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November 25, 1923 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-11-25

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Ted Shamwn to Address University
men's Combined Dancing


Superior Numbers Win Fall
Contest For Freshmen, 4-3,
Upsetting what has become almost a apparent that the sophomores would
tradition in the fall games yesterday have to take all three flags in the next
morning, the freshman class by sheer event to carry the day.
force of numbers, plenty of courage In the flag rush, the superior num-
and a dash of luck, emerged from the bers of the freshmen, estimated at a
annual clash with the second year men four to one majority, more than made
victors by a score of 4 to 3. The up for the natural disadvantage of the
sophomores won the flag rush, scor- defenders and enabled them to resist
ing 3 points but the yearlings count- the terrific onslaughts of the small
ed one in the cane rush, two in the , but determined body of sophomores
obstacle relay, and another in the flag onthe last pole, giving them the vic-
rush. tory. The sophomores tried all kinds
Shortly before 9 o'clock in the morn- of maneuvers and successfully reached
ing the two classes began to assemble. the center and one of the outside poles,
The freshmen marched to Ferry field bringing three 'ponts to the class of
first where there was a wait of half 26.
an hour before the sophomores ar- Flag Rush Bitterly Fought '
rived, led by their eccentrically-cos- The sophomores started the flag
tumed band. In the meantime the rush by making a dash at one of the
freshmen climbed the poles and greas- end poles and then switcing suddenly
ed them for a short space about half toward the center pole. The sopho-
way up the pole. When this breach mores reached the pole on the first
of the rules of thetgames was called rush and lifted one of their members
to the attention of the Student council, who grabbed the flag. The rush at
committee the offenders were forced to the second pole was more bitterly
clean the grease off as best they could. fought, the freshmen holding their ad-
Three flags were then placed at the versaries off for five minutes, but they
greased portion. finally succumbed. The fight at the
Fresh~men Win Relay 'last pole lasted for fifteen minutes,
Freshen Wi Rela but the sophomores could not over-
The first event was the obstacle- comethesperiorenumbes.
relay race. The sophomores won the The flag rush was said by many ob-
first of the races but their opponents servers to have been the roughest in
took the remaining two. In the cane memory; there were many muscle
rush the yearlings won 10 out of 14 bruises, cuts and black eyes, but so
encounters, cinching the event. This far as latest reports indicate, no brok-
gave them three points and made it , en bones.



Ruth St. Denis, accompanied by Ted
Shawn and her dancers who will ar-
rive here tonight will render the fol-
lowing program in their recital at 8
o'clock tomorrow night in Hill audi-
I. Music Visualizations
Sonata Tragica-Edward MacDowell
Polonaise-Edward MacDowell
II. The Spirit of the Sea. An ele-
mental dance poem.
I. Two American Humoresques
Pasqunade-Louis Gottschalk
Danse Americane-Dent Mowrey
IV-The Feather of the Dawn. A
Pueblo Pastoral.
V. Cuadro Flamenco. A Spanish
Gypsy Dance Scene
VI. Ishtar of the Seven Gates. A
Mystic Dance of the Babylonian
Aphodite-Goddess of Love and
The string quartet which will fur-
nish the music for the accompaniments
will be composed of M. Rooney, vio-
lin; Ugo Bergamasco, flute; Peter
Kleyenberg, cello; and Louis Horst,
No RepetitIon
Upon the arrival of the company to-
day Miss St. Denis and Ted Shawn will
be the guests of John M. Russell, '24,
manager of the University Glee clubs,
under whose auspices the concert will
be given. They will be entertained at.
the Trigon House. The dancers are
arriving a day early in order that all
the necessary scenery for their pre-
sentation may be in place by the
time scheduled for th startng of the
concert. Better scenic effects will be
obtained in this way, and no repeti-.
tion of last year's occurrence will take
place when the company arrived late,
necessitating the delay of the con-
The program which proved so po-
pular last year will -be completely re-,
vised and an entirely new one will be
presented on the tour of the company
this year. May novelties have been
added which are expected to make this
season's offering the most popular
ever offered.
SShawn Wil Speak Tomorrow
Ted Shawn, male star of the com-
pany, has consented to speak before
an assembly of the combined women's
dancing classes at 4 o'clock tomorrow
afternoon in Sarah Caswell Angell
hall. All women interested in danc-
Ing are invited to attend.
A limited number of excellent seats
are still available and will go on sale
tomorrow afternoon in the lobby of
the Union and at the bot office in the
evening. Many second balcony seats
may still be had.
Banquet Planned
For Football Men
Members of the Varsity football
squad, reserve team, freshman squad.
trainers and officials of the Athletic
association will gither at 6 o'clock
tomorrow night at the Union for the
annual banquet planned for them by
the Exchange clu'tb.
The banquet is, as many term it, a
reward to the team for its efforts dur-.
ing the year and a meettng of good-
fellowship where the men may mix
and become acquainted with each
Give Probation
For Dishonesty
Svdti, H T2T flumhar 9'7 fNpwx I

