--W TWELvE ..:: THE MICHIGAN DAILY_______ . .. ,... . sr ; _ .. n Speaker t brings on an .instinctive clash between them-conflict, andI thene romance. Voune r Aleetl The cast merits mention: The Vir- ginian, Kenneth Harlan; Molly Woods, Florence Vidor; Trampas, Russell Simpson;, Steve, Pat O'Malley; Shortie, Raymond Hatton; Judge v. Henry, Milton Ross. t The Wuerth Concert Orchestra will be one of the. main .features in the x~ presentation of Owen Wlister's novel. Director Falcone has arranged a spe- cial musical score, making the photo classic even more enjoyable. Will * *:.. Rogers in "Hustlin' Hank" will con- clude the program. I The ,Greepx gpddess," starring * George'Anlise, featur~es at the Majestic *~ \'*%'~ Itoday through Tuesday, y ~The story deals with' the adventures, lof' a young Englishwoman who,f through an~ airplane accident,'has fall-~ ..\ en into thehands of aparticularly un- rI scrupulous. Indian Rajah. It seems' that three brothers of the Rajah, who: .~$'' frules over the kingdom of Rukh in the X wildsq of the Himalayan Mountains, havei Toby with visi+ back ridg they eras cident. most fors reer, for star dlo' everyone Jeanette the rule. A corn and shor jestic pri the week George title role World" year. 'T been adf ginning fthe Arcs day. :The s'1, th jattorney Csuccess. volunteers to take her place A refined girl, a victim, of circum- ons of becoming a great bare- stances, decides that the world is not ler. His hopes are high but for women but for men only. Mas- ,i .h when he meets with an ac-I querading as a man she seeks to hide But the accident proves the' herself in Africa where she is thrown! rtunate occurrence of his ca-' into a whirlpool of excitement, ad- through it Toby becomes the venture and romance. )wn of the circus. And as Tfhis, briefly, is the themce of' 'Pan-I eloves a clown, little M'issj jola," Cynthia Stockley's famous mans- o'c: proves to be no exception to , terpiece of South African gold field life, which features at the Arcade;.._. iedy, "Uncle Sam," Kinngrams, Wednfesday through the week. It tells; rt novelties conclude the Ma-; the story of an English noblew~oman ' rogram for the latter half of who is disguised as a man, 11rhts the' -- curse of "Panjola," the soul destroy- Arca e' ing >drink of the gold miners; fights eM. Cohan appeared in the for 'the man she loves and willingly eof "The Meanest Man In the offers to sacrifice herself for this man ini New York city. for a solid; by standing trial for a murder which rhis popular, -stage play .has; the man commits. lapted. to the screen and b)- In the role of "Desmond," the girl today it will be :presented at Anna Q. Nilsson will be seen in a ade Theatre .thr~oug'h' TIues- part which critics declare to be the 1greatest role of her whole stage or; tar role is played by Bert Ly- screen career. James Kirkwood en-I is so 'tender hearted as an; acts the male role. rthat he has never made a Resolved to be the meanest Orphem the world, he proceeds to evictI Lionel Barrymore and Alma Ru-' IUdson from her farm. The Shens in "Enemies of Women" feature is out to be Jane, young ano at the Orpheum today through Wed- Then the lawyer learns that; nesday; on Thursday Milton Sills and >loyers want to foreclose the! Claire Adams come in "Legally Dead."' ;e on the farm because theyI The latter is a, story of the new mar- tty certain that there is oil on vel which has upset all tradition ofC perty. A race against time be-( medicine and surgery; adrenalin, the *aise money to sink a well for life-restoring drug with which dead' With but five minutes to go, people- have apparently been brought 1gushes in and saves Jane's back to their earthly existence.. It Lit not her heart. Blanche tells the story of a man executed for 3the lovely, sympathetic hero- murder and restored to life by means lady of Bert's heart. of this mysterious drug. . F'reshimen 1 i id a ii rat 7 -lockl 'Piie,'cday e' cu'm gnv tthe :!i'- innl v'hall (,f thoio akn. Thi prc - gram was annouinecd yesterday by F. Uppyjercliassmen to b~e Fxam',ned Ill. Smith, '27), chairmnan of freshman Ulpperc;lassmen have not been re- activit es quirel to have a physical examination fle fre'Anium -lee tclub will make this year. Dr. W. E. Forsythe, of the its fig >t aplnc'arauce> of tbe year at the Health service, announces, however, meeting as well as a tiemnonstration that those whose previous examnina- by members of Dr. George A. May's t ions have been indicat ve of any dis- fencing class. Talks will also be giv-i ease, or contagion will be sent notices en by the