THE MIC141GAN DAILY - 14 1% ,WEDN'ESDAY. NOVEMM - 21.'.L"V THE MICHIGAN DATLY WEDNESDAY NOV~Mfl'~Th 21. 1~ 11111E "'Lly Lly 1'7 ,4 r) r &Q:L 4MM WO AML M Mft MNL 2= A& 'Aft Nobel Prize Won By Irish Author ~/ I I SMDIJNSUA SCLPE, iews From Other Colleges IN E EAY SENTENHE cefil4-The:M:insota Daily ident has been missing for m~ore than Judyby putting cut a large issue' Peter Saad of Detroit, ticket scalp- I 2 pages. An extra thousand cop- 'Notre mihme-The Notre Dame Daily or, was sentenced yesterday in Judge i -e were printed and distributed gratis is making a plea for students for a Thms court to ten days in theIoothalmigraesupt. ttraen too county jail, as well as fined for his t h lmi retrspot«t hetn og operations as a scalper. This is the I on the rocks" if subscriptions do las ofthecass aisig iromn~ Callfcrn a-California recently cele= not come in at a fast rate. ]llegal selling of tickets at the M~ar-lrad the biggest rally of the year, ! - . .--.---~-Iies game. Sad was also warned to jn ~'jmrn, in celebration of t. rnheil An interesting history ofI stay out of Ann Arbor, after the ex the victory over U. S. C. An extra largeI the class of '73 has been published by "hemeicl pration of his sentenco ,on penalty of Ireb le as the men fled in with: an alumnus of that class. The class school, one of the leading national i .iii being sent to the H-ouse of Correction. their classes and everyone wearing a j vas the second graduated by Cornell. figures in hi9 Pi~fession, has accepted 1{ The case against Saad was unus- pair of pajamnas. Coach Any Smith In the history the baby is described as a - recent invitation: to. -address the i..:::: ual, in that he had aopted an extraor-i addresed tne gatherng, being 68 years old while the oldest Academy of Mtedicine at San Francis-f' dinary way of sellinga the tick et. Ede- - member of the class is 8 years of age.j co Dec. 6s 7 and S. Dean Cabot will y r,~, r was***-* caught tAnaing , cktc at Cre of r ;ol - A advance in campus ! Te class has had nice reunions. leave Ann Arbor Sunday,; Dee. 2 and the gatesF' and t selling them through Iora s'as hw wert a n expeCtS to return about Dec. 17. an accomplice to people outside. It non ced that the Oregon Daily Em- Health Serie o Obseve Hours Itcade is ln ente cso of the . is alegedthathe (lidchisit th Ohi erald would add an extra column to its Office hours at the University health acaemis f mdiineonthePaifi Igame as well as the Marincs game pages, making each sheet contain s- service will be more strictly adhered eoost to invite distinguished men from and was hired for the second time by ; e columns. Lack of space has ne- to in the future, according to an an- all parts of the United States to speak the Athletic associaion tat they Icsitatldtheadtin nouncement made by officialsyetr before formal r gthe~.ings of their I night wat h his. operations, day. Patients in the past have been member.invitation of Dean Cabot to Saad claims to have been recoin- ~~ri d reo given attention outside of office hours this session is considered a signal nine satce elrb ~l ~ l~i-oetan $1300 was rppditthbuktathgaehonor, inasmuch as few of them are "Germany" Schultz, and lie also (i i in nttteheke a te amfutui ractxceptwillntpeallowsed f~~sifed. l'~~~~~ lst Satu reay. This has made pos in h uueixeti pehIcss caums to have known Sena Or Jamaes CLI The regular hours are: 2 to 4 o'clock} Dean Cbot ha chosn "ThfctionCouzens and Reresentative Eobcr"the tir hahs trip to Chcago. ad7~8ocok in the Kidneys", as the subject for the Clancybut noneof t8eoaoveocen formal paper to bec given "before the when questioned, had ever heard of 11,04011 Tech-The Tech, the daily eluretill W21l Stanl fr Election Ott rri:lei" medical mien from all parts I01in BuEttlr '3 eats him. ;,aper, recently celebrated its 42nd an-; London Nov. 20.- Winston Spencer; of the West. '4.e will also give twot niverary. It started in November,I Churchill will stand for West Leices-s other talks on the same subject to I William Buler ;'eats, Irish poet 1.., tI38, as a one-page issue. te:Teei odfiiearneet open clinics at which -are expected ad uto ad-,onze!amce ossW l n ertr-hr-i odfntearneet 'c1, betweenaLaborites and Liberals for"aO- masy students Of the universities as l -IbtTn abriesan Lbeal fr l wel s ratiin pyscins Sid~sthe- be t knowna literary lighs of ,the ; Deco aton Loftest . S. l--Th~ie unsolved mystery of lotment of seats. If Labor has a ca- aWdelleaedstudntistaflinpth (idae opoingChrchll ht lgh will will appear. Because of recent ill- Duet from first act of Madame Butter- > ness, Mr. S. P. Lockwood will be un- fly ................. ...... Puccini able to deliver a lecture as originally Mr. and. Mrs. Willim Wheeler scheduled. A tea and social hour will ! take .place .after the program which is Bastia, Nov. 20. ---(By A.P.) -The a's follows: I Dutch steamer, afire i this ' French sWadearuhe ... ......Dvorak harbor s'everal days, has been sunk by IRondean ..... .............. Dvorak .guns of the Dutch naaltriinig ship Miss Oara. Larthard Trom, with her blazing cargo of cot- The Parting ................ Dvorak ton, wool, skins, ilk anid nf . Craftsm an -=is express( Of CHENEY Master craf, patterns, 'We tailor the era nanite, Cizen'ej 'N. -F. ALLIEN Ship NEY'BRO }H&S Ma~iri if C ntq SWis ,ed in every thread CRAVATS. lsmen design the lave the silks and Lvats. Look, for the Y. in the neckband. Sc d by CO. WAD)IIAIVS & 0O. J. F. WIJEtI I t" . .~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ..,_..__. :_.. -: . 1W~ -..-..__ I i I I'm III li oil ATER-..ISi* zm -ALI* 0 okts Service The advice and 'help of aTelephone aengl-s one er will save yo'U mnoney and " timre i Plannin the tel, - phone layvot for ycur neW building, office' or plant. He wildesign the lay.. ot tfojr You, shoW Y t where extensions may be used and plan wire conduits so as to be most ec onomical. , * ° ; j i S p"Mmum: 'this e nginieering set vice is furnished fe to, subscribers by the Michigan State Tale- phone Cmpany s las vianbid is awaysavaiabl. 'Variety! You like it in the foods you eat. So, do we, and insist that, our 1~~~ }' r hJ'6' . patrons get it. At 'usu-all Brlnig your probrlem to the Telephone Manager IArecde pri e3., of course. i