Iowa and Indiana Sluiie Fifth Place;
Badgers Stand Seventh, Ohio
Tio. fer Eihth .
Chicago, Nov. 24-fBy A.P.)-The
curtain was run down on the 1923
football season tonight with Michigan
and Illinois undefeated in the West-
Iern Conference. Last yeartMichigan
and Iowa were both unbeaten.
Michigan with a crippled team,
maintained its unblemished record and
its claim to first honors by winnng its
fourth victory, defeating Minnesota
10 to 0, while Illinois won its fifth vic-
tory, beating Ohio State 9 to 0.
Minnesota, the only other team
whch started today with a chance of
the championship could'have won on-
ly in case both Illinois and Michigan
had been beaten. The Gophers, with'
two victories, one defeat and a tie
wound up in fourth position, Chicago
w:th five victories and one defeat
cutting into third place. T he final
standings show three ties, Illinois and
Michigan for first honors, Iowa and
Indiana tieing for fifth place al-
though Iowa had three victories and
as many defeats while Indiana had,
but two of each. Indiana shared this
honor in the Conference despite~ the
fact that it scored but 10 points to its
opponents' 85. Wisconsin with a win,
three defeats and a tie, nosed out
Ohio State and Purdue for seventh
position, the latter teams being tied
with one game won and four lost.
Chicago's total point score was the




---And Michigan
I remember the stand at Thermopylae
The Greek Guard made one day,
I remember the legions Ceasar used
To shatter the Gallic sway:
And I remember across the years
Two banners that crowned the
When Yale was king of the conquered [ S T1
And Michigan ruled The West.
At night in my humble den I dream I STADIUM TO WAR HEROES t
Of the glories that used to beS
Of Hannibal striking the Alpine Trail, California dedicated its new
Of Drake on the open sea: stadium yesterday in connection
And then I wander the ancient way with the "big game" with Stan-
To dream that I love the best ford. Friday it was officially ded-
When, Yale was king of the conquered icated to the memory of the
East Californians who lost, their lives
And Michigan ruled The West. in the World war. The American
Today my dream is a living thing, Legion was in charge of the cer-
That dream that I love best, emonies.
For Yale is king of the conquered The stadium seats 76,00
East spectators. Two mammoth
And Michigan rules The West. scoreboards have been con-f
structed to give spectators an
accurate account of the game.
Extra space is also allowed on
the board for the reports of
Sothergames at the same time.


Kipke Adds Three Points by 35 Yard
Drop Kick; 31artineai Stopped
By Line
By Ralph N. Byers
Sporting Editor
Once more Coach Fielding H. Yost,
Michigan's Grand Old Man, gained the
honor of having produced an unde-
feated team, for the Wolverines play-
ing in the hardest game of the season,


Women Here to be Hostesses at Large
Campus Formal for Firht
Demand for tickets for the first an-
nual Panhellenic ball to be held by
the Michigan Inter-sorority associa-
tion Friday, at Granger's dancing
academy has so far exceeded expecta-
tions that arrangements for the event
on a larger scale will be necessary
next year. Applications for approxi-
mately 1000 tickets were received of
which only 350 could be filled. These
were divided among the sorority and
independent women, preference going
to seniors and juniors.
For the first time in the history of
the University the women are to be
hostesses at a large campus function.
The affair will be formal, dancing
from 9 to 2 o'clock, with luncheon to