presidents of the freshman to appear at the Health service for literary and engineering classes, examination. . r Wi . , , r ti,- , ' _L . u SALE. for the1 2 -5 Mna en oo 27w8 Tsda Tuesday Night) x-bencondemned to death bmanheinrt ish government. oeJ John R. Mott As a means of'rvenge the Rajah de- ""tr geneal ecrtar ofcides to put his unexpected visitors to pretty. John R. Mott, deth.neracovineseicrgnoantsub hifep the International committee of the dah E ov n ishIpoalesb-mortgag Y. . C A, wo s t gve neof hejets that these Egihpe el.have elre Y. . C A. wh isto iveoneof hebeen sent by their deity, the Groe$e lpnt principal addresses before the Ninth Goddess, as compensation for the loss the prop Annual Student Volunteer convention, of the Princes, his brothers. The peo- gins to n to be held at Indianapolis Dec. 28, to pledemand that the victims be sacri- Jane.' M Jan. , 1924. fied. The Rajah is attracted by the tewl Iyoung Englishwoman (Alice Joyce) Sweet is THE, L E /1A + Z C nd offers 'to,spare her life if she con n" M S gnts ~to be his wife.. ne, the Upon this general situation William . (Continued from -Page Nine) " Archer, the athor of the play, ha Virginian are punchers on the ranch built up. avehice of tremet ousa dra- of 'Judge Henry, one of the 'leading matec strength. A comedy, "Tail ranchers of the country. Light,"and an aded ochestra atrac- The two men have worked and! tion conclude the prgram. played and found the best meaning of'Gossip at Hollywood has it thatA friendship together for years. They Jackie Coogan Is "in love"Be that5 are on the way to Medicine Bow with as It may, it has been noted that ' a bunch of Judge Henry's cattle for Jackie has been particularly attentive shipment when the Virginian sees the to dainty ittle Peaches Jackson-just stage coach, bound out from town eight. Moreover, she is the first. careening down the road with a drun- "leading lady". that Jackie has ha ken driver, and a girl inside crying since he began making pictures. Su~ for help appears opposite him in his newest The girlI is Molly Wood, the new and finest picture, "Circus DaysI school teacher from Vermont. She is which is coming to the Majestic o finding everything in the raw, new Wednesday. country terrifyingly strange-her a- In this delightful aaptazuou 1+ rival in the town the night before, and James Otis' celebrated story, "Toby now this 'wild experience in a stage Tyler," Jackie' plays the role of Toby, a, coach. The stage overturns at the a, poor peddler. of peanuts, while ! ford, and the Virginian lifts the girl Peaches appears asJenette, the tiny out and carries her to the bank, sobers equestrienne star of the'. circus. 1 up the driver roughly, and then rides The breach between' tler respect- abruptly away' again, leaving Moll ive positions is great, but the gallant only a vivid memory of z>> b:o sec Toby mahnageos to overcome it and the strength. opportunity to demonstrate his chit'- -She sees him next at the dance that airy to a' lad i in' dstress omeswhen Judge Henry gives in her honour. th litle equtitretne sirainrs."her Their consciousness of each other ankle. 11-1 Iv11o111sl i IIWEEK BEGINNING -I Pie 111 (Sun., Nov. 25) A1111111$.1'"1l6 NI ATINEES (T~anksgvng)and ' w 'I THURSDAY - Satrday, fic to $. 1111111p DramaticLiteraryMiusial and Social Events of tse Seasoi 1111 ryLaDrect From Ph"enomenat Rn IVCWYo AA THETTE GUILD REPERTORY CD, II .AAAWITH BASIL SYDNEYl MI ThIi frm .1's Disciple" I By BERN"ARD SHAW. t ~TSun., Mo" ,Tues., Wed., Turs. Nghts ad Thurs. (Thanksgiving) Mat.mmI 111111 I t ByW LEONID) ANDREYEY Al 'emu Friday Night 1111111 ' IIIWpA .. _ _ III I I' ' S - Ili, 'I ' Smoking Stanods 'I In a pleasing variety of styles and finishes layers HILL AUDITORIUM TUESDAY,, NOV.. 21 4 R MATINEE 4,001 EVENING 8,15 "The Murderers " 6iThe Book of Job" U' r R Am I INg looms Startin Toay For An Indefinite Rtun. SHOWS TODAY CONTIUQUS FROM 2 TO 10 WEEK DAY SHOWS AT 2:30, 7:00 and 8:30. .4.....*...........i......... We urge. our, patrons to attera the matinees and avoid the eve ning rush! 1' _- ADDED COMEDY FEATURE THE INIMITABLE LIONEL BARRYMORE -and- ALMA'REUBENS -in-- "FNEMI'q~ W~A 11u w y 1;IN 1115 LATEST PA'tilE COMED)Y s. C i. Produced by HliRoachl-Titld by H'ill' Rogers; 1Yhii.t More Could Yol Ask? "Seia6uscfor6Te6irinan" The Wuerth Concert Orchestira wi11 agan lbe one ot the main feaures in the presentation of Ow en W~\iser's great novel. Orchestra Directox Falcone has arrange a special music score to be played with "TheVirginian,"msaking the photo classic even more enjoyable. m