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November 23, 1923 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-11-23

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.OR t r t

VOL. XXXIV. No. 53



-_ __ _ __t__ _ __ II


Officials Anticipate Completloll
Pool Before Close Of
School Year


Bids for the completion of the
Union swimming pool are being re-
ceived by engineers in charge of the
project and will be acted upon by let-
ting contracts for the beginning of
work at a .meeetlng of the building
committee of the Union which will be
held in a short time. The meeting
will be held when all bids on the
pool are in the hands of the engineers.
Can Start Work
Funds pledged for the support of
the pool obtained in the recent drive
to get 2,000 students who would
pledge $5 in the form of a swimming
ticket and additional cash that has
been on hand for the pool project,
make, the step possible. , With the
moneythat is procurable through
these two means and the other funds
that will be obtained through the Fair
that is being platined for somie time
in the spring, it is possible to start
actual work on the pool.
The work for which bids are being
let will include tiling, brick worl, and
similar operations. The locker rooms-
that were originally constructed will
be changed to allow a number of
showers to be put In,, another firm
carrying out these changes. A fil-
tration plant that will be used to pur- i
ify all w4ter that is used in the pool
will also be installed, making the pool
one of the most complete and best
equipped in this section of the coun-
Ready in Spring
With work actually started in a few.
weeks, as will be the case if the bids
prove satisfactory,;the pool will, be
ready for use befoi-e school closes inF
the spring of this year. This will
allow those, who purchased ticketsfSo
swims to use thdm this year as 'well

Good Acting, Artistic Staging
Characterize "Cosi Fan Tutte"
By Ruth A. Howell were clear and brilliant, and her low
Delightful in every respect was the ones steady and distinct.
presentation of Mozart's comic opera ,!Ellen Rumsey, taking the part of
Dorabella, the other sister, possesses
"Cost fan Tutte", last night in Hill a voice of richer quality, though not
auditorium. The story in itself was so true. It savored more of a con-
most entertaining, and 'became the tralto quality. Judson House proved
more so through the medium of good himself the owner of a fresh, and ex-
acting, excellently trained voices, and quisitely lyrical voice and sang with
most artistic staging, making the per- extraordinary power and marvelous
formance one of finish. smoothness, a velvet voice. The oth-
From the point of view of a drama- er parts were well taken; the singers
tic porduction the most outstanding possessed consistently good voices
and pleasing effect was found in the and effective stage presence.
coloring, of scenery, lighting and cos- 1The music itself is outstanding. It
tume. A daring use of pastel shades is truly Mozartean; it. ripples , it
in the gleam of silken curtains and tinkles, it flows smoothly; it is never
dainty gowns r'avished the eye, yet re- heavy, but continually buoyant and
sulted in a pleasing, harmony. The harmonious. The piano accompani-
costumes throughout were most at- ment was well done, but slightly ob-
tractive, their daintiness and gayety trusive at times.
In keeping with the air of the produc- Three arias were especially notable:
tion. that sung by Dorabella: "Ah, woe!
Symmetry characterized the action Oppressed my heart," in a melancholy
and the sets; perhaps too much so. mood and well suited to her voice; the
The business of moving, of acting, of "Firm as ledges by sea surrounded,"
standing, of singing continually in in which Irene Williams was at her
twos came to pall after a bit, partic- best; and Ferrando's "Surely, He'eri
ularly on the vision. would so charming a maiden." The
It'ene Williams, in the role of Leo- balance of voices in duets and sextet-
nora, did excellent work, both in sing- tes was most commendable. The sing-
ing and acting. Her voice is sweet, ing and acting of Despina, the maid,
powerful and true, and her, personal- seemed superficial and was rather
ity charming. She sang with ex- disappointing.
ceeding ease and gave evidence of be- The performance embodied situa-
ing capable of a most remarkable' tions both amusing and dramatic:
range of tone with consistent perfec- which were most ably handled
lion of quality. Her highest notes throughout.

