f .
Masques Production Of Fairy Directs Masques
Tale A Beautiful Performance
been d .tl.All
By Robert B. Henderson been erased with a vengeance. Ale-
A princess loves a, beggar, a band gretto vivace, rather, was a standard" .1 ; t '
of strolling players lack their break- which rarely lapsed to allow the ad-S R N P E {~tl
EED ~~ ~r Le6.URa leneto apprecaeteiheren met~MB RI
TFEE LCORSfast a king wearies of his crown: the UNRLYME BEDISTONSPEC
i ; ocrtofatprecitethe inherent inedi- LiY
- ad gains her lover, the actors re- ociy:fte:lt
F(H tA'S FIFTH GOVERNOR celve sfourkingdoms, the sking arrives - Thet tisneedlessto s COMMUNIST DEPP TY REI NELE IN- ATTE[PT AL uJILIATION IN EF.
Hmore than artistic and thoroughly in TR T E OF IF
HELD OFFICE FOR ONLY at contentment, and Capocomico, jest- keeping with the exotic atmosphere TERRUPT SPEECH OF CHANM FORT TO SECUREAPPOINT .
TEN MONTHS er, player, ruler of them all, chooses a of the script. The costumes as wellCELLOENT IS RESENTED
withered rose as his reward, satisfied were colorful and novel, some of
WILL ATTEMPT TO KEEP to seek again a new adventure. them, I understand, being taken from PRESENCE OF POLICE :S CONSERVATIVES OPPOSE'
OFFICE UNTIL RETRIAL a modern miracle Masque, Pro- dess bt fadous akstn CAUSE OF DISTURBANCE CONCESSIONS TO IRISH
fessor Nelson, that is, has taken Percy Asfmeniniula t.s o
Impeachment Follows As Result of Mackaye's-"A Thousand Years ago" have said, from the soldiers to Capo Fifteen Million Persons Need Food Earl Advocates Protection in EagerlyfS
Unanimous Vote of State and from such a peculiarly inept, con- himself all were distinctly and dis- In Germany; Money Is Awaited Speech in Support
Sante fused, incoherent mass of fantasy tinctively individualized. The mask- Sinking Daily of Premier
and fairy tale made a production as ss
- vbatan euifladliiga er, if any group must be singled out,
Oklahoma City, Nov. 20.-(By A. P.) were especially interesting: graceful Berlin, Nov. 20.-(By A.P.)-The
anypefracevrgvnothsadslyadgoeqealt once Earl of Birkenhead fulfilled his prom-
J. C. Walton's gubernatorial career, performsYnce ever gen othis and s andsgrotesque s t once. Reischtag came to an abrupt ad- atto support the Baldwn government t
campus in my short decade. Another unusual group was the four iounmnt odyontisTurdayorti the lectionncgmpai n mwenth
as spectacular as it was brief, is Tecei salhs W IIwudpiemnitr ihterpde journment today until Thursday ow-( in the election campaign when he S
as pecacuar s I wa brefis the credit is all his. While I would prime ministers with their padded
ended. not detract from the several actors, gowns and stringy beards; and now ing to a disorderly scene occasioned struck his first blow for protection in e
Deposed by the verdict of the state yet without doubt he has stamped in- that I have started, the three pretty by the communist deputy Rennele, a speech at the Constitutional club iProf. J. Raleigh Nelsonit
senate court of impeachment which to all of them his own characteristic girls of the harem should also be jwho disobeyed the presiding officer's luncheon today. His speech has been Professor Nelson of the engineering
t t infusi th ith mentioned. keenly awaited as an event of more English department, who has long
such an astonishing sense of co-oper- Above this stood the general mass than ordinary significance for several been prominently identified with cam-
charges of moral turpitude, orrup- ation that there was nt an instant effect of the whole stage picture; a dent prevented Chancellor Strese- reasons. pus dramatics, was largely responsi-
tion in office, neglect of duty and in- throughout the entire play when a' picture of romance, and dusty China, mann from delivering his speech, In the first place, Austin Chamber- ble for the brilliant success of
competence, his term as Oklahoma's single character fell out of his per- masked mummers and a unique di- which he was just beginning when la'n and Sir Robert Horne as well as Masques play, "1,000 Years Ago" l
fifth governor was broken off after a sonality or lost his individual inter- rection. Although the phrase is hack- Herr Rennele began his interruption. other Unionists who had a big hand in which was 'presented last night in e
little more than10 months, sensation- ineyed, I am certain that Professor As the Chancellor started his ad- the Irish treaty have been in bad odor Hill auditorium, under his supervi- s
Another obvious virtue of the per- Nelson has never done anything bet- dress, Rennele shouted: "The police with the die-hard conservative mem- sion. ;h
al to the last. formance was its rapid tempo. In -Iter than this "A Thousand Years are here; the Huse of Parliament is bers of their party who were utterly
