THURSDAY, NOVEM(BER 22, 1923 THE MICHICAN DAILY PACE THRM rninn I T.pFACULTY WOMEN'S CLUB WILL books to be sold in the houses, at the gymnasium. All members are asked! Any members of the Y. W. C. A. IU IVO j ENTERTAIN AT TEA FRIDAY r Women's League booth, University to be present and to hand in their who are interested in variou phases rhall.committee lists at that time. of oster making, are asked to leave The Faculty Women's club will give itheir names at the office of Newberry ALUMNAEa tea from 3:30 to 5:30 o'clock tomor- asse in indoor gymnasium will be An itemized account of all expendihall. row afkernoon in the clubhouse, 226 gin on Monday, Nov. 26. :ures made by the bazaar committees Soures mngalbs shreetzaahechostesses oGA GE IN PnELasINAtrY WORK will be MIs . Seassoen.H. Juniors who have not paid their Jun- should be sent to Rosalind Freund at On accont of the playing off of the E OF I:MN PRLIAN LARY E Gu;wldinge Mrs. . . auffn, M rs. I.J junoswohventadthi n'Helen Newberry residence before Dec.; final game in the interclass hckey OI MICHIGAN LE AGUE 'Goulding, Mrs. CI.KauffmanMrs. or Girls' play tax of $Will be person3.' tournament, and the pop meeting to be AAN. eien scd t. theW. hnge ally solicited during the next two held before the Minnesota game, the Mr.'Joh~ Attention is called to the change ;weeks. By Dec. 3 the names of all There will be a meeting or the execu- Women's League party that was to be Mrs. John R. Peck, '06, president of in date of the play to be presented by those who have not paid their tax will t ve board and the chairmen of all given Friday has been postponed until the Toledo group of alumnae, presided the dramatic sections of the Faculty be posted in the Daily. committees of Masques Dramatic so after Thanksgiving. at a spec'al meeting of the executive Womensday, Dec. 6,n- ciety at 10 o'clock Saturday in Bar- to Wednesday, Dec. 5. The notices committee of that organization which were mailed before the date was The Junior Girls' play committee bour gymnasium. The chairmen of The Girls' Mandolin club will hold a was held on Tuesday at!chlanged. .will hold an important meeting at committees are requested to have all regular meeting at 5 o'dlock in New-- T da. At- this meeting which)' 10:30 o'clockiSatrday in Barour reports ready for this meeting. berry hall. Read The Daily "Classified" Columns An Unusual Pisplay of Fancy Head Bands, Fancy Flower and Sloulder Straps for Evening Gowns. Also Slipper Buckles and Brilliants. Moderately Priced. PUYEAR & HINTZ 328 S. MAIN STRFET I ,. was called at the suggestion of the ce fral campaign committee, inform- atin concerning alumnae in that ,city and neighboring vicinities .was gather- e tgether as a preliminary to the in- tensive campaign work which is to be carried on in that locality.: The Toledo women are considering suable members 'for a committee on publicity under the chairmanship of Mrs. Guy Locking. They are also con- sidgring alumnae for the phairman- slis of other committees not yet formed, but pnecessary for the coming campaign. The alumnae of Toledo have been orY9 nized for some time and are great M igan enthusisats, having always a sttt ng representation in any project of ~lie University. At the present. time they are ;particularly interested in the1 Mi migan Union opera which is to be1 gi en n Toledo on Dec. 14. A num- bor: of -Chose women' hold prominent po itions in that city. cl afmniagesale ,which came to a closa recently, netted the group $175, w ih will be applied to their campaign quata fund, and the selling of Christ- ir~ cards on commission has already brought tn $400, 50 percent of which r-p-esents the net proceeds to the! clmt. SENIOR SOCIETY WILL INITIATE I Club leader's training course will meet at 7 o'clock today in New- berry hall. The program will be on "Club Organization and Program Planning."; Any women's house on the campus which would like to take a number of small dolls to dress for the hospital children, are asked to call at the Y. W.1 C. A. office at Newberry hall. Although the work in the Christmas workshopj is progressing rapidly, there is still op- portunity 'for more workers, and wom- en who can volunteer their services are asked to report today and tomor- row afternoons in the workshop at Newberry hall.