THE WEATHER GENERALLY FAIR Ar 4hr 4.Jit r t aitg SENIORS! GET YOUR PHOTO RECEIPTS THIS WEEK TODAY P, - VOL. XXXIV. No. 57 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1923 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, FIVE CMN JOHNSONOUTLINES POLITICAL BELIEFS IN OPEN ING SPEECH CALIFORNIA SENATOR FAVORS BONUS AS WELL AS TAX CUT CRITICIZES POLICIES OF COOLIDGE REGIME Opposes Conferences with Europe to Discover American Attitude Chicago, 111., Nov. 27-(By A..)- Senator Hiram W. Johnson of Califor- nia, in 'his first public address since he announced his candidacy for the Republican presidenfal 'nomination, sharply criticized the administration's foreign policy and advocated the na- tional bonus and a definite reduction in taxes. Attacks Administration He also advocated a constitutional amendment that would make child labor laws and women's minimum wage laws legal; suggested remedies for farmers' troubles and then launched into an attack of the ad-i ministration's policy toward the Eur- opean sitdation {and particularly America's joining the reparations conferences. "I do not protest against an American policy toward Europe," said Senator Johnson, "I protest against an American policy which does not know what it is and which seeks to discover itself, or to hide it- self by first going into a conference, with Europe. "It is humiliating that we cannot speak our minds save with the con- sent of other nations, or in conjunc- tion with them. If an administrationT does not like an existing situation abroad why not say so? Our position in the world is such, our financial and' "The Book Of Job" Reveals Art Of Portmanteau Players By Robert Henderson eloquence of Mr. Sommes and Mrs. More than anything else, "The Lowry. the gorgeous lighting and all Book of Job" represents the perfect the rest, yet it was beyond me. Frank- theater, the theater of ideas. Simi ly, I had not the slightest idea what lar, let us say, to "Rosmersholm", it it was all about. Job was in terrible substitutes material for physical con- agony-there was no question of that fiict, and in keeping with this ideal a -and bitterly opposed to his coun- more fitting production than Stuart sellors, but what was his and their Walker's last night could not be de- relation to the God about which there sired. was so much talk was completely lost There was dignity and simplicity in to me. the acting, atmosphere, perhaps fan- The opinion, of course, is entirely tasy, in the setting, and above all a personal. and one fervently hopes, ex- liberal use of darkness. Stuart Walk- ceptional. The faul, in 'short, is er, in my brief experience, has been I definitely individual, for there can be the first to realize tile advantage of no question that such drama is the this dimness to color relief, but as truer and greater. with every virtue, abuse was heapedj upon him for the innovation: "We TWO DUNSANY PLAYS can't see the stage!" ran the, wail. Stuart Walker's Portmanteau play- Combined with this lack of light was ers gave a most novel and artistic an admirable handling of the var- presentation of four short plays at sous electrical effects; combined with their matinee performance yesterday this was a further use of steps and afternoon. Two plays by Lord Dun- their different level; combined with ' rarn The Murdrers" and "The 00 FIRHST YA MEN GATHER FOR' SMOKERAT UNION FIRST ANNUAL GET-TO-GETHER HELD UNDER ACTIVITIES CO)L1IMITTEE MENEFEE URGES MEN TO ASSUME BURDENS Kelly, Hornberger, King, Also Speak; Basketball Teams Chosen In Group Meetings Gathering last night in the assem- bly hall of the Union more than 800 first year men held the first annual smoker of the freshman class under the auspices of the Freshman Activ-] ities committee. The purpose of the ATTEMPTTO FORM GERMAN MINISTRYI CHANCELLOR LACKING AS BLOC FAILS TO AGREE ON COALITION COMMUNISTS UPRISING OF UNEMPLOYED FAILS Berlin Police Anxious Because of Threats, But Large Crowd Disperses Berlin, Nov. 27.--(By A. P.)