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Muirhead in Good Shape Again; Will require a great deal of football to
Be Most Dependable Unit stop.
on Line Final Game for Martineau
Captain Earl Martineau will play his
IILLER MAY GET CHANCE TO last game for Minnesota on Saturday,
PLAY AT IND, VICK AT FULL and will put everything he has into
this game. For two years the stirng
With but two days remaining to half back has proved a serious threat
against the Yost coached eleven, and
prepare for the invading ophers, Iboth times, although he played on los-
l ichigan's rejuvenated Varsity eleven ing teams, he gave remarkable exhibi-
is receiving the final polishing that tions. His favorite stunt is to run
will be called upon to keep the Maize around one end while his interference
and Blue at the head of Big i runs arcund the other, or to run
and skirt the opposite flank. This
race, Saturday afternoon. year Martineau has a team that is bet-
Although it is difficult to forecast ter than either he played with the past,
what lineup will represent the Maize two year., Graham, quarter, Lidberh,
and Blue, it is practically certain that half, Ec1slund, end,nd d Gross, tackle,
Steel and VanderVoort will not face are all players of unusual ability. Gay
the Spaulding squad at the opening and Abramhson are a steady pair of
whistle; but there is some hope en- guards.
tertained that Steele will play for -
a while. It is also probable that
"Dutch" Marion, diminuitive left end, 1127kr-
Will not start as he has been bothered ,"UI11UIIIII [Llh
by a nerve in his shoulder all week.T
MarIon May Not Start
The shoulder has been in a sling allw .
week, and Dutch has been unable to
take part in the heatier work. Neisch, Freshmen harriers are putting the
who played a fine game at Madison, last touches on their training for the
Will start at left end if Marion is kept all-yearling run which will take place
out of the game. Curran is in shape at 3:15 o'clock, tomorrow afternoon1
again and will play his usual end. on the Geddes Avenue course.-
Hawkins will start in Steele's place It is generally conceded that the4
and Babcock will again play in race for the championship title of the1
. Vandy's place at right tackle. Slaugh- freshmen will resolve into a close race,
ter, who will play the guard, may be between Hornberger and Butler, who1
shifted"to center, which is his original finished in a tie in the last trial meet.-
position, when Steele gets into the The former has the edge and it would
battle. not be surprising to see him gallop-
lurhead Dependable Tackle ing home in first place.
Brown is scheduled to take Jack Any men, who arrive at the starting
Blott's place at center, having given a point later than 3:15 o'clock, will be
splendid account of himself on offense unable to enter the race. Last year
and defense when he went in the game several of the most, promising men
at Madison after Blott's injury. Brown failed to appear on time and as a re-
is not as reliable a passer as Slaugh- sult were eliminated from the race.
ter, but should develop, being but a Prizes which will be given to the
sophomore. Muirhead will play hi est finishers have been anouned.
regular tackle, and will be in the best The first thresx men will receive cups,
of shape for the hard battle. He the first six will receive 1k27 jerseys,
should be the most dependable of the' and the next six will receive tickets
Varsty inesento the Majestic theatre.
Varsity linesmen.
The Coaches are spending consider-
able time with the individual players M innesota Off I
iyfth the aim of getting the individuala.Fo A Arbr
parts running perfect on :Saturday. F rA niro r
Second team players have been the
recipients of much of the Coaches' at- Special to The Daily
tention, so as to be flt to enter the Minnesota, Nov. 21.-Coach Spauld-
game at any time. ing sent his proteges through their
After the individual work yeserday, final workout on home soil this after-
the teams were sent through a long I noon, and at 6 o'clock this evening
signal drill, rehearsing all the plays the entire team entrained for Jackson
that have been given the team for the Mich., where the team will arrive Fri
Gophers. It is almost certain that the day afternoon at 1 o'clock. Friday
1aize and Blue will uncover some new afternoon will be spent in Jackson,
formations that will baffle the visiting aereteeawill goethrogha.kfina
team. With Rockwell in the quarter where the team will go through a final
teem Wih Rckwll n te q~ jdrill preparatory to proceeding to Ann
back position again, the opposing ends Arbor Saturday morning.
