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December 01, 1923 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-12-01

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More Than 2,000 IJes to be Covered
in Presentation of 1'-
Final dress rehearsal of "Ctton
Stockings", the eighteenth annual Un-
ion opera, which will play one week,
beginning Monday night, at the
'Whitney theater, will . be held to-
morrow night.
The Mimes production has for
some days been practically read for
presentation due to the early train-
ing this fall of both cast and chor-
uses, the last few rehearsals adding
only to the excellence of its lines,;
lighting effects and staging in gen-
eral. "No Union opera was ever so
thoroughly ready for presentation as+
Cotton Stockings,'" asserts E. Mor-
timer Shuter, director.-
Written by Sword
Written by Charles H. Sword, '24,I
and directed entirely by Mr. Shuter,{
this year's Mimes production, a com-
edy in two acts, was especially writ-
ten for production by Mimes. Some1
of its parts were written with a view1
to adapting them to the men who will
play them. Such a part is that of
Susan to be played by Lionel Ames,
'24, the charming female lead In "In
and Out", last' year's production. The
role of Claribel Joyous, high priest of
rythmic motion, which will be play-
ed by James Dresbach, '26L, was un-
usually well fitted by its author to
the comedienne of "In and Out".
One of the outstanding features inY
"Cotton Stockings" is the "Fantas-
tique dance" in which George Hoff-
man, '24, takes part. Another of the
numbers which is intended to im-
press -the audience is the singing of
Barre Hill, '26, Vernon Myers, '24, as
Jerry Hastings, who wants to write,
will carry the male lead. Another
principal character is Charles Liv-
ingstone, '25, who takes the part of
Alaric Clark, an artist.
Hoyer Dreels Dances
The members of the three chorus-
es-men's, girl ', and show girl's-
are expected to do unusual work
since many of the men of each chor-
us took part in last year's comedy.
The dances for the opera .were ar-
ranged by Roy lHoyer, leading man
with Fred Stone in "Stepping Stones".
Musical selections composed es-
pecially for the Mimes production by
Charles H. Sword, '24, and William
Kratz, '24E, number more than 15,
and fit uniquely the dances and
characters of "Cotton Stockings".-
Ames, Myers, and Hill will each sing
a number of the songs composed for
the opera.
Costumes and gowns used in the
opera were designed and executed
by Lester of Chicago, who has be-
come known through his past work
on Union opera productions. The or-
iginal plates of the costumes have
been on display in the Union lobby
for the past few days. Many pic-
tures of the feminine stars in their
costumes have been on display in
the windows- of State street mer-
Programs Ready
The programs for the opera are
now printed and all but bound. Cuts,1
writeup on, the Mimes theater, the
Union, and "Cotton Stockings", and
a message by President Marion L.

Burton, as well as the announcement'
cast and usual features make this
program truly an attractive one.
Travelling more than 2,600 miles,
touching 15 cities, playingh17 imes,
and appearing in cities whosi com-
bined population is 15,000,000 peo-
ple, "Coton Stockings" is destined to
surpass all former productions and
stand out as a truly stupendous pro-
London, Nov, 30-(By A.P.)-The
government will collect nearly $5,-
000,000 from the estate of Nathaniel
Rothschild in taxes.

SProgram 's OddityMarks First
Pan-Hellenic Ball As Unique

Q _ i

A new page in the annals of theI
University's social history was writ-!
ten last night with the completion of'
'the first Pan-Hallenic ball, held un-
der the auspices of the Michigan In- i
ter-sorority association. More than'
350 couples danced from, 9 until 2
Dorothy Maitland, '24, and her
brother Alexander S. Maitland of Ne-,
gaunee, led the grand march. A
long list of couples followed the lead-!
ers, the varied colors of the ladies' I
dresses making a charming display. i
Music was furnished by Kennedy's1
orchestra, and there was dancing
with but short intermission from 9
o'clock, the hour of the grand march,
until 2 o'clock. Few if any couples
were seen leaving for home beforel

the strains of "Home, Sweet Home"
reminded them that there was still
some of the night left in which to
sleep, while tremendous applause
from an enthusiastic crowd resulted
in encore after encore from a willing
No corsage bouquets were worn,
although several were seen wearing
bunches of flowers which obviously
had been plucked from the mural
decorations lining the walls of the
ball-room. These flowers were the
only formal decorations put up for
the occasion.
Unique and interesting were the
programs, specially made for the
event. These had metal covers, upon
each of which were engraved the fig-
ures of a couple dancing.