But, as his successor prepared fairness, it must be admitted that Ago", nothing more compelling and becoming a prison!" opposed to any concession to the Irsh.1b
Walton girded himself for a last dest ity has been the chief signal of a As a climax, next year he will at-widThen't will be recalledtatsWtddh elndathynthrdfralfthrxete eslrtidlthatte d
perate effort to retain office by invok- Masques' play. Fortunately, however, tempt Maeterlinck's "The Blue Bird". to leave the house. Upon his refusal in the stirring days a year ago whent
ing the aid of the United States in "A Thousand Years Ago" this has There can be nothing beyond it . . to obey, the sifting was suspended they followed Lloyd George into the BC rfp t
Courts, tenaciously clinging to the for 15 minutes. When the session was wilderness on the coalition platform.V IUti
plea that he has not beengiven a fair resumed the president of the house, And lastly, a few days ago, Birken-
trial. PedraLFdhCBxNNaied that rTOmiinat head and Chamberlain tried to patch
H Wages Federal Fight opolice had been stationed in the up ther differences with the con- Patterson Addresses Initiates at Ban-
His next move will be made to- Reichstag for some months as a meas- servatives for the purpose, it is assert-
morrow when his legal staff appears ure of protection for the deputies and ed, of securing immediate appointment quet Held in d
before a Federal judge here fo a NI Hmembers of the government whose } . Union s
re-hearing of his application for a lives had been threatened in numer- angered some of the influential die-
retroaative injunction to annul. the' ous letters. Rennele, after this ex-hrsnthcantndtythe- PROMINENT ENGINEER .a
action of the court of impeachment. -~I~~~~_ o . hards in the cabinet, and they threat- 'EIEN TEINEER
That falling, an appeal will be taken, Burton, Yost, Donahue, and Hoey Allied Council of Ambassadors Post. lanation still refused to leave and to resgn if remi i ELECTED BY SOCIETY
as a last resort, to the United States !Will Represent Faculty and pones Final Action in Accept- a nqulesced; whereupon the premier dis-
Streme ourt, accompanied by ape- Students Ing Agreement Berlin, Nov. 20.-(ByA P.)- creetly dropped the subject.'f Tau Beta Pi, honorary engineering.
tition forga writ of AsApersedeasAftortertsestimatethatermany has at aernity, held its intiations yester
declare him the incumbent until the ROOMS NEEDED TO HOUSE THE ENGLAND AND,FRANCE ONLY. least 15,00,000 more people than sheas atasant.t-
e sed 1 INCOMING DELEGATES HALF-PLEASED BY OUTCOME can feed this winter, and this estimate which assistant Dean S. W Patter-
The deposed executives ortgipad is based on a greatly reduced per cap- son of the engineering college was
applieation was denied the ay be The third meeting of the Michigan Paris, Nov. 20-.(By A.P.)-It was ith consump tion. It also contemplates the'principaltw 'speaker. Fifteen Stu-
and observe sescant lelhod State Older Boy's conference execu- regarded as certain in Paris tonight efor food and. I WLYV L'fJit forbeer.!as well as one prominent Chicago t
thait the decision ,will b reversed tive committee took place last night that the Entente will survive the Even with the importation of :table . Iha who has be phighly sucesful
after the rehearing. Neither is it at the central Y. M. C. A. where many present crisis, but there is very little luxuries forbidden, the money 'Ger- I Neb.,eov. party A. Nrk as an engineer, but, who did notatd
probable, th es C, thattheUi D e 2,ted announcements were mat e. Hughohlmna enthusiasm for the compromise many has available for food is far be- The Progressive party of Nebraska, t. tend this University. Tose initited
loaew E J. Abbot, '24, M B. B4leec er, ;
shte ldte cftWi l Contervee Dufmield n c24, student councilman andt low the actual needs of the people .-.nied nrh:ssE.eJ. Abbct, ,o
drm ht through which the break was avert- and is sinkingdaily.day 'joined the new party launched '24, L. T. Crane, '25, T. R. Lellowst
'its previous ruliing that it has no jur- , spoke on the plans which he is mak- ed. Monday in Chicago and accepte n25, W. T. Gerners, 25, J. WHostrup,
isdiction. DenounceisIng for Michigan Night, to be held The provisional character of the.prind.Fle ther25, M. B. Tibert, '25, P. D. Parker t
rWalton Denounces Court as the second meeting of the Confer- agreement so far as its details areS Chicago meeting. ,N2e, W. K. Saunders, '25, P. W. PaSey
Walton's removel was decreed by ence delegates in Bill auditorium, Sat- known ,is one of the reasons for the jre A H H o more, '25, C. E. Shepherd, 25, ". F
unanimous vote of the senate court urday night, Dec. 1. coolness towards it. The fact that Shieser, '25, K. Y. Tarp, 2 , R. W.
