THE MICHIGAN DAILY 7:30 tonight for the matinee and evening performances of the Portman- teau Players. Ticket takers are expected to report at these same hours. Wilfrid ocking, Chairman, Usher Commiktee. Alpha Epsilon .3Ii: Special meeting, Tuesday Nov. 27 at 6:45 P. M. room 302, Michigan Represeidtatives from various frater- nities on the campus wint meet at 5:30 o'clock this aftetnoon at Lane hall. Var:ous campus problems are to be discussed. More than 30 men are ex- pected to be present. I~AW_ Union.v Adelphi: The regular meeting of the Adelph conflict with the program of the Port will be Dec. 4. Lecture: Professor Preston Slosson will s Mediterranean" at eight o'clock this e lic is invited. J. ). Miller. An official request has been sent to the American and British jockey clubs that they designate the best hi will not be hald tonight due to the qualified colts of the breeding of 1920 manteau Players. The next meeting to represent the U. S. and England Ray Alexandria, Speaker. respectively at a meeting with the -great French runner, Epinard, in an international three-cornered race to peak on "Italy's Aspirations in the be held at the famous Longchamp vening in Room 202 S. W. The pub- course on May 3, 1924. The race is DeFilipins. to be a distance of a mile and one- T' 1I i quarter, each entrant to carry 126 pounds and the purse is 500,000 francs, or $100,000 in U. S." coinage. We wonder just how that sugges- F SM P ion that Judge Landis be given jur- indiction to settle disputes in which major league umpires become in- volved will be received by the mo- Chi Psi fraternity was announced guls at their annual session in Chi- the winner of the trophy Saturday night cago December 12. Heretofore the awarded by the Student council for umps have takenthese disputesand the best decorated house for the Min- their grievances to the league presi- i dents for settlement and it may be nesota game after several tours of in- that they desire to continue to do so. spection by the judges. This is the second consecutive time that this Patronize The Daily Advertisers. house has won first place in this competition. James Rice, '24, chairman of the 1 committee in charge of the inspecting, "THE PUPPET stated that Chi Psi excelled all of its E" competitors in 'the taste and beauty of REVUE its arrangements. The vote for the 4 New Acts. winner was unanimous. Thursday4 and 8 p.m. A silver loving cup, engraved with the name of the house and an appro- f - Damon- "What did Professor Smith mean this3 morning when he told you that no man could ever make a silk purse out of a sow's ear?" Pythias-- "He meant that I'd never be able to do good work with a poor pencil. Guess I'll have to get a Dixon's Eldorado. Old Smity says it's the best drawing pencil made." bfe //st dmw/i{*peizdr 17 leads-aldealers n .. ................ .t...... M l Flowers-- represent your best wishes or sin- cere regret. , PHONE 115 I "i: : ." i r s Cousins & Hall Florists 4 11 E. UNIVERSiTY AVENUE I"...... ..............E.........00. STATIONERY DE LUXE Wehave the finest line of sta- tionery to suit all feminine fan- cies. Ladies take grea pleasure in having an assortment of ex- traordinary quality paper on hand for their correspondence. a We have taken pains In keeping our stock up to the highest standard of quality at prices to satisfy. 0. D. MORRILL 17 Nickels Arcade. :. Open Evenings. Christmas Gift Box Stationery and Christmas Greeting Cards on Sale at Reduced Prices. The Finest and Cleanest Stock in Ann Arbor. " l1111#1t llilliliilllllllllllli llllitlllillllllll ll llil lltlilltittlillllilllU fw priate inscription will be presented toI the winner by the Student council. ii ai DRA MA "The Covered Wagon", the much- talked of screen version of Emerson Hough's famous story of the rugged American pioneers who blazed the trail to Oregon and California in 1848, which will appear at the Whitney ear-! ly in December, promises to be one of I the outstanding features of the early season. No photo-play ever presented in this city has created more enthusiasm and unqualified praise in the metro- politan; cities in which it has already been exhibited than this super-feature produced under .the masterful direct- orship of James Cruze. The cast includes J. Warren Kerri- gan, Lois Wilson, Alan Hale, Charles Ogle, Ethel Wales, Ernest Torrence. Tully Marshall, Guy Oliver and John Fox. A musical accompaniment will be furnished by a special symphony or- chestra of twenty pieces that travels with the picture. SENIOR ANNOUNCEMENT All senior pictures for the 1924 Michiganensian must be taken before Saturday of this week. Seniors are requested by the 'Ensian staff to make their photographer's appointments immediately. No pictures may bel taken Thursday. More than 200 seniors have so -far failed tomakearrangements for hay - Ing their pictures taken. Photograph- ers' receipts may be obtained by pay- ing $3 at the 'Ensian office in the Press building. Belgrade, Nov. 26.-The Belgrade government, it is officially announc-' ed, has waived demand for indemnity from the Sofia government in'connec- tion with the recent attack on the Jugo-Slav military attache at Sofia. Christiana, Nov. '26.-The board of trade of the department of commerce has been given a commission to pur- chase a new American legation here. 10 DAYS FREE TRIAL bythefaa rdoo es.nn reuredifa e n of 1 GREAT PRICE SAVING Da*t Attfirto tory of ittkinadin the world by our moneya"vingmethods. EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS so small ntt notice It while you enjoy the use of this wonderfulmachine. 'FREE BOO OF FACTS.e ~outihatypewrite dpustryrboth inatractiveanadentertaining. STUDENTS Under our Special Student Customers EARN MONEY Sales Plan you can not only pay for your own typewriter, but earn cash besides. Be Sure to Get Full information on this Special Plan. Act Todayl 5 Mai! Year Coupon Guarante ii-pman Ward Please send me Mfg. Company free b0 ofOats!a 3248 Shipman Building exlyaining bargainoffer. vrontrose & Ravenswood Avres.. Chicago Name.............................. i St.andNo..............................** .ity..........................State........ A SPECIAL! a I 4 As a special introductory price until December 1 we will make a thorough examination of your eyes and furnish you with high-grade shell frames and toric lenses at the special price of TEN DOLLARS, guaranteed to be absolutely correct in every respect. This Offer Positively Expires December First. C. S. WICKENS, OPIH. D. Eyesight Specialist At Arnold's State Jewelry Store 302 South State Street Ann Arbor, Mich. h Just received a new supply of the very interesting game to sell at I C $4.50, 19.00, 12.50, 17.50, 20.00, 25.00, 30.00 and 35.00 W 9R UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORES p -- . I I Unru g- Neatly combed, well- ept hair is a business and social asset. STACOMB makes the hair stay combed in any style you like even after it has just been washed. STACOMB-the original-has been used for years bystars of stage and screen-leaders of style. - Write today for free trial tube. p Tubes-5c. Jars-75c E Insist on STACOMB-in the black. yellow and gold package. For sale at your druggist or wherever toilet goods are soldo s l Standard Laboratories, Inc. ?SOStaford Avnue Ls neles, alifrna S Send coupon for Free Trial Tube. grp ARD LABO LT0R2ES. In S 70 ford Aves.. Ls Angeltes. Caiuoair n2e D. Pe"send m- free trial tabe.+ Addeat _ ~ }f _.. ,,, ' . f l era a "What a difference just a few cents maker" V FATIMA .. f I I ASSOCIATION PROGRAM EVENING at 8:15 "The Gods E Mountains" ur 1 min "THE ROlOK