TiHE MICHIGAN DAILY !SATU D&Y, NOVIMR O F MIaCHIGAN'S LOCKIAG WILL PL4Y LEAD ]N OPERA *re* I I _ - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-. . - Whe ok u Job" - --the m*ost amaizng dramatic offering of the of the~ present daty, MILL AUXTO IVM, TVERDAY, :1WP i 'ek' . fwraj~erio 4. *Charming new decorative materiaIs and acces- ' sories re biirglargely increased business torpopniardrpy department and our .. - work rooms arehummuing with activity. To insur~e g'etting your draperies when i wantedl we suggest the desirability of making seleoin nw. There is a' wealth of new f is co~s from.w IT,& IaWa-eWall Paper to Match Alf Waperie : I.. AN I )MRYPSILANTI AM]hig4. ,Syr acuse 14., ve picture saows "Maurie" Dunne, M~ichig an's star end, blocking one of Ifaeha,'s punts in the syra- gae i19'16. The Wolverines won the co ntest by staging one of the- greatest- camel acksin the;l ,trn, foo~tbalI. Alter -trailing the New Yorke rs for over three quarters, the Yotfen camo v.back in the ,tes, and hutlled th~e game out of ftle fire. Tlie final score wras 14-1:). MICIJIGA N-',S ALL-AMWE 1CANS The, a4 "Classified'" Columns J..J9t.ln Al 9. 22~L~~Oq ~0.,. S=IRT BAPTIST C1UJC R. EDjWARDl SAY3iE$S, inTister 11JO)WARD- F. CQRAJAN ;111nist(*r of University studIents C,,,',b,,--ur cb iOET1WEEM EVA NGELICAL CHURCH (Evangelical Synod of N, A.) 4t0 Ave.. neair Packa~rd G. A. NEIJMANN, Paistor Sunday School at 9:00 a m'. 9: 00-Sunday Schochl and Classes. 10: 00-English Services. 11:00-German Services. Bible 10:30 - "1fl's 1,111410101, Sayles. .Z: 00-Sunday School. Mr.1 .,N From 1904 to 1922, 'Walter Camp selected elevenx of Michigan's Varsity, players on his all-American teans. The above cut shows tlhis famous group. which includes H~eston, selec ted in 1904; Schultz, in 1908; B en brook, in 1510; Wells, in 1911; Allmen- dinger, in 1913; Maulbetsch and Craig in 1 914;~ Smithi, in.1910; Steketee, in 1,918; Vick in 1921, and Kipke in 1922. 6:00-P. Y. P. U. at Church. UniversityStulents 12:00-Class at Guild ):.louse. See- ond iacussifl of .csu.$' Ideal 0o. 1Righteousnkess."x Mr. Chapmian. 5:30-6:30 - Friendsthip Hour at Guild House. Mr. and Mrs. Chap- mnan will welcome all students. 6: 30-Specially important Thanks- giving Meeting, led by John Miner. M usic: Miss Mary Ross will sing at Morning Church Worship: "0 Master, Let Me Walk With Thee." ge h d n oy o an beas great in Spirit as it i i in ' Azction-. fn these 4 4chw&your wilt findW real isiaiD i. I ST. PAUL'S LUTHEAN (Mis souri Synod) Corner Third and West HWuron Sts., CARV A IIRAIER, Pastor SERVICES , 9:30-Services in German. 10:30-B-3ible School. 11:30O-Services in EFnglish. Ser- mon : "Our Synod B nIldn;rgr m 5:30-Young- People's Social Gath~ ering. 6: 30-M1emorial' Service and Dis-, cussion, {1 { TIRS IT UNION' ni alumni forth~e game to- ~e been in~vited to make the bh~e1-r headquarters for their i~le in Anna Arbor. The Alumni on. wHI mintain aspecial ser-' the~ alumni in meals and inf .dition to the regular things, Union provides, the reception e headed by Charles -Living-. ihas added a number, of new1 to the entertainment. 'Among. e a rooinng bureau which pro- vides rooms for all who.swish to ob- llhiu9Js terceet Yost- F~tejd 1ouse tain them and a reception, committee1 The first- test of Yost Field House th~at makes it its duty to welcome the alumni and help them in any matters, probably will be January 4 when. that they wish.J Michigan and Illinois meet in basket-. A dance will, be held in the assembly j;Michigan and, Illinois meet at basket- hall ofntha Unio .n 'cokto dnghtball. While the Michigan. team will forstdnsanalm.Intidac play a series. of games before that a number of tickets have been reserv-, date, devoting- a, part of the long hol- ed for alumni in recognition of the iday vacation to this, none of- the home coming week end that will bring,1 