Ohio Sate oIlds Suckers Powerless
For Three Periods; Game
Ends 9-0

be served during the


Kennedy's orchestra will furnish the
music for dancing. The expenses of
the la hour of the music are being
borne by Mr. Granger ead the orches-
tra since the proceeds from the dance
are to go for the benefit of the Wo-
men's league.
, The grand march, scheduled for 9
o'clock,' will be led by Dorothy Mait-
land, '24, president of the Inter-soror-
ity association, followed by the com-
mittee members for the ball, by the
delegates to the association, and then
by the general assembly.
Committees for the ball are Dore
othy Maitland, '24, general chairman-;
Jeane Briggs, '25, assistant chairman;
refreshments, Margaret Black, '24,
chairman, Evelyn Widman, '25, Lois
Sandling; programs, Constance Smith,
'24, chairman, Gertrude Myers, Char-
lotte Eckert, '25; decorations, Nanette
Carnahan, '24, chairman, Catherine
Mellen, '26, and Dorothy Jones, '24;
tickets, Esther Sandberg, '24, chair-
man, Dorothy Campbell, '24, Katherine
Konwinski, .,'24; invitations, Alice
Russell, '24, chairman, Edith Stone-
burner, '24, Lillian Prance, '24; adver-
tising, Miriam Wicksall, '24, chairman,
Doris Arnold, '24, Isabel Waterworth,
'24, and Sarah Levin, '24Ed.

Columbus, Ohio, Nov. 24.-(By A. largest in the conference with 90 to
P.)-Illinois defeated Ohio State 9 to its opponent's 22. Illinois made 64
0 in the annual game between the two points to its opponent's 6, Iowa being
institutions and won a tie with the only team to score against Illi-
nois. Michigan with 48 points ended
Michigan for the Western Conference with its goal being uncrossed but
championship here today. Iowa and Wisconsin each scored a
With more than '45,000 spectators field goal for a total of 6 points.
ICIllinois beat Iowa, Northwestern,
looking on, the trailing western con- Chicago, Wisconsin and Ohio. While
ference Buckeye's played the Illinois Michigan defeated Iowa, Ohio, Wis-
eleven to a standstill in the first three consin and Minnesota. The two teams
periods but weakened in the fourth each played Ohio, Iowa and Wiscon-
and permitted a field goal and a } sin. Illinois beat Iowa 9 to 6, and
touchdown. Michigan beat the Hawkeyes 9 to 3.
For a time it looked as if the Buck- The Wolverines, however, defeated
eyes were going to spoil Illinois Ohio States 23 to 0, while Illinois won
championship aspiration. In the 9 to 0. Illinois defeated Wisconsin
third period Ohio rushed and forward 10 to 0 and Michigan defeated the
passed the ball to Illinois one foot Badger 6 to 3. In these three games
line but Honaker, playing his last t Illinois made 28 points to its oppon-
game, failed to take it over on three ent's 6 and Michigan made 38 to its
plunges. It was a game typical of opponent's 6
the memoral battles which have been
staged between the 'two schools in
years past. anSl
Starting with odds against them 'L
and faced with the necessity of stop- p"IaNO in, nnnnI i
Ping '"Red" Grange, Illinois star half ~ sW 11~IItH~iIl
back, the Buckeyes not only held him
in check for three periods, but out- ---
played his team, definitely threaten- New York, Nov. 24.-(Dy A. P.)--
ing to score on three occasions butI Army and Navy fought each other to a
lacking the final punch to put the ball standstill today in the mire of the polo
over. grounds before the greatest crowdj
that ever witnessed the annual service{
struggle for gridiron laurels. Neither
goal line was crossed in one of the
INDI A . BATS PURDUE most bitterly contested battles that
the time hon-red rivals have ever
BTTER IGHT;3-01waged, anti out of the tangled, heav-
I iing, mud-battered mass they emerged
at the finat whistle with honors even-
loomington, Ind., Nov. 24-(By A.P.) ly dividect.
-Sending a 44 yard drop kick be- By the heavy going and in the face
tween the goal posts near the end of the defensive bulwarks that were
of the third period, Elmer Wilkins, In- well nigh impregnable when threaten-
diana quarterback made the only point ed neither attack was able to pene-
in the closing game of the Western trate inside its opponent's 25 yard
Conference season here today and line. Thus blocked, each team tried toI
gave his team a 3 to 0 victory over break the deadlock with drop kicksI
Purdue. but these attempts, too, failed. Gar-
Pure.ta ,0 athdtebl bisch, plucky army center, hooted
More than 9,000 watched the ball e eurgtfro e3
see-saw back and forth near the cen-
te'f h fa i l d urng m st of th 'ine nc he s cond Cquarter and in the
r fhe fild urigain. throughthe third period Barebet, middy half back,
line both teams played an open game. failed to come even close to the mark
Purde cmpleed 2 ou of19 a- from the 35 yard line after he had put j
Purdue completed 12 out of 19 at- the Navy in position to score with
tempted forward passes and Indiana a 40 yard run on an intercepted cadet I
made three attempts all of which 0pass.
were completed. Two attempted fieldp A'throng of 66,000that included
goals failed to straighten out for Secretaries Weeks and Denby among
Purdue kickers in the first half.- ! its host of notables witnessed the first

