les ah reo xelin the Michigan Lawv Reie. ON Secflcally, the purpose of the gift BROADWAY stated to be to obtain and publish _________ artiles on 'legal, administrative and constitutional questions of the day and, to pay, for. periodical reports on current constitutional debates in Con- gress. It will permit te Michigan- L~w Review to secure articles from thpmost competent authorities on le- gai subjects and is 'regarded as a ndtable "step in the encouragemient of the production of °lega''literature of t4 highst:type. i ghth Edition Being Published- ~lhe gift 9insmde by Mr. Cok -to lesident Maion L. Burton,IDean m~ny M. Bates f the Law school, .hn "T',Creighton, .08'OvoL, of New o~kcity, .and William W Cook as t ustees'on behlsf of the''University. 'be royalties from Mr2. Cook's book; *ich is the stanuard legal treatise on rporatlonsantd is now being pub- 1 bed in its eighth edition, are to be irestefl in securities, the Income fm which' will be available to pay f'the preparations of articles not l~1y of an exclusively legal nature, 4~t discussions also of the. economic, i~oal and political elements entering t 'to ;law; and for the preparation, of Secal kinds of articles involving a udy of the factual bases of law iand le effects and consequences of cer? agn doctrines of the law as manifest- in our body, politic and social. 'It NIGHTS '~ hoped in this way ,that the Michigan O 4w Review may enter a feld wic, O fr the most par't, hsbeen; closed to TOUR gal. periodicals because of, ther' in -_________ 4ilty to snake compenation: for l1ose searches -in. the felds inedi- ately surrounding' and contributory elawa." The trtees.,are asrathor- S at anytime -to : ue;the ,Igecoe m mthis fund ftor the rmprovemet =fthe. Michigan Law Review in;aiy Jher way that ~ry seemto therm d= rable, or for' the pulictin o ponoraphs in ase I haw Ievew Sould cease to s tstk" SMr. Cook has long bee,, prominent 4the New York. bar and is .reog- ~fzed as au authority on Corporation 1w Hlis Fbelief'in , tegreat1,por- ice of the lawyer as a leader 'in 1e American democracy and the con-, n tqut, necesity of miaintainnga -~hlevel of intelligence and ittegrity the legal profession has been set ~rth by him in his recent book, "Pow- ~rand Responsibility of the American In a ceptinge Mr. Cooks's gift, te 4oard of Regents passed the following solution: "Whereas, Mr. Wiliam IJCokof New York, an oo alumnus of iis University, has 'proferred 'to te Iegents of the Vnversity 'of M1Vichi'1- . 1a the proceeds .of the royalties .of e "e eighth edition of 'his ,work 'on COM#'ETE' 4orporatlons to be expended fr the STOXtIES; epcuragement and, improvement' of N rgat literature, be_ it , SATRDAY SResolved, That the Regents of .the EVEING ~niversity of Michigan. accept bisPOT lft, in accordance With the terms inPOT jected by the donor and that, tey ex- tress to Mr. Cook not ,only their pro- I ndgratitude for his generosity,f ualso their appreciation of 'his ine I ieals for the American egal' pro- sion and the education of its rep- e entatives and their belief that this f wisely conceived benefaction will tont- jribute importantly to these ends." STh e Week's, News« In Brief (Continuied from Page One) At a meeting in Paisley, Lloyd r. George and Asquith spoke from the same platform for the first time in .seven years. Their remarks were . m~utually complimentary, and made between rend ings of "For He's a Jolly 'Good Fellow" by an enthusiastic aud- lence. ~The Chinese government,. dismissed+ 10,000 employes. It is trying to cut 1 ,down expenses and live within its -income. Negotiations for the sale of Labra- d4or to Canada are underway.y The Third QIratalewhosef -program includes a world revolution io overthrow capital and establish +'he power of the proletariat is gett- ing no more money from the soviet f vernment. It is the most expensive r NOTE :--Tliis Attraction Vill PlayOnlyFive Days in Arnn I Pla OnlyArbor. bI .1 i 11[ . III I1 il 22.x,000 BOOKS SOLD IN THE 0'GREAT DAILY PAPERS CARRY A: SOY EACH WEE r, I IV. Never mind the smash, Mawrusescsh, POSITIVELS A GUARANTEE] ATTRACTIW I Ia I, with a cast of youthz and beauty including HOPE SUTHERLAND E4DWARD DURAN SUNDAY SCJIEDULE: Matinee 1:130-3:00-4:30 Evening '7:00 and. 8:30 PRICES: Matinee and ?light, All Seats, 50c, Including Tax. Kiddies 20c, Including Tax. LEE KOHLMAR DE SACIA MOOERS LEO DONNELLY JERRY DEVINE and 20 FOLLIES BEAUTIES BEN LYON i '' _ \' ~ 40 ~ I "4 - x,==,1~~ ~ 1 4-, -) ~ r~j~ - --w - - -.-.-. ~9 ';; MONT.AGUE GLASS and CHARLES KLEIN' o6' a' :. i -ADDED FEATURES- 66FIGHTINGBLOODy NUMBER EIGHT-, Internationnl Concert Topics of the News Orchestra Day I ' ,%4 ty >i : t N I COMING SOON VIOLA DANA'. "IN SEARCH OF A THRiLL" l r v' r i I'7f. -1