Committee Plans Short Program; Band
and Varsity Cheerleaders to
be Present
Michigan will gather at 5 o'clock
this afternoon in Hill auditorium to do'
homage to her team and pledge them
support in the crucial championship
battle of tomorrow. Students from
the entire University, faculty mem-
bers and graduates from way baick
when Michigan firstsbegan to turn out
championship teams will be present
at the pep meeting to see that there is

Washington, Nov. 22-(By A.P.)-
Congressional leaders, irrespective of
party, are proceeding with caution in
their consideration of tax revision
and the question of a soldiers' bonus.
Among the many conflicting opinions,
only one stands out-that precipitate
action on- either proposal is to be

Dean* Mortimer E. Cooley, of the
College of Engineering and Architec-,
ture, who will be honored tonight by
a huge banquet, in appreciation of his

long service to the


plenty of enthusiasm for a victory. Must Do Something
Plan Short Program I In the opinion of practically all of
As this is the last and homecoming the leaders, republican, democratic
rally of the year the committee has and republican-progressive, Secretary
planned what it feels is an inspiring Mellon's announcement that the na-
program, short and peppy. Speakers tional tax bill can be reduced by about
to put fight into the men, cheerlead- $323,000,000 has stirred such a gen-
ers to direct the vocal demonstration eral demand for tax reduction that
and "that fighing band" will all be congress will be obliged to enact some
present to see that the meeting is a sort of a revenue revision measure.
huge success. But a. tax cut at the expense of the
The doors of Hill auditorium will soldiers' bonus is certain to meet with
be opened at 4:30 o'clock. At 5 o'- determined opposition in both houses.
clock the Varsity band will march in Suggestions already are being put
playing "The Victors". The words for forward that neither of the two pieces
this and the other songs will be flash- of legislation need be sacrificed at the
ed on the screen and the entire as- expense of the other. Pointing out
semblage will join in the singing led that the bonus bill vetoed by Presi-
by the Varisty cheerleader from the, dent Harding called for an expend-
platform. i iture of only $80,000,000 the first year,
John W. Kelly. '24L, master of cer- proponents of a bonus argue that it
ermonies will be the first speaker. At is impossible to enact that measure
the close of his talk he will introduce and at the same time make a very
Lionel Crocher, '18, of the public' substantial cut in the tax burden.
speaking department, the faculty Will Discuss Reduction .
speaker for the occasion. Slides of There is an impression at the cap-
Coach Yost, Captain Kipke and" the " itol that the president will devote
squad willbe thrown onthe screen a considerable portion of his message
following this talk. "The Varsity" to tax reduction and his recommenda-
will then be sung. tions are expected to follow in .gen-
Shields to Talk eral the plan recently outlined by Sec-
Edmund C. Shields, '96L, is the man retary Mellon. The executive's posi-

William H. Heath, 2eE, Elected Cap.
taln of Second Year
Contrasting the enthusiastic fresh-
mai class pen' a eeting of the previ-
ous day, only a handful of sophomores
turned out fo.r their, class gAthering
yesterday to organize' for the .fal
gaxoes..William H. Heath; '26E was
elcted captain for the, encounterF

Hanks of Adventurous Souls Thinned
by Law's Forces and Toll of
Highlands, N. J., Nov. 22.-The
law and the ever clutching hands of
the deep have served in a year to work
great changes in the personnel of
the "Marine Liquor Transportation
association limited" the unregistered,
unincorporated organization of' High-
landers who dare the risks of running

who, is expected to put the will to
win into every Michigan man so that
he will fight with the team to the
finish. Mr. Shields, who is a prom-
t atSimn's in*Lasinz. wa&*. w hile


