IASSIFI COU AT 3P-00 ADVERTISING' AT 3 P.M1 THDE MICHIGAN DAILY r- 'ACC, SEVEN ROUBLE ROOM-One occupant may work 'for same If odesired. PhoneJ; 1194-M. 422 E. Washington. SET OF DRAWING instruments. Lib-' eral Reward. It found please call 34??-J. TWO TICKETS for Minnesota game. TYPEWRITERSI 1 39-.TYPPEWRITERS FOUR TICKETS for Minnesota game, of all makes Phoe~ niersty134 JBoifght, Sold, Rented axchanged, WANTED-Two. tickets, single or j Cleaned and Repaired. Idouble for Minnesota gamne. 2836-M BUIESSRIEC. _____________1________ 322 So'uth State Street,I TWO Minnesota tickets. Phone 13991 over "M" Lunch. Phone 893-M<< Butler. '- -~DRESSMAKING AND TAILORING x TWO TICKETS for Tvinnesota'game. 1 Call 2763-W. Exclusive colegiate styles for ROO-mS' near Law School for 1, 2, young women. Needlework of all 3, 4 5 o '6studnts 112-J.kinds. Ejxperienced workmnanship. 3,4iir6sudns 11J MRS. R. T. HEAM THRhEE tickett for Minnesota game.!1 411 Thompson.' Phone 2748-W: Prefer themf together. Call 9903,.:CN Corner Anin and Fourth Ave.. Mr. ____________________ Otis. Dancing in Ypsi Friday 'andi "Satur- TWO OR THREE trickets to Minneso- !;day Nov. 23 and 24 at Masonic e- ta gam~e. Will call for tickets if you' ple. Dancing at. 8:30. call 2254-J. IfLAE S WHI1TE waiter for table for 'small; mn~'s club. Must -not have '8 o'clockI TYPEWRITING & MIMEOGRAPHING EinStein Living i holland Berlin, Nov. 20.-Prof. Albert Ein- stein, exponent of the relativity the- ory, now lives at Leyden, Holla~nd,I where he occupies the chair of physics at the university. His wife says he will not return to Germany, which he left when anti-Jewish outbursts be- camie common, until conditions 'are' better. Patronize The Daily Advertisers. a Re ad The Daily Full Crepe Soles with Heels-$ at ........................*2 7 Full Leather Soles with$9 7 Heels-at.................. lltxbbdr He els.............. 50c SATISFACTiO v CUARA NT Od Quality Shoe RpiigShop, .5 5 °.owi -)h ama n ',Pr- "Classified"''Col1umns __ SEMHEATED ROOMS, convenient to campus. Prices ranging froml $3.50 to $4.44 'or 614 Mlonroe.1 SMALL BROWNl~ St. containing 'Finder please ward. pocketbook on State five one dollar bills. phon'e 1314-W. Re- LARhGE ROOM for 2 or will -rent, .single. Very i'easonable. 425 S. 'Division St. NE' W BUG'ALO W-Vive rooms and'- bh.Fireplace, hardwood floors, near car line. 1iimediate posses-! soion or ill sell. Price v'asonable.! Phlone 856-W. I-OOMS for rent for the week end. Call 781-M.J 31USICAL. P THlE MICHIGAN SIRENS present foe Siiepeny aind his five piece corn. bInaim . Cll T'ustison, 1767-J. I'. NORMAN IBILBIE (of the Detroit 'Conservatory of Music). Teac'her of - violin, piano, harmony. 'Studio 3'07 No. Main St. Telephone 611-M. 'ALL MAKES. A genet Wodtock 'and. Oliver typewriters,' Sundstrand adid-} ing machine,. Line-a-Timle copy holders, rubber stamp's, 'ribbons,' Cushion keys,' ty~pe cleaners and sup- plies. Machines recited,. , ANN 'ARBO0R TYPEWM IrEIR EXCHANGIE. Phone X86, dUovnto A LEVER FILL:IG Conkiin ,j3en be-j tween Ilill auditorhilti 'and Divii~ Tuesday morning.Re rdCl 2182-R. Rya.'Cl A TAN LEAT[HER shoe buckle on South University or Campus Tues- day mhorning. Call 2818-MV. HONORARY Sorority key. Black' 'enamel shield. 'Gold key.' G. E. T, in. gold on shield. Beatrice Skok, '21,: on' back. Call 2767-J. BOTTOM of a small gold fountain pen with the initials M. H. B. F hncer please call 2507-J. Reward.j rAN 'EJ) FOUR MINNESOTA tickets. Call !" 2319-W. 1 NAT LUXENBERG &BRos. showing! ALLY TEL 1HOTEL Wyednesday, Nov. 21 CLOTHjES FOR THM COLLEGE MAN ij I T ht Chicago Temple, Chicago, Illinsois HOLABIRD & ROCHE, Architects Drawn by Hugh Ferriss TO EXCHANGE one ticket and $2:50 for two tickets to Minnesota game. Call Wilcox, 899-R. BY GIRL STUiDENT, pleasant rooma classes. Apply '819 S. State.a pr-,mtptly and neatty' done. ONE TICKI-r to ',Minnesota gamne. BUSINESS SERVICE CO., _ 322 Soth-State St., TW1,O TICKETS to Minnesota game Lover "M" L~unch. Phone 993-M Phone Mitts 2999. TWO TICK'ETS for 'Minnesota game. 1 Tokio, Nov. 20.