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November 23, 1923 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-11-23

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Yale, Licked Four Straight By Harvard, IJII J I~l~FR(OSII COURT CALL
NowPeaigFor Hard Battle Tomorrow IIILflI FLIL ORt F OO r > ThAL M
Practice for the candidates for
1,G TIN Rgul ithe freshman basketball team who hv be u o ot~i il1



Will Try Voulse This IRay L. Pisher, I f - O:~ P~ity ire }lard1,0111d:t
Afternoon I Coach. ~in
osca nr111 P 19 The Varsity cros t team rO4LIIit !IILU4 igattakLawell11U
will arrive in Columbus early this PlH, CIP I" l 5_2Tiif j anced, overhead game, a superior kick-
morning where the Wolverine lar- ° f ru IL i l ing offehse, and an uncanny ability to
rier wil viewiththe onfeencetake fullest advantage of the breaks,
Mrieos tweglmvie wicntributeCooftheence
schools, Ames college, Kansas, M vict ^o r oftealForihm e oerthe R-
C. and Butler for championship hll Playing a supzerior offensive Lind de(ictoyo h rsmnoe h e
an(] dale laurels of the Wpst. fensive game from theo start imt11tihey serves yesterday afternoon :at Worry.
Varsity, cross country cach, Ste-. final whistle blew, Beta Theta Pi ie- field.
?then J. Farrell, will send his ath- feated P'hi Chi, 5 to 2, for the raternity Cook scored the frst _wtoruch~owrl.
letes through a short but snappy1 specdiball chamepionship yes'.erdav at zn the opening period when hre made a
workout over theo.Columibi.s course ,ernoon, before a large ;roved ofyad unfr ixpont. do
this afternoon. The Buckeye bourse is! tators. The contest proved to be the kick: added the extra point fay;,thir
one of the poorest in the conferene ahardest fought and cleanest playcl that yeavrlings. The flashy 'fullbact was
as it is up and down steepi hills most (1has )ben seen on lerry field this fall.;lalso responible for tho second ctsc:ore
of the way. The cours e is also rocky AfMter winning the toss andi :-hoositig when after' a freshman advance don
and full of ruts. Ohio State, ;me of north goal to 'defend, Beta. Thleta PF1 the. field to the 20 yard line Cook
the teams the Wolverines wvill have ,kicked off. The ball Was kicked and!I squirmed h~s way thirgI most of the
to watch thle- closest will have a de- passed back and forth in the mniddle f Reserve team over the last white
cided advantage at the start of tbe 1the court before either side had a stripe.
race as they Nvill be running on fain- chance to score, which came wh i ti! The fin~al score came in thte last per-
iliar ground. losers were given a chanct to coins Ilod whien the Reserves fumrbled on
Steve announced yesterday that hie tfiron Iig from. a pienalty .kick. 1{ei rj their own 15 yard line rind Wagner,
will send Qaptain Arndt, Davis, Rear- blocked it and tile bazttle once snore one of the Parl'ng ends, plcled tip the
ick, Bowen, R-einke and (Iriffen tarte nte dl o h il ui ball andi circled the fank for a touich-
stre.i h '2di ftefedutlagainst the field and hold S henefield j Betar Theta Pi received a cha' ic r t I down. The Reserve~, then held for the
on the sidlelines in rciserve in ca el1kick from the penalty zone. I-11 1yinemiiander of the l ain.
anything should happen to fle r egu- ilanr~ ri tc~" ri 011i I Thetawork of (Tho lrtntmnrr

TheWolerie ggrgatoni a wel !nol~e o;itof bounds., On the throw
Thaned oxne aggratisown in tiwelin Allen J) assed it to Moore wrho im- Y
balacedoneas as how inthemediately returned it across the line to .
meet against the Badgers last Satur- ithe waiting ar~ms of Allen for .twoe
day when the Maize and Blue runners
completely outclassed .the Madison points.
runners and breasted the tape in a Soon after the second quarter open-
bunch, only a few seconds separat- eed Phi Clhi advanced the ball within0
ing the first man from the fifth. The ;scoring distgnce and on a forwardT
fOhio State team is tivak wl en itI pass, Cooper to Beck, tied tihe score.,
comes to balance. Wikoff andl Payne The Betas soon came back and Roth c
are powerful runners but their team- c aught another pass behind the goale
mates are mediocre. - I for two more points for his aggrega-.
Individual honaors in the run will tion. From then on until the end of "
probably be hotly contested for by the period., the game was about even t
Davis and Arndt of Michigan, Tatylor with Phi Chi having the edge but lack-
of Iowa,, Brown of Mihmesota, PayneI ing the punch to put the oval acrossr
and Wikoff' of Ohio State and Mier-! for a score. f
her of Illinois with Brown and Taylorl (Continued on Page Eight)
having 'a slight edge 'on the others It
fudging from past ex periences. Piper Two Wolverines, Joe Horner and
of Wisconsin is also a runner of na; Ralph Craig, were .placed onl James E.
mean ability. ~Sullivan's AlAeia track team in
The conference run is the last meet AllAmei1.
for no less than five of the Wolverines a-
as Captain Arndt, B~owen, Rearick, Da-~ Six Wolverines gained a place in the
vis and Griffen will receive their1 Intercollegiate track finals, at Cam-
sheepskin~ in tihe spring.. bridge. May 26, 1911.

lmofT, and Baer \were thy" featuares of the
iearlile; Play, While i tnTi)y, "Kratz,;
Corr and F3oster, the fleserv,:3 snow
edmen who should make it rough go-
ing fo'r most any aggregaticn.
The Reserves lined-up M th "elling
and lruger on ends, GMFIdein rand Cor-
ry :on tackles, Edwards aZid B',cn on at
guards, Blahniik at center, Day playinw
lua.rter, Mote andWalker onl th,) halv-
es and Monahan at fullback. 'lie
freshman line-up was Keller andl Wag-
ner on "the flankls, Lang and '_laer ain
tackles, Morrison and Hail on guar(Is,
Nanrery ait'enter, with 'Donn off, St am-
mnan, Bowles and Cook in the lback-
Oi dhio State tied M ichigan 3-3 0 t A
S$, 1910.'
A W" SIRTS $2,50
Collar Attached.l New Styles
Specially Priced.. Coige Early.,

The rival captains, Bllii Mallory of ;Yale, Left,. and Charlie Huibbard of HarvardJ. -Blow, an interesting photo of a
YaleHarvard gamei of 1:112. Caiflaiii Wlendell of Harvard, indicated by ball, is scoring touchdown after plek-
lug up ball, fumnbled by Wheeler Of Yale. Harvard won, 20 to 0.

II Tephone 1i65

i'N/gR11 1
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will look much better if pressed


once in a while.
clothes here today.
our work better.

Send your
Yo6u'll like

RUILE AGAINST SUNDAY PLAY jman with the wonder .toe-the- gent
who sits nervously on the side lines fore
So determined are the, colleges, or- a whole game just to go in at the
dinarily called' "The Big Teh", to'right moment and score three points
taomp out promiscuous Sunday corn- with a field goal. Three points loom
Detition that they have passed rule6 'up big in any game these days,' Ask

WhiteSwan LAI

,, m nriray





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