t i 1"S, i I T HEMICHIGAN' DAILY DEMOLAY IVILL MEET The building is going to be irf the PlY T PA for the side have been laid and towers 4 T O (1 9 9 T E l [N 0 e -ected to facilitate the pouring of the !"1"c m n n o t e h g e a tsflrb r B [ C U C u L s on t e r u A t ai c r f teT T o s iu to f c m n ' r s De~lolay chapter membeors who re e.C alc 1-t atro h at present enrolledl in the --Re. . alac Ptt, asorofth and who have Thee ~na~liton' iw orkr on the Lawclub is; pro- First Baptist church of P'ittsburgih. the order will meet in a social get- grossing rapidly. The meason work on will speak in the Met0hodist church at together at 4:00 o'clock Sunday after the kitchen is completed and the roof ! 7:30 Sunday night, under the auspic,_s noon in roomu 306 of the Union. Th e' is to be finished, shortly. The dining! purpse f te metin isto ceat 'ahalf is 'up t the line of the beams of teWsea ul.Rvrn local club, the members of which will th'e carved oak ceiling and the club 1Ptyrpeetacuc hs not. lose their home t / ;n ail"Aa'ions t wall will be up to a po'nt level" with plant is valued at two million dollarsi, and which will not necessitate them Ithe second ftoo,' in the near' future.; and whose pastor's staff retains seven transferring from their old chapters. The stone is being. quarried for the men inacotive work, The club will have its own deeree dormitory" and it is expected to anrive For two .years the Worlya gil team and will carry on the activehere in February. '3=anasben ttmpin t bip ,ev work of the order,, functioning like a The aima at the r resent time is to i national chapter. 'The aim in;~igcniu h.wr hog h ite.jPtyt n roadi sol e in oring g ontnu te, or thouh he inercause -he wvas able to comnbinc into a club of this type is to keep meen months and preparations ;are being;I one trip an adIdress' at th University t from drifting away from the De~dolay made for the safey of the workers dur-! of Chicago Sunday morning and the work wh'en 'not active in their local,'ing the cold months.- chapters, and also to make all meni of oi S________________ the~ order on the campus acquanted. More than 2,500 sash are being con- ___'1% With each other. f rt tr, ,-th viivhnti1to :'. . L i addr ess here Sundlaynih that hie is able to come. Alpha'Nu Debates Debt Cancellation,; Alpha Nu held their regular weekly mneeting last night in the Alpha Num room on the fourth floor of University! hall. The subject for debate was "Re- solved, That the war debts due the United Statecs from her allies in the great: war should be cancelied." rrThis argument was defended by A. J. Paul, '25L, A. J. 'Buffington, '27, and ITI. C. Williams, '26. The negative wvas made up of J. A. Spader, p25, .1. A. Vickery, '27, andl K. S. Smith, '26. Several pledges gave short talks (in this samne subject. 1t ,; true efficiency to use Daily Cslassifiedls.-Adv. C, 3. Mrs. or.4 al-1 +4 DEMONSTRA' w all Michigan men " ed. The program the coaches and Henry T. Hunt ongs, played by Henry T. H'unt, former mayor of ing, in which thef Cincinnati, 0., has just been advised will take the1! that the Far Eastern Exploration corn-' s are always in-. pany, which he heads, has been grant- ad refreshments, ed by the soviet republic, a gold min- Ii~ concession in Eastern Siberia, es- dinners will be: timated at a value of $5,000,000. Gen- owing: the Var-.,Williaml S. Graves, who commanid the~ Building Progress, sctea U'.AVU theL1ne1w hospitalin the1I shops of the Buildings and Grounds department. The heat tunnels, leading to the hospital,. while they have not as. yet been, graded, are rapidly nearing 5A N rUK LmgI FOUNTAIN PEN INK . .. . a CORN WELL COAL IWill Improve the Action' Kentucky Egg and Lump West Va. Egg, f copltin The, salvaging of the old power house which has. recently been accomplished reserves, coaches, n letter men, the1 eaders, and offi- and alumni asso- yH. Torbet, pres- sity of. Michigan been received by that the movingI e team this yearI quartette is al- the committee in he men into De- Harry Tillotson,: fintercollegiate the entire party turday afternoon is which return.. I he bust. DEMND Siberian expedition in 1919, is one of the men interested in the company with Hunt. NEED MORE GUIDES FOR OLDER BOYs' CONFERENCE Extra guides are needed" to assist in conducting the men who will be here for th Older Boys' conference this week end. Due tb the number of persons who will be in Ann ArborI at this time an unusual number of guides is required. Thus far an 'insuff'icient numberl have reported their intentions of work- ing. All persons interested should report to the office of 'the Dean _of= fStudents tomorrow. Work has again, been resumed ex- j norsw .LU tae arci!tcs