! v (: _defeated Minnesota's hitherto unbeaten
TO F R C BN TFerry field by a score of 10-0, thereby
eNAMED AT winning the Big Ten title.
SGerman Leader Needs COo)ertip of The Yostmen played as they had
Nationalist Party for ilnever played before. Forced to start
the1game with only five men who had
EBERT T OEGHTNUNABLE TO GET been regulars at the beginning of the
SUPPORT OF GE RMAN PE OPLE season, the Varsity went into the battle
Twenty One Receive Award; AMA and fought against great odds as only
Given To Ten As 1923 Season ;Michigan teams can fight. Playing
Berlin, Nov. 24-(By A.P.)-Herr Coe against a line which wap much heavier
Von Kardorff was selected by Presi- Cloe . and, to a large degree, more experi-
dent Ebert this afternoon to under- enced, the Maize and B warrior
take the task of forming a new Ger- MEN TO ELECT NEXT YEAR'S , brought all of their power rtopa
man ministry to take the place of th APTAIN AT dEET TO Ostoppe the ofns o e prs
ousted Stressmann. ministry. IFe ap- and particularly that of the gret'
peared willing to undertake the workI The following men were awarded Martineau consistently.
but the German natiohalists refused their Varsity M's at the annual ban- . Rockwell Scores First
to cooperate with him. Thereupon he quet of the Michigan and Minnesota Michigan's first score came in the
tried to formulate a coalition from .M. .second period after the two teams had
among the Socialist and the German football teams held in the Union un- battled throughout the opening quarter
People's party, but the German Peo- mediately following the game yester- with neither team securing iuch of an
ples' party declinred to cooperate with day: .ladvantage. The first period was mostly
the Socialist.a. Harry G. Kipke, '24, Jack L. Blott, a kicking duel between the rival cap-
Her on aror thwatstherefore '24, Richard G. Babcock. '26E, Robert tains, Kipke and Martineau with the
obliged to renounce the task of cab- . Wolverine havng much the better of
met making and withdraw. Brown, '26, Louis B. Curran, '24E, oit
Throughout the day there were con- Charles W. Grube, '26, Harry Haw- In the second quarter, after several
ferences among the various parties kins, '26E, William H. Herrnstein, exchanges of punts Rockwell caught
and among the possibilities for the '26E, Walter Kunow, '25, Phillip F..one of Martineau's boots on his own
chancellorship consulted by President Marion, '24, James K. Miller. '25, 43 yard line and here the Maize and
Ebert was, the nationalist leader Dr. Stanley N. Muirhead, '24, LeRoy E. Blue started a drive which put them
Hergt. I Neisch, '24, Ferdinand A. Rockwell, Iover the finalmarker. Steger gained
'25, Irwin C. Uteritz, '24, Edliff R. a yard around left end and on the
nnRTHiIrTrI I SHOWSlaughter, '25, Harold O. Steele, '25, following play a pass, Vick to Kipke,
Herbert Steger, '25, Edward R. Van- put the ball on the. Gopher 47 yard
Derfoort, '24,' Richard D. Vicc,'26, line. Vick then hit the line for a yard
and Howell S. White, '25L. and a pass to Rockwell by Vick was in-
POWER BVV UITfW I IS Tefollowing m irce .i adpteh al nth ineoa
.ITheng nwill receive complete.' On the next play, however,
their AMA's: Steger got under one of Vick's passes
Merle C. Baker, '26, William J. and put the ball on the Minnesota 31
Evanston, Ii., Nov. 24(By A.P.) Donnelly, '24, Henry Ferenze, '26E, yard stripe. The following play was
-Iowa came "off victorious in the an- LeRoy Heston, '26E, Robert V. Ingle, another forward pass and Rockwell,
nual homecoming football game with '25, Lowell M. Palmer, '26, H. Fred-
r receiving the': all from Vick n the
Northwestern here this afternoon, prick Parker, '26, Donald M. Swan, enemy 15 yard line, circled Ldberg