First To Spek
j At Conference

Tonight Designated As
Night"; Burton To 4
Chief Address.

Yost Says Michigan SchedWe
Include Illiols If Date is

May I

Committees For Conference Meet To.
day To Outline Proceedings Of
Annual Gathering
Committees in charge of prepar-
ations for the third annual conference
of the Western Conference Editorial
association will meet at 3 o'clock
this afternoon in the reading room of
the press building to discuss plans
for the gathering.
Delegates from publications of the
Big Ten Universities will assemble in
Ann Arbor on Friday and Saturday,
Dec. 7 and 8 at the invitation of the
publications' committee of the Uni-
versity. Howard A. Donahue, '24,
Managing Editor of the Daily, is act-
ing chairman of the conference, and
assist him in preparation for the
event. Membrship in three com-
n'ittees is as follows.
Program committee: Julian E.
Mack, '24, Robt. C. Moriarity, '24, joint
chairman, John G. Garlinghouse, '25,
Edgar H. Ailes, '25, Edwin C. Mack,
'26, John A. Sabo, '25, Robert B. Tarr,
'24, and Winona Hibbard, '24.
Banquet and entertainment Com-
mittee: Ralph N. Byers, chairman,
William H. Stoneman, '25, Kenneth
C. Kellar, '25, Perry M. Hayden, '25,
Clayton C. Purdy, '24, and John C.
Haskin, '26L.H D
Recpetion Committee: Harry D.
Hoey, '24, and Laurence H. Favrot, '24,
joint chairman, Alfred B. Connable,
'25, Philip M. Wagner,d'25, Thomas E.
Fiske, '25, Donald W. Steketee, '24,
Fred E. Gilner, '24, Thomas G. Kindel,
'24, John A. Bacon, '24, Ray A. Bil-
ington, '25, Harry C. Clarke, '24, Fran-
cis N. Tilden, '24, Walter K. Scherer,
'24, Cornelius W. Christie, '25, Paul
SL. Einstein,'25, Robert G. Ramsay,
'25, and Andrew E. Propper, '26.
Two well known figures in Amer-
ican journalism will be the princi-
ple speakers at the convention.
George G. Booth, president of the
Detroit News, and John Willis Abbot,
'84L, editor of The Christian Science
Monitor, will represent the East and
West in addresses made before the
.gathering. Both are noted editors,
with long histories of j ournalistic
victories Pehind them. Both men will
be guests of the Western Conference
Editorial association during their
stay in Ann Arbor.

Declares Pre-War And Present Amer.
lean Attitude In Accord With
Monroe Doctrine
Philadelphia, Nov. 30-(By A.P.)-
America's foreign policy today with
relation to conditions in Europe, Lat-
in America, or the Pacific squares
consistenly with the Monroe Doctrine,
Secretary Hughes said in an address
here tonight heside the American
Academy of Political and Social Sci-
ence gathered in celebration of the
centenary of the Doctrine.
With that declaration as his text,
the secretary delivered a comprehen-
sive restatement of the position of the
United States toward the Europeanf
tangle, the Far East and Latin Amer-
ica. He said the American nation
would rather bear such ills as might
result from its present policy toward
Europe than suffer "tlie greater evils,
which would follow the sacrifice of
our independent position "; reasserted
the adherence of this government to
the principals of peace in the Pacifi
laid down by the Arms Conference;
and set forth the proposition which he
said should govern relationship with
the sister republics of the western'
All of these policies Mr. Hughes as-
serted, accord entirely withthe Monroe
Doctrine which remains essentially a
policyto be applied when ever any
exeglency may requiring its appli-'
"I would not be entirely correct," he
continued, "to say that the Doctrine is
nearly negative. The Doctrine is a
principal of exclusion both with ref-I
erence to the Declaration as to non-
intervention and to that of exclusion
of territorial control; it is directed at
the exclusion of iner position by non=
American powers. The principal of
exclusion embodies a policy of self
defense on the part of the United'
States; it is a policy set up and appli-
ed by the United States."
Taking up the relationship between
American policy toward Europe and
the Monroe Doctrine he said:
"We entered the Great War, not vio-
lating our tradition, for the cause of
Liberty itself was at stake. We have
emerged from the war with the same
general aims that we had when we
went in. Though victors, we have
sought neither territory or general re-
parations. Our people have borne
their own burden and in large part we
are bearing the burden of others.
"We are not seeking to dictate to
Europe or to deprive any one of!
rights. But we do desire peace and!
economic recuperation in Europe.

