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December 02, 1923 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-12-02

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Delegates Adopt Resolutions Against
Organizations with Poor1
New York, Dec. 1--(By A.P.)-
Criticism of professional' fraternities
in American colleges was voiced to-
day by various speakers at the clos-
ing session o' the annual Inted-Fr-
ternity conference here today.
Dean Nicholson of the University
of Minnesota and William G. Revere
of Northwestern university held that
there was danger to the general coll-
ege fraternity through the growth of
the professional fraternitygon the
same campus. Dr. J. S. Ferguson.,of
the University of Maine took issue
with the opponents of the general fra-
Dean Nicholson said that where
professional fraternities maintain
chapter houses and take members
from first year students, there is a
possibility that the general fraternit-
les will become limited for their act-
ive membership to the freshman and
sophomore classes.
"Ultimately the professional frater-
nity will take on more and more the
fine attributes of the general frater-
nity, which constitutes a meace"
Mr. Revere said.
Dr. Ferguson minimized the fears
of the opponents.
Kappa Beta Condemned
The conference adopted resolutions
deploring the creation of student or-
ganizations, which ape the names of
the fraternities and make rival claims
upon students attentions, yet have
neither the purpose, organization, nor
discipline of the fraternity. The Kap-
pa Beta Phi. society was especially,
condemned, the report saying:
"This organization based on poor
scholarship makes an organized Joke
of an- ideal which the fraternities are
striving to promote and which stu-
denh dignify rather than ridicule."
A new national fraternity was born
at the closing session of the conferences
when representatives of eleven local
college fraternal organizations an-
nounced the formation of the Phi
Kappa Pi fraternity.
The name, adopted temporarily, is
that of a local fraternity of Stevens
Institute, "whose members assisted in
the organization. Other institutions
whose representatives voted for the
new fraternity were George Washing-
ton University, Pennsylvania State
college, Iowa State college, University
of New Hampshire, Bucknell universi-
ty, Temple university, University of
Chattoonoga, Worcester Poly Techni-
cal institute, Davidson college and the
Universit of Illinois. '
First Expansion Result.
It was. announced that this was the
first tangible result of the conferences
expansion committee's effort to. form
additional national fraternities. Per-
fected details of the new fraternity
are to be presented conferenc officials
within six months. In the meantime,
C. R. Drenk, L. O. Ohlander and S. F.
Lewis are to act as an executive com-
mittee in charge.
The conference will be held annually
in New York. Judge William R. Dyes
Phi Delta Theta of Ohio Weslyn uni-
versity, was elected chairman of the
conference. Other officers chosen
were: Dr. William G. Gies, of Gettys-
burg college, of Gettysburg, Pa., vice-
chairman; F. M. Dunbrul, University

of Cincinnati, secretary; and H. A.
Zillman, University of Wisconsin,
Delegates 'from 63 national college
fraternities representing more than
100,000 undergraduates, attended the
conference. In addition to the dele-
gates representatives from more than
50 fraternities with but one chapter
and of 32 inter-fraternity conferences
were present for information.
Klan Publication
Being Sold Here
Copies of the official newspaper ofI
the Ku Klux Klan, "The Fiery Cross,"
were placed on sale in Ann Arbor for
the first timne yesterday. Several
stands on Main street are selling the
The Fiery Cross is printed at the
Klan headquarters in Indianapolis, In-
diana, and is one of the two Klan pub-j
lications which has had a circulation;
of many thousands since the first few

"Cotton Stockings"- Will Open
Tomorrow AtWhitney Theater
"Cotton Stockings," 1the eighteenth which is denied her. Shy and wistful
annual Union opera; will make its first and not having the fineries of the well
appearance at 8 o'clock tomorrow ev dressed models, she does not attract
attention from the fine men she sees
ning at the Whitney theater. The and at first despairs of winning. But
Mimes production will play all this she does win them later and the way
week at the local theater, and will I in which she vamps the hero is hard


1nmake 17 appearances in 15 different
cities during the Christmas holidays.
With more than two months' work
at training and practice, the opera isj
now in "tiptop" shape for presentationI
before the large audiences before
which it is scheduled to play. Work
on the choruses began last spring and
the three groups of dancers in the
show will offer numbers of such nov-J
elty and with such excellence as are
intended to stand out easily above, not
only those of any other college opera
this year, but will also surpass those of
any former Union opera.
"Cotton Stockings" has been called
the "Opera Different" by many whoI
have commented upon it. It is a com-
edy in two acts with its settings laid
in New York. The first act takes place'
in the studio of Alaric Clark which
part is played by Charles Livingston,
'25. Alaric is an artist who has beenj
helped by Jerry, played by Vernon
Mers, '24, a close friend, but who has
just made good himself by the sale of
a picture for a magazine cover.
In Jerry's studio, a meeting place,
for artists and models, Susan, whose
part is carried by Lionel Ames, '24, is
constantly reminded of the happiness

