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December 01, 1923 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-12-01

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DE+CEMBER 1, 1923



..._.. .

. ARDN11 OFFERED FOR giant And Baby Planes Act As Scoutff -
For Army's Largest Dirigible In 'Flighty WHAT'S GOING ON1
'",W.'" .;.'': fV 4 i$ .? ".t" _ ;'4 .,Y+.ivh_ 4 v"P SATURDlAY
r, "Y... 5 " - > fi{ . { _h }^ > _ {


:'A reward of .$500 has been offered
Sby the University for information
uleading to the capture and conviction
yof the person or persons instrumental
in starting an incendiary fire in the
!museum of zoology last Saturday.
f h ire was discovered by a gradu-
ate student near one of the exhibition
cases on the third floor of the muse-
SEvery possible step is being taken
by both University and State authori-
~ties to bring about 'the apprehension
; of the ones to blame for the fire, ac-
cording to L. Paul .Buckley, assistant
secretary of the University. The
number of guards on University build-
ings has been Increased and they
have been instructed to do everything
.in their power; to prevent a recur-
-'rence. of the fire. The museum will
~be closed to the public for the present.
.4 Every evidence .pointed. to the in-
4'cendiary nature of the 'fire, according
y'to :dr. Buckley, and there was a
yrtoticeable similarity to fires started
'yi various University buildings about
,three years ago. Although neither
A~his fire nor the ones of three years
ago did any considerable damage the
'University authorities state that they
are apprehensive of a big conflag-

. t

10:04 -Knicker Outing club liikej
istaxting from Congregation al~
7 :00-Upper Rloom; Bible class mneet's
in Lane hall.
7 : p?--Varstty Glee club vocal section
meets in 11i11 auditorium.
7 :00--Cluese Frlendly circle mreets
in Lane hall.
9 :30--University 'en's lBib~lecrass
jin Lane hail.
9::30-Friends meeting In Lane ball.
12:130-I-.e3lolay, rehiearsal at Mrlasonic
4:00-Mleettnig of IDeMolay 4' inl roomi
306 of Union.
4 :00-6:00-Foreign students reception
by Mrs. A. W. Smnitlh at 1008 Oak-
A canvas of the 860) Congregational
students on the campus will be

Mpictures for the Michiganeus'an tak-I! ec ni R mo e
en are requested to do so imm e(- I Tfie
iately. The final date oan which ic- T New Ofie
tu e a et k n wl e P f.I:Photographers receiptis n<,iy e ,)1) Additiv t Ibas beon made to the of-
tainedl by paying $3 at t h c oflU i.e Cit e Michigan Technic, campus
offceir~t, IPress bu Idbw. mgiuublication, by 'which two
AID fralcritity copy for tl o 1' i Mh in the new Engineering build-
igaenensian must b.e fturned in to' '~ v.ill be placed at the disposal. of
Neil Barber, frasternty cdiitov, at, 11 the sf a_ . H-enceforth the editorial
Michiganen~iatn c i~ iIW~tI ~ will be in roomus 3028 and 3026
New house rmust turnin i )ctures of tlu new building. The staff will
of houses 4 nd cr, -t:t lso. 1110%e into the new rooms today. The
- office in the old Engineering building
It's true efficiency to use Daily will be used by the business depart-
Classifieds.---Ad1' Mont.
_4 rs.." +t:°' ', +i.." W Y_' .+7 .sa - r,'*_ Te r t...'rr _s.. r.' . .. _ _.-- .

Coice of, a Career
From the Yale News
Someone, probably an insurance
agent, was quoted recently as saying
that from the mass of one hundred
college graduates one individual only

Chicago, Nov. 30-(By A.P.)-Capt.
Xbonald MacMillan, explorer, on the
dice-bound ship Bowdoin in the Arc-
tic circle :near the Greenland coast,
'dedicated by radio at midnight Wed-
)tnesay, the new home of the Chicago
ZYacht club, of which he is a mem-
'ber. ItI
F, rom a microphone on the deck of
the; Bowdoin, his voice was heard in
the club house dining room by mem-
ihers and guests.
"I' welcome the opportunity to.h diaoYah lu' ed-
home from this icebound region in
the Arctic circle," the explorer said.
"Let the glorious olors of 'the Chi-
~go Yacht' club, 'whih now fly upon
*tie masthead of the ship from which
is message is et; beufurled above
your club house:" as an 'emtblem of
&iue sportsmanship and progressive-
nxess in the yachtting ~orld."
Commodore Sheldon Clark of the
'colub conveyed to Capt. MacMillan and
~his crew 'the haifk givixg greetings
cf the club' in reply.
Dr. Aldred Scott Warthin, director
the Pathological labortory, left
Thursday to attend the annual .meet-
' ng of the Board of Regents of the
mAnere n College, of Physicians of
whieh he is a member and vice-presi-
4ent. He has; been connected with
the Medical department here since
$~491 and since 1903 'has been Profes-
~or of Pathology and director of the
;athological Laboratory. '
Dr. Wathin has been, president f
Ahe 'aerican =Asscation, of Pato-
aogists, International Association of
~vedical Museums, and of many other
~uch organizations.
You Saw
2Wt-I f