Chicago, Nov. 30-(By A.P.)-Maj-
or John L. Griffiths, commissioner of
athletics of the Western Conference
for two years tonight was reappoint-
ed for another two year term, with an
increase in salary at the annual
meeting of the athletic directors of
the "Big Ten" Universities. The Ath-
letic directors met preliminary to the
meeting of the football coaches to-
morrow to draft the 1924 gridiron
The reappointment of Major Griffi-
ths, the directors said, was a re-
ward for his efficient administration.
The position was created to promote
more friendly athletic relations be-
tween the universities and also to
pass on the numerous eligibility
(rlffith Sought After
Major Griffiths, the founder of the
great relays, has been offered the,
athletic directorship of a Missouri
Valley conference institution, it was
reported, and his services were in
demand at other institutions.
After considering the plea of the
football officials, who demanded an
increase to $100 from $50 for offi-
ciating, the directors voted to recom-
mend a compromise fee of $75 for
each official. The recommendation
probably will be acted favorably up-
on by the faculty committee of the[
Big Ten tomorrow. The directors al-
so voted to raise the fees of the bas-
ketball referee from $30 to $35.
The directors after an all day ses-
sion went into conference with the
faculty representatives tonight to
make their recommendations and dis-
cuss questions governing athletics for
the 1924 season. Passing of a rule
to prohibit the protesting of an ath-
lete after the season opens will be
among the questions to be consider-
ed. The faculty representatives will
meet tomorrow to take final action.
Schedules Nearly the Sane
The meeting of the directors and1
gathering of the football coaches
buzzed with excitement today over
the prospects of arrangements of in-
tersectional games for next season.
It is practically assured however that
there will be only a few changes in
the gridiron slate of any team.
The prospects for a 1924 battle be-
tween Illinois and Michgan which di-
vided honors this season appeared
bright. Coach Yost of the Wolverines
said he would be glad to arrange a
game provided a satisfactory date
could be agreed upon. Yost said
Minnesota, Ohio State, Iowa, andl
Wisconsin would be played in 1924,
and if dates could be aranged to ac-
commodate Illinois he. would b
pleased to do so. Coach Stagg de-
clared he had had no correspondence
with eastern teams relative to an in-
tersectional game and there probab-
ly would be no change in the Ma-
roon schedule for next year.

Soldier Bonus Asked to be Raised
Through Levy on Large Income
and Excess Profits
Washington, Nov. 30.-(By A.P.)-
On the eve of the formal conference
of the house and . Senate republican
members of the House Progressive
bloc took a firm stand today for con-
cession with an open threat of
blocking organization unless a com-
promise is reached. The Progressive
bloc of the Senate failed to hold a
meetingand its attitude as to an
organization fight in the Senate still
is undetermined.
After an all daydconference House'
progressives issued a formal state-
ment embodying their demands as to
modification of both house rules and
legislation. Their legislative pro-
s gram was outlined as follows; equal-
zation of taxes by a reduction of 25
per cent, in tax on earned income;
reduction of present normal tax of I
4 per cent, to 2 per cent and the nor-
mal tax of 8 per cent to 4 per cent;
maintaining of the surtax at its pres-
ent maximum of 50, per cent; limit-
ing of capital losses to 12 1-2 half
per cent of the losses; limitation of'
education from grossincomes for in-
terest paid and for losses not of a
business character; adoptionnof the
British and French rates of inheri-
tance tax of 40 per cent on the larg-
er inheritances; a gift tax with rea-
sonable exemption up to a maximum
of 25 per cent; a moderate tax on
undistributed profits; retsoration of
revised forms of excess profits taxes
and repeal of the so called nuisance
and amusement taxes; abolition of
tax exempt securities.
A soldiers' bonus to be raised main-
ly by a tax on large incomes, ex-
cess profits, and an increased inher-
itance tax; aid for disabled veterans;
amendment of the Federal Reserve,
Act to prevent arbitrary contraction
of credits and to eliminate the exist-
ing discrimination between banks".
Repeal or amendment of the trans-
portation act so as to secure lower I
freight rates, and "to eliminate
guaranteed dividends. to favored
processes. Government control of1
necessities of life when necesary to
prevent profiteering in coal,' oil, su- 1
gar and other commodities. Con-
tion of autocratic power by thef