will have to keepralert lest he swing
wide~or a ong rn. (This afternoon the team had a Sig-i
Vick at Full Back nal scrimmage with the yearling elev-
Kf V to r I acken which used Michigan plays while
Kipke and Steger will assume the
half back burdens, and with any kind the Gopher regulars attempted to
of help from the line should succeed solve them. The team was exhausted
i0 giving the Wolverines a strong at- at the end of the aair although no
tack. Vick will probably start as full- i bodily contact was allowed. The
back because of his uncanny ability Michigan pass plays which have been
to heave forward passes. The coaches successful -against Ohio, Iowa and
have been experimenting with Ae R Wisconsin were carefully studied and =
1iller as an end. Red played th at the close of the practice session the
clank position when in high school, coaches expressed pleasure at the way
but became a back when he entered the team went .through the drill.
Michigan. Whether or not he will Every regular on the Minnesota
see service, at the extreme end of the team is reported in the best of condi
line is merely a matter of conjecture. i tion by the trainers and the team will
With Vick at full, Michigan will 'be in as good shape when it 'goes
again call for the open play, using onto Ferry field Saturday afternoon
Steger to hit the line at intervals to as it has been this season. Earl Mart-
keep the Minnesota backs in close. Vick ineau, the "French flash" is expected
will also carry the ball on wide end to play the best game of his career
runs. This gives the Wolverines a set i this week-end, when he completes his
of four backs who can skirt the ends, term of service on the Minnesota
and are fast enough to stay together eleven.
as interference.
The Minnesota squad left last night Tokio, Nov. 21.-The Nichi says the
for Jackson, where they will stay until United States supreme court decision
tomorrow afternoon. The squad is in! upholding the California Alien Land w
good shape and showed last Saturday Act is "clearly discrimination."
when it smothered the Hawkeyes 20-7
that it possessed an offense that will Patronize The Daily Advertisers.
- --I U11 UIU I L11 hILL It
The day of days has arrived forl
certain aspirants for the fraternity Seven Men Leave Tonight to CompeteI
speedall championship of the Univer- in Annual Event; squad in
sity, Beta Theta Pi being scheduled to Good Shale
meet Phi Chi for the championship atd
4 o'clock this afternoon, on south Fer-
Phi Chi scouted the Betas in their HAVE GOOD CHANCE TO WIN
recent triumph over Nu Sigma Nu and
according to the information given out The Michigan cross country team of
by Manager Cooper, has devised plays seven men will leave for Columbus
'in the kicking division that will spell .
victory for his team when the open- gW1t
ing whistle blows, to cop first honors in theConference
Beta Theta Pi remains intact after cross country run Saturday.
its recent game, none of its players The Wolverines experienced little
having been injured, and are confident difficulty in walking away with first
that Phi Chi will go home on the short honors in the run last year when Dg-
end of a small score. bert Isbell led the whole field to the
Competent officials have been select- tape, turning the coursi in almost rec-
ed for the game and many of the past ord time. Davis or Captain Arndt may
shady decisions will not appear again. be able to turn in a first for the Wol-
verines this season but they will have
Following a conference of the offic- to run strong races with such men as
sials in charge of the fraternity swim- Wickoff and Payne of Ohio State,'
ming meet yesterday afternoon, Dec. Brown of Minnesota, and Mierher of
10 and Dec. 12, were selected for the Illinois.
preliminaries and the finals. Entries Rearick, Reinke, Shenefield, Bowen1
may be made any tme until 5 o'clock, and Griffen, the other Michigan en-
next Monday afternoon at the Intra- tries in the meet are in the best of
mural office. Absolutely no men will condition and can be counted on to run
be allowed to compete who enter after a stellar race as all have shown their
that time. ability to run in past meets. One of
those men will have to be contented
The games scheduled for the fra- with watching the race, as only six
R c®ESERVES BLERS Micigan F i s
In Big-Ten Wins
iN FINAL UME of YEAH Chicago, Nov.21 By A .)