-The Prince Rlegent's Phone 274-41. i4dding 'day' is set for Feb.'6, 1924, but:. --the public celebration will not be uin- MINNESOTA ticekets. Call Alpha Tat, til'next'autumnn. Omega Fraternity, 179.r -- TWO OR THREE tickets for Minne- REPRi E STATIVEWNTDsotagame. Crane, 2451. An energetic and capable mnanl with 'PTWO TICKETS for Minnesota game. some financial niean3 can rmale Cl 8Wo 10-.atr':0p n highly profitable 'onnec'tion 'iti C all fo "Vi or5"T-."tr7:0 mnill in dollar company by establish- Al o Vc r"e. ing an agency in Ann Arbor to sellj {SA Caligrapo. r, CALIGRAPO Trap Druminmeis' complete outfits. is a scientific p}r~duct made fromi I Prof'essional Instrumhents at profes-,I Premier California Winie Gripes of. i sional prices. Scha-eberle'& Son Music the following varleti'es: Barbera, h'ouse. 110' S. Main St. Zinfandel, Alicante, Bouchet, Sau- ; terne and Musc'atel, with the Gragna- ?MANDIOLiN, Martin wake, mon-del C.' no 'and Capri which are imported from1 Complete with case. Fine condition. the vinyar'ds 'of Alba, Italy. This f Call Hoffman, 3104.[ 'product can b'e oltained any month' In the year, is 'positively certain and CHORAL UNION concert ticket. Price I will make a delicious beverage in the j $3.50. 'Rhon'e 145 -;M. following flavors : Port, Dry Plort,f KING CORNET-in good condition~ I Burgundy; Claret, Sherry, Muiscatel,t must sell at once. Call Edwards.' Dry Muscatel, Sauterne, Rhine andl jphone 2863-J. 939 Greenwood 'Ave. Vermouth._ Caligrapo is a fast selling, repeat SIX ROOM HOUSE-Has been built order product which will mnake theI one ear. Price and ter-ms are right. 'rit man §om'e real money. this is, Call 461-W or 50?7 S 5th Age. th'e season of the year to get started - in this permanent business, so write lOrtICKL immediately for f'ull information, p~ro- - -- -- --. '--- - -----' I viding you can furnish good ref erenic- f AICiENS OPTICAL PARLO1t es arid financial backing.? Prompt service, first quality mater- - Caligrapo Sales Co., cal, thorough examinations. Satisfac- 606 Marquette Bldg, tory results guatranteed. ~.~ Detroit, Mich. - C. S. WICKENS, OPH. D. H'Slater, 'Sales Manager. i 302 S. State, Ann Arbor. } TWO TICKETS for Minnesota Game. I It's true efficien~cy to n 4e Daily Call D. Jones, 1656-R." Classifieds.-Adv.: NO OTICE,:l HIGH G* LASS TAILORING 1 2 E ibet orner o Foyrt I r ,Building ZE TA TAU .ALPHA pin between .816 Tappan Ave l1ad E. Wag hington Call E. Splbury, 2798. Reward. ON E. HURON ST. after thie :MarlnQe ,' ame, a 10 to 12 blade ivory haadledj pocket knife. Owner will give lib- oral reward to person retu'rninig it to Daily Business Ofllee. ,LOST Sat. night near UnitarianI church pjur'ple silk ulbrella. Re- ,ward.' Phone '3J11.zR. 4.COLLAPSIBLE 'gold pencil at- tached to a. dark bluie corrigated ribou... .RewarcL. - ,Blanch Johnson, '2911. BTAL'E SIL~K umtibrella. Rewartd.I 'Phone 2226-M. There As no better aloring ir3 the state HERE the architects envisioned a picture, saw the modern office building in terms of the great art of the Middle Ages-and the result is a demonstration that the utilitarian structure, the modern office building of commerce may be as picturesque as it is practical. Vision, imagination, courage and practical ingenuity in stylistic adaptation have enabled the architects of this country to astonish the wotld with. their achievements of today and their promise of tomorrow. Certainly modern invention-modern engineering skill and organiza- tion, will prove mo~ than equal to the demands of the architecture of the future. SAM BIRCHFIELD & CO. 0OT IS ELEVATOR COMPANY Offices in all Principal Cities of the World ' Ii .t ; r 3 . [' 111 ° .. , I ,- [ //99 _ .. \ . I .d - I . . - I , I I ,*l " --- - f i ''I ! !..,. ~0 lk -- -^° isi I rYUr1i1 'rMW w .. ruvwrc, w.... . .re.W.rarrr ,.. _ .. ° , ;.1 Painful Why Have, Them t=0 There are so many worth while means for overcoming "the above troubles that the wearer of them is largely at fault. Let us tell you about some of 'the :new ways of securing real comfort. G. Claude Drake's Drug and Prescription cf,.... 1 l lllgll l V'S. .. , .,.... -sss , r t r Frt 'Lk r y f r" I I I i November 24, 1923 SHE last game that holds the Of the seaothe game Conference Champion- ship in balance. 1* The hoeoigof thousands of former grads, the day of the Fall Games between the Freshman and S ophomore Classes. Read abu it all an T chl.gan Daily txtra I 1 I I I I 1I I' I a 'I