after his conviction on 11 of the 16 1 Burton and Yost on Program the British government was not ready Watlpeared before the progressive confe W esworth, '25, and W. S. Webber,
impeachment articles and his appli- "Arrangements are completed for to signify its acceptance after con- JRI Ancehere today and outlined the ,at ltr '. and W. C.W cbe,
cationifyatsneweptane agtrone I planks of the proposed platform. The '2, and Walter W. Saunders, of Chica-;i
cation for a new trial had been de- Michigan Night which will be one of sideration of more than 24 hours ne- party, in signing up as a supporter of go.
nied. the biggest and most successful gath- cessitating the postponement of fin- By Special Correspondent the convention called for May 30 in Mr. Saunders is the father of W.
The court today gill consider a mo- erings of the entire conference," said al action by the Allied Council of Am- Minneapolis, Minn., Nov. 20.-For Minneapolis or St. Paul, emphasized 'K. Saunders, '25, and the event marks
tion to assess all, costs Of the trial i Duffield yesterday. He announced that bassadors, is interpreted as evidence s
against the deposed governor. President Marion L. Burton and CoaU'L~htteacr sol t the best piece of news writing of 1923, that the platform would be subject to the first time that a father and son
Hgst dYgsd t o.ur andCfactythat the accord- is only moderately Ray Fricken ex-'19, of Michigan'was change and to a vote of the conven- have been taken into the organization
A statement is expected from the Fielding H. Yost would be faculty pleasing to I.ondon tonight announced as winner of the tion. Men associated with the Roose- at the same initiation.
defense today. Walton last night an- speakers on that occasion and that The conclusion is that both sides Kenneth W. Hagate prize of $100 velt campaign of 1912 wereidenti-
grily refused to comment. the student body would be represent- are only partially persuaded and awarded at the aga prize of $100 ved campign of t91 weeinti-
Lieut. Gov. M. E. Trapp, who has ed by H. A. Donahue, '24, managing neitherrded tt the annual banquet of Sig- fled prominently with the meeting to-DSUSO HUSWL
been acting executive isince Walton's editor of The Daily who will deliver neier converted, and that the con- ma Delta Chi, national journalistic day. U O
suspension before his trial and who a short address and Harry D. Hoey, flectis sueito break out again when fraternity, in Hotel Leamington. In a discussion of the probable no-
automatically becomes governor, de- '24, city editor of The Daily who will electioneering consideration has been His "essay concerned the New York i mince for the presidency the names of
cared he would address the legis- introduce the speakers. eliminated from the situation. The World's campaign against the penal Senators William E. Borah, of Idaho CLOSE SEM [51[,l5 WORK
lature in the next two or three daysU Michigap Night is to be an assem- only definite result that appears clear- system in Florida as a result of the and Robert M. LaFollette of Wiscon- I __6___
bly of not only conference delegates ly from the negotiations treaer t for-in'iestigation by the World of t t in n enbry o we boug Discussion leaders ofthe S.C.A. di-
c but of all students who care to at- ner Crown Prince F Martin Tabert horsewhipping case. bss
ScorchigSandtend The Glee Club will sing sev- 'iam's return to Germany will be al- His article was read at the banquet decided to support the man named cussion groups, holding their last
M enace Nephytes I eral numbers, and there will also be a! lowed to drop out of tihe discus- by the delegate from Michigan to the next May. meeting of this semester last night i'
- J musical act by two Hawaiian students. sion. national convention now being held I Lne hall, arranged that discussion
Lyman Glasgow, '25, Varsity cheer- The French government Is said to here. 1lun egroups would come to a close for the
Hot, burning sands to tread on, fey- leader, will lead the boys in some ;have been trying for several days to Fricken is on the Chicago Dailyi .il first half of the schoolyyearcnext
eriish winds of the Sahara to forge Michigan yells. : keep secret the fact that when the News staff. I niiaes T o d a y week. It 'was further decided that
through, the thousand tortures of the Lack Accommodations German charge-d'affairs called on Indiana early entered its bid for the aetw series of discussion' gouptis m
Reports indicate that acconmoda- CountPeritti, the French director of 1924 convention the only competitor Bowed low before the mighty ideals
ages to endure, and on and on and tions for the 1500 incoming delegates political affairs the other day, he made known was Ohio State. Michi- of the ancients, kneeling before the mester also under the auspices of the
on will the little band of semi-delir- are lacking as yet, and it is urged brought reaffirmation of the Crown pan was to bid for the 1925 conven-SiC.A.