as next. ~u V . y+,w~ Saturday and, appointed",.hits4lieuten-
The collectin of .money on ;the anats to aid in the 'underclass fight.
tickets sold will take place in ecem- Howard A. Donahue, '24, manadeing
ber or shortly after Chr.istnias vaca-H
tion. This will allow the n'cessdry Editor of The Daily, and Donald C.
funds to be in the hands of the engi- I McCabe, '24 chairman of the Student
neers at world on the 'project, as they council committee in charge, outlined
are needod. . the"rules of the games.
. The lieutenants named by Heath
Football Gar- 'last night are as follows: G. S. Sni-
der, R. S. Dewey, H. B. Koenig, T. J.
Appears Today Clark, G. G. Thorne, H. G. Goebel, A.
C. Litheredge, J. P. Vose, H. W. Mac-
Announced as a football number, the Duff, J. K. Warehame.'
November issue of Gargoyle, campus Predict Hard Fight
humor publication, will appear this I With the yearling organization com-
mor b The agzinewfroma corethIs plete and their declaration at their
morning. The magazine from covert meeting Thursday of the intention of
to cover will deal with the sport of i beating the sophomores, a hard fought
the hour. contest is anticipated tomorrow. The
From the brush of Albert T. Peck, freshmen also held another meeting
'25, Fillmcoebthe. covlert ay of their. officers Thursday night to
na '25 willolome otrecomeriportringamake their plans of attack. From all
predictions the sophomores will have
scene at a gridiron contest. Two oth- to rally between now and the time
er full page sp1~eads will be devoted when the whistle blows tomorrow if
to football subjects. On practically 1-they intend to beat the determined
every page will appear figures in men of '27
moleskins or scenes within the walls The games will begin promptly at
of a football stadium. 9:30 o'clock tomorrow morning 'on
Even the opening editorial will be Ferry field. They will consist of the
devoted to the subject of the big con- obstacle race, cane spree, and flag
test scheduled for tomorrow. "Foot- rush. Two points will be given for
ball Days" a series of illustrations the class winning two out of three
from the pen of Halsey Davidson, '2$ 'Iraces in the first event, one point for
will portray humorous and familiar the victor in the cane spree, and in
incidents on the day of a big game. ithe flag rush two points will be award-
"The Book of Backus" will be a bill- 1 ed for the first pole and one for each
cal parody of the story of the game, of. the outside poles.
to be played tomorrow. I The classes will meet as follows to
Departing slightly from the . sub- paint up, organize their respective
ject of football, .garg will present in bands, and make final preparation for
this issue a full page drawing by Mar- the .fray: the sophomores at Water-
ion Van Every, '24, accompanied by a man* gymnasium, the freshmen in
short poem. "Do You Want to Speak -front of the Union. The freshmen
in Hill Auditorium" will consist' of a will march down State street from the
page of human references to the re- Union to Ferry field; the sophomores
'cent controversy over political will march down East University to
speeches. In this article will also South University, west to State street
be included references to certain well- and south to Ferry field.
known campus speakers. The rBand 'To Orgaize
____________The_ order of events will be as given1

tion with respect to the bonus remains
a subject of speculation. Some White
House callers have gained the impres-
sion that his attitude is not unlike that
of President Harding's but even they
are uncertain whether he will present
any recommendations as to soldiers'

intoxicants from the ships that come ! n the U s Ity, on the Vars,
and go on Rum Row. in the University, on the Varsity
Lgiquor running from the Row has ball team for five years and activ
been started again. With the approach erally among the student body.
of the holiday there are five ships, two "Yellow and Blue" will be sung
steamers and three schooners anch- ing the meeting. Stewart R.
ored out' there. Last January there '24L, is chairman of the Student
were 15' at one time and small smug- 4s committee in charge of the
gler boats swarmed about them. meeting.
Few Boats Remain meeting._
The smugglers' boats are not so Research Club Meets
many now and there are left but few Members of the Research clui
of those lawless spirits who carried a regular meeting in the Histol
on the expensive smuggling of last laboratory Wednesday at which
January when Rum Row was first es- were given by Prof. W. F. Colby,
tablished off Ambrose Light ship. physics department, and Prof.
Mfore than a dozen are gone. Six are, Goodr'ch, of the Law school.
in jail, the bodies of four roll on the
sea floor off the hook, and two, upon Tower is Still Solid
who.se head the law has set a .price Londop, Nov. 22.-Experts sa
are men without a country, but deft- Tower of London won't fall dov
ant still, remain in the illicit trade. at least another 1,000 years. Rum
Their places have been taken by oth- had it that the ancient build'ngs
t ers, but their going and the manner cracked and in denger of colk
of it took a deal of the daring, a bit
of the braggadocio from their old com-
rades. There is no more wideopeni Sophom ore P
unloading of whiskey cases on the
small docks of the, Shrewsbury river.pen L
There is no more daylight tuning up Ot
of boats by the runners._
Stealth PrevailsT
Extensive protective measures, such To all men of the class of '26,:
as the acquipping of the larger "stout"' Last year we. as freshmen, w
boats with radio to maintain com- applause of the upperFl'assm,
munication with the shore, have been showing our unusual amount
taken. The rank and file meet at at the time of the fall game
nights in a pool room or night lunch you remember we gathered
room, but there is none of the loud times and showed the sophomor
talking of last year, none of the brag- that we were full of energy
ging such as "we have brought in name of an exceptionally spirite.
one hundred cases tonight" or "to has come to be ours and now as
blazes with thn agents", fall games come near at hand
For "Lucky Dan" biggest and bold- no action seems to have been
est of the smuggling crew is gone so far toward the present fr(
down with his boat which they say class, some believe that our spi
one night was struck by a one pound gone. Is this really so? or
shell from a government cutter. And we grown out of such childish
"Whiskey Bill', the big Swede whose times as rushing theaters-an
defiance of the government agents al- that invariably results in disas
Iways was outspoken, met a similar It is now the opinion of all
fate. His boat capsized in a heavy classmen that our life is still e
sea when he was running from a coast but that we are demonstrating
guard. Two others fell over board another manner; a manner tb
while dumping their cargo as a fast fits one who has graduated fri
coast guard sped toward them. unsophisticated status of a fre
Talk Proves Downfall Why should we be so foolish
The half dozen now in jail talked gather in mobs, raise general
too much and were taken one night and become a veritable nuisanc
I while returning from the Row. eryone in this vicinity? Ther
"Jim Dandy", the tall, slender fel- j logical reason for it. There isn
low who used to be "king" and "Ag- to fear that there will be pi
rippo". his aide used to brag that sophomores at the games tomor
they would never be chased from the take everything with case.

