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November 28, 1923 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-11-28

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Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of
the University. Copy received by t Assistant to the Prosidert until
8:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturdav.
Volume 4 WVE E LSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1923 Number 571
the Deans:
There will be a conference of the Deans on Wednesday, November 28, at
n o'clock. M. L. Burton.
Deans, Directors, and Superintendents, and all who Submit Budget
Proposals Directly to the Board of Regents.
Since the budget for 1924-25 must be acted upon within the next few
onths, in order to assure a perfect understanding of the procedure, I am
sin announcing the process which has been followed in the past two years
d which will be followed again the present year. This program is in ac-
rdance with the action of the Regents taken October 28, 1921.
I. General Principles Involved in Making the Budget.
1. The Board of Regents is the final authority both in determining the
ain outlines of the budget and in making official commitments in regard
every detail. Consequently the submission of recommendations by heads
departments, deans of schools or colleges, or by the President in no way
Bates obligations. The inference, frequently drawn, that a recommenda-
n is a final assurance of favorable action, or the building of false hopes
on possibilities suggested in the various steps necessary in the making
a budget is entirely inconsistent with this principle and is to be discour-
ed in every possible way.
In exercising its authority in this matter, the Board of Regents will
action through two committees knownl as the Finance (or Budget) Con-
ttee and the Committee on Salaries. It is the duty of the Finance Com-
ttee to see that the ~budget is prepared and submitted for final approval
the full Board. It is the duty of the Salaries Committee for final con-
eration and recommendation.
2" The Board of Regents at all times will endeavor to avail itself
the intimate and detailed knowledge of the various officers of the Uni-
rsity, It is to be presumed that in general this information, at first, is
tilable in the actual recommendations of the various administrative of-
ers. In case it becomes necessary to make reduct'ions in salaries or in
er items, the Regents, functioning through the committees named, will
urn the recommendations to the officers concerned with a definite an-
uncement of the total amount which must be eliminated and with the
uest that new recommendations within the prescribed limitation be sum-
tted. Under this principle the Board of Regents aims to have at its dis-
al the best information and judgment of the educational officers both in
original recommendations and in the final proposals. The Board will
i to allow ample time for each of these steps. It is to be hoped that the
thod now outlined will make it unnecessary as a general rule, to return
ommendations for reformulation.
Steps to be Followed in Making the Budget.
1. The President of the University on December 1 of each year shall
nmunicate with each dean, director, superintendent, and officer involved
the preparation of the budget requesting a general statement in regard ;
the main features of his unit. This request shall not call for the actual
ommendations of the budget. The aim will be to discover (a) what econ-
les can be effected by discontinuance of existing activities and (b) what
ansions seem absolutely essential in view of new facts and develop-
nts. This information will be utilized in connection with step 3 described
ow and should be presented to the^Regents for the December meeting.
2. The Secretary of the. University, for the December meeting of the
ard, shall present a statement of the estimated income of the .University
the succeeding fiscal year, pointing out any pertinent aspect of the finan- ;
situation of the University which should be considered in determining
limits of the new budget.
3.- In the light of this information, the Board of Regents at its Decem-
meeting upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, shall de-

termine officially the income of the University and the grand total of the
new budget. It shall also determine tentatively the maximum allotments
which shall be available for each school or college or similar unit of the Uni-
versity and authorize the Preident to 9roceed with the other officers in the
preparation of the budget in accordance with the main outlines thus estab-

The subject for debate is the cancellation of the Allied War Debts.
Elimer Salzman, President.
Students in Four Year Course in Physical Education:
Theory 4nd Practice in Physical Traning will begin in Waterm
Gymnasium December 3:
Educatim VII--430-Lecture, Tuesday, 11 A. M.
Education VII-45D--Lecture, Monday, 11 A. M.
Education VI1-47D-Lecture, Wednesday, 3 P. M.