-Ger- many was still without a chancellor or an effective government at a late hour tonight and the five bourgeois parties, which were supposed to con- stitute a new coalition bloc were far from an accord which would give them a united front in the Reichs- tag. Groom Fornmer Premier Adam Stegerwald, tormer premier of Prussia and centrist leader is now being groomed for the chancellorship, Dr. Heinrich S. Albert having aban- doned his efforts to form a ministry because of inability to find support int the Reichstag. Stegerwald, however, has not yet been accepted by all the parties slated for the new coalition. The German naticialists have com- plicated the negotiations by demand- ing that they be included in the Prussian coalition government, which at the present time is composed of so- cialists. the people's party, democrats and clericals. Since the dissolution of the feud- al Prussian House of Lords which was a citadel of Prussian aristocracy and royalty, the reactionaries have not been represented in Prussian cabinets. They now are seeking re- habilitation thereby making partici- pation in the new government contin- gent Qn similar representation in P russia. Communist Demonstration Fails. T2-~14- X-- 17 n - f A 'D -A rm this was what appeared to be a fault- less reading of. the poetry; and fin-j ally, as I have said, there was the play itself, the drama of Ideas. But on the other hand, I must be1 honest. No one has more stoutly supported this larger conception of7 drama than I, yet when confronted with the fact It must be admitted that+ I was completely lost; worse still, I was even bored! "Picture, if you will, the humiliation and tragedy of thei scene: I thoroughly admired the beau- tiful stage tableaus, the exceptional FOR 1HOP ICKE Miller, Tracy, Roesser, Billington Named; Martin, Collinson in Tie for Laist Place potential power so great that our ut- NEW ELECTION TO SELECT' terances would be of supreme import- FIFTH MAN MAY BE CALLED ance. Throw it into conferences where there are no morals; there it C is In a helpless minority and it is Committeemen from the literary lost." col'ege'for-theJHop'1Were chosen Must Reduce Taxes yesterday at a meeting of the fun- In taking up the bonus and taxa- for literary class, resulting in the tion question, Senator Johnson said, Ielection of four nen and a tie vote "The respohsible heads of the dom in the choosing of the fifth. Those ant political party have for some years i pledged themselves and their party selected were: J. K. Miller, Jr., J. to the soldiers' adjusted compensa- H. Tracy, W. D. Roesser, and R..A. tion act. You may say it is unwise., Billington. In the balloting D. M. It is emotionally and morally impell-!iMartin and J. Collison received the Ing and long ago it was decreed by1 those in command of the government same number of votes for the fifth to be just. It constitutes now in real- committeeman. ity a promise, a solemn pledge and "The eligibility of these men will, we must keep faith. The passage ofota d the act, you may assert to be finan- of course, have to be ascertained cially bad but our pretexts and delays, through the office of the Dean of stu- our shiftings and evasions are mor- l dents," said John Kelly, '24L, presi- ally worse. But we can still reduce dent of the Student council last night, taxes and we will, I hope, reduce "and if any of these men are found them." ,ineligible, and especially if one is Senator Johnson then read figures' disqualified on that account, the ques- computed by the Treasury depart- tion of the tie vote will be easily set- ment and the American Legion and tled, allowing the other five to hold said: the committee positions". Kelly point- "If the computations be correct we ed out that in case those selected are may do our duty to the soldiers to: all eligible, that a new election for whom we were so grateful while they the selection of the fifth man would fought and of whom some are forget- be necessitated. I ful now, and still reduce taxation." More than 20 men were nominated for the committee positions and in the ballotting the five receiving the high- .. flF est votes were chosen. It was an- UU CLUBAnounced at the meeting that the jun- ior literary class will have a smoker NFAY A[E PUBLICIT Yin the near future, the exact date not having been set as yet, although De- cemb er 11 has been selected as a ten- Informal discussion of various cur- iebe s rent campus problems featured the meeting of the Students Press club which was held at the Green Tree' IUF Inn last night. The talk of John A. Gods of the Mountains," and two cur- meeting was to bring