.w.w . . .oM
I.- -
______________________________ Playing.their last toApe fr .the c oa iy It ov
Casey Stengel s now frly t 'Par lnWaterloo,a ,;hase'
airno ee pit.Tf ~ cassmates, the seior:fits Hefeted " aii~r Cotirnes fto x ailnent .ith vhed that "The":pths of gle~l ad12f .a~ ap~
r~ ia.h thiefreshmn eng lnears 2Gto SI for th° t Caldhate~; M9)?%irars bt to the l1 tToao ar.nofsvnpis.TxefrI3 glory I I-akee bnntls ih
-Lelan~d'C. I
eleced theml
in at theen1
t.Parkin, ; 01'
inw'eu Sg Points; linois is 24 points better than the
4shSeepold! Catholics. Notre Dame beat Prince-
OF MIHIGAN ton by 23 markers. This puts Illinois
'0 12POIN 'T'TAL 47 points higher than Princeton. Yale1
0 12POIT TTALwon from Princeton by 4 score of 27-l
0. Accordinb to figures, then, Illinois!
to statistics, EasternI wouzld defeat Yale, 20-0. MlIchlgan is
far surpass those of the 1 7 points better than Yale. Michigan
as paint-scorinlg m- beat M. A. C., 37-0. The U. of D~.E
was nosed out by the Farmers, 2-6,.
sfact is due to' the su-f This puts Michigan 39 points above the
stern football or to the Detroiters, W. and J. beat Detroit, 6-ti.f
tition for a really high Therefore, Michigan is 33 points bet-
ion in the East is a mat- ter than W and J who won fromi
At be: definitely settled. Brown, 12-7 This game ruts Michigan:
2ri cwouildi claim that: 38 points above Brown Inasmuch as'
class speedball chamionship of the
B~esides beinig the last game they
will play, the victory is more out-
standinlg for 'it marks the culmlia-
tion of an aggregation that has won'
the ch~am~pioship in the fall sport for
four years s traight. Only one mem-
her of the original squad did not play
today, having left school last year.
}The freshman engineers started off
Swith a rus sb. has been th chract-
eristic of all the losing aggregationsi
this fall, but the. victors piuld themj-
selves together and had scored4 a field,
goal before the end of the first quar-
ter. The losers were un~able to pen-
etrate the defense of th~e seniors and
3 hnnthrn mar'was es~tablis4he~d forin
on the seaboard are of aj
fber, while the dopesters
3reat Lakes section would
he comparatively few cap-.
s in? Eastern circles.
rthe explanation, figures
between themiCornell, 'Yale,
Penn State, and the Army
ed a' much larger total this
have Michigan, Illinois, No-.
dinnesota, and' Chicago. The
t, on the other hand, leads
n ]beeping opponents away'
oal linres. I
is at the top of the heap
9t to point-scoring. Thef
hed machine has scored 306
winning, seven successive
Army has made 236 points,
Rartmouth 162, and Penn'
Thsefve schools repre-
,g~ pf the East.
fideWestern~ schools, No-
hols frstposition "withr
Thie Irish leave won seven
Yale only beat Brown, 21-0, the Yost-1
men wvould wi from the Bulldog by a
score, 17-0 a'~~'L ...~ '~.~---"
These figures only go to~ show the ieforyasteitos av'be
futility of trying to~ compare the rel- ly! ogte nyon edg~
has been scored against them, tl
ative mierits of teams by using the re- other Dpoiiits having bepen the~ result
sults of their previous games An im- of penalty kicks. !11
partial critic would explain the differ- The following members of the
ence in points scored in the West and championship team will receive
in the East by the quality of competi- setr ihnmrl o ter
tion Cornell, generally considered the psweesithfa:'AdrnSot
best of the Eastern teams, did not meet! Marshall, Mode, Coset~, \Yedeu,
Yale, Army, Navy, Penn State or sev- Green, Gessner, Qrahbbe, Young, Clore,,
eral other highclass Eastern elevens; Merner, Davis, Wright, Yeakey, 'and
Illinois and Michigan, wh~o are tied for l Cassidy.!