Dr. Allen Hoban
Dr. Allen Hoban, president of Kal-
amazoo college, who gave the first of-
ficial address of the 21st annual Older
Boys' conference yesterday afternoon
in Hill auditorium. The conference,
to which the Student Christian associ-
ation is host, opened at 2 o'clock yes-
terday afternoon.
New German Coalition Cabinet Draws
Mnembership From Four Leading

More than 1,500 delegates
twenty first Annual Michigt
Older Boy's Conference, no'
held here for the three days
30, Dec. 1 and 2 under the at
the'S. C. A. arrived in Ann Ar
terday. The delegates come
portions of the lower pe
From estimates given out
Hall late last night, this co
is to be the largest and most
ful of its kind ever held.
The registration, assignme
guides committee, headed by
phant, '24E, was at work thi
the day, and had given ea,:h
an envelope containing all
mation necessary, a meal tic
a badge giving them addmissio
gatherings in Hill aud
Rooms were also assigned
committee, and great success
ported in procuring each, de
room in a home of his religh
Allan Hoban Speaks
The gathering yesterday a
was attended by practicall:
delegate to the conference,
auditorium resembled in p
halls of some great political
tion. Each delegation was
by a placard on a pole, and
tire auditorium was filled eve
back aisle with boys from a
of Michigan.
Dr. Allah Hobart, president
mazoo College gave the print
dress of the afternoon, and s
"The Fact of the: Unity of L
the entire theme for the confe
just this material, his speech
day was one of cardinial iml
to all delegates as well as th
led the discussion following t
ing in the various churches

Berlin, Nov. 30-(By A. P.)-The
new four-party coalition government,
headed by Wilhelm Marx as chan-'
cellor, and with Dr. Gustave Strese-.
mann, the retiring chancellor, as for-
eign ,minister, began to function to-
night. The new government is con-
stituted as follows: Chancellor, Dr,
Wilhelm Marx; vice chancellor and
minister of the interior, Dr. Jarres;
foreign minister, Gustave Stresemann,
minister of defense, Otto Gessler;
minister of labor, Henrich Brauns,
minister of finance, Dr. Hans Luther;
minister of transport, Rudoph Geser;
minister of food, Count Kanitz; min-
ister of economy, A. D. Hann; min-
ister of justice, Dr. Emminger; min-
ister of occupied territories; Dr. An-


Clark Welcomes Boys
At the second meeting he
night atthe JHillmauditortu
speaker was Dr. M. .S. Rice
troit. Dr. Rice is well knowr
people of Ann Arbor, and is -
ond on the conference progr
Harry C. Clark, '24L spoke' on
of the Tniversit student,;. af

ton Hoefle.

Junior engineers will elect the
chairman of the 1925 J-Hop at the
meeting which they will hold at 10 o-
'clock Monday in room 348 of the
Engineering building. Two members
of the committee will also be elected
at this time. Other junior classes of
the University with the exception of
the literary class, which has already
held its elections, will hold meetings
to elect their member of the com-
mittee during the next week.
James J. Collison will be the fifth
nmember of the committee from the
junior literary class,itthas been de-
cided by the Student council. The
man with whom he was tied for the
position in the recent election of com-
itteemen by the class has been found
ineligible scholastically. Other mem-
bers from this class are R. A. Billing-
ton, J. K. Miller, J. W. Tracy, and W
D. Roesser.


Washington, Nov. 30-(By A.P.)-
Acting on telegrams received froml
Gov. R. A. Nestos, of North Dakota,j
and other citizens of that state, Pres-
ident Coolidge directed the Interstate;
Commerce Commission today to makel
a special inquiry into allegations that
increased freight rates on coal min-
ed in North Dakota amounted to a
conspiracy to destroy the state's coal
mining industry.
Gov. Nestos telegraphed the Pres-
ident several days ago complaining,
of the increased rates and urging a
congressional investigation. In di-
recting the special inquiry, Mr. Cool-
idge was moved by a desire to have
complete information at the disposal
of congress, should that body desire
fn.- air.

