L. STR~V Gi ~~ A _oZ3 ADVETSSTGOI S FOBR RETiN OTICE LARGE ROOM for 2 or will ren, We desire (luring vacation to gat to- single. Very reasonlale. 425 S gether a limited number of refinedf Division St. young men for a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Christmas Dinner Chokers, Bracelets, Jeweled Combs, and Christmas Tree; New Years party3. Neolvcoiad Chris-tmas:Fancy Worli Two mafy earn board or room for- PALAIS ROYAL work. 157'6-R. 109 NW. Liberty.FON AIREDALE PUPS, two months old, GREY SWEATER i noth stand aft'- from i'egistered stock.' Phone 7115- er Fresh Reserve game.. Claim F5, sweater and pay, for this ad. J. D. FI;HNISIIED housekeeping; suite, Scott 432 N1satural Science Bldg. wa'Lter, lights and 1heat furnished. I T"A]Fl ) Us e of electric wvasherTel 1317-R.s; 2035 S. Thayer.; YOUN G MAN to work p~art time for [ (y( his room. 1575-11,. LOST i+eat Yt ':. night near Unitarian~______ lA~ETT church jurple silk umbrella. Re- FRYA1E ward. Phone :3011-R. Located in the heart of the richestr ZET TA ALHA b~WQ~i I farming section of W'ashtenaw County.I ZFTj TU LPA inbewen 1 10 Room H1ouse With full basement.T Tapp1an Ave and .Wshntn.,Ht water, heat andl lighting ytm Cal E pilury 278. ewad. Basement, basrn, toolshed, corn crib,1 PAIR OF TO.FITOISE shell glasses; in c~ow barn with ceinenit floors and four black leather case. Between corner' steel stanchions. poltry house, wooldila n ~iinsresad "odadgrg.Alhidnsi h Hlill Auditorium. Reward, Phone, best conditions and nicely painted.r 2580-M. N.. 1). Lattin. Soil is )lack, sandy lcyam, lays level I" 2:~T:TC~~2T7T-77 -and fewced,* A-I with woven wire. THE4MICHIGAN DAILY Illinois Solon P L laR Boomed 7For ;YOU GET THE GIRL; we'll furnish j W1IC] iL ' jthe car; the state furnishes the roast Promi House Speakeri and liceh se. Call 1,83-R" ial, to 7"YPliw ,XITERS =Lryre TYPEWRITERS of all makes Bought,, Sold, Rented Exchanged.1 v' !Cleaned and Repaired. SBUSINESS SERVICE CO., t '> 322 South State Street, J/ over "W Lurch. Phone 993-1W%- for Y / 1 "Daily classified Tor rear results. - ~ ,I Against Darning! ,:a4 ~Here is genuine h osi e ry value for you. Guaranteed, - Reprsenatie )Irtii Ihigh-grade hose for men. A group of middle-west Republican Guaranteed six pairs six members of the house has started a months, without darning- boom for Representative Martin B. 1>y Madden as speaker of the house when congress convenes next month. Their 9 plan is to have Speaker F. K. Gillette $1.5 given an ambassadorial post-proba-; bly to Italy-that his place may be ioti filled by Madden without any enibar- 1v he'd rassmnent to the former. I 69I Friday night. Nam-e con it. Dr. Wat- 80o7. Phone 131.< promptly aridineatly (lone. BlUSINESS SERVICE CO., Mr. Reader, ii you are interestedl in a real country ]iomec, do ngot fail t" -ee thi<,. Located just off. State, Gra v-* el H-ighway, 6 Miles from Ann Arbor. Pricc $8500.00, 'rGerms. Call POMMEREINING & BLAESS 506 F1irst National Bank Bldg. Phone 3091 Evenings 1759-M i 322 South State St,, over I'M" 'bunch.' Phone' 993-M SEWING -Plain and' fancy lingeriefc mrade to order.. Prices reasonable. Phone 3309-R. Furnmiture repairing, upholstering .and finishing. Prompt service by expertt workmen. Mr. C. Linko TIRE SQUARE DEAL FURNITURE REPAIRING CO 305 Third St. PhLone 2731-Mj For better health and corset comfort. THEi KELLOG UP'LIFT CORSET. I ;specialties in hats and women'sI novelties. MILADY'S SHOPPE. 241 NWuerth Arcade Ch1,okers, Bracelets, Jeweled Comibs Nelcklaces and.Christmas Fancy Work.! PA.LAIS, ROYAL ;. 109 !V, Liberty. wI 'T IVTI4cfrreladind instruments'. xpert wnie- diiaui Schaeherie and Sons; 1 rsc luse,11 .MiSt .9 ROOM HOUSE, shade trees, good I condition, near campus, price $7000. } 7 ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH,It immediate possession, excellentt condition, modlern throughout. Price $1i,000. 