k'"vere VV u u THIS Plays 40 Weeks C In New York City AT ~ No announcem-, t cf the early the- atrical season has aroused more in- torest or more keen anticipation than c per reading, line fflr fthat of the coming of "The Covered' 3 linies per fl$Ci'tioi. !Wxagon" to the Whitney theatre in two insert=:ons , 1lie , ir early December. !e charged r for at. ,< No phot.oplay that has ever beon ask ab:oit co tracts presented in this city ha~s been pre- ceded by more fa.vorable repor'ts than a~ Sturd. Ithis picturisatlon of Eme~rson Hough's 1famous .novel. New York_ Chcago, To North Pole WiVth Ea I,. eyed the north pole. Secretary of the Navy Dlenb y hay named Lieut. Ralph E. Davison o' navy air service, toao the trip. Lenutenant Davison will n lot one of the three Dornier-Doip~hin flying boats; to be used. Captain Amundsen will r"ide in the first ship, with a pilot. Davison will guide the second and Hlameir the1- third. Several trips over the pole ar c plan-,~ ined frdi a base estab~lished on the cee peaks 450 miles froln. the island of Spitzbergen. The ~flying ships will be-equipped with radio apparatus. Davison is native of Mifssouri. He1i is ani authority on navigation anld the theory of aeronautical flight. He was] chosen from, a list of 30' officers who, volunteered for the flight. Xooia~a o: a gold fountacin, THE MP;ICHI=GAN . R;-"_ tn-r~ ni Office, Alumni M einorialHll Boston, Los Angeles, San' FraiiC amd all toe larger n'etropoitran cities 'have aclainmed it ,a;th gratest =Abu- erican picture of all 'tlmae, It is::o v 1in its fortieth week at the Criterion theater, New Yorl4 where it is tip- j possible ,to gee, se~ts even nw uone~s secured weeks in advac, Patronize The Daily Advertisers. JEWELRY La : . scPEAR LS Did La zaucaDeltah ad. Blue Br pearls. Guaranteed to wear and re- Lzain lustre, indestructible. White gold sapphire and genuie diamiond clasps, Prices ranging from $15 to ARNOLD STATE STREET JEWELER U02 S. State St. SiCUT RATE PRItCES Son Soles, Heels, and all Skinds of Shoe lepairing for 2two weeks. First clss work cldone on all repair jobs. _: THE STATE STREET SHOE REARSO ' 31 Suiih State Street 2 Next to Wagner & Co. : III.lll~lIII~IEI111i1111111tIIIIIIIIIillI 1here is ge~une hos ier~y value for you.: Guaranteed, Ii high-grade hose for nen.: jGuwarant fd #sit pars. sy' r1p ® months, without darnig- U '$1.0 I 11OSE far lIEN *may be seen at this store, in '~your size and your favorite6 color. Why not get back toj the pre-war assurance of ISERVICE in the purchase iof men's hose? cotton! No darning necessary during A the periods specified. Ask Ifor Bullet Proof now, while the assortmnet, is complete. I1 J.[Wueth co'''I Next to Werth Theates DOWN TOWN i'' 'I Washington, Nov. 2.--The reques of Captain Auiundlson.., famols, polar explorer, to ~the navy department that a navy flier be permitted to accom- pany Amnudsen's piarty on its:aitenpt IiANNOUJNCING-T to fly, to the north pose, carries «ith it more than the, rec~ognition of the TD tirepid spirft of the American filer's. 'According to H. H. Hamrer, Amiericanl representative of the explorer, the re- You Treat. Yourself to One of "JOE'S" T~hanksgiving Dinners, You Will I~ave Cause to' Be Truly Thankful. THANKSGIVING- Manilla,. Nov. 2.-Insular official advices say natives have lynchedl three Moros suspected of being about to start a massacre. .p.......~............ x; Then drt JOE PARKER Cornwell IBlock 0 SpaalDisplay and sale -of' Witer 8akets, Bouquets, fable Decratios, Xmas Wreaths Ii1i- Corner of Ann and Fourth. Satiiw ay, ecemrber 1I IF' ,,at .10A. M. 1 i +.w" '. ~Flowers- represer rii ?lt your i a miunte-ar up -with a, pea successfully four yea'--, after. We, carry tll of pents, Eyez fountain peel wvork. rice, forget the yi Street. I 1 at A. T. Cooch &" Sons : -: ' M ,," be~t wisnes or sin- .. Here' YZOtJ can bi twin Peni but the onlyr one fitted by 1ST to sui.t yoi of writing is S. State Str'ot Aska the 01l' Tit y. _.,, e. ,.... M. _.... . m.. _...... U kn of tc; r' HOME 5SUP 11 E. -Wasl and add- ne Icopy ribbons,j and slip-i xE space no)rth of campu.s evenings. IPhon -11.0-1R. +LLEN tickect. Call 254>, i]D a r~co, .ate. Phone 2101-W. " r. SOP i~~ asamf BY VOUR XA SGFT Ak' INext month is Christm s' ffi'tth. C risfrnas always indicates thene ss13 i r' lin idss NMpkeyour plans early.' Come in and see one-big display of Christnmas gift'glos now. - r >1 1 i ix r + C ~1 1Ai ;Early; electaon 9ives Bt Choice. '20-24 T:-LI B ERTY ST. ...,....V_____________________ Florists 0'11 ~E. YNUERSITY !cere regret. PHONE I Cousins & r3 1.15' ,... . Ha 'RI PE WRITER ne SSG3, downtowni TERS - ' V O MEH W its. the same with vryn onc IIPWM ;IIIlll WITH 1 1,111111 Ililil " 1111I['7 , J6 T 3S; t'.I.7x Ill~ 1111111 18411 Illllli~ 1:111111 Ill'il 1.1 G !II 11 1111111 . r w r of all makes old, Rented a come",. always a Efxchanged, SEW1VICE ~CO., i State Street, 1. *p7 Phone 993-M OAR!) WING DITN1R .Dininer only 75c. It make reservation not o'clock Wednesday. Varsty Lodge Dining WSAGE, 'COFFEE. ,with raisin, sauce. ake; all will be in- enu. Lursday evening. OR GOUNTAIN . State St. O1TICE E.R representing the hing Co. will be atL SSaturday and Sun- omplete line of fiue suits at $22.50. Save 2909-J. :IPETEERS I 1 and entertaining customer! 709 Nl. Univ~. ew:2 -q NEW 'Patented bloomer, nationally advertised, so designed to give max- imum comfort combined with dur- ability. Made in silks "and cotton materials. Prices from $1.39 to $6.00.1 109 W. Liberty. .$1.39 buys a very satisfactory electric curling- iron at THE HOMAE SUPPLY STORE 209-11 E. Washington St. HAND TA~~'IREDIclothswalog BADTIOZDcohswa oger, look better, cost nio more. Rea- sonable prices, ALBJERT GA SL1E, TAILOR. 115 S. Main. _( pst irs.) k", Tuttile' s Lunch Room .338 Maynard St. South of Majestic P , J. Fo h t84sprint against t t ' t qwLLFIECOATSi \ \\\ Va Itylcker5 \ a \ (ELLOW OR OLfV'/) (YElL.LOW OR OLIVE)~ i °. c. 0 - _. _.r....---" _ . t1 ,