THE MICHIGAN DAILY , I 114,400Berlin, Nov. 22.It is understood the Ghost Of Uarnpus Workshop-4,0LiePr 4 v r Bavarian government has decided t Leaves To O Joi est H-all' Inch 'jts Record issue ag,a loan on a dollar basis, -- af pledging ate ~esoures; amount not Ii 1111_____________vet fied. itE Y IrI vE I For the first time in many years, last The 'unattractive grey building wsi lines can be rled n an finch "o metal It's tri1efficency to use Daily y a____machine_______w__nch_____s______ke________n__the__ night a benign moon beamed down on -one of the first ever built forth byamcnewchikptn the Classifieds.-At)y. Entertalnmnit and Clothing Will Ble the ground where once the sturdy j University. It was at that time the ofleo rfI: F akro h Funrnished to Local iddies campus workshop stood. Two walls heating ln o h aps n a physics department. This machine is PtoieTeDiyAvries the fgrptartliog tnineceversbuilt.wat__,_PatronizeTheDaily__Advertisers. 4y S. C. A.j and a partition are all that remain; Iacodi directly in its center so as to byefistProf.ngneevr.bul. I WWIs designed 'yPo.R-,Rowland, of the quondam edifice; and it is esti-j be handy to all the structures it was o on okn nvriyo~e 4 STUDENT AND FAULTY TO mated that within another 48 hours1 to supply. In that time it was little;yasgr j peIl $ .5 BE CANVIS0I ()FR rFL:NDS the last brick will have been carried suspected that the power house would The lino5 are ruled by a diamond{ ARROr7 7fo h ie oeayb eryaml itn rmiWeClsIRtSacjw.O _____ romthesit, smedy b nerlya mle istnt rompoint. riding over the face of the metal, , Whte follrtahd Yueieentertainment and clothing, oeo;h bidnsblogn otewhich must be highly polished." The. .'aefo 6 o~.( University.' metal rides on a carriage which is E .i'II~-:~ 4 [I fbr 'more than 200 needy local chil- Enuds re da dren from hospitals and homes will! few weeks ago the little stone" controlled by a screw of 1-20 inchi ^^"shack" proved that although nearly pitch. This screw is turned by a gear be arranged by the entertainment com- gnitwa not forgotten. E C. havin g720 teeotheprodcing a range ot r , one wa 14,400lnst h nh oite f the' S.C.A. according to Ares- }{.........~** Mack,'8,wohdcm frm is Te acewihisteppry ent lan. 1?ndsfor he artywhih Ihome in Chicago to see the Ohio State ; of John s-lopkins university, will rule 1. wil. t.keplae Dc. , i Lae hllgame and was looking over the cam- a surface of ix inches long and has 1 QAS FEETRIAL yOetm'ne ifa ny f will be supplied by a campus drive k"u,. rle a ona esw h oric srk.. ~ y~~t.iO*ibgate and by special contributions from fac- ors hothta ontl ecangs E F ~ P O E T L NG E TP I S AVI G U z utmebr.atlittions and rearrangements on the FO H~ TLTVFJ fMNHYPY eSmtha Th apinwl rbbyb ae~campus there was one thing that look-; ______ ~mseefiJo~ tesofhwodad aerfu on the campus from Dec. 3 to 8. The ed the same as it had back in '83, and FREEBOOK'OP FATS a proceeds of this drive will, go to, the ta a the small gray building that (Continued from Page One) aa+,biiar auao pohlreofhopary ndothcaedcloing rstandis almost in the shadow of Uni- U. S. air service at Selfridge fied, Mt g S~uDENTS 1der ur Seal tudeent'Customers oh chidreswhtar noacaed orClemens. { A WmONY salsPan you can n ot oilyay for your swutypewriter, but -ear cas beside t e Sure by fraternities and sororities.! Since its constructon it has served The resignation of Prof. L. C. Ab-, to Geit.Mlinforation o~i"Speoialp~ffxj. The committee in charge of the en-v. successively as heating plnfr Mt- ott of the medical sho.wsacp-_ tfr eteraimen, i~ludngpary io an wrksop Wile iwa ed by the Regents. Professor Abbott and fraternity house arrangements,.ts u pni uigisuei bas assumed a position in the Shril- 'c Tdy will be headed by Robert Stevens, '25 Ilreeog tpoe qa o