Over 20 men have thus far signi-
fled their desire to join the United'
States Naval Reserve unit which is
now in the process of being estab-
lished here. These men, most of whom
are former reserve men or who have
had some previous experience in the
United States Navy will meet at the
Union Wednesday evening when they
will sign the papers that will make1
them members of the reserve force of
the navy.
George E. Sloan, '23L, and Walter
M. Simpson, Grad, will have charge
of all arrangements and command of
the force until such time as the unit
is of sufficient size to warrant the
presence of a naval officer here.
Simpson holds a commission of En-
sign in the reserve while Sloan is a.
Yoeman in the supply corps.
At the present time Secretary of
the Navy Edwin E. Denby is attempt-
ing to have Michigan placed on the
list of schools that teach naval sub-
jects in their engin ering schools.
If this plan is approved by the Board

courts in injunction, contempt cases, y1ru,
and attempted legislative functions coimedthe delegates to t
by the judiciary. functinsLAN 1 FtV0 David Inglis, boys' chairm
Uniform presidential primaries; made a short talk, speakin
elimination of all profits arising from boys of Ann Arbor, and May
the manufacture of war materials. . Lewis spoke on behalf 0
of Ann Arbor. Devotions we
~ ~(Continued on Page T
Philadelphia, Nov. 30.-Wilbur K.
PEC COUSES o0E Thomas, secretary of the American
friends service committee outlined
GIVEN ENGINEERS H ER EIhere today the Quakers' plans for -
feeding millions of starving children BE RE WITH ORC
PROF. A. H. BLANCHAR) TO HEAJin Germany this winter with the fund
DIEPARTMENTOFFERING abeing raised throughout the United
CLASSES States by the American committee KOLAR TO LEAD CONC
headed by Gen. Henry T. Allen. DETROIT ORGA,'IZATIO
PsThis will be the most extensive re- PEARING TUESDA
Practicing engineers from all parts lief program ever undertaken by the
of the United States as well as from American Quakers, who have distri Richard Crooks, tenor, a
nne foreign countries are expected buted over $12,000,000 wovth of food ' his Ann Arbor debut as so
to enroll Monday for the 18 short in Germany since the Arinistice, in the Detroit Symphony orcl
graduate courses in Highway Engin- addition to their work in France du"- ,their concert here next Tu
Bering and Highway Transport to be' ing the war, and in Poland, Austria ening in Hill auditorium. M
given in periods of two weeks each and Russia since then.- began his professional c
during December, January, February season and from the start
and March.
With 125 engineers signifying their Farrar, Barred By be a sensational success. 1
intention of joining the courses in ToIed engagements with the I
comparison with 29 four years ago, C urches, To in Symphony orchestra and ha
compriso wih 29fouryeas ag, ied in Buffalo, Detroit, Baltir
and 110 last year, great progress has d Torono,
been made, it is felt. The courses ATLANTA, Ga., Nov. 30-(By A.P.) York, Toronto, and in mi
of instruction will be in charge of -Geraldine Farrar will sing in At- He first attracted public a
I Professor Arthur H. Blanchard, head laatigtnthctyuitriuii
of the Department of Highway En- n the age of twelve when she
gineering and Highway Transport. With the doors of two church auditor- with Schumann-Heink blefc
As an evidence of the interest in the: iums closed against her, it appeared tival audience of fourteen
unijae oih tarhdv oi people. A year ago when
courses to be offered Prof. Blanchard until late tonight that the diva hrd him at the age of t'
said that he had received 71 appli- be forced to make good her prom hdg
cations this fall from prominent en- to "sing in the streets in order not he immediately engaged hi
gineers for appointment to the four x to disappoint an Atlanta audience. I corts under his own direr
fellowships in Highway Engineering Miss Farrar appeared in Atlanta d Crooks is said be a remar
and Highway Transport established three years ago in "Zaza." Her act- and attractive singer.
by Roy D. Chapin, of Detroit and the ing in that performance "made it im- iThe Detroit orchestra wil
Detroit-Edison company. possible for a church to permit the concert under the baton of
use of its facilities for her appear- lar, whose appearances he
ance in concert," according to a for- last two years have mad(
Faculty Members mal statement issued by Dr. J. W. for him among the younge
Ham, pastor of the Baptist Tabernacle tors, and have created a sp
in which he announced that she could pression before Ann Arbor
not appear in his church's auditorium. Tickets for this concert n1
Prof. Herbert F. Goodrich of the' tained at the office of the
Law school and Prof. C. E. Vibbert Geneva, Nov. 30-(By A.P.)-League Music.






"Doing business without adver-
tising is like winking at a girl
in the dark. Vn knnw what VAin

Leviathan Makes
New World Record
New York. Nov. 30.-America's

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