.to guess.
The musk for the production was
composed by Charles Sword, '24, and.
William Kratz, '24E. Kratz is general
chairman of the six opera committees
who helped in production. John D.
Briscoe, '24E, is assistant to Kratz.
The chairmen of the committees are:
stage, John Bromley, '25; costumes,
John Plain, '25; makeup, Howard
Stimpson, '26M; programs, Leo Frank-
lin, '26L; orchetsra, Edwin Ritchie,
'24E, and publicity, Marion B. Stahl,
Thirteen instruments will play in
the orchestra of 17 musicians. The
orchestra is to be commended for the'
individual excellence of its members
and for their cooperation, says E. Mort-
imer Shuter, director of the opera.
I "It seems that this year all things
have worked together to produce an
opera which I believe will surpass any
college production I have ever seen."
This is the assertion of Mr. Shuter, its
Because of the fact that there are
so many numbers, it is called to the
special attention of the opera goers
that the performance will begin
promptly at 8 o'clock.

Eight Villages Flooded When Rains
Cause Overflow of Artificil
Lake Near Bergamo

Conference Faculty Representatives
Urge Fair Play by

Wisconsin Not to Play Illinois; Zuppke
Books But Four Big
Ten Gameks
Special to the Daily
Chicago, Ill., Nov. 1.-Michigan's
Varsity football eleven will play six
Conference schools next fall, football
relations having been resumed here
today with University of Illinois and
Northwestern university.
The game with Illinois is to be play-
ed at Urbana, with Michigan dedicat-
ing the new Illinois stadium. The past
season witnessed the formal opening of
the stadium, the dedication having
been left for next fall. The game with
the Zuppke tribe will be the third on
the Wolverine schedule, M. A. C. being
booked for the week before with the
week-end still open. Michigan played
Illinois two seasons back, when the
Illini were beaten, 24-0. The teams
did not meet this fall.
Michigan will also dedicate the new
stadium at Minneapolis, playing the
Gophers on November 1. Wisconsin,
Northwestern and Iowa will play in
Ann Arbor while the team will travel
to Columbus, Minneapolis and Urbana.
Played Northwestern in 1919
Northwestern has not appeared on a
Wolverine scheduel since 1919, when
the Evanston team was defeated, 16-13.
Following is the schedule:
Oct. 4-Open.
Oct. 11-M. A. C. at Ann Arbor.
Oct. 18-Illinois at Urbana.
Oct. 25-Wisconsin at Ann Arbor.
Nov. 1-Minnegpolis at Minneapolis.
Nov. 8-Northwestern at'Ann Arbor.
Nov. 15-Ohio State at Columbus.
Nov. 22-Iowa at Ann Arbor.
Chicago, Ill., Nov. 1.-(By A. P.)-
Wisconsin and Illinois failed to sched-
ule a game for next season. Coach
Zuppke's eleven will play but four
Conference teams, instead of five, as
five, as was the case this past season.
Bg Ten Schedule
The 1924 Big Ten football schedule
Oct. 4-Purdue at Ohio.
Oct. 11-Ohio at Iowa.
Oct. 18-Michigan at Illinois.
Indiana at Chicago.
Purdue at Northwestern.
Oct. 25-Wisconsin at Michigan.
Minnesota at Iowa.
Chicago at Ohio.
Nov. 1-Michigan at Minnesota.
Iowa at Illinois.
Indiana at Northwestern.
Purdue at Chicago.
Nov. 8-Northwestern at Michigan.
Ohio at Indiana
Illinois at Chicago.
Nov. 15-Michigan at Ohio.
Wisconsin at Minnesota.
Northwestern at Chicago.
Nov. 22-Iowa at Michigan.
Ohio at Illinois.
Indiana at Purdue.
Wisconsin at Chicago.

