SflSDA7,- NOVEMBER 23, 1923 AMrICH11cAN. DAILYrr -___~rr , I and out of class. The local produc- [I G STUD NTS tion will probably be played at the same time as "Cotton Stockings" this year's Mime's production.F (,N' 1711 IICf d 1;1- i+ i". IU III IIIV Vi~tI WRITLLM or sCHANGED jIF;1A t II >~~WBa~~~IIII. rrien Ily' Relations Commnittees of S. Wrestling practice will be heldI I t{{11 {It {a I %°tIfli ie!u*. C. A. and Y. W. (C. 4A. Arrnge every afternoon at 3 o'clock, in- Iu Banquet. stead of at night, as has been the --- ~~~case for the past six weeks. Men saI I i-aa~s ....ammaasassaeaaca a LIONEL CROCKER TrO ACTI of all weights are urged to come !' SLEEP ANYWHERE, BUT l AS TOASTMASTER TONIGHT Iout. Opportunty is also given ;' U K Yi I AS OATMSTE TM4HTI to Freshmen to-work out at thisI EAT AT REX'S T R E I Foreign students on the -campus I time unti the Christmas holidays. j TiHE CLUB LUNCHI Thursday at1 :30 will attend an International dinner II Coach Barker I 712 ArboerSteta "l hd!.a7o'octnitinI!NrSaeadPck Streets a Lane hall.'Given under the auspices T eG enT t~f teS~C.A. and' assisted by the Th;renT Y.W.C A., t is being arranged and :ll~lI{IIIllll1,1111ti~litlil O E conducted by the friendly relation 1 VEw1IN. )1 ec ecTU'Ti P.e1 committee of which .victor Gondos, ~..~J~J A State at Washin '24A, is chairman. thculcP I 1 ..4 MAKE YOUR RESERVA Lionel Crocker, '18, of Dinehe__public________ speaking, department will act as toast- Thilanksgivng - .........m. ....................m.........m..a.....................,......... master at the dinner. Talks will be +$150V given by Frederick Hediger, 24,- president of the Cosmopolitan club In Oyster Cocktail= + " behalf of the foreign men students, Cream of Tomato Soup T a k gv n adbMisFY.Yga.inbehalf,' Queen Olives Celery Stuffed Olives =A A ST of the women students. Frederick J. _ Rast 'Turkey-Oyster Dressing-Cranberry Sauce A A ST Ste vents, '26, will also deliver a short = Roast Goose-Apple Sauce 512 EAST WILLIAM speech as well as some of the foreign - Roast Beef a Jus Mse oaos =M N 'students., Candied Yams Mse oaos =M N Among those receiving special in- Asparagus Tips ~ Heart of Celery vitationa for the affair are the follow- StwdTmteC OUPmm Ing: President Marion L. Burton and June Peas aCnom Mrs. Burton, Prof. L. A. Hopkins of = Friit Salad= MEAT the mathematics department and Mrs. -i Mince Pie Pumpkin Pie _ fRoast Young Turkey with C Hokn,'r=rdei! tvn n Ice Cream and Cake. SALAD HoknM.Feerc.tvn n Tea Coffee Milk Shrimps Mrs. Stevens, Mr. Harold Coffman, llli{#{fll1pUlil11111i111~ltlttl11IIUItI1tlIIIII VEGETA.BLES permtanent secretary of the S. C. A. .. ir.u"". rn r y.,.r GenPa and 'Mrs. Cffman, Prof.° J. A. C. Hild- -____________________________________DESERTren ea ner of the German department and DEER Mrs. Hildner, Carlton Wells, of the REGI.ULAR DRmpinK rhetoric department, and members of Coffee, Tea, or MIte c m it e , ln ai , 14 ri e$ ,0S r ef o chirmnan=of; the Y. W. 'C. -A. friendly D n e relatons dmmlttee wII l ad In ar-angingDne 'ran gements for the dinner. T h n s iv n A' radio xsystem 'will 'be one of the1 features of the evening, radiating T U S A from the toastmaster's table to the some of the leading foreign students Serving FrHDomu Price To rifafe-danktls.BsiesCU B O S the dinner and the speeches a musical B tu2P.U L.2 frora b if aftrdnne. r tha Beies1to 2 P. .U12 progam i planed.Morethan150For Reservations, Call 2488- guests are expected to be present. ,1 1921 Uncion Onera, Fruit Salad ................. . .'_1{llil11t111t1i1U1111111111t111{tIN{1NilIII11{tHeadIIIILettuceIIII11,, each.Letu eeac..... .. .. To iBe Reproduced ; I JlyMne o.. .. . . 