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November 24, 1923 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-11-24

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,. i.

Obstacle Race, Cane Spree and Flag
Rush Will Test Strength of t
Freshmen and sophomores will
clash at 9:30 o'clock this morning on
Ferry field in the fall games, the first
of the two great underclass battle of
the year for physcal supremacy. Last
night on the eve of the big fight both
classes predicted victory. The fresh-
men outnumber but the older men
have the edge on the yearlings in ex-
The contests will be under the sup-
ervision of the Student council with
the assistance of the sub-committee
of the Student council, "M" men, and
Members of Sphinx .'and Triangles.
The Student council committee in
charge is Donald C. McCabe, '24,
chairman, James A. Rice, '24, ad
Stewart R. Boyer, '24L.,
Obstacle Race First
The freshmen will meet at 9 o'clock
this morning in front of the Union;
the sophomores will gather at theI
same time at Waterman gyninasium .
As soon as the men are painted up
and organized the march to the field
will begin, the sophomores moving
south on East University avenue to
South University avenue, west to
State street, and south on State street
to Ferry field. The freshmen will
march south on State street to Ferry
The obstacle race will be the first
event, the cane spree next and the
flag rush will complete the gamei
In the obstacle race three teams will
represent each side, composed of 10
men each. Each runner will traverse
a certain specified distance over a
course one-eighth of a mile in dis-
tance, and must vault over any fence
which he may encounter and crawl
through any bariel in his path, car-
rying the banner of his class over the
entire course.
20 Men for Cane Spree
Two points will be given to the
class winning two out of three of the.
obstacle races, one point for the vic-
tor in the cane spree, and in the flag
rush two points wrill be awarded for
the inside pole and one for each of
the outside poles. The class win-
ning four out of the possible sevei
points will be awarded the games.
In the cane spree 20 men will be
picked from each side and will be
paired off to wrestle against each oth-
er for the possession of sticks three
feet in length. The contest will be
decided in one 10 minute period. IrĀ±
case of a tie at the duration of this
period, an additional three minute
period will ensue.
Flag Rush Final Event
The flag rush will complete the
morning's events. In this the fresh-
men will protect their class flags
placed on the top of three poles, 26
feet high and placed 30 feet apart.
The sophomores will attempt to break
through the yearlings by charging en
rasse from the opposite side of the'
feld to the poles, climb them and pull
down the flags.
The sophomores will advance in
two lines, one approaching each out-
side pole. Coming upon the fresh-
men they then can join forces and
attack any pole they desire first or
attempt them all at a time, according

to their plan of attack.
The sophomores will be given two
15 minute periods in which to cap-
ture the three flags. A ten minute
rest will be given between the two
periods. Captured flags must immedi-
ately be turned over to the referee.
Schorling Is Speaker at Banquet
IRaleigh Schorling, Principal of the
University High School, gave the prin-
cipal talk of the evening, at a dinner
held by Phi Delta Kappa educational
fraternity last night at Lane hall. He
spoke on "The Degree of Mastery."
The University of Michigan and
Jimmie cordially welcome you
to Ann Arbor; the home of the
BROWN JUG. We want you to
enjoy your stay and regret our
tu.tyTf tharu is n+thi rmn

Ends Regime!

Ebert Requests (urrent Business Be
Carried On Until Successor
Is Chosen
Berlin, Nov. 23.--Dr. Gustav Strese-1
mann tonight resigned as chancellor
when the reichstag by a vote of 230 to
155 denied his rump cabinet a vote of
confidence. Seven deputies refrained
from casting their ballot. After the
ballot was taken Dr. Stresemann
tendered the resignation himself and
the members of his cabinet which
President Ebert accepted. The presi-
dent immediately sent for Paul Loebe,
president of the reichstag, with whom
he held a conference. Who will head'
the new government remains a mys-
tery tonight. Herr Ebert requested
Stresemann to carry on current bus-
iness until his successor is appointed.!




1 b

Governmnent Will Recommend In-
creased Building Actviiy
in Washl gton
Washington, Nov. t .- President
Coolidge's message to Congress will
embrace a series of explicit recom-
mendations rather than a presentation
of long arguments and discussions of1
such recommendations.
The chief executive virtually com-
pleted work today on the, message,
which is expected to have an extreme-
ly important bearing on his political
fortune. Several days yet would be

Gustav Stresemann
The German chancellor and his cab-j
inet resigned late yesterday following
a vote of lack of confidence from the?
reichstag. President Ebert acceptedI
the resignation.

