TH--E MICHIGAN DAIL Y .. A_ r~iitii nri~ his career.. Swingle and Bergstresser,! o'clock tomorrow IlsTHIS H NlES . VSOW flUII both Wisconsin men, were the next to ttiral Science an COLULMN Itfb" '511ILUM come in with Shenefield and Reinke speak on the sub coe on their heels. of -Science." CLSSCLOSESt;T1WBi-eMetSura The lecture is AT 3 P.M. ADVERTIISING 0q AT 3 P.Mcunr the.auspices of the (Contined from Pake Six) 'turn their attention to the conference - LN MLL bak lahe oeok owen, displaying a beautiful sprint run, the classic of the west in running __________________ Valued for lecture notes. Lost i ttefnscmn insent.Jc circles which takes place Saturday at ?NOTICE TO DOUBLEJROMOeocuan ra Barbour gym. Call 390. has struck his stride and is a tower Columbus. Picking a winner for the ;- 'work for same :if desired. Phone. lk of strength t^ the- team. Steve ex- meet is the next thing to impossible j All men we' 19M.42EWahno.HONORARY Sorority key. lc ects Bowen to garner, a place well up as there are no less than four out- p ounds, and wis _______________________ enamel shield. Gold key.. C. E. T. in, the line in the conference meet. Grif-E standing teams- in ,the conference.'I the wrestlinig :rJ7IREE ROOM unfurnished apart- gold on shield. Beatrice 51(0k, '21,1 fen pulled the surprise of the meet, Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio State an:l port. at Waterm mont, well heated. 513 E. Jefferson. jon bacGall 1767-JI. beating out his teammates Reinke and I Minnesota are represented by power- I7':30 o'clock of ROWATDShenefield and finishing in eighthb ful aggregations. Ohio State will have I Thursday, ni] MODERN SIX RO house between ;_____________________ place. Griffen is in the best shape of the advantage over the other teams furnish their .or Mb,in and State. Phone 1811-M. fJIGoalkndiokadshr in that she will be running on her experience is PLEIASANTP double room, one-half ! story ma.nuscript correctly preparred !\VrFI-ITE< waiter for table for small h e ore n steOhoSae tyn u o for publications. 'Theses, themes, I :hn' club,1\Must not have 8 o'clock I course is a poor. one the advantagejC block~ from campus., PhQone 32771,.iicoidatjwrte.Pon lssscply89S.Sae will be even grater: than it seems. _______ .1.B efro.3076-M. ONE TICKET to Minnesota garae. Daikf and An of OiSte, STEAMfad Pn o ho tt, HEATED R"OOMS,' convenient- DvsadAnto Michigan, Meiherer. It's true efficier to campus.i Prices ranging from1 WANTED-Mature student to make; TWO TICKETS to Minnesota gamej of Illinois and Piper of Wisconsin -are j sIfld.Av $3,.50 to $4.00 or 614 Monroe.hostoosecnsswhqe- Phone Mitts 2999. Ja few of the outstanding performers tionnaire. Investigator, not, saLles- _..o h i'Tnwomyb osdLWM IONE'SINGLE ROOM-420 Thompson. iran, wanted.. Must be accurate and TWO TICKETS for Minnesota game. ofteBg-Te homy b osd Phn 0.iPoe274-M. etred as prospects for first place heon- Phoe 02 dpenabe anThtrete i jor- PhreI ors. The Wolverine team will leavebl afternoon aditorium. i e ewill Re ad the Want Ads Read the W/ant Ac )ject "The Daemons being given under ie botany department. ited to attend. INATLUXENfBERG&BRos. I { i i ,f, ^ __.. v. . . f- E S ; ( ( f E WRE STLERS ghing under 14'5 shin, to tryout for, squad should. re- ian gymnasium at n Tuesday and hts. Men must )wn equipment. No required of' men the squad. COACH BARKER. . : . ; I' .. I AtLENEL 1110T EL 'Wetlnesay, Nov. 21 ii Here's atip Y OU can buy a good Foun- tain Penlmost anywhere- bat the only place you can get one fitted by a PEN SPECIAL- IST to su t your individual, style of writing is at RIDER'S, 302 S. State Street. Ask the 01' Timers;-they know! i s ',c y to use Daily CLTHS ORTH CLLGEMAN Did CESAR Cross Thie ibicon?, .LARGE ROOM for 2 or will rent ,~single. Very reasonable. 