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September 29, 1923 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-09-29

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Air Ar



1 1



Archbishop Of
Sweden Comes
To Tour U. S.



Fie Coaches and Engine nGo
River: Roar heard for
Many Miles.'


Wishes to See Ilow America
With Outstanding


Casper, Wyo., Sept. 28.-An ni-
known number of victIms of the
wreck of the Burlington Casper-
Venver passenger train Number
1 0 wrecked last night near Lock-
ett, still were in the submerged
cars of the wrecked train tonight.
Conservative estimates of the
dead is believed to be 40 some
persons authorities claiming that
more lost their lives while rail-
road authorities claim fewer were
Casper, Wyo., Sept. 28.-The loss of ,
life late Thursday night when Chi-
cagQ, Burlington & Quincy passenger]
train No. 30 went through a bridge
over Cole Creek, 14 miles east of here,
is estimated at approximately 40 per-
sons. The stream, which flows into
the Platte River at this point and or--
dinarily is dry during the summer,
was swollen by heavy rains Thursday
and the roar of rushing water over the
coaches could be heard for three
miles. The engine and five coaches
dropped into the creek.
One passenger coach was swept 100
yards into the Platte River, which at
that point is more than a mile wide.
It is believed that no passenger in that
coach was saved, because by the time
rescuers could have given aid the
coach had rolled over on its side and.
become completely submereged. j
Snow Stops RescueE
A,ll rescue work had to be tem-
pgrarily abandoned at 2 a. m. Tt
began snowing about that hour, after
24 hours of continuous rainfall. No
bodies had been recovered at day-
It still was raining this morning.-
One sleeper was left on the track
where it had been derailed at thet
brink of the stream.
The rescue of eight persons in-
cluding women and a baby, was a
feature of the wreck. A rope was
ru from the passenger coach to the
Glenrock side of the creek and seven
made their way to the shore by work-
ing their way over the rope, hand over
An Many in Smoker
} unidentified man reainedI
on the coach to the last directing the
rescue and made the last trip byy
himself, carrying an infant with him.
.Accordlngs to previous reports, the{
smoking car was crowded with men.
The local ticket agent reported that
e 'hod sold 66 rikets from Casper
for ,hs train,- which was made up I
here and was bound for Denver, where
it was due at 10:05 o'clock this morn-
Clarence Goodman of the Crucible!
Steel Co.; R. P. Johnson of the Amer-
Ican Steel Co., both of Denver, and
Julius Gunther, prominent Republic-
an leader of Douglas, were among!
those known to hav taken passage
on the train for Denver.
Washington, Sept. 28.-Informed
through a seriesofconferences ast
to 'the situation faced by the wheat
growers of the central northwest,
President Coolidge expects to meet
with Secretaries Wallace and Ioover
within a few days to determine what
'remedies may be applied to the ills
of agrculturists throughout the
New York, Sept. 28.-Papyrus, win-
ner of the English Derby. announced
to meet America's master race horse
fOr a $100,000 purse on October 20,
arrived tonight on the Aquitania. He
was in good condition on arrival,
Daniel Jarvin, his trainer, said.
It has been a long established custom
for Michigan men to go to the neigh-..
boring town of Ypsilantil in search of

fair partners. There is no need,
howe'ver, to go outside of our own fair
city for anything else. if you have
anything to buy or sell, call

' j
Archbishop Nathan Soederblom, photo-
graphed since his arrival In the Un-
ited States.
Archbishop Nathan Soederblom, of
Upsala, primate of the Church of Swed'
en, has come to the United States to
lecture in the larger cities. He is an