about a closer tain interludes, "The Very Naked organization of the freshman class Boy" and "The Medicine Show", by and was the first of a number of sim- Stuart Walker, were offered. ilar affairs that have been planned. Nothing; except perhaps Mr. Nel- Prof. Ferdinand N. Menefee of the son's productions, here on the cam- engineering college, the principle pus, in any way approaches the art speaker of the meeting, urged the theater achievements of Stuart Walk- freshmen to assume certain respons- er's company. The sets are undetailed ibilities immediately. "The success-! and consequently leave more room for I ful person is one who accepts res- excellence in the larger things, and ponsibility in his early days," he said. for the imaginative perception of the "Have a plan and follow. it." audience. The color of sets, lights Kelly, '2L, Addresses Gathering (Continued from Page Two) "Mix in your class and get to know the men in it," the speaker contin-' ued, urging the first year men to ac- quaint themselves with their class-f C A. Omates. "It is just as important to# study your fellow men as it is to' study for your classes. And it is not Tr necessary to travel to gain that knowledge. The whole world is right here on the campus," he concluded, Gathering to Hear Campus Leaders referring to the foreign students at- in "Michigan Night" tending the University. Addresses In a short address, John Kelly, '24L, complimented the freshmen upon: STILL LACK PLACES FOR their success in the fall games and, FOUR HUNDRED VISITORS then urged them not to let their spir-' - it carry them away. "Be good win- Final reports of the 20 committees ners," he said. at work'on the Midhigan State Older Choose Uasketball Teamns Boys' conference, to be held in Ann Thomas King, '27E, president of the Arbor Friday, Saturday and Sunday freshamn engineering class and The- of this week under the auspices of odore Hornberger, '27, president of the S. C. A., were given last night the freshman literary class also urg- at a meeting of the committee at the ed that the class keep the right spir-1 central Y. M. C. A. ' it throughout the year. The desire Campus Leaders to Speak was expressed that all possible sup- Saturday night of the conference port be given the Student council and is to be set aside as "Michigan Night", s that there be no mob action with its and all students as well as regular resultant publicity. delegates are to be permitted to at- Following the big general meeting, tend. The committee in charge is the various freshman groups met in being headed by Hugh K. Duffield, '24, their various assembly rooms. At with Harry D. Hoey, '24, and Ken- these meetings basketball teamsI neth Kellar, '26, as assistants. Five were chosen to compete in the bas- addresses will be made by students ketball tournament which has beenI prominent in campus activities. H. arranged by the committee to takeI A. Donahue, '24, managing editor of place after the holidays. Intramur-! The. Daily, will discuss the campus' al medals will be given to the mem- newspaper. John W. Kelly, '24L, hers of the winning teams and 1927 president of the Student council, Her- numerals will be awarded the man- bert Steger, '25, captain elect of the ager of the winning team. 11924 football team, Harry C. Clark,, Opera Seats Sell Fast In New ork Most of the lower floor seats and box seats in the Metropolitan Opera house in New York have been sold out for the performance of the Union opera "Cotton Stockings" Tuesday, Dec. 18, according to a telegram re- ceived by Homer Heath, general man- ager of the Union, from the Metro- politan box office late yesterday after- noon. The New York seat sale is unpre- cedented in Union opera history. It is still three weeks before the opera goes to New York, and the advance sale there has never been equalled in any of the other fourteen cities in which the opera plays, although good seats may be obtained there. Enthu- siasm among Michigan alumni in New York as well as many Broadway the- ater goers is at a high pitch wait- ing for the "girls" and comedians of the eighteenth annual to come to Gotham. BIG .TEN LEADERS TO HOLDMEETING: Yost and Aigler Will Leave Tomorrow To Attend Annual Gathering At Chicago COACHES TO ARRANGE SPORT SCHEDULES FOR NEXT YEAR Fielding H. Yost, director of