Big Ten honors, met all the strong,
Canference teams, The record of Notre Speedball gained for F~riday iinclude
Dame is also very impressive The the following contests: 4 o'clock,
Catholics did not dodge any tough fresh engineers 'vs. mnedics, for posi-
teams, but played Army, Princeton, tion of runner-ups in the class; speed-
'Georgia Tech, and. Nebraska, beating. ball tournament, and. at % 4 o'clock,
all but the Westerners. (Continued on Page Eight) {
In an effort to round his men into
the best possible conditionp for the
Christmas trip Coach Mather, Varsi-l
_ty basketball' tutor, is driving hiii
crewv at more thlan usual speed in the
"regular evening practices at Water-
plan gym.1
~As yet no definite formations have I
been decided upon andl Mather is still
experimenting with different men in
the hopes of finding material that «=illi
best hold dlown the positions that arj :
open. The big problem this year
will be to shape an effective offense1
for a scoring team to win, games. As
'a nucleus for a scoring machine;
"Skipper" has' George. Haggerty, a
sure point getter of last year's team1
land a hard man to hold in check once
he gets going. Haggerty was injuredf
'a. short timne ago. but he is rapidly'
getting into shape to again fill his ol1
Position at forward..
Iis 'expected that H'arry Kipke, for
toyears'one of the mainstays of
I the coujrt squad, will report for prac-I
tide in te very near future and with
~the advent~ of Harry oil the floor
! alier will lbe in~ a position to do ~s
iorp effective work in shaping the3
final play of his teamn. Two years
ago Kipke put up a stellar perform-
antce at guard anic1 Jist year after th, -
axz of ineligibility. had fallen on the
team he wa s shifted, fromn his guard
post to forward and goo n mpade his f
presence felt in thiat capacity.
The defense this year will undoubt-
odly be built around Captain Dirks, a
i~oof two years' experience and
always a most dependable guard.
I3irks' dogged fighting spilrit and a-
gressivene .ss are 'big factors in hiq
m~arked success of the last two years
.and it is' expected that he will put
u~p the bes game of his court career1
t his seasn.
Springing thl; ld "Statue of Lib-,
erty" play against Northwestern,'
Cliff .parks, Varsity quarterback~ inI
IM91 ran for the touchidown that
blrought to Michigan its only Confer-I
once victory in one of the leanest
yea.rs thiat the Wolverines ever ex-
perienced. Spar);' was a triple threat.
Snan, hispwpndlef.ul ability to run,
B ass, and kick with equal facility.
mpaking himp one of the most feared
b~acks of the West in 1919.
The New York State athletic corn-
nmission-which controls boxing--heas
announced that they will enforce a
rule which provides that before the
referee begins counting over a baxer
who has been knocked down the op-
ponent mq~ft ;return to his corner.
This will work a hardship on the
fighiter in these parlor affairs. For
how can the prone one wvhisper words
of rebukee to his friendly opponent ;."
that worthy has to stand 12 or 14
feet away?
Heinie Groh will he cavorting at
third for the Giants when the 1924
season :-pens. As far as Hecinle
knows, hie will. And lie's figuring
now on being in better shape than
hie was the past season. Reason? Heo
has just had an' operation on his
bunt knee-at John hlcGra'w '5e.--
pense. And incidlentally I'Ieinie says
that McGraw's generosity in sending
hint to a hospital and bearing the
expense is one of many such acts on
the 'part of the Giant' owner that tho
public rarely hears about.
It's e a sy - e n o ug h to ig urn, ouit ii-hap F a e sy-1 1 i e e -- o a
I 44w. rihanent. tlre11r plays
q'urter, Obherst1; and Theli stagr at the
tjfijes and Kulser cues his share at
quarterback for the past two seasons, ;jW
is reniembered as the conqueror of and
Yale as he carried the ball over thej chi
Bulldog line. ' the
Parkin resembles Aubrey Devine; No,
much in his style of attach'. He is for
the best Iowa passer, is a clever of
a-rnner, using his inzterrereace welt ; 1oa
on the runs that brought Aubrey soy
fame. He also is a poten tial triple
threat man, as hie is developing both
punting and drop nicking ability. j eq
The Io'~va quarter has suf Bed )b
much from injuries during both the 'Sit;
seasons in which hee has started, get-'S!
ting into only the early season gaines
of his 1922 career' and faciig Illinois,
*instan crhetrduigthe past year. A't Minneapolis them
passes that he launched were t.he only
outstanding work of the Iowa team.
Hle divid4ed the work at quarto} this~
Fry, all of whom' will return for an~-
fall with Scantlebury, YerlicN anil
other season.
