THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, NOVETMBER 21, 10 :. Geological and Geographical Journal Clubs : There will be a joint meeting of the Geological and Geographical Jour- nal Clubs in Room G 436, Natural Science Building on WEDNESDAY, November 21st at 7:30 p. mn. Program: "THE PERMIAN OF SOUTH AFRICA," By Professor Case. All interested are cordially invited to attend. L. 31. Gould, Secretary. Research Club: Ttie regular meeting of the Research Club will be hield on Wednesday, November 21st at 7:00 p. m. In the:' H-istological Laboratory. The follow- i ng papers will be presented:: "The Use of Half Quantum Numfber'"s in Near Infra-red Bands" by Pro- fessor- V, F. ,Colby., 1 "Some' Problems in Interstate Di'vorce-,Law" by Professor H. F. Goodrich The' Councilk will meet at 7:30 T. H. Hildebrandt, Secretary. R. 0. T.C. Advanced Course Uniforms : Advanced Course Uniforms for the R. 0. T. C. will be issued Wedves- day, November 21, at the Military Department offices. John A. Brooks, .Jr., Major, Ord. Dept. DOL.' Adjulant. -- in Lane hall auditorium. W WH AT'S" GOING ON THURSDAY ___________________________1200-Dental faculty lunch, Union. 5 :00-Dodo rehearsal, room 205 3Masoii WEDNESDAY hall. 3300-MatinMsica:le, ss hbyall 6 :00-Board of 'governors of Unioni Union.mby dinner, Union. 4:00 to 6$:00-Open house in IHarris 'lams Memorial Chapel, Harris hail. hall. 7:30-Freshman band meets in assem- 4 :l&--Romiance club meets, 302 Union. bly room of-Union. 4:30--University lecture, .tatural Sci- 7:0-Liberal club meets in room 321 ence auditorium. of the Union.° Rev. Jump' to speak. ~ 00-riangles meet hI room 302, Un- 6 :30-Botany department dinner, room ion. 323, Union. 4:00--Sphinx dinner, 318.320, Union. 7 :30-Sociedad Hispanica meets roomi 6:15--'iangle dinner, 318.321, Union. 203, Tappan shall." 6 :l5-Amerlcan Society of, Civil Engin- 7:40-Sophonmore ]its smoker, reading eers dinner, 323-325, Union. room, Union. 7 :00-Varsfy band practice in Univer- 7 : Q--Alphia Epsilon Mu meets, room c ity ballll..: . 302, Union-. 1' :86-.Cosmopolta',.chub meets- in ,7 :30-Gun and Blade meets, room 304, room 110 University library'. Union. 7 90--Forestry club, meets, room 214, , Natural Science building. U -NOTICES 7:30-Research. club meets in Xedical All fraternity copy for the 1924 31ich- building. iganensian must be turned* in tc 7:30--Round-Up clu1b meets room 306, Neil Barber, fraternity editor, at the *Union. Michiganensian office immediately. 7 :4r--De'lolay meets In Harris hail. I New' houses must turn in pictures 8 :00-Interchureh Drama league playa of houses and crests also. B u ries Hatchet; quith and David Lloyd George have The prizes were $10, $6, $3, and $2, buried the political hatchet and that checks for which have been mailed to Rejoins Fo rceS Asquith wvill lead the united factions the winners. All other competitors Of Llyd G orgeof British. Liberals in opposing the may receive passes to the Arcade the- OfL o d e r econservatives and laborites;' atre by applying at the box office and _ identifying their designs. Wier Victor In_ _ _ __ _ _ :> r .Design Contest' NAILUXENBERG&BROS. _____ I 5hOwslg Gordon 0o. Wier, '24, has been ...:..-awarded first pride in the Mae MVur- "" " ' :":.: "..:>fi ray costume "contest conducted by the { " t~s rArcade theater for his design, "The Beardsley Gown." .The second and third prizes were also awarded to stu- dents, Florence Probts, '26,, and Kate ~ ~Benton, Spe. Ed., taking them re- Y, ,c ~spectively. Margaret C. Cole o 0 f '": Forest avenue was awarded the fut at + ' .Y.**"::* :,prize. ; ' Y More than 80 designs, which- are ALLENEL HOTEL now on. exhibition in the lobby of the theater, were submitted in the con- Wdedy o.2 test. The judges were Mrs. Adele Wdedy o.2 Mitchell, an art student, James A. Kennedy, an advertising manager, and CLOTHES FOR THE COLLEGE MAN Betty Brace, of the Times News. "Late photo of Ex-Preinler Herbert HI. Asquith "' Recent dispatches from London state lIthat former premiers Herbert H. As-lob ON THEf CONTRARY You w'lla7 ways find at 14C COURTESY _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ QUALITY, ST T O and t0o QUANTITY 'Hats j ~~One big advantage of a Stetson is thatS UUcyucagietsomhwar-an it will stil keep its shape and style. 60~5 CHURCH IS TYLE.D 0OR, OU MEN I __ ; . 121 E. WASHINGTON i MWA P Y S IOL,, OGY LABORATORY SUPPLIES AT W All 'S UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORES 'w own ..._. I ~ - . ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - .t 4 ' , _. \ Overc'oats by Lan grock The finest materials from leading mills of Europe, a fit that must be perfect, a finished garment that cannot but com- r N{ ,. '; mand attention for its excellence- these. things are embodied'in Langrock Overcoats ° YOUR .INSPECTION IN VI TED IIf II(11 I Van Boven &c Cress 1107 So., University Avenue. V1In -n r'Y i ftttr~Wt~tr'i I if I