plans lwhich were accepted by' the Regents tensively on the new Literaly' build- in September. The plans also call for fing. This has been made possible by other changes all ,of, which are lcaicu- the arrival of the stone, the absence of f ated to improve the campus,,. which was. holding up the work. The , The Buildings and Grounds depart- sides of the, building have been water- mnent is now in a position to carry on proofed in preparation to putting onl considerable of the work in the con-' the stone.. This has been necessitated stru'cton and finishing of the' new by the fact that if the stones are plac- buildings which have been planned or' ed directly next to the cement skeleton are in the progress of construction. the dampness, in time, will stain thej The. department_ has :facilities, for in- outsde stone. The work is being start- stalling electrical..equipment, heatiug, ed at the south west corner of the; woodwork,., plumbing,- and ventilation building and it is planned to put ;the! stone on, the back and the two sides systems in the, buildings. Facilities this fall-and the coming winter and' are also available for the construction . to finish the front next spring. There of tables and seats which 'are neces- will be 50,000 cubic feet of stone neces- and tor euforn the genealsrepair sary for the building.andwo cae ofrthtbuldig neoflthepnier The cement floor in the basement'wr ftebidnso h nvr has been finished and work 'will be i3 concentrated on, the stone construc-, tion.Moscow, Nov. 28.-Archbishop' Tikt-, ______ on has issued a proclamation accept~- ing cntuto the Gregorian calendar. as adopt- Thecontrutio ofthenewMedcaled by Red Russia last summer. building has progressed as far as ce-- ____ menting of part of the first floor. On Daily classified for .real results. some part of the work' efforts are still E "''I', Fountain Pen ~jlI 'ttj "'"" ~ALL' COOR /a SIZES "The Ink That Made athe Fcnuntai P, nPossible" Pocahontas and Coke IMMIEDIATE DELIVERY COMMON AND FACE BRICK CO RN WELL COAL PHONES 814'l and 2 '07 Office - Cornwell Block m t . . .. .... ..", STUDENTS" SUPPLYSTR 111 EUTII UNIVERSITY .AYE. Engineers' and Architects' Materials Stationery, Fo9untain Pen's, Loose' Leaf Books bCameras and Supplies Candies, Laundry Agency, Tobaccos .1 Republican Club i Holds Luncheon 1 as: rvatic centl- ;kth Members of the. Republican club: Iy din were entertained at a luncheon held sad yesterday noon in the Union at which !a general discussion of political p rob-, r !lems was carried on. L. S. Stump, .were '26L, presented a paper on "The Place )dy r~o of Parties in the Process of Govern- ment." Following the reading of the aeĀ£ paper the meeting resolved' itself into Iridgel a round table discussion. hwest The next meeting of the club will" steam be held Thursday Dec. 1$. grade is the, Patronize The Daily Advertisers. the sinc .s re- plansĀ¢ tou ;dale, dis Pocket Malted Milk!I .n, 4I n i B. Hins rcheolog e Marrf view the that per ed a wri [ IM's "itten was al- e found, .1. trink- Like to drink malted milks? Sure thing, Old Top!t Then why not eat 'em- here's your chance'. TIHOMPSON'S Pure Malted Milk Pars contain no cane or beet sugar p Safe for Athletes ill Training Right size for your pocket. Go greatrt the game--atthe s how--on, hikes--at school or in your room. 5- At All Dealers - 5 being concentrated on the basement __________________ whie a oter ectonspilarsarebe- ing erected for the sco df or The The P U P P E T E E R Slltt1 ttF111#ll~ illl tl~ S111!{~ i#1!!!t1[{!I#!l11[1119: steel wvork, the construction of the -/' fi steel frame work and matts is .keeping --present-- pane with the cementing and' much THE PUP;ET aREVUIE progress is being made.________________ STATIOI~I ,s~ Wehve1hefnetlie~aist ,r-' MADE BY EDER HEIMER STEIN COMI"ANY tionery to silt 'all femili~ i fa'n '- t ies. Ladies take grea'.pleasugre -------___ _______= in having an assor tment of ex-.-- , traordinary. quality paper~, on 1'- hand for their correspondence. -4a We have taken pains in keeping,' our stock~ up to the highest I' standard of quality -at prices, to- 0. D., MORRILL _ - 17 Nickels Arcade. = ' Open Evenings.I 2 Ch~ristmnas Gift Box StationerySaetw and Chritmas Greeting' Cards T e on S l t e u ed P i esa The Finest and Cleanest Stock Ina Ann Arbor.= - w ,I 1a - Asaspecial!toutr rc ni eebe . ewl aea.' w - Asa TpcilintroductoyipieyuntilesDecember 1 eFillsmake C. S. W'1ICEENSOPHf. D.- Eyesight SpecialistYo can savemo e by.b in At Arnold's State Jewelry Store- 30.2 South State Street Ann Arbor, Xidi. 1L l Sr+1V2 1lf Why Pay Two Prices for Your Clothes? AT VARSITY INN Our policy, is ,to, keep our prices just as iow as is consistent 512 EAST W11