inter- collegiate athletics, and Prof. Ralph W. Aigler, of the Law school, chair-' man of the Board in Control of the Athletics, will leave tomorrow for Chicago to attend the annual meet-. ing of Big Ten officials at which the Conference sport schedules for next year will be arranged. George Lit- tle, football coach, Steve Farrell, track coach, Edward Mather, basket- ball coach, Ray L. Fisher, baseball coach, and Barker, wrestling coach, will follow on Friday. The Auditorium hotel will be the headquarters for the Conference ath- letic executives during the two day session, Nov.30 and Dec. 1. The first gathering will be held at the University clubyin Chica and will consist of a banquet and meeting of the directors and faculty representa- tives. On Saturday the schedules for 1924 will be arranged at meetings of the coaches in the following sports: football, baseball, track, tennis, swim- ming, wrestling, and hockey. The. basketball schedule is already com- plete except for the dates, which will be set at this time. According to Coach Yost four .of Michigan's games for next year are already known. Contests played with Ohio State, Iowa, Wisconsin, and Minnesota this year were arranged under two year contracts. Next year's games will complete the contracts with each of these schools. Whether Michigan will add any oth- er Conference schools to its custom- ary four game schedules will, be de- cided at this meeting Saturday. The dates for these games, which have not yet been specified, will also be decided upon at this time. Political Rioting Quelled By Margot BUSINESSO DSPOTS R UL[ETRADE[, PRESS. SHIPSTEAD ACCUSES MODERN "KING OF INDUSTRY" AS CAUSE OF WARS WHEELER SAYS PAPERS FORCE PUBLIC OPINION Minnesotan Asserts World is Becom- ing Suspicions of Parliament- ary Government New York, Nov. 27-(By AP.)- Two new Senators from northwest- ern states delivered addresses tonight in New York. One, Henrik Shipstead, farmer labor, Minnesota, attacked the nodern "industrial king" as a war- making despot, while the other, Bur- ton Wheeler, democrat, Montana, as- serted that the channels of publicity in America have .been commercial- ized. Both spoke at a dinner given. In honor of Oswald Garrison Villard, editor of The Nation. Senator Shipstead said there is growing suspicion of parliamentary governments all over the world. Industrial Monarchs Flayed "Parliamentary governments came to life and power, succeeding military and political despotism," he said, "be- cause these had dispossessed the pro- ducers of wealth and rewarded the destroyers of wealth. After des- troying the old fashioned political and military despots, we have substituted for these a new despot, the indus- trial king. This new king is a war- maker, sacrificing the producer and builder in order to reward the des- troyer. He will use parliamentary governments as his instrument if he finds them pliant tools, but will dis- card them for dictatorships if nec- essary to accomplish his purpose." Senator Wheeler told his audience that in both the United States and in Europe public opinion is largely "a manufactured article-the output of propoganda factories'.", Asserting that the day of the great personal editors-the Greeleys, the Danas, the Storys, and the Watter- sons-is -gone, Senator Wheeler de- clared. that. with a few notable ex- ceptions, the magazines land newspa- pers are "either owned outright by the great .industrial and financial in- terests or controlled through the ad- ( vertising patronage." Public Controls Remedy Senator Wheeler declared the rem- edy for what he described as the evils that have befallen the press, lies with the public itself. "As long as the public expects to get a daily paper for two cents or for five cents," he continued, "there will be no improvement in the character of the press. The public will get just what the interest that puts up the money wants to give; nothing else. If the public wants a newspaper or magazine to give it the truth, it must pay for it." I Berlin, NOV. 27.-(By A, P.