BY "BY" TEAMS PREPAE FOR IIARI)ES1 a mong Western Conference football
Ct)NTEST OF SEASON teams in the percentage of games won
,,F .r i0,k and lost since the Big Ten, as now
TIIIT FUNNY WORD FLUKE Iconstituted, was formed in 1912. The
A pcnchant for using the word Wolverines have lost the smallest
FLUKE is in evideiie in the news- What promises to be one of the hard- Wolvern esave ls he sallest
I - I number" of games, but also, have partic-
papers this season. On several occa- est fought football battles of the year ipated in the fewest
sions the word has been used when it will take place this afternoon at Fer- Michigan has played 22 Conference
actually referred to a play which was ry field when Coach Fisher's Reserves games in the period covered, while Il-
legitimate and purposeful in every stack up against Coach Mather's squad linois, standing at the head of the per-
particular. The sport writers, how- of yearlings in the final game of the centage column, has participated in 5
ever, seem to think that it may b season for both outfits contests
used to indicate any UNUSUAL P,1 Although neither coach makes any Seven Big Ten schools have a rating
which is not the case. The word extravagant claims of superiority or higher than .500. Indiana, Northwest-
FLUKE says Roget's Thesaurus, is any cock-sure predictions for a smash- ern and Purdue, are the weakebt in
synonymous with "lea in 'the dark, ing victory both feel sure that' their the Conference, none of these institu-
"luck", blind bargain", 'chance shot", charges w'1l give a good account of tions having a percentage higher than
and other expressions. themselves and make it hot for theim .286. Purdue is at the bottom of the
opponents. Each team is in excellent heap with a percentage of .200-eight
The word FLUKE, Roget's says physical condition and every man on victories, 32 defeats and two ties.
is directly synonomous with the both squads is anxious to get into the The Conference standing to date
word CHANCE, which he gives as I fray and show his "stuff." since the admission of Ohio State in
the key-word of the entire list of 11 ntls
kd n s I During the regime of Mather as 1912 (not including last Saturday's
synonyms. and'as a Aef~ mentor of the Freshmen teams the games) follows:
inition of the word CHANCE, he first-year men have always emerged School Won Lost Tied Pct.
gives us "ABSENCE OF PU- Ivictors from their annual contests on Illinois,........36 17 * 5 .679
POSE IN THE SUCCESSION OF the gridiron with the Reserves but a Ohio State ....27 16 1 .628
EVENTS.'' !comparison of the respective merits Chicago......37 22 3 .627
It is difficult to belive hat of the teams this year silow that the '27 Michigan.....13 8 1 .619
there was an "absence of iur- j warriors will have to do some tall Iowa ..........24 16, 0 .600
ose" in JThck Blot s fallIng on hustling to pull through with a vic- Minnesota .....25 20 3 .555
a blocked drop kick over the tory today. The Reserves have a Wisconsin.....23 20 6 .535
Iowa goal line for a touchdown wealth of experienced material to pick Indiana.....,..10 25 3 .286
of the ii naillatinto bellce- t fromi and the men realizing that this I Northwestern .,.13 40 1 .245
Rockwell, was just fooling tIleh afternoon's melee is the last of the Purdue......8 32 4 .200
Re ranfo as tousldow ngm .he I year will tit forth their best efforts to
hernfor a touchd4own last. ,at- so.te smn.( S
ulrdlay. Stillthe spor e lrl y it y w estop the D'eshmen. ri i C u"
a word to indleate tme play v hith So far this year a complete Fresh- B OCk M -W?
by all the rules of the king's man first team has not encountsered a Include Onl M en
English is grossly errciwoiis. complete Reserve team. Scrignmages
between the squads has been confined
It wasn't a fluke that, won the game merely to play }between second teams Men students who are making plans
for Ohio State two years ago when and incomplete first teams. Today's to taken their girl to sit in the West
Stuart picked up a punt that appar- skirmish therefore will be the only stand at the game Saturday will do
ently was a dead ball, under the very real critirion of the supremacy of well to make sure that their extra
-noses of the Michigan team, and ran i either crew. tickets are not stamped with an lf,
for a touchdown. It was Michigan's las this signifies that the bearer is
funeral. Anti Stuart was, qprobably 1 to form a part, of the block "IM"a
fnes ral. t And Stuath wa poab rule or a part of a rule will -di formation in which women are not
in his right mind all the-ay to the reetly apply" pmtted.