'The senior boys: of the Fellowship ANOTHrapsRer oun........ club at Moline, IlL .are soon to re- = 5= '.Graperuit, eachl......... . 'prloduce the 1921 Union opera "Top . rngs-dzn....... The idea was' suggested by E. P. Nut- C _-"M t ting, '02, ptrtii~pal of the high school. 1 1 A 5ELDCn unk ... '4.number -of .the faculty- of the Illi- . .- . pnis highschool are, also alumni of = CVA r9~ reameryBteerpuld. .. 6he University., 'SPE IA= Egls BWlutter;per ound.... A The public rspea ing department of Wanus 39erpou. .. 'Amnspepon...the high school ".wildl sponsor ,the ..lmnd,"erpond op.era, lending all -pas 1ible help In "Seil'Cfe prpon. . SPECIAL - STATE STRET I THANKSGIVING_ 411 East Jeffersont Street. CASH_GROCERY, I DINNER TOMORROTWWV(cla niiulS ________ - ~~~A. F. KAMMAN "ja ndvda Our Special Aim is to Furnish M High-Grade Provisionsc For. Your- Even though yoarwiln Thanksgiving to pay double our price-andWF N R Y mos plcesyou will pay at least that-you can't get any DE II Dinner fnrdner ~UfL HubadSquash fnrdne.S E IL Fa cy' Sweet Potatoes Sweet Cider, Per Gallon, 40c. Head and Leaf LettuceI If Cabbage and Turnips .3''.li{11II11N11ttil{I~littl111ttllll{11t1llllll1{1{l Hot House Tomatoes O T Fancy lWhite Celery +iN{(All New)11IIt1111tII{{ll!{~l1111Ntltl{111I{11tlltl Florida and Arizona Navel a(AlNw Oranges __________________________Mixed........cLb Luscious Grape Fruit and Brazil............. ..27e Lb. Ba nanas" Enls ant.... .32c Lb._ Large Eureka' English Walnuts - Smyrna Figs and Dates /spy d Fine Line of Selusts Chocolate = VoreSt rtt Cakes and Wafers ;DntF r e rL~JI~I~~ LMno t rcr Camel Peas, Corn and Beans - B. F. Sibley, Prop. Phone 11734. Phone Us Your Order. IWe Deliver to Your Door.. - Our Special Phone 59., 314 S. State.=Hm ae Thanksgiving , om=mdeDinner 4eghCH COLATES CreaME T .,.SOUP For- CrtheofChicken with Rice =o h Wafers Celery 5 = Prime Rib Roast of Beef au Jus T h nksgivin 'Table. Roast Young Turkey 5111dig. .. with Chestnut Dressing ALL SETCandied Jersey Sweets - . or. Mashed Potatoes We. Are Always Ready to S_____________________ Hubbard Squash Cranberry Sherbert Give You Our _Special Box of Assorted Chocolates with Rol - DESERT Quality - Assorted Nuts and Fruits........... $1.00 - Home-Made Mince or Pumkin .. Pie. Quatit New England Steam Fruit and 'Service - Pudding with Vanilla Sauce -' Brick Ice Cream atteCny adTea Coffee 'Milk :-I 12 to 2 p.m. Price $1.0. CANER G .- P.M. r h ree Inn = I I R.~o WiY m igton. TIONs Now.- THAT'S WHAT YOU WILL SAY Dinner WHEN YOU TASTE OUR INN SPECIAL STREET Queen Olives 3THAN. .KSGI VIN _ DINNER Cranberry Sauce 75c Mashed PotatoI university Restaurant /ilk= Across From Chem. Bldg. n 11:00 a.m. to 8: 00pm.= VAIM9Colege Grocery 516 E. William Between Maynard and Thompson.. .........35c -- _________________________ .~15c ... . . . . . . 19cJ .... . ... . . .20c ...l. . . . . Oc .60c .~17c ....52c . 29c,. .......33cFanCY Groceries, Canned Goods,w Cookies, Cream, Milk Open-Thanksgiving Day, ( 9:00 a.m. to 12:30-4 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Phones 1373-777J. __________ ____ _____.___________________ 0.ie" . DOUGLAS C3OLLEGE GROCERY ;, .rp t A x AIN&- " S11 mmm,"WA "4.- (>tf' n , Every housewife's ambition is to prepare a Thanksgiving Dinner that's a credit to her culinary art. Our candied peels, raisins, fruit juices, insure that your Fruit Cake and Pudding will be a success. Our cranberries, squash and nuts are fresh and of the finest quality." Alli Kinds of Thanksgiving Birds at Right Prices. 10 99_ , i, 1 1 + SHAW CROCI 709-711 PACKARD " , 4 f,#s V Phone 816 ER 1A l "e a i '.' i A i mmm- - - -