Ions inortals struggle until the end is that any who feel that they may take Prince's renunciation of the throne of .ion tomorrow. Ingn eophytes of Triangles will scrub The purpose of,these past meetng
reached. Where that to only the guar-in one or two boys send their name to Prussia in 1918. He also gave as- have been to teach freshmen the tra-
reahe.eherhtatislnlate uaroLnehalaassonasoosibe.b lseasuancltattheGematohrnenrteiwway itoiheraksofthaeIhavrbentoteahorehmetteara
aenh kes o f the Sun God's 'se-omet ligssmhbenr- would under no circumstances toer- ing brushes with all of thur puny campus problems. The groups were
ari the keepers o un ganized so that all delegates may find ate the return of former Emperor IN IISjFn buewtalo h Ire
..... - .:4-.strength that they have at their com- headed by 14 upperclassmen and met
crets. their rooms with little difficulty Willia toGermany,bled members of the either on Tuesday,eneay, or r-
cyaws near,-orksgoingforyardd rFnior engineering class thus have im-,daynih
buthere wille none to hear for drawshnear, wor is gon forward in the ambassadors' councicl as prac- dyDgtoUh k
the Sphinxes ,those redoubtable guard- at a rapid rate. George Westerman,! Ipressed upon them the true virtue of
ians of the centuries, will glare in secretary of the Y. M. C. A is ox- tically disposing of the Hohenzollerns I!mental accomplishments and of phys-
stolid mockery at the brazen neophyt- aIected in Ann Arlor next Saturday to concern and it was the opinion there Milan, Nov. 20-(By A.P.)-Glaco- ical prowess.STNDINGwROOM
es who have felt themselves strong help in the handling of the baoys. that nothing more, was to be done in mo Puccini, the composer, has won Only when the dread portals of thej
enough to'attempt the wrath of the Several men from Detroit and other the matter than to ask the Berlnes his suit against the Ricordi Music physical tortures that surround them
ancientssavernment to confirm the assurances Publishing Co., in which he complain- have been passed will they be con-
nihoigtwshvofeethi______ d hthiIiniyad riti e- so tescrdo-'___
Then, spent with fatigue and clutch- assistance to the conference officials.CFormally. ed that his dignity and artistic per- sidered as members of the sacred or-
ing at grasping throats, the little 'car- - - - sonality had been injured by the pub- der. But even then will the secrets Standing room for the Minnesota
avan will harken to the rustling Council Postpones Meeting Case Wiii Speak hication of a fox trot containing an ex- be withheld, for mightier portals must: Sar rdheMinnasta
reeds. For here the sun sinks to The regular meeting of the Student . cerpt from his opera, "Madame But- be opened . before them, and greater announced yesterday by the Athletic
slumber the survivors of the 10 test- council will be held at 7:30 o'clock: On South Africa terfiy". physical torture be successfully sus- ice and is expected b e Atlet
'ed Is iofficerivd andei fn-.Tisda eexpecteda o Wdns-to be sold out
ed ones will have arrived at their fin- Thursday evening instead of Wednes- The Ricordi company was condom- tamed before they 'will be admitted. d before Saturday.