international figure in

clerical cir-

Sarazen, Victor Last Year, Wins Ove
Bob Cruickslank in Semi-
Pelham Manor, N. Y., Sept. 28.-(By
A.P.)-Rather easy victory came to-
day to Gene Sarazen and Walter Hag-
en in the semi-final round of the pro-
fessional golfers association tourna-
ment and they will meet tomorrow
for the title.
Sarazen, wnner of the champion-
ship last year, disposed of Robert
Cruickshank of the Schackamofon,
club at Westfield, N. J., at the 32nd
hole of their match 7 up and 5. Hag-
en champion in 1921, eliminated "Dap-
per George" McLean, of the Grassyj
Strain club, Bronxville, N. Y., 12 and
Despite the fact that he was only
four strokes over par for the entire
round, Cruickshank always was
struggling. He appeared the same
"wee Bobby" who set the galleries
athrill during the open championship1
at Inwood last July while playing thel
first nine and was as cocky and con-1
fident as ever when they strode to
thq tenth all even.
But the four birdies in a row that
flew off Sarazen's club on the next
four were a bit too much.

London, Sept. 28.-David Lloyd
George, today was given a stirring
send off by the members of the Amer-
ican Society who gave a luncheon in
his honor on the eve of his depart-
ure for a tour of Canada and the
United States. The former premier
said he was going to America neith-
er to make speeches nor to write a
book, nor as "a missionary or boot-
legger", but principally to thank Can-
ada and the United States for their
help during the war and to see how
a modern progressive country like
the great American republic has dealt
with the outstanding problems of the
Admires American Progress
England, be said, was part of the
old civ'lization which at times seems
afflicted with decay but which whenl
aroused gives ample proof of its vi-
"Europe, just like Ninevah, is re-
building each shattered habitation
with trowel in one hand and sword in
the other," declared Mr. Lloyd George
"I desre to see how a continent
which can build with both hands is
With his accustomed elequence and
force, Mr. Lloyd George described
America's entry into the war- when
as he puts its, France was bled white
England staggering, Russia prostrate
Serbia and Roumania isolated.
Praises United States
"Just at this juncture," said the
speaker, "America entered doubtless-
ly and took her stand by the side
of the hard pressed armies of Great
Britain and France. We can never.
forget that gallant act."
The former premier said he had al-
ways felt that the American people
believed that in him they had a kin-
dred spirit. He had throughout his
E fe gained constant inspiration from
America's greatest men, notably Ab-
raham Lincoln, and tomorrow he is
to start on a journey to the country
"which I regard as the greatest mira-
cle of the West, where man has risen
from the dead past to a new hope."

Students who wish to secure tick-
ets for the 0. S. U. game with their
athletic coupons according to class
prefernee mst have t'eir applica-
tions in tomorrow. On this day all I
coupons will 1):3 fil l according to
classes and tickets alloted for the
senior, junior, sophomore, and irlesh-
ma.n sections in the stadium.
After this date studIent coupons will
be filed according to the time re-
ceived and no consideration will bE
taken of class preference.
Mlichigani IRepertory('omupa ny Gie~s
Initial Performance
Playing for the first time before an
Ann Arbor audience and opening their
fall season here, the Michigan Rep-
ertory Theatre will give Hubert Hen-
ry Davies' three act comedy, "The
Mollusc", at 8:15 o'clock tonight at
their producing playhouse, the Whit-
ney theatre.f
The presentation tonight is to bei
the first of a series of plays which
they will present here this year.
"The Mollusc" will be repeated on
Monday and Tuesday nights and will
be followed by Saint .John Ervine's
"Mixed Marriage" which will be given
the rest of the week.
The play itself, sa'd to be the most
brilliant comedy of the well-known:
English dramatist, is a study of the
character of a woman. The author
places under observation a familiar
form of female parasite, which he'
chooses to call a mollusc, a sort of
shell-fish which clings tenaciously to

Anticipated That Stressetnan Will
Soon Appoint Ambassadors to
Berlin and Brussels
Paris, Sept. 28-(By A.P.)-"Pru-
dence" was the watchword ton'ght in
French official circles to which the
situation in Germany appears more
than ever puzzling.
There is an impression that the
Derin government is trying to see
with how little the allies will be con-
tent in the way of formal repudia-
t'on of the measures of resistance in
the Ruhr.
Premier Poincare, it was authori-
tatively said, will not be satisfiled
with any more repudiations; he is
waiting for the resistance actually
and permanently to cease and for the
industrial heads in the Ruhr to ac-
cept the situation.
When all this is an accomplished
fact, the allies will proceed to make
the Ruhr pledges as productive as
Possible with the cooperation of thei
heads of the industries and further
reparations negotiations will be al-
lowed to wait until Berlin makes
some move. It is anticipated that if
the government has matters under
control Chancellor Stresemann will
appoint ambassadors to Paris and
Brussels at an early date in order
to resume negotiations in the regu-
lar way and it is thought likely that
he will propose a new scheme for
payment of the reparations through
the diplomatic channel thus establish-