_ =

required for the redrafting of several
sections, not-for the purpose of chang-
ing their purport, but to clarify the
language and the document will be
sent to the printer probably' early next}
11 nn I- <


Presentation of Collections Made
FInal Session of '.November



After having acknowledged several
gifts to the University and having
given approval to appointments, the
Board of Regents concluded the sec-

ond session of its

November meetingI

The outcome of the second crisis White House officials in making
during the chancellor's regime was known that the message will present
in doubt up to a half hour before the definite recommendations and contain
voting took place as there were strong little in the way of argument in sup-
influences at work in the ranks of the port of these recommendations, said
socialists in the direction of weaken- Mr. Coolidge expected his suggestions
ing the parties' opposition by permit- to Congress to be acceptable as on
ting sufficient members of the par 'their face. Inasmuch as arguments
to absent themselves from the chai- =d impressions will be absent the
bers, thereby cutting down the chan- message is expected to be rather brief.
cellor's numerical opposition in the 'The general belief is that the three
preliminary session. major questions upon which recom-
The vote may be said to have con- mendations will be made are taxation,
formed to the chancellor's wishes and agricultural relief, and transporta-
his pronounced demand that it be de- tion. One question set at rest with
cisive and free from all equivocation respect to the contents of the mes-
Earlier in the day he had announced sage today was that there would be
his determination to reject any vote no recommendation as to a general
of approval which might accrue to government building program. Em-
him by the juggling of the three res- barkation on such a program has been
1 utions any one of which was des- held in abeyance since the war by the
tined to fall through partisan tactics demand for economy in governmental
Just what will be the character of expenditures and it was indicated at
the government which will succeed the White House today that Mr. Coo-
the deposed ministry remains a mys- lidge had no intention of altering this
tery tonight. Among the names men- policy for the present. It is regard-
tioned in the reichstag corridors to- ed however, that the executive will
night as possibilities for the chan-, recommend that tle goyernment start
cellorship are Dr. Johannes von Hie- on a program of building in the Dis-
her, democratic premier . of Wurten- trict of Columbia for the better hous-
burg, and Dr. Hemrich Albert, a non- ing of the various departments and
partisan who was associated with j bureaus..
Count von Bernstorff when Bernstorff --
was ,ambassador in Washington. Dr.
Albert was Germany's fiscal agent ii
the United States and later became
secretary ofe the treasury under Chan-
cellorCuno. .r Trn nrnA r

The following gifts were an-j
nounced: Henry S. Booth, '24E, pre-
sented to the architectural college a
set of seals of seven Oxford colleges,'
in bronze and colored enamel. Stone
and Webster of Boston donated to the
college a large collection of lantern
slides of buildings under construc-"
tion. William W. Tefft of Jackson
made a gift to the engineering dollege
of a collection of framed photo-
graphs of hydro-electric plants. J. B.
Williams of New York city presented
the University with $500 for the pur-
chase of books on foreign city plan-
ning. Mr. Williams was at one time.
a non-resident lecturer.on city plan-
ning in the department of landscape
It was announced that Col. T. C.
{Hodson of London, England, has been
annointed lecturer in anthropology in