425 S. Division St. alisml or social science.; desired. Good proposition for right marg. Call 2680-M. WVANTEDL -Twvo tickets, single or MINNESOTA tickets. Call Alpha Tau; for Columbus Thursday afternoon as Omega Fraternity, 179.' Coach Farrell wants to give his ath-' TWO R THEE ickes fr Mine-letes a chance to walk around the TWO ORa THfRE ickt2 forMine-course on Friday. b V A$A.8. INA TWO OR THREE unfurnished rooms 1 ouble for Minesota gamne. 28f-M s l "' game crane, 6451 in modern house, best residence dis-; TWO 'TICKETS for Minnesota game.I trict; kitchen and 'laundry privi- REPRESENTATIVE WANTED I Call 88-W or 1506-R. after 7:90 p. In. leges. No other roomers. Phonc An energetic and capable man w'ih Ask for "Vi" or "Ted." 3211-W. some financial means can make aI MUSICAL _ highly proftable connection with a DANCING an' million dollar comipany by establish-'- wi Ing ai gecinAnArtsll Dancing in Ypsi Friday and Satur- - THE MICHIGAN SIRENS present Calig rape aecyinAn :day sl Nov. 23 and 24 at Masonic Ter- Joe Sweeny and his five piece cox. CALIGRAPO ple. Dancing at 8:30. 1 bination. Call Tustison, 1767-J. is a scientific product ma1"de fror AIO TYPE~WRITER RELPAIRIA01 Premier California Wine Grapes of!____ ____________ the following varieies: Iarbera, HAND TAILORED clothes wear long-! ALL MAKES. Agency WIooldstocki anc Zinfandel, Alicante, TRouchet, Sal-! er, look better, cost no more. Ra- Oliver typewriters, Sundstrand add terne andl Muscatel, with the Gragna--i sonable prices. ing rix fie, insa>T~uecap no and Capri which are imported fromi ALBERT GANSLE, TAILOR. rubmahierListapsTribop, the vinyards of Aba Italy. Tis i15 S. Main. (Upstairs) holders, rbe tms ibos___________________ cusionkey, tpe leaersand~jproduct can lie obtained any mnth: culis.Maieys ye ene.ansp in the year, is positively certin and TYPEWRITERS ANN ARBOR TYPEWRITER will make a delicious beverage in te EXHNE.Poe 8,donorfollowing flavors : Port, Dry P rt 1 TYPEWRITERS ____________________________________Burgundy, Claret, Sherry, Miu ca tel of all makes . LOTIDry Muscatel, Sauterne, Rhiine ,.nd' Bought, Sold, Rented Exchanged.! '"LOST_______________ Ve'mouth. ;Cleaned and Repaired. LOST Sat.' night near Unitarian Caligrapa is a fast . olin .roep-, BUSINESS SERVICE CO., church purple silk umbrella. Re- order product which will mak-:e 322 South State Street, ward. Phone 3011-R. right man sonic real money. This is over "M" Lunch. Phone 993-[ the season of the year to get starte ,i LAUNDRY LO T bt enitreto f P c -i hspr aetb sns.s rtad and State and S. University on ,immnediately for ful information, 1>r >- FIRST CLA;SS HOME LAUNDY work. State about one o'clock Friday af~ viding you can furnish good refereu-, Soft water and pure soap used only. ternoon, a wrist watch. Reward. es and financial backing. Phone 1747-M. Caligrat~o Sa!.,s Co, ISCELLANEOUS -- NU SIGMA NU pin, Thursday, between TYPE MrquttMch WRldg., & MIMEORAPIING Hositl ad urn S. ewrd. H.E.Slater, Sles Miana er, i promptly and neatly done. Phne -7 BUSINESS SERVCE CO., TWO Minnesota tickets. Phone 1399! 322 South State St., A COLLAPSIBLE gold pencil at- Buter.over "M" unch. Phone 993-M taced o adark blue corrigated Butler.________________ ribbon. Reward. Blanch Johnson, TWO TICKETS for M innsota game.; FOR SALE 2911 Call 276-W.