Chicago, Dec. 1.-(By A. P.)-Rein-
Milan, Italy, Dec. 1-B A. P.)- sa ebrWsosns
The huge artificial lake at Dezo, near statement of E. C. Gerber, Wisconsin's
Bergamo, has overflowed and broken star tackle who was ruled out of the
through the dyke, the water sweeping last two games of 1923 on charges of+
down through the valleys, overwhelm-ss
ing villages, and drowning inhabitants professionalism was voted tonightby
by the score. The number of victims the - faculty representatives of the
is compiled at 300 or more by some Western Conference. The faculty com-
of the authorities. mittee decided that while the charges
The heavy rains which have been at the time were sufficient and technic-
falling for the past few weeks caused ally correct Gerber had been punished
the streams to overflow and filled the I
lake to the bursting point. Millions of enough for infraction of the rules.
cubic yards of water were let loose, Another problem considered by the
and the terrific force of the flood swept faculty committee related to the Wis-
everything before it. The village of consin-Michigan game when Referee.
Dezzo, originally containing 600 in- Eckersall upheld a decision of Col.
habitants and the adjacent villages, Mumma, the umpire, allowing a Mich-
Menaggio and Teveno, were directly in I igan touchdown.
the line of the rushing wati rs and The faculty committee's resolution
were inundated. Many of the people, urged that decisions of officials be ac-
'however, were appraised of the break cepted without bitterness and urged
in the dyke and fled, together with sportsmanlike conduct upon the spec-
hundreds of other refugees, to the tators.
hills. One action of the faculty committeej
Red Cross relief has been organized was a ruling to add one member to the
and the government is using all ef- committee on football officials and
forts to aid the sufferers.}give this committee entire charge over
The stricken people number into selection of officials for Conference!
thousands, and army units have been ( games.
dispatched to the devastated zone in The committee working from an im-
open up kitchens. Army engineers 'proved list will not only select of-
will give every possible aid in the con- ficials for games between Conference
struction work teams but also games of Conference
The dyke was 500 feet in height. teams with non-conference opponents.
Women To Hold Third Annual
Christmas BazaarDec. 7And8

The Week's News
In Brief
The following column is a sur-
vey of the news of the world dur-
ing the past week, compiled from
the press. An attempt has been
made to present the news as brief-
ly and concisely as possible.
President Coolidge has finished the
writing of his address to be given at
the opening of Congress Tuesday.
His program:
1-Mellon plan of tax reduction
providing for reduction of income
taxes and of one-half of surtaxes. A
saving of $323,000,000 is anticipated.
2-Opposition to the Soldiers' bon-
3-Indorsement of world court plan
provided it is free of League of
Nations control.
4-"America first" when it comes to
foreign affairs.
5-No government fixing of the
prices of farm productt; government
aid in co-operative marketing.
.6-Policy favoring railroad expan-
7-Reorganization of the depart-
ments of the national government,
with the addition of an education and
public welfare department; no merg-j
ing of the army and navy departments.
8-Continued immigration restrict-
9-Rigid prohibition enforcement.
The British filed a formal protest
of the taking of the liquor boat To-
maka off the New Jersey coast. But
it is said that the protest is merely
formal, pending the coppletion' of
the reciprocal liquor treaty between
the United States and Great Britian.,
The Tomaka had 200 cases of whiskey
on board, all that was left of a cargo
of 4,200 when she left Bahamas a
month ago.
"A tireless influence has been at
work recently In an effort to get the
United States embroiled in a Europ-
ean reparations conference," said a
pamphlet received by the members of
the Massachusetts legislature," and it
failed because Christ prevented the
President and Secretary Hughes from
betraying the country." The pamph-
let was anonymous.
The liquor conference between Can..
ada and the United States resulted in
promises of material aid from Can-
ada in preventing liquor smuggling,
provided the U. S. give aid in stopp-
ing the smuggling of silk, tobacco,
and narcotics into Canada.
The United States will not take part
in the investigation of the allied re-
parations commission to determine
Germany's reparations capacity. This
latest plan is branded as a "weak sub-
stitute" forthe Hughes-Curkon plan.
which France turned down.
A lineup of congress on the Bonus
question reveals the fact that the
bill can obtain a majority, but could
never pass over the President's veto.
President Coolidge is against con-
tinuing prohibition enforcement un-
der the Treasury department.
Opponents will attempt to oust Sen-
ator Earle B. Mayfield, democrat, Tex-
as, on charges of obtaining election
through fraud, excessive use of money
lawlessness, and the influence of the
Klan, as soon as he is sworn in. Th'
real issue at stake is the Ku Klux
The department of justice is investi-
gating the recent bombing of the Ital-
ian and Spanish consulates in Philad-
elphia. It is believed that the explos-
ion is .the work of an anti-fascisti or-

Secretary Hughes declared in a
speech that the Monroe doctrine must
still be the guiding policy of our for-
eign relations. He said that we can-
not afford to give up our national in-
Ambassador Child announced that
he will return to Rome. He says he
won't retire until certain work under-
taken by the Italian embassy is com-
Von Kardoff, a reformed Prussian
junker, Albert, former agent to the
United States, Hergt, and Marx, cleri-
cal leader all tried to form a new
German government during the past
week. Marx succeeded. He formed
a four party coalition.