, i
( ,i

Football Banquet CIPE AST
Will Follow Contest
Michigan and Minnesota -will again I f
meet today, not on the football field f
but at the banquet table, when, the
wo teams, coaches and trainers will
gather at 6 o'clock tonight at the
Union for the annual "Brown Jug"
banquet. 'This banquet has become a,
:radition of the two schools and is
held every year at either Minneapolis
>r Ann Arbor. It is at this time that PEP MEETING UN1TES ALUMNII
he "Little Brown Jug" is brought out AND STUDENTS IN SUPPORT
and awarded to the winning team. OF TEAM
Porf. Ralph W. Aigler of the Law _
school, charnman of the Board in Con-
rol of Athletics, will be the toast- ROPER AND FITZPATKICK
master at the affair. The coaches of O F PRINCETON S P E A K
both teams will probably be called on
for a few words, and perhaps the cap- Yost Appeals for Sportlsmanship,Y
tains. Stressing Student Responsi-
bility to Team
Sprited talks and loud cheeringn
T marked last night's pep meeting ins
UPPORTS POINCAREill auditorium as a huge success.c
The team today goes on the field confi-
dent of the support of all Michigan.
That fact was established last night
Approves Premier'seby alumni, student and faculty speak-a
Policies ers who, together with a crowd ofp
-- more than 2500 cheering students,v
MINISTER DEMANDS VOTE pledged themselves to fight to the endt
OF CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES with the team and "Beat Minnesota."s
Paris,' Nov. 23.-(By A. P.)-The Besides the pep meeting speakers
French parliament by one of the most previously announced, four other men
appeared on the platform as the guestst
sweeping votes of confidence in its of Coach Fielding H. Yost, Keene Fitz-g
histor todaycapproved thereceit n - patrick, track coach of Princeton,1
goliation in the Council of Ambassa- Bill Roper, the Tiger football mentor,s
dors with regard to Germany. The Ruben S. Schmidt, '05L, president ofe
chamber gave the Premier "carte the Los Angeles Alumni association,t
blancer"t, .et hi prora torand Lloyd E. Gandy, '03L, president ofa
blanche" to execute his program for the Alumni association of Spokane,I
futur fotietactioninenorcingWashington, were all called upon fort
complete executon of the ersaes a few words, and helped give impetus
treaty for the protection of Frances toa thew ew tus a sd h leniest e
national interest and seuiyi c to the enthusiasm manifested.t
naioalitees adsecurity in gmc- Crocker Speaks First
cord with Allies, if possible, but alone Cheers and singing started thec
if he must. The vote was 505 to 70. meeting and then the speakers en-
Premier Poincare in an address to;,meigadte tesekr n
tehmer todaydinotfincin is tered, Michigan's "Grand Old Man" in
the chamber today did not flinch i his the center carrying the "Little-.Brownt
attitude of stern determiation to force Jub" in his arms. This was the signalr
the chamber immediately to proclaim for a veritable stampede from thei
either its approval or its dissapproval assembled students who gave volley
of his policy. The Premier put the assemble studets w s gae voly
responsibility squarely up to the chain- after volley of cheersy as Coach Yost i
her, declaring that if it was not satis- placed the prized trophy upon astand
fled with his government it could get in the middle of the stage.f
some other government to continue I Lionel Crocker, '18, of the publicf
sthe neotiatiovns. t Poncarne ~speaking department,'urged the men
short the discussion in the chambru to "fight to the limit," in his talk as the
which threatenedso exted intobrfirst speaker on the program. He was1
which threatened to extend into the inrdcdb onW l, '4,
small hours of he morning, by insist- introduced. by John . Kelly, 24L,I
ing on an expression of plain confi- president of the Student council. Ed-
dence in the order of the day without mund C. Shields, '96L, prominent
restrictions or qualifications whatso- Lansing attorney, was the next
ever as to his policies of the past week I 'spTere will not be five regulars in I
or his future program, as elaborated. the game tomorrow," said Mr. Shields,
"there will be eleven regulars. Elev-
en regular Michigan men, putting their
all into the great fight with the de-'
termination to come out on top. With E
nRP SNEsuch sp:rit Michigan can do nothing
but win. There is only one conditiont
'and that lies with you. Every studentt
An entertainment which is said to should go into that game tomorrow.I
have taken a grip on this country- 'Will you do it?" A tremendous ap-<
that of Stuart Walker's presentation iplause answered this question.
of dramatic poetry-will be given here CRPrinceton Mentor Talks ,
Tuesday in Hill auditorium when his Coach Bill Roper of Princeton, who
Portmanteau Players will present two came together with Keene Fitzpatrick,t
of Lord Dunsany's plays and "The former Michigan Varsity trainer whol
Book of Job." is now in charge of the Tiger track
Two performances are to be given I teams, to see the game tomorrow was
under the auspices of the Oratorical next introduced. Coach Roper said,
association which is bringing this "I didn't come here to speak and I am+
company here as the next number on not saying much for Princeton, I came1
their lecture course program. In the there to see what you are doing in
afternoon presentation the group of football this year. From what I have1
actors will give "The Murderers" and seen so far of your team Minnesota
"The Gods of the Mountain" while has got to fight some to beat Michigan
"The Book of Job" is scheduled to be tomorrow."
g tight. Keene Fitzpatric after a big ova-
Stuart Walker introduced the Port- tion said, "The last time I came back
manteau theater in July, 1915, and to Ann Arbor we beat Minnesota six
since that time it has grown and its to nothing. From the looks of things
number of plays increased to such a.we are going to repeat it tomorrow."
degree that now in its rpertory is a The proof of this statement was im-
long list of plays.y mediately given by Captain Kipke who
In commenting upon Mr. Walker's said that he had never seen more real