-A Conl~{ munist demonstration, which was staged this afternoon iri front-of the old Imperial palace, and which was nmore in the nature of a hunger riot, than anything else, fizzled soon after 7 o'clock this evening. The auth- orities had been extremely anxious because of the threats of the com- munists, and when a crowd of sev- eral thousand, mostly unemployed, had assembled in the Lusttgarten, an imposing array of police was at hand to quell disturbances. The crowd sang communist songs but the police were not called upon to do more than fire some shots in the air; whereupon the manifestants dis- persed, all the more quickly as the first snows had fallen in Berlin today and turned the streets into quag- mires. An attempt to erect a barricade in the Breitzstrasse behind the Palace was frustrated by the police. Several assembliesinthe suburbs were also easily dispersed by charges, the po- l r t '24 pesdet f Td Ice using their clubs, a number be- '24, president of the S. C. A. and Tad Dodos To Present injured and 77 of them placed un- Weiman, coach, will each tell about , der arreLt University activities in his particular Comedy Tomorrow der arrest. sphere. The Glee club, with George Oscar Bowen conducting, will furnish ldfLdnHnTOnd rTThn nd r the music for the occasion. The meet- Dodos have announced their next ing will commence at 7:30 o'clock. performance for 8 o'clock tomorrow nn Other reports of committee chair- night in Pattengill auditorium, AnnArbor high school. The play will be amount of work has been accom-; the three-act comedy, "The Bountiful plished, Accommodations for almost Lady" which has won praise in most 400 boys are still lacking, however, of the large cities of the country. The Thomas J. Lynch, 25L, president but there are hopes of remedying the presentation is being given for the of the Union, will leave today to at-' situation before the influx starts Fri- benefit of the Family Welfare bureau tend the fourteenth annual conven- day morning. George Haggerty, 25, of Ann Arbor, and is being directed tion of the Association of College and, succeeded in placing more than 300. by A. D. Conkey, of the rhetoric de- University Unions at the University boys in fraternity houses. partment. ' of Minnesota. The convention will Plan Registration RBothThe cast of the production is as be held Friday and Saturday. ilo ihangtr24Ehair fthefollows: Mrs. Lowell J. Carr, G. Dav- Problems relating to the manage- registration.committee, is to operate is Sellards, H. L. Fenfeman, Mrs. Har-! ment of all college unions in the agisthain Hillaumitr, stwphritch:old P. Scott, Prof. E. S. Everett of, country will be discussed at the meet- ach delegae ill bediven, an enveI the rhetoric department, Lisle Rose, ing. Difficulties experienced by the each delegate will be given an envel- '25, Charlotte Harrison, '25, Helen unions will be presented and meth- will nedand wa nfrencerorat. hMasters, grad, Marshall Spencer, '25L,I ods of solving them proposed by the will need, and a conference program. an lzbthSih 2 delegates. This committee will also give out the and Elizabeth Smith, '24 All of the colleges and universities conference badges, and will handle all The members of the club did not , l ftecleesaduieste assignment of rooms to the delegates. begin practice on the play until com- in the United States and Canada" This must all be done by Friday paratively recently and have there- which have college unions will be night. Ifore been working assiduously. Tick- represented at the meeting. It is the cratd b Gets are now on sale, children 20 cents, fourth convention of its kind held crated by George Douglas, '26, and adults 40c, at Wahr's State street the first having been held here in erated by George Douglas, 26, and bookstore, Calkins-Fletcher's drug- 1920. The second meeting was at Lucian Lane, '26L, is to be in charge store on State, the Quarry drug store, Harvard while tWe delegates gath- of the music. i Muehlig & Schmidt's downtown store ered at the University of Toronto last Bacon, '26L, stimulated considerable' comment by the members on the lack of intellect apparent on the campus, the value of a publicity director for the University, and whether the tra- ditions in vogue were really tradi- tions or mere customs. Publicity unfavorable to the Uni- versity and characterized as "con- taining only a grain of truth," was also brought to light. Several arti- cles which have appeared quite re- cently in Detroit papers illustrated this deliberate misuse of facts. December 11 was announced as the date of the next meeting, which will be addressed by A. L. Miller, of Bat- tle Creek and president of the Press Club of Michigau. Students Warned Against Smallpox The first local case of small pox this year has been reported in the TUANSIING SERVICES Barre Hill of the School of Music will be the soloist at the Thanksgiv- ing day services to be held at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning in Hill auditorium under the auspices of the S. C. A. university services. Earl V. Moore, director of the School of Music, will play the organ and George Oscar Bowen will direct the singing of the audience. The principal speaker of the occa-1 i 4 ,i i .