THE,. MICHIGAN DAILY. _ tle Brown Jug -Prize In Game or Chkampio mshi1?r ....., £ j _ - "cCOACH"-9 Alumni '{Want More Gahmes 1 Alumni of the University of Michi- Red tHeWant Ads - Read The Daliy "Classified" Columi Away back in antiquity whe-a n ha << and nfl brain 'was thle decidinr2ato in the success of grid;iron simsc the snarling .Wlverines of ieh~lI ga;n gage bttle to the d01t opesO Mineota at innueapolis a.,:?hen the du3t had cIcaredl away thke core board ,announced to the vworild th;at the fight had been a draw, and thiat each side had accumulated G hard- ea'red"i points. But Minnesota was not satisfied. She ha.d tai have sornethinig to show 6or her efforts and aft er imuch maneuver- ing and stealt-hy pl-ann~ing the Gp tr'ane 'managed to captIure the VW. Verne -water-jug and ,agar it away in trumph. Coach Yo:-t: wrote to the Norl~cPncairk,.,and demianded the re- tan of~ his team's favorite water-dis- penser.but a curt an,wer told him that hl could' havec the old jug onlyj after l beat 'the nicin of Minnesota in! a fair end square fright on the football field., That='.vas back in 190:3 and since that memorble time the "Little Thr": Jug hs been symbolic of the footbll 1 supreinacy between Michigan and Mnnesota. In 19061 the Wolverine, agin :invaded the Gopher stronghold and after a tussle that made the far fly whil),ed\ the clan from the 'North and in- triumph bore to its -rightful resting place the emblem of victory. For thirteen long years- after th . Mchian had no football relatios with W-innesota and the Jug enjoyed- an uneventful period in Ann Arbor. And tlIen in 1919 when the. tribe of Yost was woefully weak in all its parts the Go6ihers descended on the Varsity 1warri!, en masse and trounced them in~ a nm~nner hitherto unknown. Bid- d4ig a °ad adieu to its birthplace the "Little,- Brown lug" was tearfully dr~ggc off to the wilds of Minnesota. B~ut (h~e next year saw the-Jug back in And Arbor after a close call in a game which' ended 3-0 in Michigan's f'avor and since then Waterman gym has been the home of the ancient bot- j tie excepting for the short periods of time wren it was taken down to grace the~ sidelines and ,watch the battles for. its possession. In 1921 the North- men stvooped down' on Ainn Arbor bravely resolved to bear home the his- toric rilec but a whipping to a 38-0 score dashed their hopes' on the rocks. Last year, it took the trip to Min- neapoli~s with the team and again Dame Fortune smiled on Michigan and again It came back to decorate the shelves' of the gym. Todayr again comes the test. Will vheitors4 to Ann Arbor be shown the "Little -Brown Jug" for another year, or will the fighting" Gophers, backed by as powerful an, outfit as they have haid' for years, grab off the trophy that hlts bheen the goal of the annual battles. between Michigan and Minne- sota? 1'ieldiiig. Yost claie An Ble atSyracuse, 1915V gan desire a wider range of ath -____________________________ letic competition by teams of the I" ____ - - - -____--___ school, H. Hawley Tapping, field see- '. I retary of the Alumni association, has; informed the directors of' the organiz- ; atnon in a report concerning his 'act-1= tivities. Mr. Tapping:' former news-! papernman, assumed the field secre- ~ U taryship last summer. "Alumni living some tistance from the University very much desire that the field of athl'etic competition be widened," Mr. Tapping reported, "sr 1 as to furnish them an opportuipity E to see Michigan teams play near theirE homes and against colleges and u ni- } versittes that are supreme from an j atltcpoint of view and in alum ni ; strength in the distant point wheretI:i the Michigan alumnus finds himself ,residing. s ~--- -" The' Lustrous, velvety fabrics decreed for the most elaborate Winter Coats,. are at their loveliest in these wraps, cut on straight or slightly flarying lines, and I collared and cuffed with rich fur.. Some show braided fronts or embroidered: sleeves,, and on others the skirt is cu~t in unique fashhion -I Coats that favor those treaty ' ments will be the, coats favored by those of style discernment. ,. We present new collectionsr in. C~A1IA#3Af. Vas Ormondale, Fashona, Ce- ona, Lustrosa, Formosa, etc. . 1. The furs are Natural Squirrel; re ur" 6 Viatka Squirrel, Fox, Wdilf,: Beaver. These are the care- t perfctedfully selected new coat fashions operations infothseon the he easo. f Om. pair va est. the oIabo t" of =14 skilled actmft"s G~ROSS & DIETZEL i 3 117 E. Washington St... Distributorsj ...............A""q0"rH.p . .u~pi."". . .U .."""".r1s..r". ........... ...".. .U....... . . Nrthwestern Students Work Way Evanston, Ill., Nov.' 23.