'.. XY'*~~ LUUI~U~J J"5.~"i'* rose to te'oo and butler class, peril-
,.Congregational Student fellowship l ously near the top of the financial lad-
A disla of rare Tunisian and Italia i e.Fv tesbcm ofral
tapetr 24ies ollctdisbly enryhe off and found themselves after twenty
_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ c o r o othe4 E gi n ed s p a yin thed y e a rs a t th e sm a ll y a c h t a n d c h a u ffe u r
ofteEgneingbid stage. The other ninety-four presum-
The TC-2 army dirigible creling above Mitchell Field, N. Y., with the "Owl ," seond largest" airplane in the All seniors who have not had their ably congregate in the great section of
world above It and a tiny "Sperry" p'lane higher over the dirigible._ the American people who drive their
This photo might 1)e labeled "Cornrades of the air." It shows the army' s largest dirigible TC-2, choosing its own Bicks to the golf lub. other
landing at Mitchel Field; N. Y, after a trial flight, during which the 9 "0Ow," the second largest plane in the I words, d re aming about beng a rich
world, and a tiny "Sperry" plane, acted as scouts. The flight demonstrate d the practicability of the giant bags Imnis oe thinglandaakingherd
and speedier planes working togethe r.1 7 1 t 1 s"smtiges gi.
- I Yet the ninety-four presumably work
just as hard as the sumptuous six. Their
Baza r 11Have E business is the axis on which a small
STUDENTS WIL ODC OVLL TO'IIUHIIbI and uninteresting world revolves. They
Varity O Bo tD~s a i t shave become devotees of the dollar
ATTy EXPOSITIONfloergils nowhere else to turn. ammed ino
SUSCITIN CA PAG o sospi en.flwr irs1 OLEE2 . 5 0 dull, straight rut of business they can
--and gift trees are going to make of thenerlavthrodndjmtefnc
Withthenever leaveerall the road andfesorjumpd Hthevelfencee
Wtth obetomaeilyn-IwmnsLeague. bazaar, this year ajPrfsoAledHLoelfth into finer fields of life. This, then is
creasing the circulation of the Alum-1ypro department of electrical engineering
,uofca ra o h lmia-Itrue Persian fair. Any lonelypro!ilrpeetteEgnern col Ipsil o a- the portion of ninety-four men out of
nusintends'l togsend himselmni asChrist- erset h Egiereveryo Ipssbl ohundredh rafil '1, ui-now ited tonn hmslthehit- vcampus.no n hecmps
ofeeti h nwrt h rbe s mcatinae, J ohn ringomie~ bsi-,a akg ocee1i pwl u e'edn t isi
oms--Ilocomotives to be held next week by the proper choice of a career.
sion to students who will solicit alum- find a much more 'efficient cheering IGla tahd______
nIntheir home towns during Christ- inbygaoyosgit of a the General Electric company at their F
ni ~ ~ ~ ~ i bunn aoy usgfs ffaWorks in Erie, Pennsylvania. .Pl lt ewe o n o mneetw
mas vacation for subscriptions to the; Christmas tree, from a Santa Claus att ElectrcClocomotvesBofwthnlatestaso ething eofermontLwe
maain.th aza.design will 'at that timge be tested out. shall haveso ehn toofe
More than fifteen large cities have th Another feature of this year's baz- bfr eieyt hi ues.A l iet'sbeto "aer. ac o h pc
already been taken by students who arteteflwrbot. lspecal feature of the exhibit will by Ought to buy several wihteFmusSgaue
wisednot onlytomeet prominent oarlr b efoerdybsroutiguinspec.
Mihg n lninteryiisbtalroladfporutwoginbowls, will be the "Otheograph", an instrument for wthith Faprice.naur'
soitoianme onerce , dugthe- odanfotohours every after- recording the action of the locomotivee
so t kno ,t eo ina o e ft eU i n t e takholidays. Mr. Bradfield n y will rn be inth ( versity wall sell rose buds, corsages, meth od of regstering theo trai dmoinvpla-ket e t ee1ar
his office in the basement of Alu-and nose-gays. ed on a track by any given'i1ocmotive. ( Get off at Mai,__________
ni Memorial hall this and tomorrow There will be a hope chest booth, Professor Loe1 will bW 16h' guest 'On-hLIFEk~V~t.
morning to explain the offer more which will feature every article ne- of the General <lectrio copaiy' dur- nehlfblc Nrt.INSURANCE COMPANY