al destnation, there to be entrusted day, the usual weekly meeting night, Members of the Geological and Geo- ned to pay damages, the amount of When the setting sun has at last Ticket speculators will be prose
with the great secret of the ages. on account of the Sphinx and Tri- graphical Journal club will meet in which will be fixed at a subsequent been burid in th Ws h no cuted this week as formerly, and spe-
angles initiation. room G-436 of the Natural Science sitting, and also to pay two-thirds of been buried in the West the neophytes cial detectives will again be Working
_- building at 7:30 o'clock tonight when the costs. It was shown at the trial arise as greater mnen and as members to apprehend those who attempt to
Prof. E. C. Case of. the geology de- -that publication of the fox trot in ques- of the Ancient Order of Triangles, sell the pasteboards at more than
GLASSES DAILY EDITORIAL STAFF partment will speak on his experi- tion had been stopped. their face value.
SEEKS ADDITIONAL MEMBERS ence in South Africa under the title Finnish Studentst
I- - "The Permian of South Africa". Any- Students Condemn Ibanez
The Daily editorial staff can one interested is invited to attend. Havana, Nov. 20.-The university's To M eet Saarinen Denishawn Ticket
Those who wear glasses know use a fewdmore tryouts. Repor- student federation has withdrawn an'
yto al andiht taffipoi tosc Detroit Engineer to Speak Here invitation to Vincente Blasco Ibanez, Arrangements are being made by Applications
h are immediately available to such Mr. J. W. Parker, chief engineer of Spanish writer, because he "sold his students of the University of Fin-
comfort: so it is with a good ( tryouts, the nDtrit Edion nm nnv wil sneak 'nen for Yankee gold" on a recent tripih -rvt nn+,a tem I All mail order applications for the
ophomores Will Meet in Sieue
Auditorium Tomorrow,to
Freshmen fighting spirit to "be
he sophs" and win the fall game
aturday will reach a high pitch
xcitement this afternoon when a'
he yearlings on the campus will me
t the Union to organize themselve
or the coming encounter.
Meet at 5 o'clock
The gathering will be held at 5 o
lock in the assembly hall of the U
on. Student councilmen will pr
side, explaining the contests to b
eld and the rules for the variot
vents. A captain will then be electe
y the freshmen.
The organization for the games Wi
e left up to the' yearlings, that
he selection of lieutenants, formi
ion of a class band, if it be desir
and any other arrangements that ti
new men may think necessary.
Plan Three Games
Three games are to be held Satu
day morning on Ferry field; ;the ca
spree, obstacle race and flag rus
Twenty men from each class to 1
selected by the captains, will tal
part in the cane spree;. Opposing m
are paired off. The object is to gral
he stick fiom an opponent. At 'ti
end of 10 minutes the side possessim
the greatest number of canes will 1
awarded the points for that contes
In the obstacle race six teams w
be used, three representing each cla
The class winning two heats out
three willc winthe event. The
rush, which will. be the,am as la
year, ,ill complete the games.h
freshmen will gather aroun t I'
poles and attempt to defenl.them fr
the sophomores whowill strive to ca
ture the colors placed at the 'top
them.. Both entire classes take p
mn this rush,
The~ sophomores will fild their r
ly for the games 'at 5 o'clock tomorr
afternoon in Natural science auditC
Washington, Nov. 20.-(By A.P.)
Orders for the release of tothar W
ke, the only German spy convicted
the United States. during the Wo
war; caused considerable official ico
motion today in, Washington. but 1
order will stand a issmi d two
ago by Secretary Weel. 'and W
will'b@,liberated tomorroW from Le
enworth prison. The fornier spy hc
ever will leave the country at once,
cording to a promise inade to
United States government by Amb
sador Wiedseldt of Germatm'.
Announcement was made at,
IWar department early in the day t
I President Coolidge had ordered W
ke "released 'inasmuch as all' of
I other nations associated in the I
war had released their prisners
war and as ambassador Wiedseldt :
guaranteed that the prisoner we
leave the country immediately.
I Senior Pictures
Due Before Nov. 0
All seniors are being urged by m
bers of the Michiganensian *f
have their pictures for the 1924
.sian taken as soon as possible. C
nine days remain. in which thl.
tures may be taken.
According to members of the
'a large last minute rush nay be,
pected at the photographer's
making it difficult .to obtain ap
' Those wishing to make appo
ments areaskei. to come to the
sian office in the Press building 'wi
thek will receive _their photograph
receipt upon the payment of $3.
office is open from 2 to 5 o'clock
every afternoon during the week
from 9 to 12 o'clock Saturday mu