'e gen-

ss the While they are in favor of tax re-
g clos- duction, several of the new senators
Boyer: from the west have gone on record
coun- against any plan that will eliminate'
e pep the soldiers' bonus. Senator Ship-
stead, farmer-labor, of Minnesota, de-
clared today against a tax reduction if

Character and Services of Man Will
Receive Mark of Appreciation
At Dinner
Dean Morticer E. Cooley of the Col-
leges of Engineering and Architecture'
will be honored at a banquet to be1
held at the Hotel Statler in Detroit
at 6:30 o'clock tonight, which more
than 5,000 people are expected to at-'
tend. The dinner is being given by
four engineering organizations in De-
troit, the Detroit Engineering society
the Detroit section of the American
Society of Civil engineers, the Detroit
section of the American Society of
Mechanical engineers and the Detroit
and Ann Aror sections of the Amer-
ican Society of Electrical engineers,
who are in this way endeavoring to
honor the character and services of
Dean Cooley.
The dinner has no connection with
the Dean's temporary retirement, ac-
cording to members of the committee
for the affair, but is an independent
effort to pay respect to a man who
has done much toward the advance-
ment of his profession and his coun-
try's affairs.
Edwin L. Denby, '96L, secretary of
the navy, President Marion L. Bur-
ton, Chase S. Osborn, ex-governor of
Michigan, and many other men prom-
inent in national and engineering cir-
cles will attend.
Frank E. Doremus, mayor of De-
.troit, will make the speech of wel-
come, followed by the introduction of
the toastmaster, Mr. Walter S. Rus-
sell of the American Society of Me-
chanical engineers. The following
toasts will then ben given in honor of
Dean Cooley: "At His Boyhood
Home," Judge Robert F. Thompson of
the New York Supreme Court: "As
Cadet and Ensign," Ira N. Hollis,
president of the Worcester polytech-
nic institute: "As Professor of Me-
chanical Engineering," Ernest B.
Perry, manager of industrial works
at Bay City; "In the Service of His
County," Mr. Denby; "On the Yose-
mite," Granger Whitney; "As Dean o
Engineering and Architecture," Pres-
ident Burton; "In the Engineering
Profession," F. Paul Anderson, dean
of engineering in the University o
Kentucky;' "In the Federated Ameri-
can Engineering Societies," Phillip M.
Moore, vice president of the Federat-
ed American Engineering societies;
and "As a Companion," Mr. Osborn.
Tickets for the banquet have been
sent out by the Detroit Engineering
society and the seating will be ar-
ranged by the numbers stamped on
the tickets which correspond to the
numbers on the seats.