work and more especially upon thefootball and pep than had been shown
production of "The Book of Job," The by the men in the last week's practice.
ye The fellows are not discouraged,"
the first shaft of light illuminated the sid Harr yar in ther
figures of the Narrators to the closing s win. Tomorrow you will see the hard-
moments when the light faded from est hitting and hardest fighting team
the niches as the Narrators spoke tie that Michigan has put on the field this
last word of the epilogue, the audience year."
sat in stilled absorption of the vastwE Support of the alumni in the far
dramatic problem as they heard it andIwest was pledged by Mr. Schmidt and
saw it." Mr. Gandy who each spoke a few words
{__saw__it.____ to the men.dAddressing Harry Kipke
I Mr. Schmidt said, "The. Michigan
j alumni are with you to a man. Go to
DAILY WILL PUBLISH it and win for Michigan."
DIRECTORY SUPPLEMENT Coach Yost concluded the meeting
j stressing Michigan's reputation of fair
Corrections and additions to play and the student's responsibility
t the Students' Directory are to be to the team. His appeal was one fort
collected and published by The ( support and respect of the referee's
Dailyi4n the form of a directory I decision in all cases. "If we lose,"
supplement on Dec. 2. Many j the Coach said, "we will take our beat-
changes have been made be- I ing like men."j
tween the time of publication I

_Muirhead Will Play Last Game This
Afternoon; Minnesota in Best
Can a team composed of five regular
members and six men who have been
substitutes for most of the season sue-
cessfully keep clean its record of
straight victories against an opponent
which is in the pink of condition and.
without a defeat chalked up against It?
This question will be answered this
afternoon when the Wolverines, crip-
pled by the loss of many of their most
valued players, face Minnesota, the
team from the North which has yet to
taste defeat in any of its games this
A Champfonship Struggle
The game today means much to both
teams. Michigan, having never lost a
game since the Ohio State contest of
1921, is anxious to complete another
season as champions of the Confer-
ence. The Gophers after having weak
teams for several years now have an
aggregation which ranks high in the
Big Ten and if Minnesota is to keep
this high rating she must come
through the game on the top end of
the score. With both teams still un-
defeated one of them is sure to be out
of consideration for this season's title,
after today,
Coach Yost's men who started out
their schedule with what were the
makings of as powerful a team as any
in West have been weakened greatly
in the last month from injuiens, in-
jures which have taken six of the
regular team from competition and
forced them to watch their teammates
from the sidelines.
Yostmen Crippled
The Gophers were rather Slow in
hitting their Best stride and this coup-
led with injuriesearly in the season
forced them to accept a tie score with
the Badgers in their opening game of
the year. The Gophers, however, are
now playing wonderful football and
last week handed} Iowa, whm. the;
Wolverines defeated 9-, a terrible
lacing to the tune of 20-., Minnesota
scored three times against a defense
which the Wolverines were able to
solve upon only a single occasion.
Michigan goes into this game more
sadly crippled than any Wolverine
team in recent years. ' The Yostmen
eleven today will be but a remnant.
of what the eleven was five or six
weeks ago. In-the backfield Captain
Kipke and Steger are the only remain-
ing members of the earlier aggrega-
tion while on the line are Stan Muir-
head at tackle, Ed Slaughter at guard
and "Loue" Curran at right end.
Muirhead to Play
The rest of the team will be compos-
ed of men who comparatively until the
last few days have been second string
men but upon whom falls the task of
keeping the Varsity in the small list of
undefeated college elevens. On the line
will be Roy Neisch playing left end in'
place of Marion, who has been com-
pelled to remain on the sidelines be-
cause of an injured arm. Nesch is a
letter man of last year and has been
in most of the games for a short period
at least during the last two years. At
left tackle and left guard is the great-
est strength of the Michigan forward
wall. The former position will be
superbly handled by the Veteran Stan

Muirhead. Stan, who has taken time
out in only one Conference game dur-
ing his three years onthe squad, is
hack in his old time form after injuries
had handicapped him for several games
and can be counted upon to play the
game of his career this afteronon. This
will be Muirhead's last game and he
wants to have the honor of playing on
a team which has defeated Minnesota
three consecutive times, as well as won
two Con chme chapionships on the
Rooms for visitors in Ann Arbor
over the week end may be obtained

fnWnEb I.