[tota~l of 8074
1, hoever, the
Of the ten
blut 12 points
r, has the best!
Ind, having had
1 jni the course
and Penn State
apiece against
3showv that 134!
,ed against the
nd 194 against
Dartmouth, and
today, and the,
BrowNn vs. Lehigh at Providlence.
R. L
Dartmuouth vs. Columbia at Newe
Penn State vs. Pittsburgh at Pitts-'
Pennsylvania vs. Cornell at P1hila-
Colorado Mines vs. Denver Univ. atj
Colorado Univ. vs. Colorado Aggices
at Fort Collins, Col.
Montana State vs.. New Mexico 'at
IAlberqueque, N. M.
'Idaho vs. W'iilliamette at Boise, iii-
h with Pitt. Although aho.
1probably beat Colum- Oregon Aggies vs. Multnomah at
have their troubles Portland, Ore.
;er Koppisch, 'the New, Utah vs. Utah.'Aggies at Salt Lake
half back. City.
Louis, Mo.
Idarquette vs. Vermpont at Mlwatt
kee, 'Wis.
Missouri vs. Kans~as at Lawr'ence,
Grinnell vs. Cr'eighton at Omaha
Oklahoma Aggies vs; Arkansas at
Fort Smith, Ark.
St. Xavier vs. Haskell Indians at
DPetroit vs. Gonzaga. at. Deb~t,
'Texas Christian vs. Rice at Houst-
on, Texas.
Baylor vs.' Sothern Methodist at
Dallas, Tex.
'K'ansas Aggies vs. Nebraska at Limp-
coin Nebl.
Texas vs. Texas Aggies at College
Station, Tex.
Drake vs. Oklahoma at Norman,
lVanderbilt vs. Kewanee t Nash~
Mississippi vs. Tennessee at :Knox-
ville, Tenn.
Georgia Tech vs. Auburn at Atlan-
Northl Carolirna Univ. vs., Virginia
at Chapel Hill, N. C.
North Carolina State vs. Washing-
ton & Lee 'at Norfolk, Va.
Virginia Military vs. Virginia Poly
at4 Roanoka, Va.
Alabama vs. Florida at Birmning-
}ham, Ala.
Tulane vs. Washington-Univ. at. New
Orleanxs, La.
Here's a new onie. Hjub Armitag e,
coach of the Cleveland Heights, Ohio,
high school grid teams, has requested
that mass meetings for the scbool's
ath'letes before big events be discon-
tinued. "Some of thle players get the
swelled head and those wvho don'e are
slowed up by the praise handed out
at these 'meetings," says Armnitage.
"One tires of anything he gets all the
time. The timie to dish out praise is
at the, end~of the season."
(,'eorge Sisler, Browns' iminager,
liar gone to California forthle wintor.
It.. is sod i. Is -vision, impaired'by the
shis infection con&ticled early Mn
the yeilr, lhas Unmproved., Iope George
i siStrain his 'yes again if lie Vets
promid lHollywood.
SAnother Cuban baseball star has
been signed for' the Cincinnati Reds
for a tryout. He is Pedro Dibut, a
'right hand pither' and a sensation
in Cuba tie last t'woseasopn. Hle is
said to be -as g ood as was Adolfoo
Lu~que' the 'year he joined the Cincl
Patronize Th~e Daily Advertisers.
Lug U
we are
Comparison Futile
ectoual games were play-I
is little means of compar-
is of the East and West.
ew farfetched conclusions
n. For instance, Colgate
ae tied, 23-23. Michigan
Buceyes, 23-0. This put;
ies 23 points above Col-
heat Colgate, 134-7, or by
27 points. This compar-
snake Cornell 'superior to;
he narrow margin of four
the oth~er hand, however,
Nebraska, 24-7, giving the
edge of'17 ponts.Ne-l
ed up Notre Dame, 14-7, a
Notre Dame vs. St. Louis
at _St._
IWrestling practice will be field
Ievery aftern~oon at 3 o'clock, in-j
stead of at night, as has been the
case for the bast six weeps. 'Men
of all 'weights are urged to come1
out. Opportunity is also given
k to Freshmen to work out at 'this
1time until the Christmas holidays.,
I ' Coach BarkerI
I I I Salads
77L ~San-dwiches
GREY " Fountain Service
6oo . Liberty
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