Dr. Eddy Will Also Deliver Short'
Tali This Afternoon; Other
Events Today
Dr. George Sherwood Eddy, secre-
tary of the foreign division, interna-
tional committee of Y. M. C. A.'s, and
former student secretary of India and
secretary for Asia, will be the princi-
pal speaker at the University services
of the Student Christian association to
be given at 7:30 o'clock tonight in Hill
auditorium. Held in honor of the Older
Boys' conference and to be open to the
public, the S. C. A. will make this a
farewell service for the visiting boys.
Rev. R. E. Sayles, pastor of the First
Baptist church here, will conduct the
period of intercession, and special
music is to be furnished with George
Oscar Bowen of the School of Music
directing the singing.
Dr. Eddy, dhoosing as the subject of
his address, "World Unity, or Worldj
War," comes. here just after his com-
pletion of a trip around the world
which took him through 22 countries.
Graduating from Yale in 1891, Sher-
wood Eddy went to India where after
15 years of work among the students
of the Indian Empire he was called to
be secretary for Asia for the interna-
tional committee of the Y. M. C. A.
Dr. George Eddy conducted the first
student conference in the new republic
of Czechoslovak, where exactly 500,
years ago John Huss, rector of the
University of Prague was burned at
the stake. Since his return from Eu-
rope where he made special studies of
the political, social and industrial
problems, he has delved into the prob-
lems of America He has visited and
held 'personal conferences with the
leaders of Germany, France, China,
Japan and numerous other countries
which he has visited.
He will also deliver a short talk for
the Older Boys at 3:30 o'clock this
afternoon on "Unity with Christ."
Other events that will feature the af-
ternoon session will be a devotional'
period led by Rev. Henry T. Lewis,;
rector of the St. Andrews Episcopal
church here; delegation meetings and
discussions on the topic, "The One
Thing We Will Do upon Returning
Home' drafting resolutions.
At 8 o'clock in the morning the Hi-Y
presidents' breakfast will take place in'
the Union. At 9 o'clock there will be
a leaders' meeting in the "Upper1
Room" of Lane hall and at 10:30
o'clock, the delegates will attend
church with their host, or will attend
a church of their own denomination.
Because of his selection as one of
the judges of the Bok peace prize con-
test, William Allen White, prominent
Kansas journalist, who was to speak
in Hill auditorium Dec. 11 has can-
celled his engagement. The 'talk which
was to have been under the auspices
of the Oratorical association, was to
be on "Two Hours with President
A year ago Mr. White was compelled
to cancel a talk here because of illness
and it was hoped by the association
that he would be able to appear this
No other speaker has as yet been
chosen to take the place of Mr. White
but efforts are being made to obtain a
man capable of filling his place. In
case no one is obtained before Jan. 7
the regular talk of Judge Ben Lindsey
of Denver will be the next on the pro-
Those having tickets for Mr. White's
lecture are asked to keep them as they
may be used for the speech to be given
in place of his talk.

Decide On Extra
Showing Of Opera

Clark, Donahue, Hoey, Steger, 'Yi
Kelly Address Gathering
of 1700
President Marion 'I Burton 'w
chief speaker at the "Michigan:
meeting given as part of the
Boys' Conference which was h
7:45 o'clock last night in Hill a
ium under the auspices of the S
Christian association. Yells,
glee club selections and s
speeches were the different ee
the pogram.
Welcoming the boys in the na
the University, he struck the k
of his mesage in his words,
are tWo distinct ways of doing
thing; one man drifts and the
plans." Reiterating the statem
asked the audience, which in
more than 1700 older boys,
way are you pursuing? Are y
Ing advantage of everything inI
are you the individual who wo
just enough to get by?"
Nations that drift
"I wouldalike to have you
this problem in the life o ha
President Burton then su
"In Africe," he began, "there a
million people. What have the
tributed for the world? Or
China, what has she contributed
world? Why is it that she has
so little? China, like Africa,
planned for the future, but has
"And now -look at the other
the question. How did the smal
of Athens in ancient Greece p
so many great mni4? It Ia b
they had a plan that whateve
did must have beauty. You WI
the secret of America in this
planning. Our forefathers dr
and planned and looked ahead g,
future. So we have two kinds
ing; one drifts and the other
Asserts theme of talk.
President Burton, then assert
basic ,theme of' his talk. "It ii
solemn duty," he stated, " to
your abilities and make them as
and beautiful as God intended
to be. I want to ask you how a
going to do it. Don't do it b
getting along and letting othe
along. Don't crush everything';
that you yourself may rise. T
way you can make the most of
self is by helping every othe'
make the most of himself,"
Harry D. Hoey, '24, city edi
The Daily, presided at the meeti
introduced the speakers of the' e
Following the opening dev
period reports were heard fr
officers of the conference and .
announced that Muskegon will
the coaference for next ear.
Students Deliver Speeck.
Harry C. Clark, '26L, president
S C. A., after welcoming the
was succeeded on the platfo
Howard A. Donahue, '24, manag
itor of The Daily, who spoke 1
dent publications. John W.
'25L, president of the student e
delivered a short talk upon the
in general. Herbert Steger, '2
tain-elect of the 1924 fotball
( asserted the sportsmanship and
er athletics that have come to
results of athletic conferences
ton E. Weiman, '21, assistant cc
the Varsity footbaU team, sp
the true business of the coach
of building up men.
At 8 o'clock in the morning
day' the leaders met in Lan
Harry W. White of New York
livered the principal talk of the
ing session on "Our World F
A conference photograph wa
at 1 o'clock in front of Hill audi
and at 1:30 o'clock a parade wa
ed with Major William C. Ca:
taking charge.