fully to all who are interested. I cessary or desirable for a hope chest. ing the tests and will .retuli' to Anntt OF BOSTON. MASACHUS~TTS _
Only 'those men who live in fairly One whole booth wiill be devoted to Arbor abot;*Thursday.iii ' ' 'AT T A Sixtyoe years in business, Now insuing Oane Billion Seen Hundred
large cities, he pointed 'out, will find dolls young, -old, beautiful, grotesque, F - ( &I. y .LILI.1E R ~. Million dollars in polices on 3,250,00o lives.
It profitable to aid in this work as' American, Dutch-every kind of dol, iOberammrgau, Nov. 30.-The Pas-' 3aS
there will not be. enoug'h alumni in all in clothes made by doll dress- sin Play party has starteds for Amer- I35oSOUTH MAIN STREE~T __
a small town to make it pay them, makers. This boothe will be presided ica. for__their__time__over__byli____dolls__incostume.___
The Alumnus sells for three dol- I Perhaps the most unique feature of II 11111
lars a year and is published weekly tebza ilb the bazaarn w11111111l1111III~il11111111111111111111111flit1111lill!!tbe the1IilU1l11Sii'nple111911111111Simon6111i111HFI11i1111I
during the school year and monthly piemen, who will disperse tiny pies°
during the summer months. among the crowds who are a-fairing. _
-- I The whole bazaar promises to he so
Ferris Leaves for Washington !picturesque that the sight of the fes- tv ynsu ilb oeta
'74, of Big Rapids, left to 'take is worth the admission, a
senatorial seat, in Washington as the' -
Democratic ',senator from the state; of l Whimbledon, Eng., Nov. 29. - Vis- _
Michigan Wednesday. Students of the. countess Morley is dead, nine weeks W
Ferris Institute and townspeople turn-, after the demise 'of her husband, thera0 ' r oi-k
ed out enmasse; marched to thePenn-' biographer. 'j NW PV/J.4
sylvania station 'and gave the sena- ---
tor a rousing send-off. j -!M -Ii
Hlayo Went Ha WIll Hold Reunion 12 SEERS lMORE MEMBERS ! r-
Immediately following; the meeting I l a 2 at Whitney Theater frT c est
Saturday, night in Hill Auditorium, The Daily editorial staff can 1 o liii o'~'~"
there will be a reunion of. all men- j use a few more tryouts. Repor 1 !....
bers of Hayo Went Ha society in ItnladngtsafpstosI~~..~.
Lane Hall, All students who are in ^ rJmeiteyaalbe osc
this :organization, as well as delegatesI tryouts. ~Ct o
to the conference, are asked to be I Onyme hohvebene-
present at this gathering. I rolle in the University for more I+A 2
Ii than one semnester, or who en-12!
Vienna, Nov. 30.-University author- I ..te Uivesitywit.adan.
ities, failing in efforts: to prevent de- I e4 credit, are eligible for this I22*..;..
montrations against Jews, have ab-1 work $, : i: 2 <"r" h ,
andoned all lectures.I ___................................. ..........
w =- -18th Annual nioOpr
C 0 N C E RN.Tt S Which Has Its Grand Opening
-NightN E
_A a " E x t r a K-, -l-
Tuesday, December 4, 8 P. M.Exr Concert Series ~
2 ICTOR Richard y9 %JiW y43
"=Conducting Tenor layige ning performances'
-Single Concerts--$.ri, $1.00, $.0,% $2.011 -2 iv T es ay
M__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 = 2ond auusd ay , W ed n esd ay , kf Kf
__________________________________ Thursday and Friday with ° l :U
I:Sunday, December 9, 4:15 P. M . Faculty Concert Series 2 Saturday Matinee.
CONC;ERT BY FACULTY I 2 "Cotton Stockings" is the most finished production inlfl,
4of 1ie UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MUSIC the eighteen year of opera history. It s comedy, dances, N4
I= No Admissioni Charge-Children under Twelve ears of age not ad- ogadcsue haenvrbe qald u
nutltd unless they first obtain ticket at the School of music s ours seats' now. Good ones still left, $2.5 $2.001' .

- *~~~,* 2 ~$1.50 and $1.00. A production worthy of the trip""i . ' ~'U
-. . ~ lI * -,- - through the East and Middle West. ~4 Y

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