4. The first draft of the new budget shall be presented at the January
meeting of the Board. The Salaries Committee shall meet prior to the meet-
ing of the Board and give ample time to the consideration of the entire sal-
ary situation. The Finance Committee shall be prepared at the January
meeting to make its recommendations in the light of the decisions of the Sal-
aries Committee and to point out both in principle and in detail what sub-
jects deserve further consideration and investigation.
5. The recommendations of the various units, wherever it is neces-
sary, shall be returned for revision in accordance with decisions made by
the Regents at the January meeting.
6. The final budget for actual adoption shall be presented by the
Finance Committee at the February meeting of the Board.
I11. Program for the Present Year in Accordance With the Above.
1. This Bulletin is published November 28 1923. Under date of De-
cember 1, 1923, the Deans, Directors, Superintendents, and others may ex-
pect formal notice from the President, as set forth in Step I of Section II.
Uniform sheets, on which the statements requested should be report-
ed in duplicate, will be sent on December 1 to each Dean, Director, and
Superintendent by the Secretary of the University.
The statements in duplicate should be returned to the Secretary of the
University on or before December 14, 1923.
A meeting of the Finance Committee of the Board of Regents will be
held during the week of December 16, 1923, for the purpose of considering
the statements of the Secretary as to the income of the University and the
requests for budget approprations. Obviously, the statements of the Deans,
Directors, and Superintendents must be available for the consideration of
this Committee.
2. The report of the Secretary of the University, referred to in Step 2
of Section II, should be available for the consideration of the Finance Com-
mittee at their meeting during the week of December 16.
3. The regular meeting of the Board of Regents for the month of De-
cember wvill be held on Thursday even ing, December 20, and Friday, Decem-
ber 22, the Secretary of the University will announce to each Dean, Direct-
or, and Superinten'dent the maximum allotment tentatively ,made by the
Board of his division of the University.
4. The Deans, Directors, and Superintendents may then proceed at
once to make the first draft of the final, detailed budget for 1924-1925.
Forms to be used in its preparation will be se-nt out by the Secretary on or
about December 22, 1923. The budgets of each division of the University
should be returned to the Secretary on or before January 12, in orderthat
they may be copied and made available for userat meetings of the Salaries
and Finance Committees of the Regents, presumably to be held during the
week of Janary 20. Only one copy need be submitted.
The January meeting of the Regents, at which the budget will be con-
sidered, will take place on the evening of Thursday, January 24, and Friday,
January 25, 1924.
5. In cases where in consequence of action of the Board revision of the
first draft of the budget is necessary such revisions should be returned to
the Secretary of the University by February 8, 1924, that they may be avail-
able for possible meetings of the Salaries and Finance Committees, to be
held in advance of the February meeting of the Regents.
6. The February meeting of the Regents; will be held on Thursday,
February 28, and and Friday, February 29, 1924. Final adoption of the budg-
et will be an order of business for this meeting.
7. Any alterations in this time schedule will be duly announced through
The Daily Official Bulletin, or by letter from the President's office, or both.
May I express the hope that the officials concerned will cooperate in
adhering to this schedule, in order that the University as a whole may profit
by the adoption of the new budget early in the year. i1. L. Burton.
Engineering College, Freshman Mentor Reports:
All instructors of Freshmen in the Engineering College are requested
to be ready to give the second mentor report aboht Dec. 3rd. Mentor re-.
ports should be returned to the Dean's office by .Iec. 8th in order that the
Freshmen may receive them before leaving for the holidays.
E. 31. Bragg.
Architectural Faculty Luncheon:
There will be an architectural fac'.i :uncicon on Yoednesday, Novem-
ber 28, at twelve o'clock at the Mic~lgan Union. .E. Lorch.
Economics 3:
Test Wednesday will cover 7ioxie, Chapters 2 and 4; Perlman, Chap-
ters, 1, 3, 5, and 6; Commons, Chbispters 25; lectures to date on Labor Organ-
ization; and a few questions of Wages. Z. C. Dickinson.

George A. -May.

To University Symphony Orchestra Members:
Another postponement has become necessary. There will be no meeting
next Sunday. On Dec. 9th there will be an important rehearsal, and the
concert will be given immediately after the Christmas vacation.
Samuel P. Lockwood.

SWNatin c( dance in Union.
S:00-Iodo players rehearse in room
205, Mason hall.
All senior. who have not had ther
pictures for the hchiganens'an tak-
en are requ.sted to do so imred-
iately. The final date on which pic.
tures may be taken will be Dec. 1.
Photographers receipts may be ib-
tained by paying $3 at the 'Ensian
office in the Press building.
All fraternity copy for tMe 1924 Mich-
iganensian must be turned in to
Neil Barber. fraternity editor, at tie
Michiganensian office immediately.
New houses must turn in pictures
of houses and crests also.
Commission Begins Work
Geneva, Nov. 27.--The commission
of world jurists named at the Septem-
ber assembly of the League of Nations
to edit the Covenant of the league so
as to remove ambiguities in its phras-
ing, has begun work. The commission
idea had its origin in the Italian con-
tention that the league was without
jurisdiction in the Corfu affair,
Munich, Nov. 27.-Adolf Hitler, lead-
er of the Bavarian Fascisti, arrested
following the collapse of the Beer
house revolt, is said to be on a hunger

12:00-Architectural faculty luncheon
in Union.
12:00-Republican club luncheon,
room 319, Union.
12:15-Math club luncheon, room 321,
4:00-6:00-Open house in Harris hall.
700-Varsity band practice in Univer-
sity Hall.
7:30-Alpha Nu meets on fourth floor,

University hall.
7:30--Fi'nnish students meet in board
room of Lane hall.
7:30-Baptist students meet at Guild
house for hike.
7:45-Newark club meets in room 302,
7:45-DeMolay meeting in Harris hall.
10:00-Thanksgiving service in St.
Andrew's church.
11:00-Thanksgiving service in Lane
12:00-Dental faculty lunch in Un-




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Sociology 19:
After today (Wednesday, Nov. 28), changes in thesis topics will not be
approved. Ii. U. Holmes.
University of MIchigan Band:
Rehearsal tonight at 7 o'clock will be in the new Band Headquarters
formerly the Catholic Chapel, corner of State and East Jefferson Streets.
William Graulich, Jr., Asst. Manager.
Alpha Nu:
Our regular meeting will be held tonight instead of Thursday night.


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