7 ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH,' newly built, every convenience.j, Price $11,000, $2,500 down, easy payments. MICHIGAN REAL ESTATE CO. 310 First National Bank Bldg. Phone 646. Evenings 1597-W. YT 0 W E I i BluMaize No. 9 Nickel's Arcade. 213 E Liberty, I)RESSMAKINQ AND TAILORING Exclusive collegiate styles for young women. Needlework~ of all' kinds. :xpcrIe'nced work~manship,! MRS. R.7I'-A E M . 41f'Phionpsoni. Phone 2768-W. i" i i t t USED) CARS. 1919 IHudson 1919 F. B. Chevrolet 1921 Nash-4 Touring I 1919 Nash-6 Touring 1922 Nash Coupe-4 1919 Oldsmobile-6I FORD TOURING $ 50 ANN ARBOR NAShI CO. 311 'Maynard. BEAUTY SHOP t For all Facial and Scalp troubles. ry VIBRATORY andI VIOLET-RAYJ treatments. ARCADIA BEAUTY', SHOP01 21 Wuerth Arcade (Upstairs) Phone 1733-R1 ____ ____ ___I TYPEI1TERL REP'AIRING A.LL MINAKES. Agency Woodstock and j Oliver typewriters, Sundstrand add- ing machine, Line-a-Timre copy; holders, rubber stanmps, ribbons , E cushion keys, type cleaners and 'sup-' plies. Machines rented. ANN ARBIOR TYPEWRITER J EXCHANGE. Phone 886, downtown' HSE',for JEN may be seen at this store, in your size and your; favorite color. Why not get back to the pre-war. assurance of SERVICE in the purchase of men's hose ? Cotton 6 No the for the< Pairs Months $1.50 darning necessary durin periods -specified. A Bullet °t~jf now, wh~i asorm is complete. IIUSIC L TAE MICHIGAN. SIRENVS present Joe Sw4)ely and his five pfiecc£roan- biintlon. Caill-Tdstison. 1I; 7-j. I! i * %e t to , W' Irth } 1,aater ,. iP4 V~tTOWNF I H r YOU MAY NO1WI)EFTI'i'i LY The-man whto does not knowv what his completed home is going to cost is Working in the (lark. You do net hilt' to take chances with rough estimates. McClure home building service will tell you accurately what your home will cost as, soon as you select the design. Our complete specialized service covers every step in Home Building. Come and talk over your plants before you go ahead with your building . Our service costs you nothing.N SWEET CIIYER In lots' of 1Ig. o1II~ PHONE 380oWE t-LIV R WAGNER CIDER MILL IN. Vabi St., Just North of Mfachinte Speeialty Compauny Open IUtil 9 P'. M.-also Sundays 1212 N. MAIM STREET AN-N ARBOR IOM E BILDERS I6NASSOCIATION. ED)WIN HI. SMITH AND SAMUEL SCHULTZ 408 First :National Bankhl: dg. Phone 3385 OH, HOW DELICIOUS! So Many People Are Saying This, of the Nice Fresh GILBERT'ISIOCLATES J]}J}J}}Theyare getting at THE EBERBACH & SON COn. 200-204 E. LIBERTY ST. : ...s s .u................ .ur... . ............. I I A Heapinig Measure of Pleasure with the Guibransen' Picture a beautiful Gulbransen in your. home, and jyou playing it ! Picture your self playing through the pedals, with the "touch" of a musician ! Picture the keys being pressed down, not knocked down. There's one of the secrets of Gulbransen superiority. It re- moves all suggestion of the mechanical and gives you real, in- timate, personally-produced music, full of genuine expression. Because the Gulbransen is 'a Registered Piano, registering your exact touch and expression-because it is different from any player-piano you have ever known-because it is so re- markably easy to pedal-your first delight will develop into n CHOICE HAND-MADE CHINESE RUGS i " is I z ".ViOerrick- Teue" Rugs Wear! Mrs. I. B. Merrick, who..studied ilug designing and', watched these beautiful rugs made while living in China, 'is now imjorting -tile Chinese rugs from the Fette manufacturers in Peking. ONLY ONE QUALITY-THE BEST! PERMANENTI Y ON SALE AT 9.28 Church Street PHONE 265-J If rugs in stock do not please there is a strip woven in 75 shades of color and many beautiful designs hand painted by Chinese artists fi oni which to order, I continued, year-after-year interest. 4 Z llie House Model C(ountry Seat Model, $600O. Snhiinrban xI u~~di ,onamnnity 3Iodel $420. Schaeberle &Son, Music I-ouse I fl QCT TTU AA /A TNQTt1 T k 111 1 ____ _--