In a series of emphatic resolutions
voicing disapproval of "the growing
tendency to transform the amateur col-
legiate contest into a pubic spec-
tacle", the Board of Regents at their
monthlysession last night wenthn
record as opposed to any of the vari-
ous plans recently proposed for en-
ormous expansion of the University's
football stadium at Ferry field. The
Regents' action was aimed specifical-
ly at the recent suggest.ion that the
University solicit a fund of $1,500,000
for such a purpose, the reason for the
opinion being "the othervery proper
demands that have been and may be
made upon our graduates and the con-
stituency of the University"
Would Finish Concrete Stadium
, Although discountenancing "the
present undue emphasis upon Inter-
collegiate athletics" the Regents rec-
ommended completion of the concrete.
stadium heretofore considered, which
will render available about 13,000 ad-
ditional seats at football games, mak-
ing the total possible attendance at
such contests, 50,000.
"Intercollegiate athletics should be
conducted primarily for the students
and alumni of the competing institu-
tions, for their friends and families,
and for the immediate constituencies
of the participating schools," reads
the statement. "Consideration must
be given to certain very practical as-
pects of the problem arising out of
the limitations of a small city such as
Ann Arbor. Spectators imst be' pr-
I vided with meals and housing facil-
ities. Special trains require railroad
yards which do not exist .and- could
only be provided with great difficulty.
The parking of automobiles is already
a perplexing problem."
Recommendations in behalf of the
establishment at Mihigan of a epar-'
ate school of business administration
were heard bytthe Regents who an
nounced that they wouldlookwith
favor upon any difinitely formulated
plan for the foundation of such a
school. Prof. Edmund E. Day of the
economics department appeared be-
fore the meeting and proposed the
organization of a five-year course
ending with the degree of master of
business administration, three years
of which would be occupied with work
In the literary college and the last
two in the newly-created school.
Deans Favor New Plan
Professor Day stated that his sug-
gestion had the sanction of the Deans'
conference and that it was in keeping
with the tendency of such schools as
the University of Pennsylvania and
Harvard university both of which re-
quire thorough preparation for busi-
ness administration study. Under the
arrangement advocated, Professor Day
would retain his position as chair-
man of the department of economics
In the literary school and would also
be dean of the school of business
administration. It is expected: that
these recommendations will be defi-
iely formulated and passed upon fin-
ally at the December session of the
In regard to the question of the
use, of University buildings' for
speeches which arose in connection
with the barring of George W. Wick-
ersham from Hill auditorium on the
grounds that his address was "polit-
ical propaganda", the Regents adher-
ed to their policy of being guided by
the opinion of University officials.
President Marion L. Burton was au-
thorized to obtain from the deans of
(the various colleges their attitude to-
wards the framing of a set of regula-.
tions covering all such cases. The
Regents expressed confidence in the
judgment of the deans and signified
willingness to abide by their decision.
Plan B Abolished
The Regents voted to abolish Plan
B for admission of students to the
- literary college, this to take effect
- in March 1925 and therefore appiying
- to all persons who seek entrance af
ter that date. Plan B provides that
e persons seeking admission to the lit
r erary college, may enter conditioially
. without presenting one or more of thE
r prescribed units: English, foreig;
t language, algebra, geometry and lab-

a oratory science. Under the new rul-
e ing, unqualified compliance with these
s prescriptions will be necessary to gain
- entrance.

b held
of the
H. F.
ay the
wn for
or has
s were

it means the death of the bonus, while
Senator Wheeler, democrat of Mon-
tana, said he is for the bonus above
everything else.
Research Engineers Last to Move
Research engineers are the latest to
move from the Chemistry building to.
the new quarters. Prof. A. E. White,
of that department, and those under
his supervision have moved. Partitions
are being torn down and some are be-
ing built up in order to create new
class rooms.

residents Address
ter To Class Of


everal IT EXTERNALLY. Be true to that
. Thassreputation that we have gained-that
The lass we are a progressive class and des-
s these tined to do bigger things than merely
and ase annoy people. STOP, THINK, AND
1 ta YOU.

Members of the class of '26 gath-:
ered last night Sin the Union at an
informal smoker sponsored by the
entertainment committee. The pri-
mary object of the smoker at this time'
was to stimulate class interest for the

above. In the flag rush three poles
will be used, the flags being places:
on top. The sophomores will attempt
to capture by breaking through the
ranks of yearlings gathered around
the foot of the poles.
Sophomore band practice will be
held at 4:30 o'clock this afternoon in
the reading room of the Union. At
this time plans will be completed for
the band for the games tomorrow, and
a suitable costume will be decided
upon. Those in charge wish to stress
the fact that a great amount of exper-

eshmen j
rit has
r have
h past-
g it in!
hat be-
sm the.
as to
eto ev-
e is no
enty 'of
rrow to


George Snider
the Sophomore

Hubert Goebel,
the Sophomore Engineering





The Daily editorial staff can
use a few more tryouts. Repor-
torial and night staff positions
are immediately available to such
Only men who have been en-
rolled in the University for more

All members of the Union may ob-
tain mail order applications for tick-
ets to "Cotton Stockings", the eigh-
teenth annual Union opera, at the
main desk of the Union today. Life
members who did not receive thei
applications may get them at this time
All applications both for yearly
'members and for life members must
be mailed to the Union by tonight in
order to receive any preference. The
preference will be given in all case,
in the order in which the applica



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