- STOF DRAWING instrunments. Lib- ROOMS . near, Law SchoolfV 1, 2. TrpDumr'copeeotis f~r rofessional Instruments at profes- oral, Reward. If found please call 3, 4, 5 or 6 students, 1121-I. I inlpce.Shbre&SoMuc 3477-T. _____________________ sena1pricS. SManrl &SotMsi TFIRETE tickets for Minnesota game. hue 1 .Mi t ]3L.UE SH!,K umbrella. Reward. Prefer them together. Call 9f£03, rPhone 2226-M4. Corner Ann and Fourth Ave. Mr NOTICE PAIR-of glasses.with gold bows in the Otis. TYPING DONE RIGHT-Best service. l case. Call 2325. Reward. TWO OR THREE~ tickets to Minneso- Rush work if you need it quick. C. SMAL RON ocktbokonSttot game. Will call for tickets if yonu A. Benedict, 711 Arbor. Phone caALllON ocetbokon-Jat.r2606-W. St..-containing five one dollar 'bills.' call___22 ___4-J. _ Finder please phone 1314-W. Re- ward. N = R IMPROVE YOUR dayE yoIAurtrnd oatenef 0 tot satisfied with this late model UNDERWOOI) typewriter rebuilt by the famous Shipman Ward prpess. GRE;AT PRICE SAVING rott I~o h 'tWry of its tid In the word by ourinoay aving methods. 'Fi EASYIVIONTHLY PAYMENTS :sisl boatl 1notice it while you enjoy the ueof this woderfuYvsnae. i 2, FREE BOOK OF FACTS Epann Shpman' Advanced Practice Class for Ladies and Gentlemen WadsodrnI ystom of rbuilding~ typewriters and also valuae inor .Elio- aboutt etypewiter ndutry ohsarcieadnetma.beginning.. STUDENTS Under our SpecialStudent Customers you owe typewriter, but ;:era cash besides. TeSure .to Get ull Infotion' on this SpcciOaVE 1 BERn. i ~Classes Tuesday and Thursday evening 7:30 to :30. I uto 5Register f urne 12 Lessons Now 8 Shi~pa lding ~O/aFor priuascall at Academy IHuron Street I ¢ . C m a ny Prode y ni gb argaiof fe r, w e s t o f S ta te s tr e e e & R v a w o . h c g yes..ChicaQ Uor Phone 788 tame.......................................... Office Hourse: 10-12 A. M.; t ndNo..........................2-4 P. M . I ity.................. Stte............I Uj BOTANIST TO LECTURE Professor H. E. Pulling, of the loot- y department of Wellesley, college, 1I give a University lecture at 4:30 1 B1ecause the WATTLE SHOP was on the other side. Our Ne w Address is 232 Nickels Arcade- Ups airs I f ,, ro 1 I i I --_______________________ t1 iI I Then drop in-let RIDER see how you write-it will only take a minute--and you will blle 1xed tip with a Pon that will see you successfully through 'the next four years--and 40 years there- after. We carry the best of all' types cif pens, Eversharp' pencwils and fountain pen ink that will really work. Prices are right. Don't. forget the address-302 S. State Street. r1HEFIRST NATIONLN K THEORGAIZED 1863, You will find- Our service courteous and pleasing in every way L OLDST BANK 'IN ANN ARBOR MAIN STREET AT HURON i t Plitt! 1140MOVALLY crTc p r Olr 1 't f I 11 .. ;", _., -, ,. ,. . ,. a :.., t'a ,, tir.;;*i .i .-'nS . ' *: A ' i' K., ' kce.. 4 LU 11IA , , , _ y t AW [I FT TS FOR NVEMRE15 t ^i n,1 S IFQ SITTING, IN A CORER-=Fox rot TELL AL L.THE1FOLKSIN KENTUCKY-F-ox Trot CALIFORNIA RAMBLERIS. IS LO VE -Medley Fox Trot PRETTY PGGY- -Medley Fox Trot CHANSONTATE-Fox Trot EASY MELODY-Fox Trot Poppy- -Tango Fox Trot STEP EASYFox Trot j THE COLUM BIANS ) PAUL SPRECHT AND HIS f + iii _r ,. ' { 'i 'a, ORCHESTRA -SPANISH TANGO ORCHESTRA YOU'VE SIMPLY GOT ME CUCKOO OH!IMIN {{ AL JOLSON--Orh. A cc. FRANK CRUMIT-rch. Acc. These 9Jre Special Nobeinber Releases, Just Out r usic Shop 3.05. Maynard Street Everythingr in Music Prhone 1692, - Il11 N - t __j SU..."ip IO AW -""Ifth our F am~ 1 k; 41ig V E FIFTY CENTS