As minister of police in the Strese-
mann cabinet Herr Gustav Noske may
become virtually dictator of Germany,
if threatened revolts break out as a
result of the government's action in
ending the passive resistance move-
ment in the Ruhr district. Noske is
regarded as one of the strong men in
the Stresemann cabinet.



rocks. JL13I UIIiJVILVIU11I L11 Forming the basis of Michigan's I
The production is directed by Fred- cheering squad for this year, 24 men
eric McConnel. Kather'ne Nick Kel- [G R reported to Lyanan J. Glasgow, '2.",
ly and Carl Reid will appear in the ONLOF ilast night at the Union for the first
cast through special arrangement _practice in tryouts. The next meet-
with "The Playhouse", Cloveland. ROBINSON, MV INL Y, MCIiELLAR. ing will be held next Wednesday night
The company has been playing this B1AhI' FROM EUROPE, at the Union when these men and any
week in various 1%lichigan towns. On GIVE OPINIONS others desiring to tryout for the six
Monday they presented "Mixed Mar- remaining positions on the squad will
riage" and "The Mollusc" at Pontiac Washington, Sept. 28-(By A.P.)-- compete before members of the Stu-
and on the following day appeared Conflicting views on the League of dent Council and the temporary Var-
in "The Molluse" at Ypsilanti. They Nations were expressed here today by sity cheerleaders. Elections will be
gave two more performances in Ypsi- a group of senators just back from made at this time.
lanti and then appeared before a a trip to Europe. Senator Joseph The Student Council has made an
Mount Clemens audience. T. Robinson, of Arkansas, the Demo- investigation of thecheerleading ys-
The purpose of the dramatic or- cratic floo' leader, asserted that the tem used i the larger universities in-
ganization as given on their announce- league "is not dead nor dying." . the countrye with the view *f conn
ments is to allow Michigan audiences Senator William J. McKinley (Rep.) into one system that may be followed
to see good modern plays, intelligent- of Illinois said Article 10 was dead intoo.
ly directed and adequately acted. and the league had no political in- The.
iflu en cc. The squad this year will be com-
fn.posed of one Varsity cheerleader and
SSenator Kenneth McKellar (Dem.) six assistants. In leading the yells
of Tennessee, declared American par- they will work simultaneously instead
ticipation in the league would have of individually as has been done in
"wholly prevented the strife, bitter- former years.
WILFIH OM N s ee guroing ndnfson inhichpe we!y thoroughly practiced for the Case.
nes, trmol ad cnfuionwhih w Itis planned to have the squad
- The three senators were delegates gameinstead of trying them out at
ZANKOFF FLA;S ECONOMIC OR- to the Interparliamentary Union at that time making the selections the
I tER ANI DE'LAIES WILL Geneva. following week before the Ohio State
SOON )WIN WORLD Mr. Robinson, who was in Geneva gamey
-- when Premier Mussolini refused to Two new Michigan yells have been
Sofit, Sept. 28-(By A.P.)---"Bulgar- recognize jurisdiction of the league submitted to the committee. These,
i w tlin the controversy with Greece, ex- if found suitable, will be publish in
w pressed the opinion the league au- The Daily next week and practiced at1
strength not only her own battles but thorities had not acted unwisely in the first pep meeting. A new type of
the world's struggle against commun-' turning the question over to the Al- uniform may be used by the squad
ism," sad Premier Zankoff. He as- lied ambassadors, under whose or- this year.
ders the slain Italian mission was The Student Council committee in
sr ed that communism, after shat working. The league, he insisted, was charge of cheerleading is composed
tering civilization in Russia, was try- highly instrumental in effecting a set- of James A. Rice, '24, chairman; D'on-