{ All Panhellenic ball committees will meet at 4:30 o'clock today in Bar-1 bour gymnasium. All women who paid $1 for the chap- eronage fee for the trip to Madison are entitled to a refund of 25 cents and are requested to call for it at the office of the dean of women. Presidents of sororities and league houses are asked to appoint a woman to take charge of the sale of candy in ra t n . r--,. ar : *~%d?' " Ln F3 r 1 vs~i r' a ;:; f , . , , ;, a, I : . r < r . 1 ,, ' - . .;, , Hose ivith sporting propensities Here are the hose that will be in accord with the occa- sion. Brushed wool ones for those who like the heaviest sort, silk and wool combina- tions in novelty weaves and many of true sports style in attractive colorings. Prices range from $1.00 up. . For Hand s i That applaud Chamoisette gauntlets, with flaring cuffs that protect the hand. Gaily embroidered or designed with contrasting colors in petal effect. Leather gloves come in gauntlet style, too, and the heavy wool ones for the game if the day proves too cold. I ,rmal initiation of Senior society their houses, for the bcnefit of the m eibers will take place at 5:30 o'clock Women's f.League. Representatives toly n the red room at Martha Cook from the various houses are asked to biIIling. Dinner will be served later call any time from 4 to 6 o'clock to- at the Green Tree inn. day at the league booth, University The new zmembers are: Dean Jean hall, to receive, supplies. H ailton, honorafy member, Rosalind Freund, Winifred Craigie, Mildred Any women who can sell candy in P4 ard, Marian Munz and Jessie the league booth, University hall, from 1l dall. 12 to 1 o'clock one or more days a week, is asked to call Lillian Wetzel, Iclilla, Nov. 21.-'Rumor has it that 452, as soon as possible.C ,\ 1 Krim, tribesman leader, was bailly wounded by one of his own Members of Wyvern society are ask- g cds outside his home today. ed to call any day this week for blue- There at Kick-off the in NOW PLAYING! TheSportingThioWear to Michgn'sHome-Co ,ing qame,, Univemsity of Michigan a n smart Oxfords Sturdy oxfords that' are equally fashionable, are the ones to choose for the game, and the everyday strife as well! Brown or black of excellent quality. Priced $7.50. And if the day is cold, a pair of the new Zipper Boots will not be amiss! ."They are warm, and fashioned to fit trimly. COME EARLY! SA I I tnrcn nr e~e.n Vs. University of Minnesota iicniI dUn anaI innesota Dot 1on Sale in Ribbon Section, Main Floor. -IN- 'I. When Michigan Wins from Minnesota a E, f ''" ;+ s I < i ... .. LAUGH "why ry?"LLOYD'S WITH 1 LAUGHS if LLOYD AND WHY LAST, SO WHY WORRY? 'ORRY? GENERAL TICKET SALE ii TOMORROW You'll be there, of course, cheering vigorously. And the glorious victory will be perfect only if. you are fashionably and suitably clad! Your yel- low mum will want to nestle aristocratically against the fur collar of your winter coat, and ev- ery costume detail must be in harmony. Coats Wound to Make Mraya Goal These are the coats that will make a goal at the Minnesota game! Deep fur collars and cuffs mark them for success. And their fabrics, whether soft and velvet-like in rich coloring, or of sportsmen- like weaves in novelty colorings, are worthy of the best seat in the stands! They are all well lined and adequately warm for the occasion. Priced $39,50, $59.50, $89.50 and up to $165.00. Hats That take top honors From kick-off to finish, these hats will lead. Jaunty enough to. be deserving of a place in the stands, and be- coming at all events, they win everyone's approval. £Z Smart Veil For close play And for close plays.there are beguiling veils that add charm to the eyes, bringing out their'coloring and expres- sion. There are many colored veils with Chenille patterns that will prove attractive. excellent quality. Priced for the game is the day prove Priced 50c, 70c to $1.25 a yard. And After the Ga me is Over hAnd after the game is over "Afternoon, 2 toS, Main Desk of Union RUTHST.DENIS WITH I* I TED H Am WN and the Rook ljlwl.wlsha.wn Da'-ncers to be presented in 1-4Ti . AITflTTARTTM 11