goal line. _ 1pglnI td
ternity handball tournament are being ,
played off rapidly, three of the teamsI
already having fought their way to the
third round. The balance of the sec-
ond round matches must be played off
by 5 o'clock this afternoon and are as
follows Alpha Sigma Phi vs. Phi Gam-
ma Delta, Kappa Nu vs. Sigma Phi
Epsilon, Tau Delta Phi vs. Phi Beta
Delta, Delta Sigma Phi vs. Phi Chi,
Alpha Rho Chi v%. Delta Upsilon, Sig-
ma club vs. Phi Sigma Kappa.
Following is the speedball sched-
ule for the balance of the week: 4
o'clock, today, Phi Chi vs. Beta Theta
Pi; 4:30 o'clock, tomorrow, junior en-
gineers vs. fresh engineers, medics vs.
winner of senior lit-soph lit game.
Case Speaks Before Journal Club
"The Permian in South Africa" was
the topic of an address delivered last
night before the Geology Journal club
by Prof. E. C. Case, of the geology de-
partment., Professor Case spoke of his
research in the Karoo region and in
the vicinity of the Victoria falls of,
the Zambesi river.
runners from each team are allowed
to compete in the classic.
Besides the Conference schools.
Ames, Ohio Wesleyan, M. A. C., and
Kansas will enter teams in the meet.
In the past Ames has been represented
by powerful harrier teams and it is a
sure bet that the school from Iowa will
give Michigan something to worry;
about Saturday as they are represent-
ed by an experienced aggregation this
season. Ohio State will be Michigan's
other big worry. In an early esason
meet, the Buckeyes succeeded in nos-i
ing out the Wolverines by four points!
ut the defeat was largely due to Harry
Davis turning an ankle in the early
part of the race. In this same race the
Ohio State captain, a runner with a
goodly string of first places to his
credit was unable to finish te hrace
due to pains in his sides. So it can
be seen that Ohio State will enter a
stronger team than the one that defeat-
ed Michigan in the early season meet.
The squad will walk around the hilly
Ohio' State course tomorrow so that
they will not be on unfamiliar ground'
in the run Saturday.
M. A. C. outweighed by Detroit and
slated to be snowed under by the the
Schultz machine last Saturday, wonr
by a safety, which the newspapers
were also pleased to call a FLUKE.
"Sport writers license", which is
greaterteven than "poetic license",
does not give those worthies the right}
to revise Webster or Roget. Let's!
eliminate the word fluke from the
sport vocabulary.
Chicago, Nov. 20.-RepresentativeI
Graham of Illinois announces his can-
didacy for Republican leadership of
the next house, opposing Represent-
ative Longworth of Ohio.
Patronize The Daily Advertisers.
Somber colors only are wanted in
the "M" and the well known par-
tiality of the fair sex for gay hued
wearing apparel makes it necessary
that they be excluded. Students
who applied for extra tickets were
given them in other sections, the tick-
ets stamped M going only to men stu-
San Antonio, Nov. 2.-lieut. Paul
T. Wagner, 33, is dead as the result
of a fractured skull when hisplane
collapsedin mid-airduring ana
It would seem that "any play to
which a rule or a part of a rule
will directly apply", should neve
be referred to in any fashion that
would disparage it or tend to dis-
tinguish it in a damaging way
fron a ny other play "to which a
- I,-
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It -
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A production worthy of a week's run in Ann Arbor, and a tour to New York, Chicago,
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Annual members should call at the main desk in the Union today and tomorrow for ticket
applications. Remember you must mail the application together with your remittance back
by tomorriw night. Insure getting good seats by indicating several choices of performances.
If you name only one performance, it is possible that best seats for it may begone. Mail orders
will be filled in order of their receipt, so get yours in at once.
Absolutely all mail orders must be in by tomorrow night, life members as well as annual
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