winning 17 to 14. The Purple and '24E, Fred T. Wall, '24, and John H. the only man in his way, and sprinted
White, defeated in every game, fur-. Witherspoon, '24. over the goal line for the touchdown
nished the surprise of the season by Prof. Ralph Aigler was chairman which gave Michigan her eighth
uncovering an aerial attack in the at the banquet.' Coaches Yost and straight victory of the season.Rock-
final period which almost spelled dis- Spaulding gave a talk after which w tht vtoyd the eason Ryck
aster for the Hawkeyes. both Captain Kipke and Martineau well then added the extra point by a
At the end of the first half the spoke. Following, Martineau's speech, place kik.
score was 3 to 0. Hancock, of Iowa, Coach Yost presented him with the Klpke Makes Drop Kick
having scored a field goal in the first maroon and gold ribbons froi the Captain Kipke added three points to
period. Capt. McElwaine, of North- "Brown Jug., his team's total in the third quarter
IThe picture of the Varsity 'M' men when he made a beautiful drop kick
western, opened up in the third per- I will be'taken at 12:15 o'clock Monday from the 35 yard line. Early in the
iod and by a series of line plunges i at Rentchler's studio. At this time period Curran broke through and
and end runs opened the way for D-I the election of the captain for next blocked one of Martineau's punts and
fephanno to score a touchdown. Day- ears Varsity will take place. Babcock recovered for Michigan on the
is kicked goal. Minnesota 27 yard line. Rockwell
In the next period Graham went Unmade two yards in as many plays and
was followed closely by Frye for an- LLdown Kipke, aided by fine blocking, got
other. away a kick which sailed squarely be-
McElwaine then heaved two for- iiitween the goal posts.
ward passes, one for 35 and the oth- II iH UEU Ii TTLL ILL The remainder of the game was
er for 30 yards, placing the ball on mostly a punting duel between Kipke
Iowa's 5 yard line from which he Cambridge, Mass., Nov. 24-(By A. and Martineau. Michigan was content
plunged through for a touchdown. Se-Ptoneepthelsiwerenesotterrdto
dell kicked goal. P.)-An alert Yale eleven, taking ad- atk the ball iMnes territo
Northwestern began another march vantage of Harvard's mistakes on a punt to get the ball away from their
down, the first, and only the fierce muddy field, defeated the Crimson in goal line during practically all of the
plunging of Carson, Frye and Graham Harvard's stadium today, 13 to 0, cap- last quarter. The Gophers opened up
prevented it from scoring again. I for the blue its first big three with a series of passesIn the final per-
'championship since '16 and incidental-iod in a vain attempt to score but
'Games Kipke broke up both spurts by inter-
Yesterday's Gatnes ly scoring Yale's first touchdown on ptn tw pass hihktte
1_Harvard's home gridiron in 16 years. Northmen far from the goal line.
CONFERENCE The game, played in a steady show- (Continued on Page Six)
Illinois 9, Ohio State 0. , er on ground soaked by a night and
Chicago 13, Wisconsin 6. a day of rain, gave little opportunity Battle Creek, Nov. 24.-Rolls of box
Indiana 3, Purdue 0. i for the display of 'ordinary football paper piled three stories high, start-
Iowa 17, Northwestern 14. strategy. Both teams were forced to ed to move at the new Kellogg cor-
EAST I kick and wait for the breaks. Yale pany warehouse Friday and bulged the

Famous English


New York, Nov. 24.-(By A. P.)-
Frederick Dickson, former editor of
the Christian Science Monitor, died
here today.
Mr. Dickson, for the past year, had
been editor of the International Inter-
preter which lie helped to establish

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