THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUN DAY,3 I THE MICHIGAN DAILY S PROGRESS RAPID O NEW WILSON DAM, I AUTO ACCIDENTS PART O MUSCLE S ALE PROJECT ARE SOMETIMES ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ __ ___ __FATAL . t .. J i .) .. "1 ? +r 1 5 :t i i~t. y '{. fvi.." ~ "' ,., / K'A 2~ fRead The Daily "Classifieds" Columns INN In the S. C. A. 'V1. 1* 'I JYou capanot very :dell prevent them .from happen1ing, buxt you CAN carry a protective insurance policy in our'l Company. This policy will cover lossI !of or damage to your car, the other Scar, injury to passengers of loss of life, ,etc.. aRUTIIRINSU~RANCE $09 Flrst Nat'lBanik $ullding - PIWONE 401-H~ I I SUND~AY DINNER Ong till two i Rteserve Your Ta4early Read the Want Ads I j.-- New gImpse, of the ,Wilson Dim, now under construction, wluhh ormis p art of thie'Muscle S1toals Poer~-ni gatIon pikect on the Tenneisee river,. (By Central~ Press.') uses, has been before the officials at, navigable section at all times. The Washingon, Nov. 24--The di sposiJA Washington and 'in the public eyci flow and pressure of the river will be tio oftheMusle hoas pwerandever since Henry Ford'first bid for t ':iBue~d to produce power and a steam ! (whole works. He is no longer biddin~g plant to be built along the river will navigation project will' be ona of the for. it however.. further increase the power produced. problems 'icongress. idl' find waiting' Work on, the Wilson dlam, the base The power so produced will be used for it when it =convert^A'next month. of the .project, is progressing rapidly, ;to ruin a ch~ain of manufacturing The $503,000,000 project, which_ u,lti- accoridng to latest reports. Thi;,;, l an4 'which will produce fertilizers.j mately will make the much, talked 'of 'damn, the largest ever designed, will-- !Th7,e ro content will be +taken I shoals along, the Tennessee river, nay- Iwith the aid "of a second damn 15 m'iles1 tro m the a'r. and the phosphoric acid igable at all tlirne and produce X00,- upstream -confine the water; of th.e :£ran phosphate rock fields fifty miles 000 horsepO'ier in. current 'for power 1Tennessee Curl turn the shoals into a north of the shoals.1 Hary's es uran snow loary's t 1117 ast Ann,, OPEN 6:30O A. -M. to 12:30 P. M. From 5 to Su pe ,, .. < -S . l k I i r\ { ~ , V. K~ ..{ . I;3.."5 . j y 4 fi r ffkktjtjp7 .} 14 'lY''K ry' & .~..j .a__ _ Copyrg,}i 1.24HartSchafner .Mar 1. / ' ' aC . , Qr; r,.,?R .".^b y lit .r' t ° ,' r 1 ' ' , :' y C'' s Aq AY , s r 5pt? . b ,: a ! ' ''C £ j( ( Sri q z' 4r ' . z 'a d a p AF r 1 . Z A,}, ' yy, 4 fi'r ' '" =,,r * 4 ^1' C ti.° . g _ 3; , . , e ... f L ,. > _ ,. I' Tha siping7 timggestions for Particul r People When you are ordering poultr'y or fowl there is one essential that should be rememberd--that there is no substitute that equals fresh meat. For Fresh Dressed Poultry Order Now. Courtesy and Satisfaction Guaranteed. A.1..fl Hart Schaffner & Marx dnne clothes fit ea:sily; pockets and. buttons are placed lower lapels are 'notched or .peaked. They're new, correcet, smart. X5O Other tuxedos at $33 RELE,,-CONLIN 220 N or'th Man Street Phone 3100 I atn at Washington - # r : ' 4 ..rr.. ;:...ii ..:. r Jl Ana d ..a+ rs mss . ... .. When you~ think of Christ-, +.