t h e U n i v e r s i t y f o r t h e s e c o n d s e m e s nouafmat
ter of the current academic year.
Prof. William C. Hoad of the eng
neering college has been made a mem- The Michigan Daily will issue a
ber of the executive board of the sports extra on the Minnesota game
graduate school.I this afternoon to be on sale immedi-
The University has been appointedI ately at the close of the contest. The
secretary for five years of the Asso- 1 papers which will be sold at the Ferry
ciation of American Universities of field gates as the crowds leave the
which Harvard university is presi- field will contain a play-lay-play ac-
dent and the University of North Car- count of the game, results of the con-
olina, vice-president. This activity ference cross country race at Colum-
will be under the direction of Dean bus, period scores of football games
Alfred H. Lloyd of the graudate being played in all parts of the coun-
school. try, and a story on the results of the
Mr. Lloyd E. Thatcher of the zool- underclass fall games.
ogy department will exchange his po- At Ferry field between the halves,
sition at the University with Prof. A. cheerleaders will announce scores of
E. Taylor of the University of Cali- various conference games as well as
formnia during the second semester. intersectional contests. These result!!
wi escrni ueuiyuicdu

SOkliahon Senate Engages In Most
f Spirited Discussion Since
Opelling of Ses,"miu


Ruth St. Denis, in company with
Ted Shawn and her dancers will ar-
rive here tomorrow evening, in order
to arrange all the scenery needed for
the performance on Monday night in
Hill auditorium. They are arriving a
day early so as to have the stage
completly in order by Monday night
and as a result the performance will
start promptly.
An entirely different program will
I be offered from the one seen last year.
Many new features have been added,
which are expected to make this
year's offering a very successful one.
A .general sale of seats will be held
again on Monday. afternoon in thi
lobby of the Union and also at the
box office in Hill auditorium before
the concert
Ted Shawn, the male star of the
company, has consented to speak be-
fore an assembly of the combined wo-
men's dancing classes at 4 o'clock
Monday afternoon in Sarah Caswell!
Angell hall. All women interested in
dancing are invited to attend.
Plymouth, Nov. 23.-Lady Astor was

will be secured in the Daily offices e5 I
a special wire from the Associated
Press in Detroit, then telephoned to
the press box at Ferry field, and
theace to the cheerleaders.
Springfield, Ohio, Nov. 23.-Six Uni-
versity of Illinois students enroute to
the Illinois-Ohio State football game
at Columbus tomorrow were injured at
6:25 o'clock tonight when a Big Four!
passenger train demolished their car
at the West Main street crossing in
this city.
One man was seriously injured, two
others were slightly hurt and two
escaped injury. The most seriously
injured is Ralph Prevett of Chain-
paign, 111. His left ankle was crushed
and at the hospital it was said that
amputation of the foot would be neces-
sary. He was alsp badly cut and
bruised about the body.
Lee Stone Bracker, Champaign, Ill.,
sustained a broken arm, scalp wounds
and body bruises. S. D. Graham who
said he was an attorney at Urbana, Ill.,
and L. R. Makwell, Champaign, fifth
occupant of the car went to the hos-

Oklahoma City, Nov. 23.-The prob-
lem of the Ku Klux Klan inherited by
the Oklahoma Legislature from its im-
peachment fight with T C. Walton, de-
posed governor, came to the front
openly in the senate today and became
the center of the most spirited discus-
sion since the special session. opened,
Oct. 11.
Defended and assailed in turn the
Klan was declared by its friends to
be a righteous organization standing
for "law and order" in the midst of
crime, and branded by its enemies as
a revival of the organization of civil
war reconstruction days.
The exchange of views in which
senators made little effort to veil their
personal affiliation was marked by a
display of feeling unprecedented it
the session. Opening the day with
what is regarded as the first revela-
tion of the strength of the opposing}
faction, the Klan proponents won by
a vote of 23 to 13 in their fight against
making public m embership rolls of
secret organizations, the senate set- I
tied down to several hours of grim
But at the end of the session a sec:
and roll call revealed virtually the
same alignment. Voting on the
amendment that changed but slightly
the provisions of the previous clause,
the senate rejected it 23 to 15. A pro-
vision was adopted providing that
officers of secret organizations should
{ be filed with county authorities.
Senator Jack Barker of El Reno,
one of the oldest members of the sen'
ate, his voice quivering with emotion,
declared he had seen the Ku Klux,
Klan at the end of the Civil War and
at the present and that the organiza-
tion today is the child of the early
E. T.. White, state representative
from Bryan county, announced today
that various anti-Klan organizations
would be represented at a general(
conference which would be held herel

of the Students' directory and
the present date, and it is with
a view of bringing addresses and
telephone numbers up to date
that The Daily is making this
All members of the University.


.from the Union rooming bureau that :
odge Declares maintained in the lower corridor c
For Tax Reduction the Union by calling at this bures

Washington, Nov. 23.-While declar-I
I ing in favor of tax reduction Senatort

Landladies who have had rooms to
rent have listed them with the burea'
together with a description of the roor

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