{ r I i f Ft L Glasgow, Nov. 27-(By A.P.)-Mar- got Asquith, wife of the former Pre- mier, known as the stormiest petrel l of English autobiography, Wvas the dove of peace at a riotous political meeting here last night. When Mrs. Asquith's brother, H. J. Tennant, Liberal candidate for the , Central Division, Glasgow, started to address the meeting at the city hall, he, was subjected to noisy interruptions which rapidly worked into , general rowdyism, until the meeting was in an uproar. In the midst of the tur- moil Mrs. Asquith mounted the plat- form to her brother's side and an- nounced, in stentorian tones: "This gentleman is my brother. You have a perfect right to come here but no right to do what you are doing now. Those who don't want to listen can go." Some of the hecklers went, but most of the audience remained to hear the candidate continue his speech while his sister kept a watchful eye on the crowd. Philippines Seek Jones Law Change, Manila, Nov. 27.-(By A. P.)-The republican central committee of the Philippines tonight adopted resolu- tions asking Congress to take action by resolution providing that the pre- amble to the Jones law (the organic OFEACQUIRED TRAITS New York, Nov. 27.--(By A. P.)-- The theory that a. race of supermen can be developed by the transmis- sion from generation to generation through heredity of improved mental and physical characteristics acquired during the lifetime of each generation today was defended by Dr. Paul Kam- merer, biologist of the University of Vienna, who arrived on the Resolute. The scientist claimed in support of his theory, that he had succeeded in teaching the offsprings of land frogs to swim, developed eyes in blind newts, and pre-determined the color of salamanders. He told a group of distinguished scientists who met him at the pier and who have arranged an American tour for him, that he had found tan- gible proof in animal experimentE that characteristics acquired during ~the lifetime, of an animal can be transmitted by heredity to its young To illustrate his theory, Dr. Kam- merer declared that prohibition of al- coholic beverages in the United States if it would prevent the present or a future generation in this country from indulging its taste for such bev erages would produce a succeeding generation which would have no taste for the beverages. mYTD'rdVXT CDD A IY A T sion will be Dr. Charles W. Gilkey, Iand Muehlig's drygoods store. pastor of theHyderPark Baptist Council Extends i church of Chicago. for, the past 10 ;E ZtG ZB years. Dr. Gilkey is an intimate uStden friend of President Marion L. Burton, __ O At CTts eng and when President Burton was pres- Aug ident of Minnesota, Gilkey was secur- Rome, Nov. 27-(By A..)-At a ed to speak at several occasions by cabinet council meeting today it was William E. Parnall, '24, was struck him. Gilkey has studied abroad ex- unanimously decided that the full by an unidentified vehicle and knock- tensively and ranks high in his pro- powers of government now exercised ed unconscious as he was crossing the ; fession. The Thanksgiving day ser- by Premier Mussolini should be ex- street at the corner of North Univer- vices are being arranged by the S. tended. The ministry also approved ; sity and Ingalls streets at 5:10 o'clock year. Conference Lacks Accommodations. Fifteen hundred have been invited to attend the Older Boys' conference being held this week-end under the auspices of the S C. A., and, in spite of the earnest efforts of the commit- teemen,, accommodations for only about 1200 have been secured. Thus, it is stated, accommodations for 300 more will be needed if the big gath- . C:iT3C . FT'3TLflWA'TTI " I 'I