Mortimer E. Cooley of the Colleges
of Engineering and Architecture a
leave of absence for the second semne ;-
ter of the present school year.
D)onatl lionsA nouneed
Donations to the University were
the other principal announcements
made at the meeting which concludd
yesterdlay morning after a three day
session. The most important follow:
Mrs. Edward W. Pendleton of De-
troit, donor of large sums to th' Un-
ion, has given $2,400 for four classical
fellowships in the University.
Mr. Oscar Webber and Mr. Richard
Webber of Detroit have contributed
$1,000 to the humanistic research
Mr. E. B. Williamson of Blufton, In-
diana, honorary curator of the Uni-
versity museum, will provide for a
zoological expedition to Mexico dur-
ing the coming year.
Lehn and Fink, pharmaeeutical
manufacturers, will give a gold medal
annually to a senior in the pharmacy
college for outstanding scholastic
The Central States Pediatric associ-
ation which will meet in Detroit Oct-
ober 18 has been invited to spend
October 19 in Ann Arbor. Clinics and
a luncheon are to be arranged.
Resignat ionReceived
Announcement was also made of
the resignation of Miss Grace Millard
of Detroit from the board of govern-
ors of Martha Cook dormitory.
The resignation of Dr. Eloise
Walker, physician in the university
health service, was received. Dr.
Margaret Bell, of Chicago, was ap-
pointed to succeed her with the title
of physician in the University health
service and associate professor of
physical education in the department
of hygiene.
George and Paul Holmes were
recommended by the adjutant general
of the United States army to the two
patriotic scholarships established at
the University for disabled veterans
of the world war.
Grand Rapids, Sept. 28-(By A.P.)
-Choce of Ann Abor for the next
annual convention and election of
,City Manager Fred H. Harris of Es-
canaba as president were outstand-
ing events of Thursday's session of
the League of Michigan Municipalities
at the city hall.
Other officers elected were: Vice
president, Mrs. Margaret Johnson,
city commiss~oner Ludington; secre-
tary treasnrer, Bates K. Lucas, city
clerk, Owosso; directors, Bruno
FPencki, city commissioner Monroe;,
CnodloeIH. Rogers, city attorney, Pon-
tiac; Julius Tisch, mayor, Grand Rap-
ids; Frarnk King, city clerk, Flint, and
Louis H. Osterhouis, city attorney,
Grand Haven.
Episcopal ins Hold Paty
More than 200 Episcopalians attend-
ed the dance which was held at Harris
Hall last night. Dancing was in
vogue from 8:30 until 12 o'clock and
refreshments were served throughout
the evening. This is the first of a
series of dances which will be given
at Harris Hlall during the coming
Rumania Offers Aid
Bucharest, Sept. 28-(By A.P.)--
Rumania is said 'to have offered Bul-
garia military aid if the Reds get
the upper hand.


Ten club swinging policemen to-
day broke up the annual Freshman-
Sopohmore rush of Columbia students!
who blockaded subway entrances in
Morningside Heights, and held up sur-
face cars for half an hour.
As the crowd dispersed, torn
coats, bloody noses, and black eyes
were in evidence while a corp of
Freshmen's blue caps tossed to the
ground where 250 first year men.
claimed to have beaten off 200 Sophs.I




Washington, Sept. 28.-President TUG-OF-W AR KILLS I
Coolidge. in the couarseof an inter- /-s IIl- N -