-Six hun- dred men and women students at Northxvestern University are working their Way through school this year. F'ifty p~er cent 'of the men are em- ployed' in part time jobs and 20 per cent depend entirely on their own earnlings to pay their way. The r'ange of "work includes clerk- ing and waiting on tables, house- work, washing dishes, cleaning win- dows, serving. as chauffeurs, night watchme~n, motormen, tutors, hotel clerks and switchboard operators. Maid 'service in the homes of Evan- ston fainiies is one of the more pop- ular p 'sitions that many Northwest- ern giljis have accepted. Taking care of little children during the after- noon hours is another. Secretariai work also has " strong, bid for favor and not a few are clerks and stenog- raphersy in Evanston business offices. 1Enso~I ry Officers To Attend Game Officer~s of the Grand Lodge of Mich- igan F'reemasonry' will attend_ the game tgkjs afternoon in a body as the guests "of the' Craftsmen club. In the eveni* they wil' be entertained by thie sanie organization at a banquet and de ree work at th~e Masonic tem- ple. Syracuse 14,, .icliigaii 7. n 4~ r~ i Xavier was the largest single contri-N FSbuintthpottta. AhYI ILJ NV A review of Army games discloses thtthe Cadet attack has produced one T~lTor more touchdowns against all foes U'R TIT__09i xcept Notre Dame. The Middies, did Only, five weeks more to Christmas! STUDEN'.TS . New York, Nov. 23-(A.P.)--The twenty-sixth annual meeting of Uncle Sam's service elevens at the Polo Grounds tomorrow afternoon, will bring together two of the sturdiest not score touchdowns against either Penn State or Princeton. 'The Cadet defense however has yielded seven touchdowns and one field goal, where- as the Middie defense has yielded' six touchdowns and, two field goals. rj " S.Y. / t , .. ..... d Michigan I ,- °: x. S"d .; s:' , ' ' ForThanksgiving } / * . . . . . combinations ever to represent the Yale to Play Dartmouth respective schools, notwithstandingf New Haven, Conn., Nv 23-The 'the fact the Cadets have suffered two 1924 football schedule, of Yale Ijniver- defeats andl the Middies one defeata sity was announced here last night. and one tie. Tm On their season's records to dateIe only change from this year's list Arm slws o a adantge n te Iplaces Dartmouth in the place of Armyshow toan avantge n th I ucknell. offnsvephase of the game, while Nav hods slghtedg indefnsie iFollowing is the list of games and Navyhols asliht ege n dfenivedates, all of which will be played in play. New Haven except the Princeton The Cadets have rolled up a total of more than 200 points in games playedi game: thus far, with th:e 73 to 0 count against! North Carolina, Oct. 4; Georgia, Lebanon Valley as the largest single! Oct. 11; Dartmouth, Oct. 18; Brown, contribution to this point total, where- Oct.' 28; Army, Nov. 1; Maryland, as a half hundred points have been= Nov. 8; Princeton at Princeton, Nov. scored against them. The Middies 15, and. Harvard, Nov. 22. total is 155 points for, and 48 points against. The 61 to 0 victory over St. Patronize The Daily Advertisers. ll 131 111 III llIII 1111111 liii! 1111111111111111g111 fl1111111[111111111tI111111111U11111111111' - Shoes u ' ": vF ta. i~3 . .. . : * s: N1 a'.d w~at :Y.S ij .. f '_. s: :". ;^" ., .1"." ,iz. ". ":"" . ,,Sri :~a g: r - it -.° r'.,:"' rf" : r "". =: ?t'" Tt iti JA a- In Black and Brown Vicking and = Imported Scotch grain ...Several Styles to Select 'From...= (G).lovely cold weather we're having! The tingle in the air finds a ringing response in our glove section. Right on hand with any sort of gloves you need for dress, for business, for driving, for work. VICT ORIES BY SINGING MICHIGAN SONG'S Showing African "Black Head:' Mochas in Gray $3.50 LINDENSCHMITT, APFEL & CO. CELEBRATE YOUR. FOOTBALL. Michigan's Favoritc Collcgc Songs MAIN STREET DOWNTOWN $A45 .. . . ,,. .. a Fo I OT BA IN SHEET" FORM- TURKEY DAY Varsity, Win for Michigan, Fight Men 'of Michigan W~ould be mighty empty ~without its mince pie. Wen you want pie tins, we a have them. Jackson v Ann Arbor WINES FIELD Yellow anxd Blue. College Days,.. Dear, Ann Arbor Days, When Night Falls Michigan Memmories T ae Them Home w~ith You for. Christmas. For Sale at All Music Stores and Book Stores.