games,. thus far booked, have, been. Large niAnbers of them to Ann Arbor:. scheduled. for the local, floor. There Meals will be served tonight and to- isapsiiiyta practice games morrow in both of' the dining rooms! may bie scheduled and played; in, the of the Union. Special help has been ' field house before the Illinois ,gamw. added to accommodate the. large num- Temporary bleachers around the ber of visitors who are expected to be main floor will augment the seating present at they time. facilities provided in the permanen~t J gallery. Just what the capacity will Patronize The Daily Advertisers, be has not been determined, s : t. ' l: iV UNITARIAN. CHUR~CH- State -.n1 Rilron Streets SIJ)NlY S,.]EOJIINS, .'.Muster It ..r.. .,. .-- .. .... . ,..,. ..... r . . -.,.. C DUCI 0V CRLE -' i i , ; . K~~u W~xitm*n ~tFf AN-'~ Tem~porary JHomue LANE 1HALLJ EP f. ARTIIVR9P*gtor 9: 45, A..M. Church School; mill '11 10: 30 A. M. Morning Service and Sermon. 1i M'. Profess~or Wood's Clas, n; Social Problems: 5 :45 P. M. Young, People's Suipper "Every creaturte of God is good and ' nothing to Ie'e*jected, if it be re= ceile- t. thifksfliring: for it is sanctified ray"' the word of G2od- and 'prayer."-St: Pul. 9: 30-Bible School. 10:30-Morning Service.. Srmon Topic: "Tire Christ of the lI)le" t Light Lunches We have made special ar- rangements for the out-of-town people in f o rthe game. Let us serve youi. PALACE TRINITV LUTH1ERAN CHURICH Fiftli Ave. and ~illiam St. I I 12:00-MVen's Service Club; lei bYj Dr. Stouffer. 6:30--Christian Endeavor. Student Classes at Noon ° In Lane Hall Reading Rooms- Mr. Coff man, Leader I : 30 A. M7'--A harvest homreset vice. 5,:30 IP. K---Student' Forum. Su b- jet, ' I R lado' isns ont tte Grr ps ''Gertrude FHegel, Leader., No eveinig service' this Stunday. Thanksgiving Day service, Thurs~ day mo~rning, 10 o'clock. All of these services- in F3glish ''R V. 1. P4. GUN DERMAN, Pastor 9:3+0 A. M.-Sunday' School with student, class. 10:!30 A. M."Fite Home and., the Church." This is the last of the series on the home. "Not forsaking the assembling of ouxrselves together, as the cus- tomn of some is."-Hebrews; 10:25. Y ~ 6130,P. M. Prof .R D., Dickinson of the Law School' speaks on the World' Court I' I 4 I YI, .. IYY 1 w ;7 ,., } , . . ,_, .. Y 5 :. .. ... 1J Is SWBBTS 9 ?.,04-- SOUTHI UN'LVXERSITY-- li FIRST METHODIST' CHURC2W REV.. A. IV. STAL*RER,, D..D., Pastora R=EV. IV, SCOTT WESTERMAN, Assoiate Bastar XISSELLEN IV.1WOORE, Situ 'ntDretor' 10:30 A. M.-MORNING .}W0 {rSHIP. Pastor's Subject: '.11EB!I!PL.W. 12:00 M-BI3T4 GLASSES ,at WESLEY HALL. 4:30-6:30 P. M.-OPEN HOUSE at* WESLEY HAtLL. Uniersity Glrl'. Mandolin °Club will, play.: Supper erved at'6 30o'cokt 6:30 P. M.-WESLEYAN GUILD DEVOTIONAL MEETEINGJ. MissMadge Walborn,'Leader. A' Thanksgiving. prog-ra. 7:30 P. M-EVYENING WORSHIP. "THE G~ATE~ CAELW B41JTI~ FUL" Will be Rev. W. Scott Westerman'~ssubect. PRESBYERIAN CHURCH# RIF1YLEONARD' A. BIR RETT, D.D., Minister L F1"R- C. REXA N, '16, Seely Men Students 8; NDLifl CADIVELL, Seely Wainen Stuidents 10:30 Morning Worship. "The Work of the Anti-Saloon League," pre- sted by Mr'. R .N: Hosa.ple. 51:30 to 6:3d; Socl1Hour for Young People. Discusioni-topic for evening: "What Shall five Thank Gad For?"' I Gilbei 1 6 "MIjB 3 1' lead quarters For ,t isChocolates Sox Chocolates. ii 0 I CONGREGATIONAL CHUR "THE STONE- CHURtCH WITHI THE WARM WELCOME.' HERBERT A.. JUMP~, 4dster, E. JKNOX MITCHELL, IThiversltyTwt~ LUJCK IUBER, Secretary, forWomen Stud4nts. - - Try- Our lot Malted- )t Chocolate 11 COR. CATHERINE AND DIVISION STREETS Cs HENRY LEI~S, RECT~OR. OH RLE T.WEBBJ Dlrector Student Work R4ACHEL HAY4~ILAND, Secretary for Student' Work ;. Ii I "Thatksi-ing,. ai Festival of the Pilgrim. Fathers," will be the, sub- f~ject of Mr Jum~p's sermon. at- 10:45 A.'4.. I I I k It I . .I - v.A.flt.....- Af