view at the White house today with s
Sir Roderick Jones, head of Rueters "The Third Internationala," he said,
the English news organization, spoke Utica, N. Y., Sept. 28.-En route "plans to extend sovietism to the
very deliberately about the way in home on one of the fastest steam- other lalkan states and then to
which the people of Great Britain are ships, Mr. and Mrs. William Burke.'.
dealing with their debt to the United of Summit, N. J., lost a race with sweep westward. In spte ot our
States. death last night when their son, Wil- weakness we are determined to win
The President told Sir Roderick he liam Burke, Jr., 17 years old, a Col- the struggle or die in the attempt."
believed the British people would find gate freshman, died at the Colgate in-! The Premier referred to the limi-1
that what they were doing would be firmary, from injuries received in a tation placed on the strength of the
well forth the efforts required of them tug of war between lower classes last Bulgarian army by the Treaty of Neu-
to conclude the repayment of the Thursday. illy, and continued:
great loan. He equally believed, he Burke was anchorman and tied the "Bulgaria is a firm believer in in-
said, that the people of the United I rope about his body. The rival class-{ ternational disarmaments, but with
States would find well worth their men won the event and dragged Bur- all her ne ghbors and the other Euro-
while the sacrifice they had made in ( ke and companions for a distance." pean nations armed to the teeth thei
connection with the loan refunding. Burke's stomach and intestines were experiment of disarming Bulgaria
Great Britain's action, in settling her ruptured. alone proved the fallacy of the theory
debts had produced a great impres- His parents were in London' when of leaving a helpless nation in the
sion in the United States, the presi- they learned of his illness. center of an armed camp."
dent said. The Premier then said that the.

tlement. Geneva, through the league,
he said, had become a clearing house
for European troubles.k

ald W. Steketee, '24, and Howard B.
Hoffman, '24M.
! IInnrR lr PflIDT iflulin flr


UPON Oklahoma City, Okla., Sept 28.-
Constantinople, Sept. 28.-The Brit- 1 The state supreme court today do-
ish postoffice, the last of such estab- nied a motion by George F. Short, at-
lishments maintained by world war torney general, for a rehearsing of a
Allies, has closed. The Turks took case involving the legality of a state
over all mail. wide election set for October 2 and
Preparations for the formal evacu- ordered the election held.
ation have been completed and the All that now remains to prevent
famous Turkish Iron Division is soon a vote on an initiated bill allowing
to enter the city. The exodus of the legislature to convene itself is
Greeks, Armenians and Russians con-, option by the court on an application
tinues, all outward bound ships being by Gov. J. C. Walton for rehearsing
crowded. The cancellation of west- 1 on his appeal from the decision of
bound traffic because of the Bulgar- Secretary of State who held the peti-
ian situation has added to the con- tion initiating the measure was legal.
fusion. The court indicated Governor Wal-
The Soviet Repatriation Commis- ton's application would be taken up
sion, arriving several days ago, still in conference tomorrow.
is held in quarantine, a circumstance Oklahoma City, Okla., Sept. 28.-
which is understood to be causing the The area of stringent martial law in
government some embarrassment. Oklahoma was widened tonight when
Several thousand - Russian refugees ; Gov. J. C. Walton ordered national
still are here. Many of them are pol- guard troops to Kayne county in re-
itical personages and it is believed sponse to an appeal from district
that the Soviet is trying to bring Judge C. H. Smith of Cushing. The

Striking Pressmen Return
New York, Sept. 28-(By A.P.)-
Striking pressmen of former local
number 25 after a stormy meeting to-
night agreed to accept the terms of
the New York publishers and the In-
ternational union and return to work
tomorrow. The only condition to their
acceptance was the stipulation that
none of the men should be penalized
in any way for their strike.(

7 ,

Turks in Germany Aroused World War Allies, through the Coin-
Berlin, Sept. 28.-Turks in Germany mission of Military Control created'
are aroused at reports in German by the treaty, had authorized the Bul- ,
papers of friction between Kemal and garian government to increase tbje
many of his adherents. military forces in the country to
such strength as was deemed neces-'I
Albert Herbert Dead sary to cope with the trouble in the ,
London, Sept. 28.-Albert Herbert, interior,
half-brother of the late Earl of Car- The newly enlisted militia is being
narvon, is dead. rapidly armed. Prisoners taken by
the Bulgarian troops carry improved
Germans Fighting in Dresden ! rifles of Russian design, while the
London, Sept. 28.-Central News ' tactics employed by the rebel officers


The Michigan Daily needs
about ten Sophomores or second-
semester Freshmen to work on
the Business Staff. An excellent



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