every hospital in St. Louis. Dr. arlM chairman of the S.C.A. entertainment'!ah ftes uctos'Mn e Badgley, 18, was appointed nstu c- CouonA ate department. Lawrence E. Dooge, '24, =. the times in bygone days when the or in surgery. Ralph Byers, '24, David Bromberg, '25, boiler-house siren shrieked forth, and Miss Ellen M. Sargeant, '16, of De-' ]?14. .I. m Charles A. Steven s, '26, Clarence Kern- in urig ru!f"axlay troit was made a member of the board p°owad" e~c *n e stn 2,EmrF ate,'6Rt firemen, followed by a band of inter- of =governors of Martha Cook dormi - 34shparvwfidng p12"ataer Raki,'2, ois Glowy,'4,ElSir Alred Roiid. ested students, rushed to the old en- tory of which she was the first house gov icasgQ luraTHarvey, '25, Thelma Stevenson,, Sir Alfred Mond nickel magnate gine house to wheel forth the little red president. Miss Sageant did ntlIei '24E, Jessica Megaw, '25~ and Verona'admnse fhat ne ai hmcletnuses ad lde work overseas during the war as a] Moran, '25. i~1Cog sgvnceltfred aosadds hmoft oe nurse and is at present 'hea of th me ........................................ Th-emesofte.omttew l y ere sgvncedtfred aosad ahte 1t oeIDistrict .Nursing association'of e Themeber f 'th, cmmtte wll lg the feud between ex-Preimier campus fire. ascertain this week-endl, if possible," Herbert Asquith andl Lloyd George, As a storehouse andI workshop the troit. y, andNo ................................ how many children every fraternity' andl arraxing the reunion between building has served as a convenient] and sorority house will entertain and them. fr lclbhouse fr the aniorial staffbe foraa!'alll' l.I .Oo P;le lQ amiy....................State......... clothe. Some of the fraternities, it is ,nmbro years.Th ground on' exp~ected, will contri;)ute money for n which it stands will be used as a park-_ the "Christmas work', f nzwr tng;w ine rs f ng pace.A AA AAAAAAA*A'A The committee will supply a> Cbrst- ______ tree for the campus as in the past Name o(Concert: Postponed years, decorating it Dec. 6. HughDet h lns fSme .c-.. Dufiel, '4, illrepeset te cm- Commttees for the senior niner wood, director of the Universty Sym- mittee on the Student council. ing class have been appointed by Ir 'phony (chestra, the concert which win E. Stegmeler, president of the 1 was scheduled for Sunday, has been TI[TPclass, and arc as follows;: Finance !pit nedl. ~s :1'K 7T ~~ TO I. \. Preston, chairman; C. E. Shep1 prd, F. J. HIlildebrandt, . A. Mill' anoma ov, 22.---.ont, the gov- I1 IN 4 Jj .fl JL.. Adiin, me liat ~s decided, will not be per- I Fair anks charman B. . Krtz, R Yl ted tor vote at the 19 24 elections. I 1 , i I I I i I 1 i i i ERead The Daily "Classified" Columns .. -- . -/ = '/ ,.- I Craftsmanship --is expressed ina Of CHENEY CRAVE~ Master craftsmen patterns, weave tailor the cravats.k name, (2heney, in ti CHE1}F'Y, BprQ~ppR Mk.srofChcmO Stijr every, thread 'ATS. idesign the hie, 1s Usand Look for the he neckband. IVADHAMS. & ,CO. fF. WUE1LTU tA914t0 N. F. ALLEN-&, CO. ? AJCKi &.CO. § 1 J, ". hkALALAA &A." ,"Z . vA A A A AAA v v v v A..v A A.&. A7AA~'fl AA A A AA 'Av !! t -- i a r _, . _ 'i =' ,t II .. J z /"K:) I jt r,~ r "( ~fT5 /J Ir_ _ w_/ f , .. _ /ZN . 7/--'u I oyih~.s The__Houea_______________ 4I ~1 r# r A.: a _ - - - - «-. af n m use o JAI r upeneimr l Ge th'act ~APLY busliessp principles to :the purchase of.your clothes. .tXionsider the q uality of the fabric and timigthe / - workmuanshaip, the style, the [it; and the price. consider GOO0,0D CLOTHES M.. n this basis, and compare them with any other clothesr you know. We'are content to abide by you~r decision, 2 No F. Allen co. 211 $OUJTH MAIN STR~EET i 7777 7 .... .s., .v .r ,r r .. Lti..t Y . r. '. r WWWW4 Vn,1 I]is .wwil u' l~ WAA-XT,11'.0. . ._. .1__. __ _ _ _._ _.__ 9I'I R.r p