Articles for the third annual Christ-19 o'clock on Friday and from 9:30 to
mas bazaar, to be given by the Inter- 8 o'clock on Saturday. Following
church association and the Women's the close of the bazaar on Saturday,
league on Friday and Saturday, Dec. a dance will be given from 9 to 12
7 and 8, in Barbour gymnasium, which o'clock in Barbour gymnasium. Ber-
have been collected during the past gen's orchestra will furnish the music.
week end are more varied than ever Tickets for the dance will be on sale
before. at Wahr's and Graham's bookstores1
When the doors of the gymnasium I and also at the door.
are opened at 1 o'clock Friday after-
noon, the general public will be ad-
muted to examine a display of lunch- x 0 . W L
eon sets, lingerie, kitchen articles, UL
bridge appointments, etc. A hope {
chest booth, a doll booth, and a Christ-bE 3
mas tree with "Santa's surprises" wil u S OM00RO
be among the -special attractions.,,
bemonathe - s ecrations "Atomic" Structure and the Periodic
ThElabortecorationhg s m System will be the subject of an ad-
The decoration of the gymnasium dress by Professor Niels Bohr, director
has been planned so that the booths of the Institute for Theoretical Physics
will ecoed byth rchesg which at Copenhagen, to be given at 8 o'clock
will extend from the running track jtmro vnn nteWs etr
to te tble. Crismastre deign tomorrow evening in the West lecture
to the tabtes. Christmas tree designs
will festoon the arches while light room of the physics building.
will be furnished by red and black I Prof. Bohr is one of the foremost,
lanterns at the 'base of every pillar. authorities in the world at the present
The design for the decoration was time on the subject of atomic struc-
drawn by Marion Buell, 24E. ture. He is responsible for the form-
In the tea room, which will be open ulation of the laws which express the
from 11:30 to 1, from 3 to 5, and from relation between radiation and the'
6 to 7:30 o'clock on both Friday and 1structure of the atom. His most re-
- _ _ - -- _. __ - --1.re-,

Chicago, Dec. 1.-Coach Ray Fisher,
the former major league twirler who'
is coaching the University of Michigan
baseball squad, announced today that
he would take his team on a southern
training trip April 11 to Montgomery,
IHe expects to play practice games
with southern colleges in that vicinity
before returning to opeh the Big Ten
season at Michigan against Ohio State,
April 26.
The Michigan Big Ten baseball
schedule follows:J
April 26-Ohio at Michigan.-
April 28-Northwestern at Michigan.-
May 3-Illinois at Michigan.
May 5- and 6-Minnesota at Minne-
May 10-Northwestern at Northwest- j




12-Wiscohsin at Wisconsin.
17-Ohio at Ohio.
19-Iowa at Michigan.
24-Illinois at Illinois.
26-Iowa at Iowa.
31-Wisconsin at Michigan

The League of Nations Council
meet December 10 to consider a1
of 250,000,000 gold crowns, to
Hungary financially on its feet.


The eighteenth annual lIMichigan
Union opera, "Cotton Stockings," will
give an extra performance Saturday
night of this week, it was decided yes-
terday following the large sale of tick-
ets on Friday and Saturday.

Through a campaign which1
"The Congregational Student
ty Drive" all students who b
ified preferenice for the Conga
denomination will be solici
week. The objects of this
to arouse student interest I

if~ a - '' ~ ffe'in. Cll \ a L!1 . a1


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